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Posts posted by moop123

  1. MC Name:Moop123

    RP Name:Orethy

    Why ye would like to join?: I wish for all of aegis to know of my revolutionary art form ! I have not a name for it yet ! I'm thinking of calling it "stone".

    Name any and all experience with entertaining: I have played a few times at various bars and street performing.

    Do ye 'ave Ts3?:no (got skype though)

    How long 'ave ye been on the server: meany months 7-8

    What timezone are ye?: England

    How often are ye on, hours, days, time: 2 hr a day maybe a little more 2-3hr

  2. Minecraft Name:Moop123

    RP Name:Leoni Johonas

    Your time Zone: GMT + 0

    Sword skill level:7

    Archery skill level:0

    Why do you want to join?:Laurelin is not only what i have considered to be my home but is also the home of my elven brothers and sisters. I'm not ready to let it fall to the undead.

    Which Guard you will want to be in: Swords

    I up untill now have been working without armour but i will try my best to gather as much iron as possible it would be great if you wardens could supply me with a little.

    (I use a diamond sword)

  3. Minecraft Name:Moop123

    RP Name:Leoni Johonas

    Your time Zone: GMT + 0

    Sword skill level:7

    Archery skill level:0

    Why do you want to join?:Laurelin is not only what i have considered to be my home but is also the home of my elven brothers and sisters. I'm not ready to let it fall to the undead.

    Which Guard you will want to be in: Swords

    I up untill now have been working without armour but i will try my best to gather as much iron as possible it would be great if you wardens could supply me with a little.

    (I use a diamond sword)

  4. Want to earn money ?

    By doing the stuff you love to do ?

    Join Moop123's (Leoni's) Mercenary group !


    reply to this message in the following format

    MC name:

    RP name:

    Have you been accepted as a villain ?:

    why you want to join:

    sword skill:

    archery skill:

    what type of armour do you have ?:

    what type of wepon do you have ?:


    Can be of any race to join ! Your sword and archery skills don't really matter its just useful to know. You will have to be able to make the time for the missions. Moop123 search for work so you don't have to. Only the members online that help with a job will be given a cut of the payment.

    There is no base but there is an undercover hide out that only members will be told the location of where we can meet up,talk and trade plunder.

    Inviting freinds in to trade is not acceptable unless they wish to join and

    in that case they will fill out the application in-game.


    We are an team of Mercenaries payed to do other peoples "dirt work"

    and remember we will have a few out there hunting for revenge.

    We will do any kind of Robbery's,Assasination or raiding for the right price.

    In some cases only a hand selected few will come on the job even if the whole team is online.Those who's application is accepted will be told location of the hide out as soon as my villain app is accepted (ppl dont like you mugging them with no villain app).

  5. MC name: moop123

    RP name: Knight_Leoni

    Sword skill: 0 (I am very good at sword play but I have not been on the server long)

    Archery skill: 0 (I'm alright at it)

    Why I want to join: I like to protect I feel i must. I hope that i will get a home once i have the money in Laurelin. And if we are invaded by those damn dwarvs I'm not gonna stand back and let it happen ! I'm a doer and protect my people at all costs.

    Hope you accept me.

  6. my name: Joe

    minecraft name: moop123

    my age: 15

    home country: England

    desctription of myself: Love led zeppelin and love playing RP and playing guitar stuff like that.

    how much time could i come on the weely: 21+ hours a week

    how long have you played minecraft ?: Since start of alpha.

    what you know about roleplaying ?: basically the only type of game i play so i have about 10 years of roleplay experiance.

    What do you expect the server to be like: Adventure an exploration ! Lands upon Lands to explore

    what other server have you played on ?: a RP server called Midgard NOTHING like this.

    Ever been banned before ?: Once for building 1x1 towers for acrobatics training.

    Have you read,understood and agred to all the rules ?: yes

    Chatacter name: Leoni

    Lord of the craft forum account name: Moop123


    I was 10 when the Orcs invaded my tribe. all my family and friends burned to shreds and our forest ? Burned to an ash. I was forces to fell with my sister by boat. After about a year of sailing (i was then 11) we came upon the Land of Freedonia. Me and my sistr lived happilly there for 5 years (i was then 16) but 2 das aftar my 16th birthday we were attacked also. The town burned to a pulp all the towns people kill because they wanted something off me ! Even my sister was dead at the point...

    It is said that Inside me like all other beings in the world i have Chocora

    witch is basically what you call our soul. But i had a different one. If they had found me this power inside me could be harnessed and use to bring hell on earth ! And summon creatures from the nether. Keeping me alive is what kept the world from being destroyed. Aftar running and Running it had taken me 2 years to find people.And this place i found was this land (now 18) I travell off to speak to there King and fin out how i can evenge my tribe and iliminate the Orcs !

    character age: 18

    Appearance: Tall,blond hair,brown shaggy clothes,a quill strapped around my torso and leather boots.

    ambitions: To evenge my tribe and destroy the Orcs !!!!

    can you character write ?: he is quite the poet.

    can you character mine ?: Dont like to much i prefer hunting.

    can you wield a swords: BORN TO FIGHT !

    Enjoy farming ?: yea i guess i like and try to maintain the environment.

    Does you character have any special skills ?: Inside me is an unknown magic who knows what i could do with this. But then again who knows how ?

    My skin: Go onto skindex and search "wood elf" 8th skin down

    (I had problems attaching a screen shot to the application)

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