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Posts posted by nanatsuno

  1. Greetings Aerin! I am somewhat new to the elven roleplay world, but I would love to help you with this project. (I have always wanted to learn elvish!) If you needhelp with recovering our heritage, please msg me. My mc name=forum name.


    I am glad you are willing to help, and I will contact you once we need the help, friend.

    This is a truly amazing find, and I would hope you continue to uncover such an amazing artifact of a lost world. Perhaps I may learn it one day, such a language would be a truly outstanding addition to my writing repitoire.

    ((Is this Tolkien's Elvish, or something seperate?))

    ((This language has nothing to do with Tolkien or his elves. This is elven language under development by me and 2 my colleagues specially for elven of Aegis))

    As a new druid initiate yearning for knowledge about the world, I am very intrigued by yer finds! I too had an experience where I felt like I was called by nature, and I'm sure many others of the druidic path have as well. This ancient elven language may very well be a powerful one, imbued with a magic of sort. There are rumors that in the ancient days, the elves had the capability to directly communicate with flora and fauna, and perhaps ya have rediscovered the language with which they did! This findings truely fascinate me. I'm sure there must be even more texts and artifacts that will reveal more of ancient history.

    If you do decide to go on more expeditions, or require some kind o' assistance with yer current discoveries, I'd love to help ya out!

    I am glad you are eager to know everything, a noble goal indeed. And I'll be sure to contact you once I have something to propose.

    Best regards, lliran.

  2. Lovely adventure, I wish to see more!

    Well, I'm hard at work at the moment sorting and adapting all that ancient texts to present to people of Aegis. I'm sure this'll not only help me recover elven tongue but will shed some light on human-elven historical relations, and that after-exodus period of elven history, which was lost to us almost completely. But still, my heart longs for adventures, ancient ruins and artifacts and I'll let myself free as soon as it will be possible.

  3. Well, good decision to keep elven people together. But where? On the street? There's not many elfs capable of starting a new protected settlement. But there are many who needs a home. His Highness really should consider large numbers of elfs fresh-from-temple, who has nowhere to go and create a new houses for them in Laurelin as soon as possible (Ravenhold doesn't count at all because there's no elf who has 10000 minas minimum in first several months/years of existence).

    I'd love to live in Forest City myself but I never had any chance to buy a plot or a house there. So yes, all newborn elves are miserable and homeless, until they just stray out to human colonies in the north or try to make their living in the wilds, attacked daily by monsters and thugs.

    I myself, had to hire as a guard in Winterfell to make my living, and I was astonished to see two more elfs there (one of them came there exactly to find any home).

    So it is a problem that noone wants to see, elfs drift away from motherland of Malinor, because motherland doesn't have a place for them.

  4. Greetings, graceful of the forest. Following is the story of my journey and greatest finding in my life.

    I'm explorer Aerin Lissar. Well, at least I was an explorer till recent time. In my journeys I saw many great things, but my goal always was to find any remainings of ancient elven culture. Through my experiences I gathered pieces and scratches of information about geographical origins of elven race. And in the end I was almost certain that the answer lies somewhere in southern mystic lands. Of course "almost certain" shouldn't be an excuse for a dangerous one-elf journey, but I couldn't sleep, I couldn't cut my thoughts about the prize, the sacred knowledge. So I packed my bag and went south.


    I walked whenever I could and used my boat as a shelter from night's dangers and vehicle in case of long water passages (exactly in this order of priority).


    I was walking through incredible landscapes, breathtaking and beautiful.


    And then came one night when stars stopped to shine, I was standing on a tiny piece of ground atop of sky-high mountain, surrounded by primeval darkness and I was almost certain that my "almost certain" wasn't the best excuse to be there.


    By morning the only thing I wanted was to turn back home. But my fate or will of forest made it another way. Trying to find my way down the moutain in strange fog I slipped on wet ground and rolled and fell into deep hole. Trying to keep myself together I got back on my feet and realized that there's no way back up, the cave is too deep. So I had to go deeper with dim hope of finding an exit. But I found the ultimate prize, the goal of my life there, at piece of rock amidst deadly lava.


    How could these manuscripts survive surrounded by fire is still a mystery to me. But I managed to reach them and felt that my life as an explorer maybe ended that moment. These papers are multiple documents, correspondence and other texts written in common language (which was human language at ancient times) and translated into elven, the ancient language of all elfs. These are the Seeds of elven tongue, preserved by time itself to be found and planted. Seeds of our language.


    So I found my way out of that dungeon, and I found my new purpose. I'm starting to categorise and process all these manuscripts to bring our language as huge part of elven culture back to life.

    And as it was said maybe hundred of thousands of years ago last time: "ame kaean'leh evareh, leyu'mali" - "may the forest preserve us, graceful elven".

    Aerin Lissar.

  5. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name: nanatsuno

    -How old are you?: 28

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: GMT+5/Russia

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: I hope so and I keep learning constantly.

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: An electronic musician from Russia, that fell in love with Minecraft recently. Creative and dedicated when needed, peacemaker among friends.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?: 12-25 hours

    -How long have you played minecraft?: 2 months

    -What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?: I know by my experience that roleplaying is the best way to develop one's imaginaton. And the most important rules are: "always stay in character" and "always keep an eye to not metagame". I always

    roleplay in any game - one way or another. But, speaking of intended

    collaborative ropleplaying, that was mostly MMO's like Pirates of the Burning Sea, Ragnarok Online, even Atlantica Online (started a university as a professor Isao Nanatsuno).

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: From what I see at the forums and wiki, it's exceptional, unique project (tried to find any other full-RP server without any luck). I expect lots of RP fun, I hope to become a cause of some RP fun as well.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: Played on private, friends-only server hosted from home by my fellow in Europe. But we seem to be out of ideas how to have fun with 3 people in entire world and I went off to find good RP server.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules? What about the lore?: Yes, I've read, understood and agreed to the rules. I've read and understood the lore.

    -Name the 4 races on this server: humans, dwarves, orcs and elves.

    -How did you hear about us?: As mentioned earlier, I was seeking for a true RP server, but most of servers with "RP" in names or decriptions didn't look like RP at all from ingame perspective.

    Finally I was lucky to find the topic at minecraftforum.net

    -Did you vote?: Yes.

    -What was your favourite Law?: You must play in character as this is an RP server.

    -What was your least favourite Law?: Theft is permitted in moderate amounts.

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name? nanatsuno


    -Character Name: Aerin Lissar (Aerin the Sapling)

    -What is your Race?: elf

    -Biography: I grew up among trees of elven forests. I always was too short for an elf. That is my.. destiny? bad luck? call it whatever you like, but that's why fellow elven gave me that nickname. Sapling. Maybe that's the reason I never talk to people much...

    I'm not trying to get any family, I have my spiritual connections with nature already, that is enough. I live through my peaceful days and decades in forest, that gives me shelter, food, gives me all I can ever need. But every third dusk I sneak quiet and stay in dim shadows of Laurelin evening, listening to poems and songs that young elven sing.. about great heroes and common hunt, about valorous kingdoms and quiet family dinner near fireplace. My soul calls to me at these moments.. But I always get back to my forest. For now.

    -Character Age: 367

    -Character Appearance: Blonde-haired elf, always wearing his trustworthy caped jerkin, soft shoes and significant golden medallion, once a present of a little human girl and her father, who was saved by Aerin from bandits. Has quiet voice as a consecuence of insularity and years of self-willed solitude. Notably shorter than common elven people.

    -Character Personality: Honorable, peaceful, but ready to action at any time ranger.

    -Your ambitions: I want to do good, not only to elven forest as I always will, but to people in general. I want to build a house among trees and lakes of Malinor. I want to explore as much of land of Aegis as it is possible. I have a will to protect the peace with my sword and bow if needed.

    -Can your character read or write?: I can read, but I cannot write. I hope to learn it someday.

    -Can your character mine?: Yes.

    -Are you a capable builder? Yes.

    -Can you wield a sword?: Yes, my bow and my sword are old friends.

    -Enjoy Farming?: No. I don't see the point in it. Earth gives us everything

    we need. Just keep the forest growing.

    -Does your character have any special skills?: No.

    -A screenshot of your skin: 8cCe6.png


    -Other Information: None.

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