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Posts posted by Aradel'Malachai

  1. ((I did not want to RP kill him by just shooting him in the head, I wanted to stab him in the chest like 100 times *Sad morrigan is sad*))

    You here a soft echoing voice whispering around you

    *giggles "You're lucky I left you a body

    sorry for edits it is an RP forum wanted to make it more RP

  2. Minecraft name: PilotAce1812

    Forum name: Morrigan

    What do you think are the top five things, that are most important in an application and why?

    The 5 most important things on a server application are:

    Proper grammar and spelling: If they are not going to take out the time to type out "you" and put in "u" instead they will do this in-game and break role play with other forms of text talk.

    If they understand our lore: Putting names of towns, undead names, leaders names and other such things knowing how to role-play them instead of making it up yourself. This is the most important part of the application because Role play drives our server

    If they know what Meta gaming and power gaming is: If the server applicant can describe what Meta gaming is then they would not break role play and use out side knowledge in-game to better themselves, or making there character amazing at everything, making the server a more fun environment for all.

    If they have read and understood the rules of the server and if they agree to them: I feel that this is the most important part of the application because lets try to decrease that weekly ban report quota of almost 5 or 6 bans a week at times. If the player has a strong understanding of the rules he or she is less likely to break them.

    Originality: If an application is original then the person must have taken the time to think about who there character is and what they can do. A person would be a lot less likely to ruin his or her role play when they've spent time on weaving together there characters morals, personality and story to have a fun experience.

    Side note: I've been playing on this server a long time and it has provided me with a lot of fun experiences and something to do with my free time. I think I should give back to the server by helping the application team accept, help and deny applicants to the server.

  3. Do not Let The Oren guard Take over your Town. They are terrible fighters and cannot defend themselves. They Are greedy and all they wish is for items of the men they execute for no reason. They try to enforce laws that are not in place in you're town. If they cant defend themselves how do you expect them to defend your town.



  4. *You find a note written in the color of blood on a dead knight in the middle of Galahar*

    All Of those Who live in the Town of Galahar have Dark times a head of you. Any of Whom live in Pitiful excuse for a town or have any hand in the death of my friend shall reach a terrible, painful, slow demise. You've been warned be wary traveling the Kings road at night.



  5. What makes a Stone sword different from a diamond one. Nothing why cant I use both. Why can I not harvest wheat why can I not fight in iron armor. It makes no sense. A skill system is good but not when it breaks the economy, Ruins Villains Role play, I lost My ability to repair Iron armor and use diamond swords which does make me upset by I still don't like a skill system.

  6. This is my last post on this forum without invitation. First of all I don't think that I've been banned (not yet at least). Second thing. Amethain, I would know who was in the wardens way more than you. I have been in the wardens since Atles rp died. Here are a few stories. Zaren was a gladeguard who I believe was kicked out for missing duties. Moth was one of the few people that I gave strategy courses to and he was kicked because Quazar complained that he "broke the rules". Loganos left to become the prince of the dark elves. So think before you speak. Third, as an elf, if you do anything to me, I should be allowed to demand a trial. (thieving is considered a crime by the way). I have now decided that I am sick with arguing with the wardens, so I am done with trying to negotiate reasonably on the forums. I will continue to persist in rp however, as my character is not someone who gives up and you guys owe me. So farewell to this forum. :)

    Moth was kicked for being an idiot and hitting Wardens while we were marching. Zaren was LEFT without saying a word.

  7. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name: PilotAce1812

    How old are you?: 15

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence: America/ Eastern Standard Time

    Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: Yes, I have a good grip on the English language and good grammar.

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I am 15. Minecraft is my favorite game on the PC. My favorite texture pack is the painterly pack

    for its awesome texture on trees.

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?: 5hrs a day is 35 hours a week.

    How long have you played minecraft?: I've had and played Minecraft since

    early alpha, but I do not know how long exactly.

    What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?: I know that Roleplaying servers have a major focus on PVP and building beautiful structures. I've been on roleplay servers with it based on a semi-modern world, but I like more of old timey servers.

    What do you expect this server will be like?: I expect the server to be filled with Magnificent structures and full scale wars raging across the land at times.

    What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: I've played on a bunch of servers Swisscraft.eu for one, but I never left the server I just do not play there as much.

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules? What about the lore?: I've read all the rules 3 times and i completely agree with them. I read the lore and i really liked how epic it sounded.

    Name the 4 races on this server. Four races are Elf, Orc, Human, Dwarf

    How did you hear about us?: I was looking for a couple of servers for my friend and I saw your server name so i decided to look into it.

    Did you vote?: Yes i did vote

    What was your favourite Law?: My favorite law was the no racial discrimination law unless its to another race in the game.

    What was your least favourite Law?: I did not have one i thought they were all comepletely reasonable.

    What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name? PilotAce1812


    Character Name: Felore NightStalker

    What is your Race?: Elf

    Lordofthecraft.net/forum forum account: PilotAce1812

    Biography: Felore does not know where he was born or who his parents are

    He was raised by a pack of wolves as a child. The wolves taught him how to hunt and fight with the uptmost feircocity. The wolves also told him how to stay out of sight if in danger or for stalking prey. One day as Felore was hunting in the woods with his Friend Kojo (who is a wolf) a monk from the temple of Ageis by the name of Jasper took him away from his pack.

    Jasper took him to the Temple and Taught Felore how to read and right.

    When Felore was finaly old enough to leave the temple he went into the forest where is mother once lived. He left them younge and and returned older and stronger. He found out that his mother had passed away and that Kojo his childhood friend was now the leader of the pack. This is where his true journey begins.

    Character Age:19

    Character Appearance:Tall, Scars around his face and body, muscular.

    Character Personality: He talks kindly to those he cares about, but is overly sarcastic and confident towards his enemys.

    Your ambitions: About doing what is right for people in need.

    Can your character read or write?: Yes he can read and right

    Can your character mine?: No he cannot

    Are you a capable builder? Not as capable as most.

    Can you wield a sword?: Yes he can He made daggers for hunting when he was younge to be an exceptional hunter.

    Enjoy Farming?:No he does not Enjoy farming

    Does your character have any special skills?: He can blend in at night very easily, and can call upon his Friend Kojo and the other wolves in a battle to help him.

    -A screenshot of your skin:


    -Other Information:

  8. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name: PilotAce1812

    How old are you?: 15

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence: America/ Eastern Standard Time

    Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: Yes, I have a good grip on the English language and good grammar.

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I am 15. Minecraft is my favorite game on the PC. My favorite texture pack is the painterly pack

    for its awesome texture on trees.

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?: 5hrs a day is 35 hours a week.

    How long have you played minecraft?: I've had and played Minecraft since

    early alpha, but I do not know how long exactly.

    What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?: I know that Roleplaying servers have a major focus on PVP and building beautiful structures. I've been on roleplay servers with it based on a semi-modern world, but I like more of old timey servers.

    What do you expect this server will be like?: I expect the server to be filled with Magnificent structures and full scale wars raging across the land at times.

    What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: I've played on a bunch of servers Swisscraft.eu for one, but I never left the server I just do not play there as much.

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules? What about the lore?: I've read all the rules 3 times and i completely agree with them. I read the lore and i really liked how epic it sounded.

    Name the 4 races on this server. Four races are Elf, Orc, Human, Dwarf

    How did you hear about us?: I was looking for a couple of servers for my friend and I saw your server name so i decided to look into it.

    Did you vote?: Yes i did vote

    What was your favourite Law?: My favorite law was the no racial discrimination law unless its to another race in the game.

    What was your least favourite Law?: I did not have one i thought they were all comepletely reasonable.

    What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name? PilotAce1812


    Character Name: Felore NightStalker

    What is your Race?: Elf

    Lordofthecraft.net/forum forum account: PilotAce1812

    Biography: Felore does not know where he was born or who his parents are

    He was raised by a pack of wolves as a child. The wolves taught him how to hunt and fight with the uptmost feircocity. The wolves also told him how to stay out of sight if in danger or for stalking prey. One day as Felore was hunting in the woods with his Friend Kojo (who is a wolf) a monk from the temple of Ageis by the name of Jasper took him away from his pack.

    Jasper took him to the Temple and Taught Felore how to red and right.

    When Felore was finaly old enough to leave the temple he went into the forest where is mother once lived. He left them younge and and returned older and stronger. He found out that his mother had passed away and that Kojo his childhood friend was now the leader of the pack. This is where his true journey begins.

    Character Age:19

    Character Appearance:Tall, Scars around his face and body, muscular.

    Character Personality: He talks kindly to those he cares about, but is overly sarcastic and confident towards his enemys.

    Your ambitions: About doing what is right for people in need.

    Can your character read or write?: Yes he can read and right

    Can your character mine?: No he cannot

    Are you a capable builder? Not as capable as most.

    Can you wield a sword?: Yes he can He made daggers for hunting when he was younge to be an exceptional hunter.

    Enjoy Farming?:No he does not Enjoy farming

    Does your character have any special skills?: He can blend in at night very easily, and can call upon his Friend Kojo and the other wolves in a battle to help him.

    -A screenshot of your skin:

    -Other Information:For some reason I am not allowed to post on the Minecraft forum on your Page I am sorry for that, but hopefully I can still be on your server and I cannot post a screenshot of my skin it says "Could not upload attachment to./files/3501_f4be67bb15f59793e0012caf16773ce3."

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