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Posts posted by hmqb

  1. Let's talk about bandages, shall we?

    They don't heal wounds. The purpose of bandages are two things: Covering the wound to stop it from bleeding, and protecting it from bacteria.

    Wounds need air to heal. You need to change bandages so often as to not get the wounds infected, but they still need to be exposed to air.

    So by using bandages as a healing tool, you're making it more of a WoW Mechanic.

    What do you purpose as an alternative? The only realistic solution is allowing **** loads of time between every time you get hurt, if you want to wait 3 real life days every time you get hit once by a zombie the leave the server, that's not fun however realistic it may be.

  2. Would I possibly get a answer to this or would my character have to break RolePlay to always get healed?... Healing shines are not good for me, as of being dead and all, since I am guessing the magic would flow down through your body, I am made of full bones with fire essence running through me, I can re-pair myself or find a new body, I really don't want to just not walk to a healer and them healing me. . . . Since most don't anyway,

    So being dead, You should not be healed, My race is even set to a Lich, To base a more RolePlay behind it, I am just wondering how the healing would work for me if the only way is to enter a shine or get bandaged up which both break RolePlay with my character

    Do you purpose to add whole new mechanics just for your character? Or can you just RP that the bandages are some sort of undead equivalent, use yo brain ya doofus.

  3. MC Name: hmqb

    Why do you want to join?

    -This guild is everything I've ever wanted to create or be a part of within Lord Of The Craft, I've made some mediocre attempts at it before but never really committed. I think this is a very unique role playing experience that I would love to commit to.

    How will you provide the guild and the LOTC community with a great RP experience?

    -I plan on providing the guild with another active enthusiastic member to the guild and hopefully bring up some new exciting role play through my own ideas. For the lord of the Craft community I hope to continue my personal goal of people actually respecting and enjoying thieves as opposed to being robbed on the road. I want to help introduce this concept that thieves will actually provide unique and new role play rather then just stealing your things.

    What do you think are vital in RP? (I.e Emotes, RP fights over MC fights etc)

    -Role play is unique for everyone, but for me I think the correct balance of everything is necessary. I don't believe that every small step should be emoted, but instead use emotes to signify the importance of an action, for example when drawing a weapon, or strapping on a piece of armor. When it comes to fights I think in most cases MC fights are necessary, but there is the time and place for RP fights. Most importantly for RP fights it is important to avoid power gaming and with MC fights it is important to establish valid RP reasons for a fight to break out.

    To break the Guild laws, or the Server laws is instant banishment unless in a specific circumstance where you are offered an appeal form by the Guild, do you understand this?

    -Of course.

    [Character Questions]

    RP name:

    -Dassem Ultor


    - My birth was never anything special. The son of two unremarkable people certainly, they gave me away to guard of a local estate and his wife. This is where I was raised and thought I would stay for the rest of my life becoming a guard of this bleak estate. As I grew my 'father' began teaching me the sword, and for a number of years it became who I was it consumed me. I'd practice for hours wearing out the other guards until I was forced to just go through the forms. At some point I realized that I could do more with this skill the guard some estate. Still headstrong at my rising swordplay talent I set off to find someone who could beat me.

    I spent these next years traveling to all of the big cities and dueling more men and other races then I could count. I lost much more often then won for I often seeked the greatest of the greatest. These failures determined me to be better and better driving me from one challenge to the next until even this life could sustain me no longer. I had no income, no place to sleep and had to beg for my food. This was not a proper life so I began to put my skill into more practical use. I joined noble houses as banner man, guarded caravans, fought in wars and could not stick in one place too long.

    I knew this couldn't last so when I finally found a respectable noble house I decided to stay and see how far I could advance. In a short time I had risen to a rank where I had two men under my direct command. This was about the point where I began to notice my skill at leading men. When i talked they listened, they believed what I said. At first I was startled, but I put it to good use. I flew the ranks of the noble man's house and am sure I could have risen further, but it was attacked by the king's army and abolished completely.

    I was desperate again at this point and considered using my talent with men to form some sort of mercenary group. This is when i met of a group of disgruntled men known as the Sand Miners. I joined them in a fashion and soon had them under my lead and reforged under a new purpose. With my group behind me I fashioned an unreasonable demand enough to turn all of these men until rebels against the king of Oren. I wasn't sure at the time why, but I knew a notorious rebel group was a path that had numerous benefits. I wasn't sure what at the time, but I was definitely committed. With constant raids on large cities we were at the point of being hunted, right where I wanted to be... I think.

    Large groups of men who are constantly in combat need funding, this is essential. The easiest way for notorious men to get money is through dishonest means, this is a given. The Sand Miners Union as we were called at the time started to delve into criminal activity to fund there war. As time passed they committed simple, easy robberies, and pathetic acts of the common criminal. The profits from this though were enough to distract the men from their rebel group. As time passed they were no longer even a rebel group, but a thieves guild of sorts... if a very simple one.

    As we completed these pathetic criminal acts my ambitions took my higher. I had heard of master thieves who could jump from rooftop to rooftop picking locks and blending into the night, and he knew that's what a real thieve was. I also had heard stories of conman using their words and stealing fifty times as much as that 'real' thief could carry away in the night. It was as I began experimenting with these simple cons I realized my voice my ability to be believed, that helped me lead men, would help me steal from them as well. I used this to great effect pulling off easy cons, but I lusted for the larger jobs.

    I made my first large mistake a little while after I began planning my first large con. I knew I needed more then just myself, but I thought I could use my group of untrained thugs and rebels in the place of real conman. To make a long story shorter this job was the end of the rebel group as it ended up getting almost all of my men caught who quickly revealed the others. They had a simple task, I thought it was easy enough. Timing is essential they couldn't grasp that. They got caught. Only I escaped through a flurry of quick excuses and a chase through the woods involving a few small skirmishes.

    Separated from the men I had led I was back in a bad situation, but this time I knew what I wanted to do. I knew I was going to be a conman and a thief and that they would lead me to something. As it happens for the next length of time I traveled pulling off small jobs honing my skill with mixed success rates. I'd sometimes get a few local men involved to help me, but I started to learn what I hadn't fully understand before about professionalism. It came to the point where I was sitting bound in the basement/jail of some count or duke out in the middle of nowhere. The plan was for me to get caught as my way in, and for a few men I had gathered to complete a few easy steps to draw the guards from my holding cell. If it had gone as planned the guards next to me would have left... about four days previous. As it was the men had failed. I would be released soon of my own accord, but something in my nature told me it was me that was not good enough. Maybe I could pull off a good con, but there was still more to learn. I was not capable of the other things required of a master thief.

    As I loosed the straps on the bindings wrapper around my hands i was filled with a whole new purpose. The guards were not paying full attention, but I would have to be fast. I broke the bindings holding me and took out the lock picks from a small pocket on my boots. I leapt towards the gate holding me and fiddled furiously with the lock. The guards there noticed what I was doing but it took them some time to process it. All I need was a second, but before I could finish there was a sword blade resting on my shoulder through the bars. Plan B: My hand went sliding through the bar reaching the hilt of the sword, and stopping the man from slicing downward. I leaped backwards my weight pulling the sword from the man's hands. There I was in a small prison with a sword while guards started to gather outside from the firsts calls of help.

    I calmly put the sword to the neck of the man next to me. He was some political prisoner of a rival house. Someone who they could capture but never risk killing, it would mean war. I think I had just started some sort of hostage situation, and I did not know where I was headed from here but my mind worked quickly. I shouted for the guards to put down their weapons and for all of them to leave and go fetch their lord. In a haste and unthinking nature most likely brought upon by panic they all left, some of them surely waiting out of sight with weapons drawn. I settled down next to the door and finished the lockpicking job the door swinging open. Leaving the other man behind I closed the door, they would of surely killed me if I tried to keep up the hostage situation.

    The lords basement had the large cell, but it was also filled with mismatched boxed and storage containers with unimaginable amounts of stored food and useless building supplies. I hid myself in that room among piles of dirt in a far corner, as expected the small army of guards arrived once more with their lord standing in the center. They peered into the cell confused while I crawled along the floor behind them and as quietly as possible ran up the stairs. Their was no one else the rest of the way up to the lord's house. I ran up the next set of stairs to the lord's private office, always under guard and usually occupied by the lord himself. I stepped through the opened door into the lavish windowless office. Their was a small heavy intricately locked chest made of fine rosewood sitting under his desk. The lock was more advanced then I could ever handle, and I could already hear the guards rushing back up the first stairway. I took down a finely made battle axe hanging on the wall and with one cut split open the chest. I took an empty bag from nearby and filled it with as much as i could carry and rushed back to the door.

    The guard were already running up the last staircase to where I was, and stuck on this floor I headed to the only other room. Swinging the door shut behind me and locking it I scanned the room for the window and flung it open. The lord's house was built with a slanted roof so I slid down as far as possible then made the short jump, shock waves vibrating through my legs. I began to run into the nearby forest, funny how it always ended like this, I thought with a laugh as the calls of the guardsmen faded in the distance.

    Ever since this day I seek my betters in the thieving world, those who can teach me to be better and more talented as well as those good enough to complete the cons of legend with.

    Personality: Deeply charming with a slight overbearing nature noticeable only after extended periods of time. Meticulous, but not one to pass by a perfect opportunity.

    Motives: A hard outlook on life, and the clear idea that criminal activities are the only way for him to achieve his dreams.

    Aspirations: To become something more then a simple thief, to train and surpass what he could ever accomplish alone. His deeper inset desires include a lust for luxury and riches, the finest food and clothing.

    [Open Response. Answer all questions]

    You notice a rich foreign merchant in the markets browsing wares such as jewellery, weaponry and armor. You notice a stall owner has just walked away from his stall for a few moments, several guards are patrolling the area, the merchant walks towards the stall to browse its wares. To the North is a sewer grate you could escape through, though the guards seem to be patrolling it more than usual. How will you pull of this thievery?

    - Chaos will be important. I can't be involved though, no that would never work. I plan my steps quickly then act. Stepping closer to the stall with a quick fling of my hand I toss a small piece of jewelery at the foreign merchant, instinctively he catches it. "Thief!" I yell pointing towards the man. The guards turn in time to see him frantically put down the jewelry. He has no time to react before the guards start to swarm him. The stall owner comes running at the man as well shouting. Step one, chaos, achieved. From here a walk into a guards path and to the observing eye it seems as though he knocked me into the stall, in reality I took a dive. In the mess of the overturned cart I pocket a few item well attempting to get up. The stall owner begins to yell at me, but I disappear back into the crowd. The foreign merchant will be fine I'm sure, and it won't be long before they sort it out. I consider all of this as I make my way to a jewel seller in a near by city, he's a friend of mine he will handle selling them.

    The Upright Man has asked of you to steal a scroll from a house that is just outside the city limits of Alras, the house seems to be alive with laughter and drunken men, you look through a window to see the chest is in the room, while 5 drunken men sit around the fire telling war stories, they seem armed but drunk, you see in the corner of your eye a small hole in the roof into the room. The door hinges are old and rusty, it can be easily kicked down. How will you pull of this thievery?

    - My mind considers the situation. The task was given to me and me alone, with a team I could think of hundreds of ways to accomplish the situation. As it is I will consider this a test of personal skill. I begin preparing my plan and setting up the necessary tools in the correct places. A certain anonymous tip to the local guards flagged this house and these men as causing problems. The local guards send down a contingent of 10 men to deal with whatever situation it could be. Knocking on the front door one of the men drunkenly makes his way to the front door. He's met with the guards and bolstered by his four friends and the alcohol reacts poorly to guards showing up at his door. There is a few moments of tension and confusion as a minor struggle starts, but even then the guards quickly subdue them with their numbers. At this point the guards have also determined that they have been keeping to themselves and are no threat.

    As this situation occurs I've been busy. Slipping through the small hole I close the door and close a small latch. I know this will only buy me a little bit but the blocking of sight lines is important. When the struggle between the guards and the men reaches its peak I kick in the window with an easily overheard smash. Their are two ropes hanging down from outsides outlined by the night. I've never been very good with lockpicking. I heave up the chest, as I hoped its not too heavy. I wrap the two ropes around the chest and secure it hanging in the air. Stepping out the window onto the chest I climb up the ropes to the roof above. Untying the two ropes from two support beams I use the leverage of the ropes and heave the chest to the roof. Right in time as well as the men get back into the roof and look at the window with outrage.

    The men seeing the broken window rush outside with weapons drawn obviously attempting to find the thief in the street below. This seems to cause a problem with the guards who just determined them not a threat. The react quickly to five drunken men charging into the streets with weapons drawn. This time it will not be settled so quickly. I take my eyes away from the growing situation below. I settle down on the roof and begin my lockpicking process, it takes a good deal of time, as I said i'm not very good with lockpicking. When I finally get it open I find the scroll and stuff it in a bag to my side. I then decide the most important thing from here is to dump the chest still open off the roof, and I do. The items go flying all of the street and the few travelers still awake crowd around it. The drunken men below also realize what happened and rush to there chest knocking people away. In this confusion the natural conclusion is that the thief dropped the chest by mistake and failed to steal anything, thus not compromising that the scroll has even been stolen by purpose, but merely lost in the streets after a failed robbery.

    An old man has taken rest from his travels under a tree, his bag is to the left of him, he appears to have a dagger on him. In the far distance you see some travelers coming, though they are still a far while off. How will you pull of this thievery?

    -I present myself to be a weary traveler and collapse next to the man. He looks at me questioningly, I ask for food as humbly as possible spilling out a story of an abusive master forcing me to carry missives. The man draws open his bag revealing nothing but food and traveling supplies. It's not also worth it to rob someone before knowing what your taking. This job is clearly not worth it. Then again if he had better things to steal there is a time and a place for strongarming people, and however petty it is, it is sometimes neccisarry.

  4. From what I've seen Oli looks like a quality candidate for a forum moderator. A guy with experience is worth a lot, and you can't go wrong with an active guy like him. He seems like a great candidate and I give my support!

  5. I'm gonna start off with a quick note and say that the Sand Mining Union's rebellion is over and done with, and this is note a page for that.

    -Thanks hmqb

    The Sand Mining Union

    The Sand Mining Union was established originally as a rebel group against the king of Oren but that is no more. It all started so long ago in a time unlike those today. We of the union were all sand miners in the old sand mine up by Winterfell. We lived a good but simple life, but eventually the miens ran dry and the some odd thirty sand miners were left jobless. A few miners attempted to make a petition but were declared rebels and approached by a man named Schuttle and rebelled for him. it was indeed a dark time in their history, but the rebellion is over and they have give up and what has come of it is nothing good. This was where the Sand Union ended and the Sand Guild started.

    The new direction of the Sand Guild came from a direct quote we used during our petition, "If we don't build a new sand mine all of the some thirty miners will turn to banditry and theft!". Like we predicted no sand mines came after all our efforts so we looked to our sand miners and their situation. A large number were homeless and turned to evil and theft and an idea came into our heads and we pursued it. Theft and banditry are done on two scales. Their are the petty crimes and criminals, and the grand organization of a well ordered thieves guild. There was nothing else we could turn to so we decided why not be the best at what we do, and contacted the members of the old sand miners. Thus it came to be that the Sand Mining Union became a thieves guild, and one to be reckoned with.

    A New Chapter In A Bloody History

    The New Sand Union is something different then before and ready for something new. We are thieves and criminals ranging from every level of extremity, but bonded together through a tight knit organization. The Sand Union is now only after wealth and the notoriety of being the best. We have no wishes of monopolizing the trade of a criminal since their is just so much crime done poorly. The Sand Union plans on raising the level of crime only accepting the talented criminals, but offering to train those of lesser ability. The Sand Union hopes to introduce a new way of doing crime and you will just have to wait and see hows its done.

    How We Are Run

    ((Mostly OOC from here))

    -The Union has a few leaders and ranking thieves. We are run by a policy of everything done in groups. We are organized and like well thought out crimes rather then random hits. We do let people people do their own crimes, but encourage the use of fellow members.

    -We have a somewhat interesting system for a kind of rank within the guild, although you do only have to listen to the leaders. We have a point system that is yet to be fully written out where based on what you do gets you more points. Generally points are given for what items you donate to the guild based on their worth in Minas. For example giving the union 300 Minas you just got from a job will get you 300 points, and if for example you gave 10 iron instead you might get soemthing like 200 points. the point system is still an idea at the moment but will be hammered out into something better. The point system will be used to determine how valuable and trustworthy a member is. This being said the more points you have the more likely we are to give you items when you need them, and the more likely you are to get added to the chest protection of certain chests.

    -Our base will be in a protected area, and also a no PVP area. Our guild is hoping to bring a new taste to crime, and not give villains too bad a name (Like non rping hacking block lagging nubs). We hope to give a new level of origination to villains who want it.

    -Another note that you do not need to be a villain to be in the guild. You do although need to be a Villain to participate in the robberies ect... Their will be an economical side to the guild as well. We will be looking for builders to help build bases as well as merchants to sell the things we do not need. Villains can also help with this side of the industry as well, but we will leave most of it for those who want to help and take part. Those who do not do robberies will gain points though other ways.

    -Another interesting thing we will do is planning interesting robberies, and even document them afterward. People who make up great cons or jobs will write it in books to be placed in our library for further use. People will be encouraged to come up with creative ideas or expand on others for good point rewards. We hope to come up with some amazing things and have a great time while not breaking any rules, and hopefully not completely ruining anyone's game play experience and instead adding to it.

    -More will be explained if you join.

    How to Join

    Reply to this thread with the following Application, and note we don't need a lot of members so we will choose quality over quantity.


    Minecraft Name:

    RP Name:

    Do you have an accepted Villain Ap? (If not what do you want to do on the non Villain side?):

    What are your thoughts of the idea/concept of this Union? Do you like the point system?:

    Do you have Team speak and are willing to go on it:

    Tell us a little about yourself, and include a thing form your characters RP on why you want to join. (Doesn't have to be too long):

    That's It hope you send an application, long live the Sand Guild!

    Note: Our member list is confidential and you will be pm'ed if your accepted or not.

  6. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name:


    -How old are you?:

    16 years old.

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence:

    Eastern Time Zone MA.

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?:

    Yes it is the only language I speak.

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:

    I'm an active player who enjoys mining, and player versus player combat. I'm usually a friendly guy and I'm a little new to roleplay, but am willing to learn and am looking forward to it!

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?:

    Depends how much I am working but most likely an hour or two every day and maybe up to 3 hours every day I'm not working.

    -How long have you played minecraft?: For about 9 months now.

    -What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?: I understand the concept of roleplaying, and only started it a few months ago but have a good amount of experience with it. I hope this server will help me with it!

    -What do you expect this server will be like?:

    A fun role play environment where I can play with my friends who are already white listed and meet new friends.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:

    The only other server I have really majorly played on is one originally called Minecraft Nations. I have played on it for the past 7 monthes, and am still active on the forums. Its gone through major changes where it was at one point Roleplay and all kinds of other things, but the reason I left was there in a gap now between having a server open.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules? What about the lore?:

    Yes the rules all seem reasonable, and the lore is really interesting I like how well thought out it is.

    -Name the 4 races on this server. Dwarf, Human, Elf and Orc

    -How did you hear about us?: From a friend (Netherfang).

    -Did you vote?: Yep.

    -What was your favourite Law?:

    The character skin one since I find skins to be very helpful in determining race among other things!

    -What was your least favourite Law?:

    The forum one, but I guess its fine.

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?



    -Character Name:


    -What is your Race?:


    -Lordofthecraft.net/forum forum account:



    Born into a small Dwarven outpost, Dassem was the child of two unremarkable parents. The camp specialized as a mining camp, but relied more upon being hidden then defensible. In this camp Dassem learned the ways of mining from his parents and other workers, and even began his knowledge on the art of crafting and blacksmith. Content in his small life of simple things it all changed one day in the raid.

    A part of most cruel Undead came sweeping from the hills massacring the guards. The Undead quickly seized all key parts of the camp and made their demands known that the dwarfs here would mine for them now. In the following days the Dwarfs would hard presses and constantly abused by their new oppressors. It carried on for many a week before Dassem knew no help would come, and started forming a plan.

    Dassem started by stealing a freshly made axe and a suit of light Armour. Using his limited knowledge of combat he sneaked to the camp border where a pair of Undead stared out into the night. He brought his axe down with all of the strength he had built up mining and mining. It crushed through the first undead's head then dipped down and took the other in the neck.

    He ran through the night until he reached Kal' Urguan and gave his plea for help. The next thing he knew he was heading back with a solid fist of 50 armed and armored dwarfs. They fiercely battled the undead and vanquished them from the village. After the choas the leader of the Dwarf forces asked him to come back to the capital and be taught the ways of the warrior, and so he did.

    -Character Age:

    My character is only 56 years old.

    -Character Appearance:

    Larger then most dwarfs built as a fighter with a long beard, and always seen with Armour.

    -Character Personality:

    Quick to anger, but not too aggressive. A little greedy and not too concerned with death.

    -Your ambitions:

    The gain lots of wealth and be feared through out the land.

    -Can your character read or write?:

    He does not read or write, and laughs at those who does.

    -Can your character mine?:

    Yes with some skill, but nothing too special.

    -Are you a capable builder?

    A terrible builder whose only interest is in building defensible positions.

    -Can you wield a sword?:

    Yes with great skill.

    -Enjoy Farming?:

    He finds no use in farming.

    -Does your character have any special skills?:]

    He goes Berserk in combat and fights to the death!

    -A screenshot of your skin:


    -Other Information:

    I hope to be accepted and have Dassem join the citizens of the server.

  7. Edit: Link to skin replaced with screen shot.


    -Minecraft Account Name:


    -How old are you?:

    16 years old.

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence:

    Eastern Time Zone MA.

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?:

    Yes it is the only language I speak.

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:

    I'm an active player who enjoys mining, and player versus player combat. I'm usually a friendly guy and I'm a little new to roleplay, but am willing to learn and am looking forward to it!

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?:

    Depends how much I am working but most likely an hour or two every day and maybe up to 3 hours every day I'm not working.

    -How long have you played minecraft?: For about 9 months now.

    -What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?: I understand the concept of roleplaying, and only started it a few months ago but have a good amount of experience with it. I hope this server will help me with it!

    -What do you expect this server will be like?:

    A fun role play environment where I can play with my friends who are already white listed and meet new friends.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:

    The only other server I have really majorly played on is one originally called Minecraft Nations. I have played on it for the past 7 monthes, and am still active on the forums. Its gone through major changes where it was at one point Roleplay and all kinds of other things, but the reason I left was there in a gap now between having a server open.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules? What about the lore?:

    Yes the rules all seem reasonable, and the lore is really interesting I like how well thought out it is.

    -Name the 4 races on this server. Dwarf, Human, Elf and Orc

    -How did you hear about us?: From a friend (Netherfang).

    -Did you vote?: Yep.

    -What was your favourite Law?:

    The character skin one since I find skins to be very helpful in determining race among other things!

    -What was your least favourite Law?:

    The forum one, but I guess its fine.

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?



    -Character Name:


    -What is your Race?:


    -Lordofthecraft.net/forum forum account:



    Born into a small Dwarven outpost, Dassem was the child of two unremarkable parents. The camp specialized as a mining camp, but relied more upon being hidden then defensible. In this camp Dassem learned the ways of mining from his parents and other workers, and even began his knowledge on the art of crafting and blacksmith. Content in his small life of simple things it all changed one day in the raid.

    A part of most cruel Undead came sweeping from the hills massacring the guards. The Undead quickly seized all key parts of the camp and made their demands known that the dwarfs here would mine for them now. In the following days the Dwarfs would hard presses and constantly abused by their new oppressors. It carried on for many a week before Dassem knew no help would come, and started forming a plan.

    Dassem started by stealing a freshly made axe and a suit of light Armour. Using his limited knowledge of combat he sneaked to the camp border where a pair of Undead stared out into the night. He brought his axe down with all of the strength he had built up mining and mining. It crushed through the first undead's head then dipped down and took the other in the neck.

    He ran through the night until he reached Kal' Urguan and gave his plea for help. The next thing he knew he was heading back with a solid fist of 50 armed and armored dwarfs. They fiercely battled the undead and vanquished them from the village. After the choas the leader of the Dwarf forces asked him to come back to the capital and be taught the ways of the warrior, and so he did.

    -Character Age:

    My character is only 56 years old.

    -Character Appearance:

    Larger then most dwarfs built as a fighter with a long beard, and always seen with Armour.

    -Character Personality:

    Quick to anger, but not too aggressive. A little greedy and not too concerned with death.

    -Your ambitions:

    The gain lots of wealth and be feared through out the land.

    -Can your character read or write?:

    He does not read or write, and laughs at those who does.

    -Can your character mine?:

    Yes with some skill, but nothing too special.

    -Are you a capable builder?

    A terrible builder whose only interest is in building defensible positions.

    -Can you wield a sword?:

    Yes with great skill.

    -Enjoy Farming?:

    He finds no use in farming.

    -Does your character have any special skills?:]

    He goes Berserk in combat and fights to the death!

    -A screenshot of your skin:


    -Other Information:

    I hope to be accepted and have Dassem join the citizens of the server.

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