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Posts posted by Ogedi

  1. ((I will be leaving to upkeep a secret project. I feel upon its completion lotc will become obsolete experience for me.

    Mathias, i request a chat with you vy skype IM, nikias you as well. Farewell my old freinds. You will not be forgotten.)

  2. What has become of my people! This is madness! You all dare disgrace the name of the white ravens while i proceede holy matromony on my long voyage. I come back to see that you are all undesciplined and foolish in your ways. You have strayed from the path of purpose, and this dissapoints me greatly. If syria does not straighten you out through war and humiliation, i shall lash you all with a punishment 10 fold of what they plan to administrate.

    ((im actually annoyed irl to see how much weve fallen in my absence.))

  3. I never gave you that power? You were arch bishop, not overseer or magistrate. You had right to lands for expansion, not full ownership of it. Im afraid your mind has been corrupted a tad with "power" freind. Ive never given anyone total ownership of guild, untill now with aodran.

    I dont want a flame war, as ive got alot of work away from this server to do. Which is why aodran is temp OWNER. Icly you were nothing more then a rook on my chestboard, sadly worldgaurd doesnt have that option so we made do. Just for all moderators out there, barias never had consent nor power to accept conquest and what not. The land is truly mine, as is the guild. If you need further contact with me skype me up, im ogedi the one in narwake.

    And as for them contacting us in game, exact words were only this.

    Syria came, she saw, she spoke "this is my declaration of war" after which syria left.

  4. ((False. You were never overseer or magistrate. Only i can assign those posistions. He gave you power to expand the land and HOLD thr funds. Is nppeck the owner? No. Is he the leader? No. Are you? No. Am i? Yes.

    Who can accept war claims? Only me, and now aodran.

    Who needs a va for stealing guild funds? You do. Dont worry ive got moderator confirmation for all this.

    Who revoked your war claim? Mogroka))

  5. This is blasphemy. Not only has barias committed treason in this act, but has impersonated my leadership and word. None shall accept a war claim with out my consent, as i am the founder, leader and owner of the white ravens. My name is Alvaska Windfawl, and i deny these faulty claims untill a council is held in my presence!

    ((not to mention barias and syria have broken about 3 server rules now.

    1. Stealing guild funds of 30k minas with out any form of a va. -barias

    2. Impersonating leadership to officially accept a war claim. -barias

    3. Declaring war with out an approved war claim. -Syria

    Screens and evidence can be provided to confirm my claims.))

  6. ((You did not speak with me about war terms. I am the leader, you will follow server rules. Thus being the reason it was cancelled.))

    Aodran you will be my messanger, and take full responsibility of the guild. I shall send you my aid of knowledge to help you rule in my temporary absence.

  7. ((skype call regarding guild reform in 2-3 hours. All leading personel should be present))

    Barias you are now exilled for treason against my people and land. Do not return, your word carries only the weight of a blade to your throat now.

  8. Ive mapped out how to get to the walls and how to fix the one bridge that is not working. As for the way down to the basement pull out the trap door 2 blocks or I will change it to a nicer set up tommorow. The hole on side of wall can be filled in with wood planks slabs, these wont dissapear when the door is used. The lever will be moved to a more probable location. Ive designed a nice gatehouse as well.

    I ask only that you give me one more day, I have no intentions of butchering our home. Ive always ensured that you all have been taken care of and that your voices are heard, this time will be no different.

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