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Posts posted by AllenTheGreat

  1. The flickering light of the candle illuminates a tan parchment. An elderly, decrepit Uruk marks the final sentence of the page, before placing the ink-dipped feather away. A look of anguish sits on his face, and if the leathery skin of this monster could produce a tear, you would expect to see one.


    Emptiness... All the power in the world and it just feels empty. An eternal sence of fatigue that weighs down upon the soul. Do I still have a soul? I must, for I once had everything: wealth, infamy, armies, cities, land, loyalty, immortality... power. I wielded the might of an Arch-Daemon, I brought Al'khazar to its knees with my presence. But it was all for naught, generations change, faces fade and new personas appear. No recognizance for the past, and no use holding onto it... Power. I've spent my whole life in search of it, I obtained it with deceit, death, horrid actions, and used it to commit more of the same. Yet it has brought nothing.


    How can halflings have such merriment? Do they not realize the insignificance of their actions? They dwell with eachother, drinking the days away with singing and cheer. But if I, one who had it all, could not find meaning in my vast riches and influence, how can they expect to find it within fellowship and ale?


    But it is something I have not tried.... I used to have ones I called friends, their names long since spoken, forgotten in the winds of time, faces engraved only in my own memories. I dwelt with them, within Sanhar, Sanjezal, even Al'khazar was a home to me. How many remember these names? Do they evoke emotions like the ones I have had? Who can remember the might of the Ferox'Legio? The intimidating prison of the Uruk? The brick city of the Goblins? The mighty maze beneath the desert? None. Only my memories entertain me, and they simply remind me of the constant horrors I have wrought upon the land.


    Power does not last, wealth fades, land is destroyed and corrupted. Cities fall and their leaders fall quicker. But memories persist, they remind of us the past and help us anticipate the future. A cloak of nostalgia that prevents mistakes, but doesn't regret them. Nothing. Without our past, we are nothing.


    I was the worst monster, I did not realize this. What greater evil is there than to destroy the memories of another individual? To take the identity of a being, drain them of life, leave them as a puppeted husk? Not only did I do these actions myself, I taught others to do the same. The tyranny! How could I be so caught up in myself to realize how my actions would affect others? What memory will they have of me? What is left of those that I tormented and tore from their own persona, leaving them lifeless?

    Nothing. Nothing is left, and only I am to blame.

  2. MC name:
    Character's name and age:
    Wrothgar - Unknown
    Character’s Race:
    What magic did you create?:
    How did you learn magic?:
    Wrothgar was the original creator of second-generation Necromancy.
    Offer an explanation of said magic/s you learned:

    Necromancy is the ability to manipulate life force, an energy that runs through all living tissue, it allows the heart to pump, the brain to think, blood to run through the veins. Whenever a body has been drained of this energy, a necromancy can use their own life-force to reanimate and manipulate the corpse. There are many other uses of life-force, draining others, creating curses, tainting landscapes, corrupting objects, fashioning illnesses. The potency and duration of these effects depend on the skills of the Necromancer.

  3. Bortu means dwarf, is this a joke about dwarves? Or do you mean Bohra, the Boarmen?


    The Nether was originally a tundra-like realm, uncorrupted by Iblees. It was inhabited by nomadic natives, who would wander, hunt, and merely survive in this forgotten realm, these were the pigmen(had another name, can't remember it right now). Whenever Iblees was banished in the beginning days of Aegis, he released his anger and full power on this realm, slaying the beings within, melting it's ice and snow, corrupting it's very core. Whenever his fury subsided, all that was left were the bodies of the natives, the nether itself was covered in fire, magma, and the elements within corrupted being recognition. The taint so heavily placed, where even the strongest mortal would succumb to it's drain within minutes of stepping forth.


    Whenever the Undead were granted residence in this realm, and shielded from it's taint by Iblees' lifeforce powering them, he raised the corpses of it's denizens, bringing about the zombie pigmen and ghoulish monsters summoned by the Undead as their mindless vanguard.



    -That's the general gist of how they were made, it was written in the undead's original necronomiconioninshon as a history of the nether and it's inhabitants. I've briefed it up a little for the sake of the post.

  4. old_paper-838x1080_zpsbbc3b68f.png
    A weathered parchment seems to have been placed on the inside of the Silver District, only those who have access to it's inner-walls would see it.

    “High Elves of the Silver District, your city lay persecuted, your people hunted and faced with genocide. The scope of these horrid actions have recently come to my attention, and I cannot stand idle as a noble race is decimated by greed and turmoil.”

    “We are of the Sovereign Mage’s Guild, and have many to our name whom are powerful and honourable, who can defend your lands and your people against those lesser races who lay waste to it. If you accept our aid, give us full access to your cities, and your full support, we can ensure the survival of your people, a pure bloodline to continue forth past the persecution."


    "All that prevents our intervention is your decision.

    With haste,
    -Archmage Mahina.”

  5. Desires, Brevias, AllenTheGreat, and Atles? From what I understand they were Undead that came back just fine.


    Desires wasn't ever an undead, just a tobi, Brevias was an undead, but not at the time of the battle, his character had left it which is why I became the Overlord. I had gotten permission around a month and a half before the Undead End-event happened (and had the proper roleplay and lore) for my character to live.


    Atles was a fleshified infiltrator thing that was sent into nations to get information, mainly the aegis-alras, so whenever Iblees was "cut-off" he didn't immedietely die from the lack of life-force (and skin, for that matter).


    Anyways, I just noticed this thread is about harbingers (what I get for searching my name, which I enjoy doing) so I'll just skidaddle, as I never had any interactions with them during Anthos.

  6. As I said in another thread concerning blight-fire/taint bolts and et cetera, they go against the very basic mechanic/roots of Necromancy.

    If you wish for a magic type such as this, the best thing would to make it a separate thing such as the new Shade Magic. Here being some of the points/inconsistencies, as I have to leave for work, I'll elaborate later if needed.


    Necromancers alter life-force by creating pathways for it to "traverse," once these pathways are opened, they will also pull life-force of nearby objects into them, and subsequently to the end of the 'pathway.' The thing is, without the necromancer actively creating the pathway, it won't spread, especially not like a 'fire' (unless the necromancer walked around the 'flames' and opened and created each one individually and shaped them to look like a flame).


    Taint cannot be used to control the mind of someone, it is essentially one of the 'pathways' mentioned above that was not able to be (fully) closed. As a consequence, it pulls away the life-force of those who stand near the 'taint.' Causing the various hallicagentic effects/weakness and et cetera. It is far from able to cause someone to become a cannibal, or something of the sorts (unless they were drained to a state such as zombies/skeletons are in).


    Life-force is completely separate from mana, and it has not effect on any magic types that use it.


    'Seeding' someone with the taint would far from cause the physical attributes listed (such as growing horns and et cetera), nor would the taint grow, as it only can progress as far as the Necromancer opened it.

  7. "...Darkness








    Such are the trademarks of one who has forsaken all in exchange for power."


    Light flickered over the parchment, briefly ilimunating the one near it. He sat near the worn table, a vial of ink near him and a quill in his hand, only the occasional 'drip' of melting wax broke the errie silence. He was finished, his stories completed, and he was no better for it. No long lost revelation has been revealed, and only foolishness of himself had become apparent.


    Some wish to be immortal, to have the power to manipulate and decieve all who you speak with, to control nations and destroy all who oppose them, to lead an army, to master magic, to gain coin, to be recognized and feared by all. He had done these, each in their own time and place, but for each one of these 'goals' he found himself lacking.


    How many more would fall into this trap, this quest for immortality and power? To as powerful as a god and be feared equally is a rare aspect, but fear is not adimiration and power is not happiness. Years of searching, obtaining and then losing these qualities had shown him this.


    So lifting the quill in his hand, he dipped the tip into the vial of ink, and a few moments later, the sound of a pen upon paper was heard in the dark room. If only experience can teach you the fault of your ways, he would show them his experience, show them true power and the folly of those who try to gain it, he would write down the stories of his life so that none else would go down his path. And so he looked down, the ink glowing slightly in the light of the candle.




    The Chronicles of a Wanderer

    Book I


    The tales of these worlds, and those who have lived within it.



    Setting the quill back into the vial, the decripit being leaned back in his chair, memories of his life flooding into his mind. He would start at the begining. And so, taking the quill once again, he continued his writing; To tell the story of a Wanderer.






  8. I honestly hope some of these aren't serious. Especially the VA/MA ones. Notice how the majority want it gone, and the majority also struggle to obtain either a va or ma. They don't want it gone because it's pointless, they want it gone because it is preventing them to become something they really shouldn't be (Yet).

    Looking at the (pie-chart) poll, there isn't really a majority for either. With 51% for keeping it in some form and 49% for removing. But I do know that the ones heading/most-vocal about removing the VAs have/do held/hold VAs, so I do highly doubt that it has anything in itself to do with their opinion.

  9. Liches do not die with time, that would be the worse type of permakilling anyone can ever agree to.
    In the original lich lore, liches had a lifespan (Cataris was expected to be around 200 years). For example, whenever Cataris made a lich in the original private lore "With a great creation came great loss. Cataris lost another twenty years old his lifespan, (exact quote from it)"

    Liches are powerful mages, masters and experts, t5 most of the time, as Laurina and Evark and Cataris (before the time or tiers) was.
    There was no reason that the liches themselves would have to be extremely strong magic users, while Cataris and Everard were chosen because they were strong magic users, it was so they'd be able to help the undead better, not because it was essential to becoming a lich.

    The phylactery holds the soul, not the lifeforce, a lich would have no life force and use magic to move the bones/body that it gets.


    The first phylactery ever created was owned by Cataris. A gem or pearl created from pure tainted energy, delivered by the great Deamon Iblees. Energy so concentrated that it was turned into matter, pure matter that held an unbelievable amount of power. According to Brevias’ research, this phylactery as he called it, was capable of keeping a skeletal body/form standing for about two hundred years. It was as solid as a rock, a powerful blow of magic would be needed to destroy such gem. (Quote from the original private lich lore)

    In the old lich lore, the Phylactery was made from pure energy, which was used to keep the lich alive, it was then bound with the soul of the lich. We removed the portion concerning the soul of a lich, as it made no proper sense and was not explained properly in the lore itself. We then revamped it to make it compatible with other magic types, the only side effect is the lich itself cannot switch between corpses.

  10. Hello Ladies and Gents, a quick message.


    Currently, it seems some users are sending out links which are malicious in nature, they usually contain disturbing images and collect your IP Address when you click them.


    The best way to prevent this from occurring is not clicking unknown links, especially ones which have been modified using a URL Shortening tool (such as tinyurl).


    There have also been some people who have reported them attempting to gain access to your IP through Skype. There is a way to prevent this, whenever logged into skype, use the toolbar on the top to go to the following

    Tools > Options > Advanced > Connection

    Make sure "Allow direct communication with contacts only" is checked, this may increase the time it takes to setup a skype call, but will help prevent them from gaining your IP Address.


    So, while we work on resolving this, again, avoid clicking on links you aren't familiar with, don't say hi to strangers, and type in URLs manually instead of clicking them.

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