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Posts posted by Zarious_Jr

  1. Username-ddog508 RP name Zarious


    Age- IC 22 IRL 16

    Are You Wanted- No, not from my knowledge.

    Have you a VA- No but if needed I could apply.

    Skills- I am a master axe men and blacksmith. I am also mastered in stealth. (100 in all these skills)

  2. *A piece of paper catches Zarious Eyes, as he reads over his desire to join grows*

    Name: Zarious

    Race: Human

    Age: 22

    Skill: I am Master Blacksmith, and I am very well trained to be an axeman, and also have Intermediate archery skills. Also I can use my skills to Fletch arrows.

    About Myself: . I dwell in Arethor for the most part, and regularly stock my stall by the bank. My father was a general of a grand army that fought undead battles...and won. He has trained me and taught me everything he knows. I will not back down and stand my ground until my death. I am trustworthy to my allies, and decisive with the enemy. I have heard few men talk under their breathe of The Black Lance. Trough my days in Arethor I have had contact with what I believe are members of The Black Lance and if so, I know that I will be able to function properly among members.

    *Zarious's application is formally rolled up and tied with a golden ribbon.*

  3. *Large Flyers are posted on large walls across Auslon*

    Hello miners and shop owners of Oren. I am Zarious a master blacks smith.

    I am in need of common ores. Those include: Iron, Coal, Redstone, and Lapis.

    I am also in need of rare ores including: Diamonds, Netherrackk, and Obsedian, and Gold.

    To all it may concern I am willing to buy your ores for a fair price.

    *a list of prices is written below*

    Iron: 20 minas per block

    Coal: 3 minas per stone

    Redston: 3 minas per stone

    Lapis: 3 minas per stone


    These prices may be talked about.

    Diamond: 200 minas per gem

    Gold: 150 minas per bar

    Netherrackk: 25 minas per rock

    Obsedian: 15 minas per rock

    My stall is located in a market stall ally of Arethor. It has a Black and yellow Wool Top.

    * A dye image of a stall is shown*

    You can send a bird to the shop as well to speak of matters. (( /tell me at ddog508))

  4. *A Flyer is hung to the wall in front of you*

    Hello miners and shop owners of Oren. I am Zarious a master blacks smith.

    I am in need of common ores. Those include: Iron, Coal, Redstone, and Lapis.

    I am also in need of rare ores including: Diamonds, Netherrackk, and Obsedian, and Gold.

    To all it may concern I am willing to buy your ores for a fair price.

    *a list of prices is written below*

    Iron: 20 minas per block

    Coal: 3 minas per stone

    Redston: 3 minas per stone

    Lapis: 3 minas per stone


    These prices may be talked about.

    Diamond: 200 minas per gem

    Gold: 150 minas per bar

    Netherrackk: 25 minas per rock

    Obsedian: 15 minas per rock

    My stall is located in a back ally of Arethor. It has a Black and yellow Wool Top.

    * A dye image of a stall is shown*

    You can send a bird to the shop as well to speak of matters. (( /tell me at ddog508))

  5. * Flyers float down like leaves. They cover the ground of large cities across all of Oren*

    Hello miners and shop owners of Oren. I am Zarious a master blacks smith.

    I am in need of common ores. Those include: Iron, Coal, Redstone, and Lapis.

    I am also in need of rare ores including: Diamonds, Netherrackk, and Obsedian, and Gold.

    To all it may concern I am willing to buy your ores for a fair price.

    *a list of prices is written below*

    Iron: 20 minas per block

    Coal: 3 minas per stone

    Redston: 3 minas per stone

    Lapis: 3 minas per stone


    These prices may be talked about.

    Diamond: 200 minas per gem

    Gold: 150 minas per bar

    Netherrackk: 25 minas per rock

    Obsedian: 15 minas per rock

    My stall is located in a back ally of Arethor. It has a Black and yellow Wool Top.

    * A dye image of a stall is shown*

    You can send a bird to the shop as well to speak of matters. (( /tell me at ddog508))

  6. * A large Flyer is posted on a shop wall in Arethor *

    Hail citizens of Arethor I am Zarious((ddog508)) and I have decided to put my home on the market. It is a two story home with a third story lookout, and a large basement. It is well kept and near Town. It is located in the Holy Lands. There is a dock ten paces from the door step which holds a boat that travels to Arethor. If you are interested in purchasing said home, write me a letter or send me a bird.

    ((Forum message me, or /tell me. ddog508.))


  7. Mine Craft account name: Ddog508

    How old are you?: 15

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence: EST time United States of America

    Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: yes I do

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I enjoy playing RPG games its what i spend my free time doing.

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?: All seven days of the week until august 25th. I will be on around 2-6 hours everyday.

    How long have you played minecraft?: I played a few month on the Classic version but i stopped. Besides that i have been playing since beta 1.2

    What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?:I play a few Renaissance role playing games. I have been playing RPG games for about 6 years.

    What do you expect this server will be like: I previewed the server as a wondering soul and enjoyed it so i think the server can only become more fun.

    What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:

    I have played over 20 servers all survival and on free build. The servers just got boring after a month or so.

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?: What about the lore?

    yes i understand and have read both.

    Name the 4 races on this server: humans, elves, dwarves, and orcs

    How did you hear about us?:Youtube

    Did you vote?: yes

    What was your favorite Law? You must keep in character.

    What was your least favorite Law?: None


    Character Name: Zarious

    What is your Race: Human

    What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name? ddog508

    Biography: My Character was born in the high mountains. His family had a small farm there. When he was 11 his house had been struck by lighting and caught fire. His parents sacrificed there lives to save him. The next morning he awoke in the presence of a Wolf. They grew up together. Now the boy has become a man. His Wolf has long since past in battle. The man he is now is looking to avenge his parents and wolves deaths.

    Character Age: 18

    Character Appearance: 6 foot tall, very strong. A bit of a beard. Red hair. Tan shirt, black pants.

    Character Personality: Strong, wise, very coordinated. Can be easy going when off duty.

    Your ambitions: To avenge my parents by becoming a well known warrior with my partner who will be joining soon.

    Can your character read or write?:yes,

    Can your character mine?:very well,

    Are you a capable builder? Yes very skilled

    Can you wield a sword?: Yes and a long bow

    Enjoy Farming?: Not his favorite duty but will do when needed.

    Does your character have any special skills?: My character can fulfill any duty he is given. He loves building towns, and will become a very well known Man

    A screenshot of your skin: http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/medieval-male/

    Other Information: Hopes he and his partner will be accepted thank you

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