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Posts posted by Nbar97

  1. *An Elf is at the cloud Temple who appears to Auctioning off something.*

    Hello Today I am Auctioning off A Stall in the great city off Arethor the starting price is 500 Horen so don't be shy come claim it today you will make money i assure you.

  2. *You see a note in all the major cities in Asulon*

    I Nilk Steel have an entire crate full of wheat that i would like to sell

    if you are interested send a Bird to the Xanthos Mine with a price and a meeting place

    first come first serve,Thank you

    Nilk Steel

  3. apllication

    mc name: Nbar 97

    Ic name: nilk

    sword/axe skill:sword 23 axe 26

    wrestling: 10


    other high skills: lumberjaking 19

    previous experiance: was a scout for th cd army

    why do you want to join: to protect the princes and princessess of malinor

    I swear to protect all the princes and the princessess with my life no matter what happens.

  4. Application

    MC name: Nbar97

    Rp name: Nilk

    Axe skill: 24 sword skill: 20

    wrestling skill: 7

    Blacksmithing: 4

    other high skills: Lumberjacking:17

    previous experiance: was a condoian army scout and fought in the defense of sanjezal

    why do you want to join: to protect the Princes And Pincessess of malinor

    Do you swear to protect all the princes and princesses with your lif no matter what happens?

    I swear to protect the royal family of malinor.

  5. In game name: Nbar97; to defen aiegs

    How long have you been on this server: since mid july

    character name: Nilk

    Why do you wnat to join this army: to keep the undead from taking over the world.

    previous job: hunter

    How did you hear of us: this thread

    What is your field of profession: Archer But can farm if needed

    What wepon do you typically use: bow

    Do you promise to obey the rules: yes

    We forgive, but never forget

  6. Minecraft account name: Nbar97

    How old are you? 13

    Time-zone/country: U.S.A. eastern standerd

    Do you have a good grip on the english language: yes

    Small description of my self: I'm a dedicated minecraft player. I'm a boy . I play three sports Football, Basketball, Baseball.

    How much time could you be on the server each weak: 30 hours a week

    How long have you played minecraft: about 1 year or a little longer

    What do you know about roleplaying? how long have you been doingit? What kind?: Roleplaying is a fun way to relive history and storys like wars and fabels. I've been doing it for about 6 months. wars between nations.

    What do you expect this server will be like?: fun and very intristing.

    What other servers have you played on ad why did you leave them?: I have mostly played on survival survers and som free build I left them because they got really boring but this one seems different

    I have read and agree to the rules and the lore

    Name the four races: Elves, Dwarfs, Orcs, Humans

    How did you hear about us?: i watched alot of videos on youtube.

    Did you vote?: yes

    What is your favourite law?: No griefing

    What is Your least favourite law?: don't have one

    What is your The lord of the craft forum account name?: Nbar97

    In character

    Character name: Nilk

    What is your race?: Elve

    Lordofthecraft.net/forum forum account:Nbar97

    Biography: Nilk's childhood was a troubled one. His father was a skilled miner and his mother was a very good cook. He had a happy life until the day after his tenth birthday. All three of them decided to take a walk when they gt ambushd buy some dwarf thugs. Right before they attacked his father pushed him into a cave were he trained with his golden sword that his father got him the day before and his bow which he found in the cave. then 10 years later at the age of twenty with his Golden sword and his bow he hunts for the dwarf thugs that killed his family. Two years later in oren he found The Dwarf thugs that killed his parents at pub. he waited the to leave. When they left they wre all really drunk so he knew this was the time to strike he took them out 0ne buy on. when he killed them all he ste his way to Laurelin, and his adventure goes on.

    Character age: 23

    Character apperance: wears a green suit and hat a thin man but faster and stronger than he looks.

    Character personality: quiet but strong a good leader and a devoted elve

    Your ambitions: to be a loyal and become a guard or solder. Can your character read or write?: both

    Can your Character mine?: yes very good actully

    Are you a capable builder: yes

    Can you wield a sword?: yes

    Enjoy farming: not really but what ever it takes to help our kingdom prosper.

    special skills : Archary



  7. Minecraft account name: Nbar97

    How old are you? 13

    Time-zone/country: U.S.A. eastern standerd

    Do you have a good grip on the english language: yes

    Small description of my self: I'm a dedicated minecraft player. I'm a boy . I play three sports Football, Basketball, Baseball.

    How much time could you be on the server each weak: 30 hours a week

    How long have you played minecraft: about 1 year or a little longer

    What do you know about roleplaying? how long have you been doingit? What kind?: Roleplaying is a fun way to relive history and storys like wars and fabels. I've been doing it for about 6 months. wars between nations.

    What do you expect this server will be like?: fun and very intristing.

    What other servers have you played on ad why did you leave them?: I have mostly played on survival survers and som free build I left them because they got really boring but this one seems different

    I have read and agree to the rules and the lore

    Name the four races: Elves, Dwarfs, Orcs, Humans

    How did you hear about us?: i watched alot of videos on youtube.

    Did you vote?: yes

    What is your favourite law?: No griefing

    What is Your least favourite law?: don't have one

    What is your The lord of the craft forum account name?: Nbar97

    In character

    Character name: Nilk

    What is your race?: Elve

    Lordofthecraft.net/forum forum account:Nbar97

    Biography: Born a noble birth Nilk's father was a member of the elven council so his father tought him the in and outs of the sacred goverment also a skilled warrior he is most skilled in archary. he will do any thing to se his beloved nation prosper. He will do any job from being a front line solder to being a lonley farmer he will do any thing to see his nation become the greates force in the world even die in the process

    Character age: 23

    Character apperance: wears a green suit and hat a thin man but faster and stronger than he looks.

    Character personality: quiet but strong a good leader and a devoted elve

    Your ambitions: to be a loyal and become a uard or solder.

    Can your character read or write?: both

    Can your Character mine?: yes very good actully

    Are you a capable builder: yes

    Can you wield a sword?: yes

    Enjoy farming: not really but what ever it takes to help our kingdom prosper.

    special skills : Archary



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