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Status Updates posted by ixTec

  1. Anthos Annual Death Games - Check it out and give me your feedback! http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/95865-anthos-annual-death-games-placeholder-name/

    1. Curtis


      how can one join this?

    2. ixTec


      "If" it's accepted, then an announcement will be made, notifying those interested on how to get involved

  2. Any chance a GM could take a look at the Ban Report I posted?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ΚΨΙΞ


      "Screens or it didn't happen." Nobody can really get punished for block-jumping if you dont have a screeny of them doing it.

    3. ixTec


      Well, If you care to read all of it... He didn't just block-jump -.-

    4. ixTec


      Well, If you care to read all of it... He didn't just block-jump -.-

  3. Any forum admins/moderators that I can speak to about an issue?

  4. Any Lore Team Members I can talk to over skype about something? Preferably watyll since I began talking to him before the update of the server

  5. Any Lore Team Members I can talk to over skype about something? Preferably watyll since I began talking to him before the update of the server

  6. Any Media Team members that are good with photoshop / graphical design ?

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