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Posts posted by fernandezbunch

  1. Finki Goldhand sighs as he places his vote into the ballot box. He fears that the "Grand" Kingdom of Urguan is going to end up with another dictator, despite his best efforts to prevent such a terrible fate to happen to the true sons of Urguan once again.



    Your Name: Finki Goldhand

    ((MC Name)): fernandezbunch

    The candidates:

    Igor Ireheart ((Lefty_Bojengles))

    Dominic Irongut ((Doom6153)) X

    Dizzy Irongrinder ((Dizzy771))

    Place an X next to the one you vote for and send the form directly to the lords council

  2. ((You know, you can be blood-bonded back into the Goldhand Clan if your interested. Considering you were once, and perhaps to some Goldhands still are, part of the Goldhand Clan, I am sure we will welcome you back with open arms. In accordance to the traditions of Tungdil, Goldhands never forget to love and care for their kin! :D ))

  3. Finki Goldhand smiles excitedly at the mention of a long-lost Goldhand relative returning home. But as he approaches Durrim to give him a warm welcome that was far in contrast to the "welcome" the other Dwarves around him were giving, he stops short when he hears Durrim say that he is no "feckin'" Goldhand. Shocked, and nearly heart-broken, he scurries off to his clan elders to report what has happened.


    ((Awww, why don't you want to be part of the Goldhand Clan? We can always use more of our beloved kin returning :D ))

  4. Finki Goldhand leaps in joy as he gets the news in some far off, obscure corner of Anthos. He then excitedly plans his next to trip to go to Kal'Azgoth so that he might greet his long-lost clans-mate...and also perhaps earn a profit with him in the Kal'Azgoth marketplace, of course!

  5. Name: Finki Goldhand


    Place an besides the candidate for Yemekars Pick that you wish to vote for:

    -Bael Tunnelsmasher X

    -Rona Ironsail


    Place an X besides the name of the candidate for Grand Merchant that you wish to vote for:

    -Lathros Ironbeard X

    -Farenhal Takir

    -Thorik Grandaxe

  6. Finki angrily grumbles as he realizes that the position of Grand Merchant has once again slipped away from the hands of the Goldhand Clan.


    "Wait wait WAIT! Wasn't there supposed to be an election of some sort for this position! I wish to know the meaning of this change in appointment procedures at once! I do not believe that the leadership of the merchant's guild can be changed with such rapid haste and little thought!"

  7. *A message is scribbled under the form*



    I did not have enough time to read your message, as I have been off scheduling and completing trade meetings all around the lands. Please give more notice before posting these forms. As for your request, we did have bread at the ready, but lack a supplier of pasties. Perhaps we shall have to look for one?


    Another note is written under the response message.


    Forgive me friend! I seem to have gotten too excited over the potential that lies in the selling of pumpkin pies, and forgot to give you notice beforehand. Next time such marketing zeal fills my heart, I will try to warn you in advance. As for finding a supplier for pastries, I certainly am willing to assist you in that! As I think it is quite vital to have a wide variety of food products to offer to our customers.

  8. Name: Finki Goldhand

    Requested Items: Pumpkin Pies

    Reason for Requested Items?: Pumpkin pies sell. And very well! Everybody loves pumpkin pies. If these vague and obscure statements are not enough to convince you, which they likely aren't as you are a wise merchant with high standards, then allow me to provide a personal experience that might prove my claim. Several elven moons ago, I made a contract with the deceased Jerno Frostbeard in which I was to sell pumpkin pies and carrots in bulk. I then set of on the road to find deals, and then by Tungdil's beard, did I find deals, and many of them! Almost every person I came across was interested in my offer of pumpkin pies, and I made three sales before the elven day was over. However, although Jerno was a great and honorable Frostbeard warrior and leader amongst our kind, he was no merchant; and his policy of only selling in bulk robbed me of those sales. But now I wish to change that! Now I wish to take advantage of this high demand for pumpkin pie along the many long roads of Anthos, and yield a great profit for myself and this guild! If this venture is to function properly and yield this said profit, then the pumpkin pies must be bought at a low price, one that would give me the ability to compete with the markets of Oren. Also, the pumpkin pies do not necessarily need to be initially bought in bulk, as I intend to sell a little at a time. I intend to reap a long-term, steady profit from this venture, that in the end will pile up in a hoard of wealth!

  9. Apply here for the Merchant's Guild
    What beh yer' name?: I am Finki Goldhand, and I am boundlessly eager to be of service! [[fernandezbunch]]
    What position are yeh applyin' fer?: Traveling Salesman, of course!
    Have yeh ever been a merchant?: Indeed I have, friend. And perhaps one of the finest to have ever set foot in a caravan route! Back in Asulon, I traveled to many places in the pursuit of lucrative markets. I sold a vast quantity of goods through several different marketing methods, and by Armakak, did I turn a profit! The beauty and grandeur of Kal'Alras of old was built on the wealth and energies of Dwarves such as myself! I wish to honor Tungdil and continue this tradition of high profit under the Berugkli Bok, both for my own benefit and the benefit of us all!
    How long have yeh been in da' Kingdom?: I am afraid I have not had the great honor of living in this grand Kingdom for long, as my years of age number to only 83. HOWEVER, I believe that to be a successful merchant, one must have limitless energy in order to more effectively sell and convince people to buy goods. And I am more than certain that you would agree that young, reckless Dwarves such as myself have an over-abundance of such energy! It is your choice, friend! Would you rather have young Dwarves like me using their energies to cause trouble in taverns, or would you rather have them put their energies to use in yielding great profit for the Berugkli Bok! Considering your immeasurable wisdom, the wisdom that was able to win you the position of Grand Merchant, I do not doubt that you will make the right decision, friend!
    Why should yeh beh selected fer' dis position?: The list is endless! There really are too many reasons to why a Goldhand should be selected for this office to list them all on this small sheet of paper! I shall try to go over as many as I can. The most immediate reason would be for profit, and incredibly high profit at that. If I am to give my services to the Berugkil Bok, it will certainly, beyond any doubt, yield a great profit. By Tungdil's golden-braided beard, it might just match the wealth of former Kal'Alras! Another, perhaps more lasting, reason is that I am a Goldhand. Of course, the fact that I am a Goldhand works to create the first reason, but this is still a reason in itself. Being a Goldhand, it is in my right to be in the Berugkli Bok. My clan has upheld for centuries the proud and highly profitable tradition of the merchants, and thus I am entitled to be a part of their guild! This is by no means a threat, friend, or any sort of coercive attempt. By no means! This is instead a grand opportunity for the Berugkil Bok! If the Berugkli Bok is to accept the Goldhand Clan into its service, then it will gain massive wealth, such great wealth unseen since the days of Tungdil! Certainly you cannot refuse such an opportunity!
  10. Finki laughs loudly as he quickly jumps out of his seat.


    Forgive me, friend! It appears as if I was unable to hear you over my own loud and obnoxious voice! *chuckles* Such a voice runs in the family, I can assure you! Forgive me if I have bore any insult, for this is certainly NOT my intention. There is no honor in breaking the peace, something us Dwarves hold so dear under our grand halls of stone! Farewell, friends! I shall not dare to bother you two any longer and will take my leave now! *smiles widely* Farewell!

    Finki takes a very low bow, grabs his fliers, and quickly dashes out the door, dropping several fliers (perhaps intentionally) as he heads out. He doesn't want the Legion after him, not again!

  11. Finki chuckles at Dun's remark and hands him a flier.


    Do not worry friend! I am more than willing to stay here and wait for more Dwarves to come! *chuckles* Why, that was my intention in coming in!


    Turns to Tegrof and smiles, offering him a flier.


    With the incredible and truly Dwarven quality of the ale in this tavern, I do not doubt that the entire Kingdom of Urguan will soon be crowding before this bar to have the honor of tasting its ale! *chuckles* Which makes it the perfect place to hand out fliers for such an honorable cause!


    Finki then laughs as he takes a seat next to his kinsman's political rival.


    And besides, the Khorok Akvel has not taken much of a liking to my passing of fliers by the King's Palace, so this tavern will have to do! *chuckles* And it WILL do, and very nicely at that, as I said earlier.


    Finki pauses for a moment and smiles.


    So tell me, my good Irongut! What brings a vain, but certainly respectable and worthy, political candidate to this tavern this fine evening?

  12. Finki bursts into the tavern with a beaming smile in his face.


    Greetings my good friends and fellow Dwarves! I have wonderful news! Kayne Goldhand, the finest and by far the most qualified merchant of these halls is running for Grand Merchant! Once he is elected, Kal'Azgoth shall see wealth coming through its gates from foreign lands to match that of our forefathers in Kal'Urguan! *chuckles* Once a Goldhand is put back in his rightful position as Grand Merchant, the proud Dwarven tradition of golden hoards and beautiful jewels shall be restored!


    Finki suddenly stops and frowns.


    But you all must hurry and vote! Other candidates wish to rob Kayne of his rightful position, and thus rob Kal'Azgoth of its rightful wealth! *chuckles* And we do not want that, now do we! Nobody does! Who in the right mind would refuse the limitless wealth and opportunity that only a Goldhand can provide! *smiles and shouts* Vote for Kayne and vote for the coin!


    Finki then proceeds to pass out colorful fliers to every Dwarf in the tavern. The flier reads:



    Your coffers have not yet their fill?

    Then vote for the heir of Tungdil!


    Request your rightful share of gold?

    Vote Kayne to enrichen our hold!


    Wish to see our halls filled with trade?

    Kayne is a merchant of high grade!


    Want to meet that market demand?

    Don't be a fool and vote



  13. Finki stands by the entrance of the King's Palace, handing out colorful fliers with a smile.


    Your coffers have not yet their fill?

    Then vote for the heir of Tungdil!


    Request your rightful share of gold?

    Vote Kayne to enrichen our hold!


    Wish to see our halls filled with trade?

    Kayne is a merchant of high grade!


    Want to meet that market demand?

    Don't be a fool and vote


  14. Large, colorful posters are placed by several stores in the Kal'Azgoth marketplace:



    Do you want trade to end in clamor?

    Then try to vote for Stormhammer.


    Wish for the economy to shut?

    Then go ahead, vote Irongut.


    BUT if you demand wealth for our land,

    Remember to vote 





    Vote for Kayne Goldhand as Grand Merchant! Beyond any doubt, he is by far the most qualified choice.

    He is a Goldhand; it is in his family tradition to excel in trade, and I am afraid we cannot say the same for the other candidates.

    Ever since the days of Tungdil, the Goldhand Clan has been bringing great wealth to our grand halls through trade.

    And Kayne Goldhand wishes to continue this proud tradition as Grand Merchant of Kal'Azgoth.

    Certainly you cannot doubt the enduring strength of Dwarven tradition, which has lasted through the countless ages as a mountain does!

    With Kayne Goldhand as Grand Merchant, our halls will once more be filled with gold and beautiful jewels from all over the world!


    Honor our sacred traditions,

    Secure our rightful claim of the world's wealth, BOTH above the ground and under it,

    Earn the highly profitable blessing of Armakak, the Merchant Father and patron god of the Goldhand Family,

    And vote for Kayne Goldhand!

  15. Finki walks into the Clan Hall, and speaks in a booming voice.


    Fellow Goldhands! By the grace of Armakak, I have encountered the perfect opportunity in reclaiming our lost glory and regaining our rightful hoards of wealth!


    Takes a moment to chuckle, as he so frequently does, and then continues.


    There is a new trading guild that has risen, and it goes by the name of the Free Trade Conglomerate. It is a new guild, and it needs the cunning of the Goldhands to get it running. That is why I encourage all the Goldhands to at least consider joining it. Granted...it is owned by a Frostbeard, but do not let that turn you off! There is much profit to be had in this venture, and we would be disgracing our roots as merchants to not get in on it while it is still young.


    Finki pauses and smiles.


    Also...the leader of this said trading guild, Jerno Frostbeard, has promised to give me a 50-mina commission for every new recruit I get into the guild. Because you all are my blood brothers, I promise to give you half of that commission if you choose to join. Why, I would be dishonoring Tungdil if I chose not to give you your rightful share of this commission! But this is not to mention the financial benefits that will come with being a part of a trading guild, certainly if that guild is as fine as this one! So I encourage all of you to join! We need to start participating in the world trade of Anthos, and what  a better to start then the Free Trade Conglomerate, a trading guild with a sizable amount of capital!


    ((If you are interested in joining, send a forum PM to Royal_McKeogh))

  16. Finki reads the section describing the Goldhands and gasps in a passion of anger.


    These Irongut Badstards!


    Finki then cools down a bit and chuckles.


    And not to mention cowards! They are willing to sacrifice their own clan into grovelling submission to the Frostbeards and Stormhammers! *chuckles* Well! What else can you expect from the Ironguts, steeped in the proud tradition of being drunk almost all the time without a single thought or even feeling to guide them!


    Finki then frowns, as he thinks over the nature of the Goldhands.


    This book misrepresents the Goldhand Family in almost every conceivable way possible! By Tungdil, this poor and entirely inaccurate description can be read as an insult! *strokes his beard in thought* The Goldhand Clan is by no means a clan that chooses to hide itself in some deep, dark hall. *chuckles* No! That is strictly a Frostbeard tradition! Just ask Moruk, or perhaps his ancestors who fought a bloody civil war without anybody outside the city of Jornheim knowing about it. No...the Goldhand Clan is perhaps the most socially aggressive and outgoing clan of all! *chuckles* Why, we are a clan of merchants! Open-minded and driven by the pursuit of greed!


    Finki takes a moment to pause and smiles.


    Mark my words, and swear upon my beard and the great golden-braided beard of Tungdil, the Goldhand Clan will rise again! It will rise back into its rightful position of wealth and power, for we are not cowards! *chuckles* We do not give up on our clan and its traditions, not like the Ironguts! ...The Goldhand's will reclaim their rightful glory...*smiles menacingly* At whatever cost!

  17. Finki laughs loudly and stands up to speak.


    It is about time someone addresses this issue! Moruk, as in the tradition of his clan, has taking into hiding in caves, much like his forefathers of old in the hidden city of Jornheim.


    Finki takes another moment to chuckle.


    Not that there is anything wrong with that! By no means! *chuckles* Why, there is much honor in following the traditions of your ancestors!


    Finki pauses for a moment and smiles.


    But one thing is for certain, and that is that the economic productivity of the Merchant Guild has grinded into a complete halt due to Moruk's respectable decision to seclude himself from all interaction. But this was to be expected! This is what happens when you give a position that rightfully belongs to the Goldhands to a Dwarf who is not of the Goldhands! The Goldhand Clan, since its beginning in the great days of Tungdil, has always been a clan of the finest merchants, and thus the position of Grand Merchant has always belonged to them. *laughs* Unless, of course, the Kingdom of Urguan wishes not to prosper! If old Omi wants the Kingdom to become barren of any sort of wealth and fortune, then, by all means, choose a Dwarf who is not of the Goldhands for the office!


    Finki pauses again with a beaming smile.


    BUT...if our good King Omi wants the Kingdom to once again be a place of wealth, a shining underground palace of gold and jewels, as it should be...then he should choose a Goldhand for the office. And I know just who out of the great Goldhand Family Omi should look to! *chuckles* Why, none other than Gulroid, our wise clan elder! The position of Grand Merchant unarguably belongs to him. He has loyally been in the service of the Kingdom of Urguan since- *chuckles* Well, practically since its beginning! *smiles* And he has ALWAYS, I can assure you from personal experience, ALWAYS expressed a incredibly thorough understanding of the value of the coin. Gulroid, beyond any form of doubt, and entirely within the reach of moral obligation to our great underground kingdom, is the best choice for Grand Merchant.


    Finki smiles and then sits down, craftily preparing more arguments to support the nomination he just made.

  18. *While traversing through the marketplace of Kal'Azgoth, Finki notices the large poster with a picture of what he thinks might be a human. He approaches it and begins to read. A smile comes across his face and he lets out a chuckle* 

    "Poor bastard!"


    *Takes another moment to laugh*

    "He got caught!"


    *Finki then heads back to the marketplace, smiling as he strokes his beard, thinking of possible ways he might reap a profit from this development*

  19. What beh yer' name?

    Finki Goldhand at your service!...Or at least I hope to be with just payment to go along with it!

    What position are yeh applyin' fer?

    I wish to apply for a shop salesman or advertising saleman, or possibly both if you are willing to pay more for the extra services rendered.

    Have yeh ever been a merchant?

    Did you not see my clan name!? I am a Goldhand! Of course I have been a merchant, and a very fine one at that, the best!

    How long have yeh been in da' Kingdom?

    I am afraid not for long, my age numbers only 83 years. But youthful energy is a must when selling goods and trying to convince potential buyers that they need these said goods.

    Why should yeh beh selected fer' dis position?

    I am a Goldhand. I hate to appear argumentative, but I believe it is in my right to be in this position. In addition, my skills as a merchant will likely bring great fortune to this guild, an opportunity that only a fool would refuse! And you are certainly no fool, friend!

  20. MC Name: fernandezbunch
    Character Name: Finki_Goldhand
    Profession: My character is a very charismatic and proud merchant.
    Have you read the clan history? (Please actually read through it): Oh yes I have, this clan's interesting history is one of the reasons why I want my character to be a part of it.
    Short Bio: Finki Goldhand is an young and charismatic merchant who was born in Kal'Alras during the benevolent reign of Rasun Goldhand. He is very sociable and loves to have a good laugh with friends and fellow clans-mates, and at an initial glance, one might observe that he has a relatively cool temper, which is extraordinarily rare among Dwarves. But Finki is also incredibly greedy, and when something threatens his intended profits, his true and terrible Dwarven rage is ignited, and in the fire of this anger, Finki is capable of doing some very cruel things.
    Finki is also a very proud Dwarf, taking pride in his clan, his self-perceived if not actual cunning, and, oddly enough, his greed. Because of his greed, Finki is usually dishonest to non-Dwarves, especially when he is trying to make a profit out of them. But he would never dare to lie to one of his fellow Goldhands, for Finki, despite his apparent disregard for ethical values in the favor of greed, has a great love for his clan and the Dwarves who are a part of it, and as a result the little moral values that guide Finki's reckless and greedy character are invested in honoring his clan.
    What are your character's ambitions? (become famous merchant, head guard, etc.): My character's primary ambition is to get filthy rich, so that he may one day build an underground palace of solid gold and encrusted diamonds worthy of Tungdil himself. And the means in which he is to get this rich is through buying and selling goods for profit; through being a skilled and successful merchant. In this way, Finki will satisfy both the hunger of his greed and the will of his patron god, Armakak. But another notable ambition he has is to help in restoring the Goldhand Clan to its former glory, for the clan has run into dark times, and Finki passionately believes that such an honorable clan deserves better. He hopes to Armakak that one day Rasun will return to help rebuild a new Kal'Alras with rivers of gold and streets of polished marble that will match the wealth of the former Kal'Alras in Aegis and reclaim the lost glory of the Goldhands!
    What kind of experience are you looking for in this clan? (friendship, rp experience, etc): I hope primarily for a good RP experience, for the last characters I made (all Dwarves, of course) weren't part of a existent clan, and I think if you try to role-play as a Dwarf without a clan to participate in, you miss out on a crucial aspect of being a Dwarf. I also hope, I suppose, to make some friends who share the same passion I have for Dwarf-kind. Sanhurm Khazadaz! (That means "The perfect honor of the Dwarves" in Khuzdul.)
    What clan member are you related to, and do you have permission to roleplay as their relative, son, or daughter, or where you bloodbonded?: Finki is the son of Alfados, and I got permission from zuluman to use Alfados as my character's father.
    Do you swear your loyalty to the Goldhand Clan, and to carry out the honor and pride of the clan?: I wish I could have answered this question in-character, for Finki would have a lot of interesting things to say about it. But this is an OOC application, so I must do without my character's input. The answer is obviously yes. One of my characters ambitions is exactly what this question is asking; Finki wants to carry the honor of the clan with the strength of his pride and character to new heights of wealth and fortune. (Hopefully) Being a Goldhand himself, he also intends to get a share of this future wealth and fortune, of course!
  21. Out-Of-Character

    Minecraft Account Name: fernandezbunch

    How old are you?: I have recently turned sixteen years old.

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence: I live in the United States of America, in EST (GMT-5)

    Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: I believe that I have an excellent grip on the English language, a grip as strong as Dwarven steel! However, that is for you to decide in the course of reading this application.

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I am a fairly timid and quiet kid, who is extraordinarily fearful of everything, especially other people. I also like to think of myself as smart and thoughtful, but in reality I probably am not.

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?: I know this answer may disappoint you, but I will only be able to get about six hours on the server a week. Only the Aenguls know how some people are able to find thirty to forty hours of game play.

    What do you know about Roleplaying? Give a definition of what it means to you: “The World was not created in play or for fun, but as a theater for the inhabitants of the World to be tested in (The Ancient History from the Wiki of Asulon).” Role-playing is like acting. It is when an ordinary human from the material world escapes into a magical world of imagination in order to act as someone else. And in order to do so properly, one must be completely immersed into the mythical world he or she is role-playing in and understand his or her character as well as he or she knows the back of his or her hand. That means to use as little OOC chat as possible. I have many personal grievances against the use of OOC chat, and I would like to argue that when Iblees sowed the seeds of evil in the minds of the Descendants, he did so through means of OOC chat. In short, OOC chat is evil!

    What experience have you had in Roleplaying, if any?: I have not had much experience in role-play, for if you are kind enough to accept me into the wonderful world of Asulon, this will be my second time role-playing. But, the little experience I did have I think will be very helpful. I have already made the big mistakes that “newbies” are prone to, such as power-gaming and excessive OOC chat. These earlier mistakes I made will enhance my role-play, for I will now try my absolute best to never make those mistakes again.

    In your own Words, define what the act of Meta-Gaming is: Meta-gaming is when a player uses OOC information in Role-play. An example of this would be if I were to learn a character’s name by looking at his or her nametag, and address that character by his or her name without ever actually meeting that character. This can undermine many fundamental aspects of Role-playing, and must be avoided at all cost. During my last experience in Role-playing, I avoided this problem quite well, and I think that I am well-guarded against making this mistake.

    In your own Words, define what the act of Power-Gaming is: Power-gaming is arguably even worse that Meta-gaming. It is when one character does an emote that forces the other character to do something without his or her permission. In my last experience in Role-playing, I had some trouble with this problem. Now before you thrust this application into your virtual waste bin, let me stress that when I power-gamed, it was both minor and unintentional. For example, I would type in something like, “the Dwarf swings his mighty axe and hits the elf.” I chose to respond this way because Dwarves, as you probably already know, are very quick to anger, and respond with violence when angry, for they are a warlike people. However, what was inappropriate with this response is that I forgot to place an “attempt” in the statement. In other words, the proper way to perform this emote would be, “the Dwarf attempts to swing his mighty axe at the elf.” I need to give the other character an opportunity to respond to my character’s attempt to hit him or her. I know the errors of my past ways, and I promise, by Urguan’s beard, that I will never ever make this mistake again.

    What do you expect this server will be like?: I expect this server to be a dynamic and active world filled with interesting people and events, and most importantly an irresistible opportunity for adventure. I expect it to be the perfect stage for Role-playing.

    What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: I once played on a non-Role-playing survival server after I left my last Role-playing community. And in this server I did something quite foolish: I tried to role-play with a group of people who were not role-playing. And as you can imagine, that had some strange consequences. I eventually left that server, for I found the language the others used crude and improper (e.g. excessive swearing and curse words). These were the sort of people who did have a good grip on the English language, but for some odd reason chose not to use that grip to its full potential.

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?: I have read over the rules several times, in fear that if I were to break one all the effort I put into this application would go to waste.

    Do you promise to abide by said rules, and laws? This includes the Server, Forum, and Teamspeak set Rules: Of course I do!

    How did you hear about us?: I know this answer may annoy you, but I must be honest. A friend told me; he heard that I was looking for a Minecraft role-playing server, and he told me that this server was just the kind of server that I was looking for. After he told me about it, I did some research, and decided that I should give it a try. If this “try” will come to existence is up to you.

    Have you previously made an Application? If so could you link us to your last Application?: No, this is my first application. May Arke’ith give me strength.

    Have you posted this application on our minecraft forum thread yet? If not, just finish it up on here and then copy + paste is over there. (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/832121-%E2%96%91%E2%96%92%E2%96%93-the-lord-of-the-craft-%E2%96%93%E2%96%92%E2%96%91-enter-the-world-of-asulon-o-f-f-i-c-i-a-l-l-y-t-h-e-n-o-1-r-p-s-e-r-v-e-r/): By the time you are reading this, I probably will have already, unless I was stupid enough to forget.


    Character Name: I am Gradighet, proud son of Gradighal, and I am at your service.

    What Race are you?: I am a Dwarf of the proud halls of Karik...*frowns*...or FORMERLY proud halls of Karik that is.

    What Sub-Race are you? (note, you aren’t required to have a sub-race): I am a Cave Dwarf, it is in the traditions of my forefathers to create beautiful things of gold and gemstones deep under the mountains we call home.

    Biography (Please make this at least 2 paragraphs long. This must include the history of your character and his life as well as age, appearance and personality, etc.): You wish to hear my story, eh? Hrmph! I suppose it won’t do any harm in telling you. *Gradighet is about to begin to tell his tale, but then he suddenly stops, and you can see the glitter of greed in his golden eyes* Before I begin, if you don’t mind me askin’, how much exactly do you desire to hear my tale? *It appears as if you, a voraciously curious administrator, very much would like to hear Gradighet’s tale* Well! If that be the case, it is certainly going to cost you in order for me to provide such a quality tale! *As you grumble away after realizing what the Dwarf is trying to do, Gradighet yells* Wait! I promise by Urguan’s beard that it will be for a reasonable price, not one penny over ten minas! Bah! Where do you think going! W-wait, blast it! Fine! I’ll tell the tale for free, you blasted free-loader! *As you walk back with a grin of success, Gradighet begins to tell his tale* I was born in the proud halls of our forefathers, Kal’Urguan, to the family of Gradighal, who was my father. Our family was descendent to the great smith Goldfinger, who was one of Urguan’s finest sons. We were a family of blacksmiths and crafters, and we made beautiful works of great skill. My father was among the finest in all of Kal’Urguan (let me stress that Gradighet is likely exaggerating the achievements of his family, as it is in the nature of Dwarves to honor their families). With such skill, my family was able to amass great wealth and fortune, far greater than anything you will ever come across!

    But then the portal to Drauchriem was opened, and soon enough all the Dwarves of Kal’Urguan were forced to leave. Well, that is MOST of the Dwarves. My father would not leave, he told me he would not tolerate the ruin of the halls of our ancestors, and would die before seeing them be taken by the undead. He ordered me to take the family fortune and head to Asulon, and to build a forge in our family’s honor. And for profit too, of course! Imagine, I was but a wee little lad back in those days. A Dwarven heart normally knows no fear, unlike you (insert whatever race you may be, that is if you are not a Dwarf), but I admit that I was quite scared that day. I remember boarding that ship at the Verge, looking back to the waste of Aegis, wondering if I would ever see my father again...and of course I did not! Aegis was brought to ruin, along with all the stout-hearted Dwarves who tried to defend it...*Gradighet eyes suddenly spark in anger* And that is not as if any Dwarves here are stout-hearted! By Urguan’s beard, why are we not sailing back to Aegis this very moment! On a crusade to reclaim the land of our forefathers! *Gradighet throws his pickaxe to the floor* Blast the cowards who sailed away to Asulon, who abandoned the land of our fathers to ruin! *You, being a witty administrator, then ask the reason why Gradighet did not stay himself in Aegis to defend against the undead* Well-erm... I was a child, what else did you expect me to do! *Gradighet angrily grumbles, he knew you got him there*

    Enough of this nonsense! Let me get on with my tale, will you! Where was I, ah yes! Asulon! *Gradighet begins to stroke his black beard proudly* Did you happen to know that I was one of the Dwarves who worked on excavating Karik? *You answer, quite frankly, no* That was a rhetorical question, ye arrogant daft! *Gradighet releases a big sigh, in an effort to maintain his Dwarven anger, which is naturally quite fierce and sporadic* I was one of the Dwarves who helped excavate the great halls of Karik. And once the place was finally finished, I built that forge that I promised to my father using some of the family fortune as investment capital. And by Urguan’s beard, did I prosper! My skill grew great in working with metals of gold and gemstones, and I was able to make beautiful things of great value. And the demand for Dwarven goods at the time was great, and I found many markets to sell my crafts throughout the lands of Asulon. *Gradighet touches his golden belt* See this here beauty; I made it myself in the forges of Karik! Nothing, I tell you, can surpass the works of the Dwarves! *Gradighet looks intently at his beautiful gold belt, with a look of longing on his face, and he appears to get angry again*

    But then the dragon came! As Urguan would have it, our halls were attacked, and our kind was exiled from our mountain homes once again! I lost every last bit of my family’s fortune, the wealth of my father, right up to the very last brass ring of it! *Gradighet’s face sinks into his palms, and after a moment of silence, he suddenly breaks out in anger* And my kind will have our vengeance! The dragon will not go on about his life *and he says the following part with a great deal of scorn* without proper repayment! *Gradighet then settles down with a sigh* But now we are scattered, and for the time being we are not prepared to take our just vengeance on the dragon. So in the mean time, I must recover whatever gold or jewels I can come across in order to rebuild the family fortune... Oh, and train in the arts of combat as well, of course! A dragon is no easy foe to defeat, as any Dwarf would know. I guess you can say I have taken the life of a “treasure-hunter.” Hrmph! Not willingly, nor pleasantly. An unproductive field of work if you ask me, I would much rather be creating things of beauty in the forges of Karik. *the glitter of greed resurfaces in his golden eyes* And perhaps after hearing this tale, you now see of what true quality it is was! It surely deserves some form of payment! *With that, you speed off, not wanting to pay him* Bah! Blast it!

    OOC-Just in case the biography was not clear enough, Gradighet is one hundred and fifteen years old; he has a long black beard, dark skin, golden eyes, and a distinctive gold belt upon his waist. Gradighet is extremely greedy, beyond the greed of even King Charles Grimlie! He is also quick to anger, and retentive to the memories of injuries. But when he is not inspired by greed or blinded by anger, he is quite a nice Dwarf, who holds traditional values close to his heart.

    What is your Character's ambitions?: I incorporated his ambitions in his biography, and that is to regain his former wealth through “treasure-hunting,” and to avenge the Dwarves who died in the fires of the dragon in Karik.

    What is your character’s favorite tool? (sword, pickaxe, shovel, etc): Gradighet comes from a long line of crafters, so his favorite tool is a pickaxe.

    What is one of your Character's most skilled talents? He has a wonderful ability to craft beautiful things.

    A screenshot of your skin (must be in proper format): 2ezp993.png

    Other Information about your Character: The biography was already far too long.


    Whilst traveling from the Cloud Temple you see a small halfling, being harassed by two armed warriors. They appear to be trying to steal money from him, how does your character respond? Gradighet stops and thinks for a moment, and tries to see if this event can possibly profit him. Then the glitter of greed sparks in his eyes as he realizes that the halfling must have something of great worth if two armed warriors were willing to sacrifice a considerable amount of time in order to steal something from him. And after saving him, he assumes the halfling surely will be willing to pay him for his services. And with an ancient battle cry, Gradighet charges at the warriors with his axe swinging in the air. What happens next, I cannot tell, for that would be power-gaming. But one thing I can say with certainty is that IF Gradighet did defeat the warriors, which he probably would NOT because he has had no formal training in the arts of combat whatsoever (he spent his whole life as a craftsman, not a warrior), he would expect the halfling to pay him. And IF the halfling were to tell him that he cannot pay him, Gradighet would get very angry and claim that he was robbing him of his rightful reward, but he would definitely not harm the halfling, because he did nothing to deserve an axe in the head, according to Dwarven ideals. But he still would get very angry, and grumble away without asking the halfling if he is alright.

    Your character wanders into Alras, and comes across a small stall, behind which a well dressed man is standing. He’s offering various wares, the merchant turns to you and says in a posh accent " 'ello there, what can I do you for today?" What is your character response? I am afraid that my character would not have much to say in this situation. Considering the fact that he was exiled from his home, losing every bit of his family fortune, he might be annoyed with the idea that a merchant is trying to extract money from him. So he might gruffly say “Push off!” or “Leave me be!” and continue on his way. If the merchant was selling something of great value, like diamonds or gold, the situation would spark conflict. Gradighet’s eyes would glitter with greed as he stares at the diamonds and gold, and he might consider theft for a brief moment, but the Dwarven ideals he holds dear to his heart will prevent him from doing so.

    Whilst wandering in the wilds, your character comes across a small hut, which looks abandoned. Inside it you see a chest containing a few iron bars, and a golden sword. How would your character respond?: To say that the glitter of greed simply “glowed” in his eyes would not suffice. At the sight of a golden sword with no one to claim it as his or hers nearby, the glitter of greed would have exploded in his eyes. Gradighet would then attempt to take the treasure for his own, assuming that no one claims it. What happens next I cannot not tell, for that would be power-gaming. For all I know, the door can be locked, or someone might be hiding inside the hut. IF someone already did lay claim to the treasure, Gradighet would not try to rob him, but he would most certainly get angry about losing such an opportunity to acquire wealth, and possibly throw an insult are two at the person who claimed the treasure in response to his own frustration.

    Hungry and lost in the wilderness, you stumble across a small trading camp nestled among the forest, they greet you you in the common tongue, how do you respond? Naturally, Gradighet would ask for some food. But as he asks the question, he would stress that he will only accept the food if it is free of charge. He would explain that at the moment he cannot tolerate getting into debt. Gradighet ill endures the dominion of others, and having to accept a debt from a non-Dwarf would hurt his pride. And his wallet too, of course! And IF the merchants were to only offer him food if he were to accept a debt, Gradighet would proudly refuse, tighten his belt, and continue on his journey. But IF the merchants were kind enough to offer him the food for free, he would eagerly accept, and quickly devour whatever food they offered. As you probably know quite well, food is one of a Dwarf’s great passions. But Gradighet’s pride is bigger than his appetite.

    You hear word that bandits occupy the road outside the town in which you have been staying. The town guard have gathered, and are asking for assistance to help eliminate them. The leader of the party is offering a reward for any who offer their support. How does your character act on this information?: At first, Gradighet would not really care. He has a dragon to take vengeance upon; he has far much more to worry about then a couple of bandits causing havoc in a country that is not his own! (If the bandits were threatening Dwarf country, he would offer his assistance immediately, without second thoughts.) But when he hears that the leader of the party is offering a reward for any who offer their support, the glitter of greed would spark in Gradighet’s eyes, and he would eagerly offer his assistance. He would tout how those worthless buggards will pay for what they did, and how justice must be served. But in reality, he only cares about the reward in the end, and is only promoting justice as a fair cloak over his true intent. But on the bright side, Gradighet, being inspired by greed, will most certainly fight valorously against the bandits in order to receive the reward.

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