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Posts posted by Crackerjack494

  1. ((first of all, he wasn't 'obliterated' he was shot by an arrow. Second even if what he is saying is false, our characters don't know that and to point it out OOCly is metagaming, IC actions have to be dealt with ICly, not OOCly))

    (( It's not meta if it isn't transferred over to rp like any ooc information is. Do you think there might be a reason I posted it ooc'ly and not rp? Please don't try to lecture me on rules I obviously have a clear understanding on. As for 'obliterated', as I said that is only what I heard I could state that as the absolute truth. Please no more ooc in this thread message me if you wish to continue.))

  2. ((You need to delete this post, as this is the rp section of the forums, comments are not to be ooc. If you want to talk ooc, send me a forum message.))

    (( There are plenty of ooc conversations in rp and it is permitted as long as it is not a drawn out conversation that is why I am not saying anything more after this in ooc))

  3. (( haha, Ebs you were going to be kicked out before you died as well, it wasn't as spontaneous as you might think, there were many reasons and decisions that you made that resulted your expulsion from the council. Not to mention we decided not to make a point out of the obvious power gaming you went through to bring your character back to life (from what I heard you were literally obliterated). On top of that nearly everything is not true in what you have said and it is exhausting that people like you keep 'declaring' things and stating things that frankly you know nothing about.

    -Prince Quazar

    PS: Can't we have one person kicked out of a guild/group without attempting to start a rebellion of sorts 'sigh'))

  4. ((I highly recommend that all the remaining Wardens join another kind of army once the Wardens are finished. At the least find a very active guild otherwise you'll start to lose interest in the server. Lotc is a different when you aren't in an army of some sorts. (In other words, don't try to start all over by yourself)

    Everyone is finding their place, don't worry about that. Please don't attempt to recruit others to your 'army' that you are trying to create on this thread. If any of the Wardens still active do not know their place in the new world they are welcome to come to me and I will find you one you will be happy with.

  5. That is a very generous offer, however what are the origions of your donation kind of elf?

    I just feel like being generous and wish to see how this city you are creating would develop.

    And to answer the other question no I am not a white raven, my rp name is prince Quazar and I just feel like helping yall out. Repayment is not neccessary.

  6. ((The Fact that you just said I've not seen you, then you said you've been on Vacation? I don't think those two work together, Jayek even said though, that Him, Distuth, and I are the only Wardens left, but they are never doing anything on their elves as Wardens.

    (( I am talking about the past few weeks obviously, and I have been on a lot except for the past few days due to vacation, but even then I have tried to linger around the forums and team speak because mine craft does not run well on this computer. The reason I said I have not seen you on is because I haven't in a good 2-3 weeks at least. I have seen Jayek and Distuth a couple times, and about Leafwind I have no idea where he is. Theyador (Harrison) I have seen on skype and talked to him for a moment but he is really just waiting for 2.0 as many other people are. The Wardens have received a lot of unnecessary hate over the past months and people are mostly tired of it. With 2.0 coming up with there being no place for the Wardens in it, even though knowledge of the change should not effect your rp character, it does so in the way that people have become inactive for the most part. I realize a few of you still remain active but I have to look at the grand scale. For example the 2nd to last Warden meeting we held we had 40+ attending, the last one we had 9 people. Much has happened over the few months and I have realized the Wardens are falling out due to many reasons. This is why I am trying to ensure everybody is content for the new map and has roles they can be happy with, whether that consists of sticking with people from the Wardens, or embarking on your own adventure I will respect and support each and every individuals choice. Rest assured if you wish to have a role in the pre-existing dark elves (where most Wardens are headed) I will find a place for anyone who wishes to come along. I may even try to see if a special guild or guard may be founded for those who are willing.

    Edit: Just talked to Leafwind, he has just been taking a break from LoTC.

  7. ((There are no active Wardens, I walk around the base, help out the Vanguard, consult the Orcs, assist Galahar in war, but there are no other Wardens in any of those times. Yesterday I spoke with Mogroka here's some of the chat I remember:

    Me: Warlord, I ask for you to fight alongside the last Warden in his last War, as the others have vanished, Quazar becomes a Prince and does not do his duty, and LEafwind has disappeared. No other Wardens are found

    Mogroka: We hate the Elves, they broke our pact.

    Me: Yes, the Elves did, but the Wardens still remain Loyal to the Warden, Orc pact.

    Me: *Hands him a Golden Sword

    Mogroka: What's this?

    Me: I wish for you to carry a sword representing that the Wardens will give you whatever blades we can in times of War

    Mogroka: *Hands him a bow

    Mogroka: This was once given to me by a Warden, he dead now, It is made of fine wood I want you to have it in the war today.

    Me: *Hits his chest "If I die in War today, May the Orcs continue to live strong"

    Mogroka: *Does the same "If you die let your spirit fly free"

    3 Other Orcs: And if you live, We'll try and run you as Highborn somehow

    This was before the battle at Galahar, I fought in the front lines alongside the Elves Vanguard and Royal Guard, the Knights of Galahar, and the Dwarves that were loyal to their king. We marched from behind in Diamond Armor and took out the enemies forces.

    I'll probably be going my own way Quazar, find something else to do))

    (( haha your not the last warden by a long shot, don't know where you have been but your one of the few that I have not seen on at all. I still see some Wardens online and my job is exactly the same even though my title says prince, personally I have been busy with the holidays and I am currently on vacation))

  8. Attention

    To all active Wardens, this is an ooc announcement. To have an idea on what everyone is planning on doing in the 2.0, you can either post your plans on here or send me a message through the forums.

    If you wish to stick with me in the new world I can find something for you to do in the dark elves, or a position/job you could take. If you wish to go your own separate way that is fine I would just be curious as to what you are doing.

    Remember any knowledge about the change is ooc information and do not let it affect your character choices in game now as that would be meta-gaming.

  9. Hey guys.... I guess its already been explained but yea ive been in the hospital for the past week and a half =/. Id like to say when im getting out but alas IDK..... -.- Im hoping by the end of the week but we will see..... Uhm not much else except for I think im high on the drugs they are giving me XD so sry for any misspelled words =P..... Hope to start back up soon but with rehab and late finals idk when =/ Anyways TTyl Wardens.... =)

    Guess we both have had bad luck now, i got in a car wreck yesterday and now I have a concussion, not as bad as you got it but still sucks :/. Worst part about it is the brand new 2011 mustang is totaled.

  10. -Minecraft Account Name: GreenTreeGuy

    -How old are you: 13

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: Eastern Time Zone, U.S.

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I am a mature, experienced minecrafter. I build very well, and I specialize in medieval and roman/Greece builds. I am an experienced pvper, willing to fight for those that are in need of help. I have had a lot of experience after traveling Aegis as a lone wolf, learning to survive on my own.

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: Yes, I have a good grip on the English language.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?: About 3-5 days a week. I am an active minecraft player.

    -Do you know how to use Teamspeak and are you willing to use it?: Yes, I do know how to use teamspeak, but I am a little shy when it comes to meeting random people on the internet O.o. But, I am willing to use Teamspeak.

    -What do you know about roleplaying? In a military/guild setting?: Yes, I have been in a lot of roleplay, especially related to millitary/war settings, fortunately.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to our rules?: Yes, I have read and agreed to the fair rules of the Wardens Of Malinor.


    -Character Name: Talus_Bronze

    -What is your Race?: Dark Elf

    -Experience in militaries/guilds: I am not so much used to military style, as I have always traveled alone. But, I am a great fighter, and I have once killed 7 creepers with just a stone sword. Surprisingly, I survived.

    -Has you ever been in a military/guild/clan in LoTC?: I have been in some guilds, but not so long. It is because they disbanded so quickly.

    -How did you hear about us? I heard about this guild when I entered Malinor to fetch some food for my next journey, and overheard some people talking about this guild.

    -Do you know where our Headquarters is located? No, I don't care much for locations to stay, because I am usually a nomad-like traveler. But, I am willing to memorize the location of the headquarters.

    -Biography: There is a big problem. It seems my birth records were trapped in the great library of forum while they were renovating, and I seemed to have lost my records forever. But, I am still qualified of my citizenship in Malinor and Aegis.

    -Why do you want to join the Wardens?: I want to join because I want to have a meaning. While Malinor is prone to danger, I travel the world carelessly, with no objective, with a lonely mind. I want to protect, live, and die a hero!

    -Do you accept the duties of a Warden; to be honest, mature, brave instead of arrogant, moral, obedient towards your superiors, and loyal to the Wardens and to Malinor in all situations presented?: Yes, I accept every duty of a Warden.

    Accepted, please come to the warden base for initiation. (Find us on teamspeak to see if we are online)

  11. -Minecraft Account Name: Moosehunter123

    -How old are you: I´m 14

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: Canada moutian time

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I am a very energetic and pryo sorta person. Addicited to video games.

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: Yes.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?: About 3-4 houers.

    -Do you know how to use Teamspeak and are you willing to use it?: If I must, I´m ready to use Teamspek. I havn´t downloaded it yet.

    -What do you know about roleplaying? In a military/guild setting?: i do not know but i belive it is you serve till your last breath until the fight has been won or lost

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to our rules?: Yes I had read understood and accepted all the rules.


    -Character Name: maylander

    -What is your Race?: Elf

    -Experience in militaries/guilds: No i havent served in any military or milita in this server likei sadi before

    -Has you ever been in a military/guild/clan in LoTC?: No I havn´t.

    -How did you hear about us? planet minecraft

    -Do you know where our Headquarters

    along the south part of laurins walls

    -Biography : Maylander is a young elf with a thirst for battle against all that stand in the elves way and to defend his nation from invaders. He is willing to fight till the last breath for his nation he will do whatever it takes to stop the enemy from winning.

    -Why do you want to join the Wardens? I want to help the nation and protect it with my last breath

    -Do you accept the duties of a Warden; Yes with my full heart

    Other Information: None

    Denied, please re look over your application.

  12. +1

    Arma has shown much dedication to the Wardens even when it was not expected of him, he has never caused any problems of any kind, he is an extremely competent player who would not disappoint as a forum Moderator.

    PS: Hope ya get back from the hospital soon.

  13. To all Wardens

    To everyone who want's to know what our situation is for the new map, merely message me or find me on teamspeak and I will personally explain to each person what the options for yourself are, relating to the Wardens of course. I have already told a few people and they could easily tell you as well, but feel free to seek me out if you wish to know.

  14. -Minecraft Account Name: Lefardo

    -How old are you: I´m 16

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: +2 greenwich (Finland)

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I´m fair, helpful and smart player and I have never been kicked out from any server. I like to play minecraft and it is one of my favorite games.

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: Yes.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?: About 10-15 houers.

    -Do you know how to use Teamspeak and are you willing to use it?: If I must, I´m ready to use Teamspek. I havn´t downloaded it yet.

    -What do you know about roleplaying? In a military/guild setting?: I havn´t been in any guild yet becouse I´m a new player, but I know that if you are in a military guild you must obey the rules of roleplaying, the guild and protect the people of your nation.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to our rules?: Yes I had read understood and accepted all the rules.


    -Character Name: Aodran

    -What is your Race?: Elf

    -Experience in militaries/guilds: Like I earlier said I havn´t been in any military guild yet, but if you let me in I´ll serve this guild and my nation as well as I can.

    -Has you ever been in a military/guild/clan in LoTC?: No I havn´t.

    -How did you hear about us? On Lord of the craft wiki.

    -Do you know where our Headquarters is located? Yes. It´s in south-west from Laurelin walls.


    Aodran was found in a ditch, when he was only a newborn baby. A Young woman fined him and took him home. Aodrans father and mother were both humans, but they decided to raise a baby they found. Aodrans father was a farmer near Al'Khazar. He thought Aodran to write as a human, but he could´nt teach his son to speak or write on his native language, elf. When Aodran has spent fiveteen years of his life on a farm, he decided to leave on his own paths. Aodran wandered in the lands of Aegis many years. When he had travelled less than a year, a group of enslavers prison him and sold him on a mine for "employment". Aodran didn’t know how long he was in that mine. He was allmost given up hope, when he heard that the prisoners were planning escape. Aodran saw a blink of hope again. When the escape night came only few survived. Most of the escaped prisoners were captured, but Aodran managed to escape. On a next night Aodran sleeped in forest. One of the slavers found him sleeping there. Aodran woked up just before the enslaver were about to kill him. They battled and that night Aodran killed first time for self-protection. On that night forward Aodran trained to fight whit a sword.He build him self a little camp on a forst near a city of Dunwood. He lived on forest where he hunted his own food. While he was hunting, he noticed that he was a better archer then he imagined. Aodran secretly had always dreamed to be a prince or even a high prince of a elven council.Aodran lived peacefully in forests until one day an old man appeard on his camp. Aodran gave a bred for a man and the man told him that he was a wizard who had seen a prophecy of an young man who lived in a forest and who could be the strongest wizard of all time. Aodran thought that the man was crazy and drove him away. Before the man left he gave Aodran a book. He said: "With this you can be closer to your people". He also said that Aodran should think about what he said. After man was gone Aodran really thought about the strange mans words. He still does sometimes. He investigated the book that man gave him and discovered tha it was instructions to speak read and writes on elf. He spent lot of his time to read a book man gave him and finally learned his own language. When Aodran filled the age of fifty, he decided to try to fill his lifelong dream to get in an elven council. He went to a city of Laurelin and there he stayed.

    -Why do you want to join the Wardens? I want to protect my people from all threads and to be part of something that matters.

    -Do you accept the duties of a Warden; to be honest, mature, brave instead of arrogant, moral, obedient towards your superiors, and loyal to the Wardens and to Malinor in all situations presented?: Yes I do and without any questions I will do anything that my superior orders me to do.

    Other Information: No.

    Accepted, please come to the warden base for initiation. (Find us on teamspeak to see if were on, Leafwind or Theyador can initiate you)

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