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Hu'Ganosh Shaklug

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Posts posted by Hu'Ganosh Shaklug

  1. Well ye seem liek a gud lad accepted. YOu can either live in te clanhome in the dwarf nation or with me and others in Overhome.

    Thank ye very much, and ay would like tah live in tha 'olm island. Could ye direct meh tah this islands of yer's? Ay would much appreciate it.

  2. -Ye be readin' Amrock Longbeard's application-

    Yer name: Ay be Amrock Longbeard. But once ay get accepted into tha ironguts, ay will be Amrock Irongut Longbeard, har har.

    (minecraft name): ((vegan166))

    Age: Ay be 364 and ay'm 'bout tah be 365. Gah, agin' gets boring once yer as old as ay am... suppose this isn't tha right place tah be sympathetic towards mayself.

    Race: HAR HAR, what do ye think ay am, an elf? Ay'm a dwarf of course!

    Profession: Ay don't really 'ave a job at tha moment, ay would like tah be a miner or 'unter though as ay enjoy doin' those diffent things. If yer wonderin' what I would like tah be in tha guild, it would be one o' those.

    Highest skill level/what skill: ((My highest skill is mining, and its... 55, I think? Somethin around that :P))

    Relation to the family, (story): Well, may father's mother would be Shudrock Irongut. Don't ask may why tha Irongut tradition 'ad stopped in may family after that. I 'ope tah bring tha great tradition back tah tha Longbeards.

    Thank ye fer readin', remember tah drink sum ale and eat sum meat!

  3. denied.gif

    Never actually defined roleplaying

    Incorrect definition of powergaming

    Nothing that shows skin

    You're application was pretty good overall, just needs a little editing. Oh, and also, it seems like you're switching from first person to third person sometimes in your writing, you might want to correct that too. You may repost within 48 hours (2 days).

  4. denied.gif

    Use actual places in Bio, for example you could say Krugmar or Sanhar, or just "A town to the east of Krugmar"

    At the part of the bio where you said your character used a wind spirit to make him run faster, I consider that powergaming, please redo that part

    Orcs have a curse of bloodlust, please revise your biography, scenario questions and maybe even ambitions so that this curse shows in your character

    The biography was a good read, it just had a few mistakes in it. You may repost within 48 (two days) of now.


    Great application overall. I would just like to hear more about your character in your bio and I would like you to revise the second scenario question so that you would do nothing that would require a villain app. once you are done, just PM me and I will accept you immediately.

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