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Eldenrom Yerusk (cucmucy)

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Posts posted by Eldenrom Yerusk (cucmucy)

  1. Name of the Person who Proposed the Change:



    Exclusive Resources

    Why I love this change:

    It adds a great deal of RP even within the smallest trades on this server. People can no longer go to any good sized town and receive every item they ever needed on this server. It also promotes the exploration of the new world, people now have a purpose for the exploration of the server. Colored leather armor would only be obtainable by going to a few closely related towns way up North, or something of the sorts.

    Name of the Person who Proposed the Change:

    White Beard


    Giving Races their own exclusive resources

    My concerns or ideas about the Change:

    The only problem I see with this is that in time the items will no longer have the exclusivity that they use to. For example, as Jungle saplings where first introduced to this server I bought a few from a small elvish town, and after a couple of weeks I nearly had a whole stack. Hypothetically I could then sell a few of these saplings to towns all over Asulon, then over time from growing them, they would receive more saplings. They could then sell these to other towns, and everyone would watch as 1. the exclusivity of the item dropped and 2. the price of the item dropped, for it no longer holds any rarity on the server.

    Now do not fear, for Cucmucy's Idea is here.


    The implementation of plugins dealing with a persons race/subrace and/or Nationality on the server.

    Reason behind the Change:

    As stated above, the rate at which an exclusive item in such a popular server can degrade is quite high. The implementation of a plugin that reacts based upon that member's race or sub race. Meaning that if they are not High Elf, they can't make potions that are currently above level 75, or if they are not a Halfing, potatoes and carrots would disappear upon the harvest.This would obviously be a strenuous effort on Vaq's part, as far as coding goes, but it would supply LOTCer's with a great means of Roleplay with not only trade, but with the overall interaction between the beloved races on this server.

  2. *A poorly written and fairly old note is found loosely hanging on notice boards, walls, and trees in and around Crestfall, The Cloud temple, and of course Andwari's Lute & Fiddle Shop*

    I'd ask that before you disregard my note, please write down the price of a lute before you leave ((The poll)).

    In my interest of musical studies, I have come across a shop with the sign of, "Selling Lutes". I am quite interested in the purchase of one of these "lutes".

    • I am not quite certain what I should pay for an item like this, for I have not seen nor heard one.
    • How ever I am willing to pay in upwards of 1,500 Minas for one I believe to be of great quality.
    • I guess I'd be needin' a few insights, maybe even lessons on the intricacies of this instrument.

    Please contact me with your price North-Northeast of Crestfall, upon a small Island with a windmill, my bird cage can only accommodate a few birds at a time.

    *A poorly written and scraggly signature is written at the bottom, barely pinned onto the original note*

    Eldenrom Yerusk, Explorer

    ((Incase you didn't realize their is no lute in Minecraft, this is just the chance for some good RP))

  3. Event Planners, MC Names:

    Eldenrom_Yeursk ((cucmucy)), Alvar_the_Tinkerer ((fourthbrook))

    Event Type:

    Fun and Games

    Event Date:

    ((July 14,2012, I apologize if an in-game date is needed))

    Factions/Nations effected by the event:

    All Factions and Nations are invited as long as peace is kept.

    Event Location:

    The event will be held in Alvar's Maze, which is through the North Eastern Kingdoms Tunnel in the Elven Lands. Following the Path shall abe quite simple, and if further assistance is needed a simple question is all that be asked.


    Join Alvar and his team of Maze Builders for a day of joyous fun and celebration on the completion of Alvar's Maze! Vendors Aplenty and Games Galore! A contest for the fastest Maze will yield amazing results as well as incredible prizes of quite large fortunes! The maze will hopefully have many contestants, and the people with the fastest times will each get wonderous prizes. Along with the maze there will also be a new game of sorts Snow Capture, and with this intro here are the rules:

    1. Teams will be equal in numbers of players. 5 Players vs. 5 Players.

    2. Each team will recieve 1 Shovel and 1 snow block each.

    3. Each Team will have to capture the other team's snow block with the Iron Shovel, or hand which is slower, and return to their own side with the snowblock without being tagged

    4. If you are tagged ((At this point this will be based on the honor system, if your hurt your out)) you have to exit the Arena in a peace ful manor

    5. The team with the first capture will win a prize worthy of a king!

    The game still has it share of problems but those will be ironed out in time.((The game might be changed, but rules will be posted in Alvar's Maze if it is))

    Vendor Space will offer a cheap and easy way for people to achieve items from lands unknown to themselves.

    Concept Images/Screenshots:

    The enterance to the Maze

    Other Information:

    A future post post in the Trade forums will follow soon, with Ticket Pricing, and Vendor Space Pricing. I apologize if the post is either inconsistent or appears to be short and written in a hurry for it was, as much not much time could be devoted to writing it, and I didn't want to announce it later than I already have. If questions/concerns/more details are needed all you need do is ask.

  4. Minecraft name: cucmucy

    In-game name:Cuc'mucy_Snael

    Why do you wish to join the order of the brotherhood?: To become a merchant of theirs. I feel like I would be a genuine addition to their ranks.

    What experiences do you have? I have been in one guild before, The Guardians. I had many jobs within them though. I was at once their Financeer, when me had bountiful riches. And at another time I was their second in command, in charge of war and other violent matters. I also held a job as their blacksmith, too.((Before the skill system, now I can't even smelt Iron))

    Do you wish to be within the diplomatic rankings, or the military rankings of the order, and if so why? I wish to be in the diplomatic rankings for me's family trade is... well trading.

    If for the Military Ranking, can you wield a sword? ((What level are you?)) 47

    Will you show loyalty to us, as your own brothers in heart and blood?Aye, tis' my plan

    If a man walks up asking for help at our gates begging for food and supplies, what do you do?

    I allow him to enter, but only under supervision and I would provide him the materials that he needs. After I would kindly ask the man to leave.

    Five strangers appear within the walls, all armed do you approach them nicely, or aggressively, then what?

    I approach them nicely and ask what their business here might be. If the response is positive and it is decided that they are trustworthy I leave them be. If the responsive is negative, though, and drastic measures must be taken to protect the people inside the walls then I yell for back up, and from there I would purge them out of our fort.

    A stranger approaches the mighty walls of the Calaway Order.

    He wishes to summon the Order of the brotherhood to help him in his time of need.

    Where do you bring the stranger? I bring him in and once again I bring him in under close supervision, for people can be cruel and joke of being in need. I would then proceed to take him to the center of the fort in which people can easily see him and keep watch of him.

    Then what? From there I would ask of his needs, what ever they may be. If needs tending to then I grab his materials and send him on his way.

  5. *You see an advertisement nailed to a post on the King's Road. It reads the following.* Cuc'mucy's Will Service

    When you die you wouldn't want your items to be taken from your house little by little over time. You'd like them to be of some use, right? Why not hire Cuc'mucy to write your will? You'd then be able to give those wonderful items of yours to friends and relatives, even after you have passed on.

    With Cuc'mucy's Will service you are guranteed to have those possessions redistributed to your loved ones. Each Will, will of course be different, which may or may not mean that each one will have a different price. The prices for the following:

    Starting Fee: 100 Minas (Includes 5 friends or family members)

    Each New Person will be a fee of 15 extra Minas

    Rules and Stipulations:

    Stolen Goods, or others, of which a debate arises, will stay in your chest.(We don't need people coming after me over something that isn't even mine!)

    Goods which are too valuable (Ex. Diamond Armor) will be handled in private. People will be required to show proof of being friends or family in order to be contacted.

    Items which are not given to any one will be auctioned off. Then money gained from the items will then be distributed evenly between family members. (I would only get a small share of each Item, maybe only like 5%)

    OOC: Please Leave a comment on the forums below once you have payed me, cucmucy, with the names of items you want to give to people. Please just leave their MCNames, not their RP Names. I will then put that into a book, and hopefully get a GM to open locked chests.




    Names of Items and their Recipients:

    Location of house(s)/chest(s):

    I have no Villian App, and have no Intention of getting one, so don't worry, I can't run off with your stuff, or it's a Perma-ban for me.

    You may not exploit this service in order to pass your own Items on to your next character, if he get's killed.

    ((GM's or FM's If you have a problem with this service, please let me know by leaving a Comment))

  6. Hail, I am willing to pay 300 minas for 7 sets of chain-mail Armour, of which you are actually making a profit per set of armour. Admittedly, about 2 minas, but it's a profit!

    I am sure that will be acceptable, just tell me a time and place to meet by sending me a bird.

  7. *You see a paper on the side of the King's Road. It states the following*

    Diamond:I am auctioning off 28 diamonds to the best bidder, for all 30 the bid starts at 5,440. That is only 180 for each diamond

    Each individual diamond will be worth more of course.

    Diamond Armor:

    I's also selling some slightly/heavily damaged Diamond Armor.


    The helmet has only a little bit o' life left, so it be cheap of course. Me was thinking around 500, that is 100 per diamond, but remember, it be heavily damaged.


    I's sellin' the chestplate fer around half the amount, saying' it has half its' life left. So around 540 me was t'inkin'.


    T'is also around half its' life left. So I's t'inkin' around 440 few te leggings.


    Aroun' a quarter o' its life left. So I be t'inkin' um... around 150 for tem.


  8. *You see an advertisement on the side of the King's Road. It states the Following.*

    The Flaming Piggy

    We are located off of a road in Galahar, follow the road until you reach wooden docks. This dock will in turn take you to my shop.

    Just a moments walk off the road ((Like 25 seconds off the King's Road))

    Prepared Food:

    Bread: 3 Minas

    Mushroom Soup: 6 Minas

    Cooked Pork: 3 Minas

    Cooked Beef: 3 Minas

    Cooked Chicken: 4 Minas

    Cookies: 4 Minas per 16 Cookies

    Whole Melons: 6 Minas

    Melon Slices: 1 Minas

    Apples: .5 Minas

    Milk w/ Bucket: 68 Minas

    Milk wo/ Bucket: 3 Minas

    Ale w/ Bucket: 66 Minas

    Ale wo/ Bucket: 2 Minas

    Unprepared Food/Ingredients:

    Mushrooms: 2 Minas Each

    Wheat: 1 Minas

    Raw Porkchop: 1.5 Minas

    Raw Beef: 1.5 Minas

    Raw Chicken: 2 Minas

    Sugar: .5 Minas

    Building Materials:

    Cobble: 1 Minas

    Stone: 2 Minas

    Stone Brick: 2 Minas

    Redwood: 3 Minas

    Birch: 3 Minas

    Regular Wood: 1 Minas

    Planks: .5 Minas

    White Wool: 3 Minas

    Colored Wool: 2 Minas

    Netherrack: 15 Minas

    Obsidian: 35 Minas

    Glowstone: 25 Minas

    Sand: 2 Minas

    SandStone: 3 Minas

    Pumpkins: 15 Minas

    Note Blocks: 5 Minas

    Jukebox: 245 Minas

    Glass: 6 Minas

    Bookshelves: 12 Minas


    Dyes: 2 Minas for every Color

    Bucket 66 Minas

    Mysterious Ender Pearl: 25 Minas

    Bones: 11 Minas


    Green: 1500 Minas

    Gold: 1250 Minas

    Iron Ingots: 21 Minas

    Gold Ingots: 45 Ingots

    Diamonds: 235 Minas


    Bows: 12 Minas


    In Bulk: 1 Minas Each

    Under 32 Arrows: 32 Arrows

    For the Aegians who are smart enough to knows math, here are tool values:

    Take required amount of ingots and times by price, then add 5:

    Example: Iron Sword

    2 Iron Ingots plus 5 equals 47

    *Same Goes for Golden Staves*


    Leather Helmet: 6 Minas

    Leather Tunic: 8 Minas

    Leather Pants: 7 Minas

    Leather Boots: 4 Minas

    Chainmail Helmet: 10 Minas

    Chainmail Chestplate: 12 Minas

    Chainmail Leggings: 11 Minas

    Chainmail Boots: 9 Minas

    Iron Helmet: 110 Minas

    Iron Chestplate: 175 Minas

    Iron Leggings: 155 Minas

    Iron Boots: 90 Minas

    Gold Helmet: 235 Minas

    Gold Chestplate: 360 Minas

    Gold Leggings: 315 Minas

    Gold Boots: 190 Minas

    Diamond Helmet: 1090 Minas

    Diamond Chestplate: 1,750 Minas

    Diamond Leggings: 1540 Minas

    Diamond Boots: 900 Minas

    If you think these prices are not that good, they can be haggled ((Interested in some good RP'ing, then try to lower the price))

    ((I try to stay current with the current selling price for all the Items, I apologize if they are not though))

    ((If you believe some of the prices to be overpriced just let me know and they will be changed for future customers))

    ((These prices are also very negotiable))

    ((Also Looking for Shop space in thriving communities to bring in more revenue.))

  9. I am selling ale in me bar and am wanting some drinking buddies, so as the ale do not go to waste.

    If ye' are interested in this send me a birdie and we can't find a place to meet and walk to me bar


    If ye' stand up to me drinking challenge, ye' will get som discounted ale from me.

    ((Contact me in game, cucmucy, I usually don't notice my messages on the forum))

    ((I apologize if this is in the wrong Forum, but I figure since I am still selling something It is fine))

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