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Posts posted by Pudclud

  1. Clud washes up on the shore of a nearby beach, his small raft in shambles. After a long, great journey Clud looks around finding himself back on the shores of Anthos. Examining himself up and down Clud thinks about his past for a moment. He's cheated, stolen, pilfered, lied, manipulated, plundered, and deceived his way out of more then a few odd situations. No, Clud doesn't see a point to it anymore, well at least not at this exact moment. Clud can always have a quick change of heart, but that's besides the point. Looking towards a new direction away from his past for now Clud finds himself in front of a billboard with more then a few opportunities. Mercenary this, guard position that, all of it is the same. Except there is this one elegantly written poster which catches Clud's eye. 


    "T'em mages lookin' fer Pilgrim's eh? Maybe t'is is what I need..." Clud mutters to himself as he writes his slip for the box.


    Oh the turning point in Clud's life. Or not. Depends on how he feels. 



    Your Name: I be Clud, an’ none ot’er

    Your Age: I ‘ave a few decades under me belt, well quite a few te be exact.

    Your Race: Dwarf

    Are you wishing to join the college as a Mage, or a Pilgrim?: I be ‘aving no skill in magic, I wish for t’e simple path o’ t’e Pilgrim.


    If joining as a mage, clarify on if you are currently skilled in the magical arts, or being taught by someone who is: Like I be goin’ in as a mage.

    What affinity of magic are you skilled in? I be skilled in t’e magic o’ findin’ what not wants te be found, if t’at be magic.


    (( OOC:

    MC Name: Pudclud

    When did you join the server?: About two years ago or so.

    If applying as a mage, link any currently approved MAs unless grandfathered: Not applicable.

    If applying as a mage, list your magic type and tier: Not applicable.



  2. As I was saying before, initiate DEFCON 1, however nobody really cared. We're going too fast, and generally with all these staff changes and such we may end up falling in a hole. Slowing down should be our first priority, then getting us a real map such as 2.5, and then finally we should slowly work on 3.0. Once we have a good and stable map, then we deal with the current staff problems if we have any at the moment. We cannot put too much on our plate, or else we will get overwhelmed to the point of death.

  3. Clud bears through Hyrdrose's dulling speech, until this silly Dwarf starts to cause some ruckus.

    "Are ye shittin' meh Hydrose? Are ye literally shittin' meh? I be 'round all t'e time, an' now yer makin' false accusations t'at I be a criminal? T'at be feckin' mad! I'll 'ave ye put before a court if ye continue te act in such a rude an' discriminatory manner mate! Smarten up ye dolt!"

  4. Clud laughs, as he examines his competition. Clud walks up to the middle of the room, and yells to the crowd in front of him.

    "Ye know what I like? Gold I say! Do ye people 'ave any gold? If ye don't, t'en ye know 'ow I feel like. It's 'ow all of us feel like. T'e kingdoms economy 'as gone te ****, an' we need te do somet'in' 'bout it! What we need is a shop. A shop o' great proportions, a shop t'at will supply all o' t'e Dwarves wit' all t'er needs! Ever wanted a set o' diamond armour? Buy it off t'e kingdom shop! Ever wanted masses o' cobblestone te no end? Buy it off t'e kingdom shop! If ye elect meh as High Merchant, I will get us our shop! I will stimulate t'is economy, an' our shop will be supplied wit' goods from all t'e nations! Vote fer meh, an' ye will become rich te no end!"

  5. Oh jeeze Hiebe, you know the damn answer. What's the point?

    What are we, the dwarves, trying to do as a whole? What is our goal, our mission, our plan. Some people say "We should declare war!". I say that's a load of crap. That doesn't accomplish any big goal. It doesn't solve the big picture. We're not the Orcs, our goal isn't to be war-mongering madmen. What we need is another greater goal. A goal that can put all other nations into misery and despair. You see, we're Dwarves. We can do anything we want in our caves of epic-ness. We could make an 100-foot golem made of thousands of diamonds we have mined. We could amass great riches and have the biggest treasury of all time. We could make the most powerful runes in all existence which could destroy any foe. We're Dwarves, the possibilities are limitless!I say, we get a goal like one of these, and we stick with it. Simple as that.

    Anyways, those are my ideas, seems easy enough.

  6. As Clud finishes yelling "God wills it", he attempts to contain his chuckle. God wills it my ass he thinks, this not be the will of the Gods. This is the will of politic and power. Clud still stands here, with the rest of these ignorant fools, only wishing to get his damn part of minas and gold out of this whole mess. Who the hell gives a crap about God, they only care about going home to their nice wives, or going out raping and pillaging. The absolute silliness that goes on amuses Clud to no end. Clud pauses again, and yells out in an amusing tone once more.

    "God wills it!"

  7. After a long day of hard work, Clud rushes back into the auction house and shouts a bid right out to everybody.

    35 damn feckin' stacks o' obsidian ye damn feckin' fool Skippy! Yer takin' too damn long between t'ese bids, an' yer just givin' me more time te get me goods! T'is bid o' 35 stacks o' obsidian be 168000 minas ye fool, lets see ye outbid t'at fer t'e brot'el!

  8. Region name: karikshop4? (not sure, it doesn't have a region)

    Bid: 3500

    Name: Thorbal Grandaxe & Alekis Grandaxe

    Clud walks over to Gulroid, and talks thing out.

    "Okay t'en mate, 'ere be t'e plan. First o' all, sorry fer biddin' on yer clanmates shop. T'was an unwise decision o' me. Second o' all, I be gettin' t'at brothel still. If ye want in, ye can join still. If ye don't, t'en ye get not'in. I be shoutin' out somet'in large soon, an' ye'll see what's up"

    Clud walks to the front of the crowd, and yells two interesting bids.

    Region name: karikshop4

    Bid: 64 Obsidian, which be 4800 minas.

    Name: Clud

    Clud pauses for a bit, then yells out his second bid.

    "An o' course for t'e brot'el, I bid 15 stacks o' obsidian, which be 72000 minas! Yer not gettin' t'e brot'el Skippy, go screw yerself!"

  9. Region name: karikshop 1

    Bid: 1500 minas + 10 gold ingots@100 ea. = 2500 minas total

    Name: Praxedis Goldhand

    ((Didn't see this added as the highest bid on the first page, so I'm making it again.))

    After recently losing a bid for a shop (karikshop4), Clud takes a look at the other shops available. He notices the nice shop out front, and decides to put a simple bid on it.

    Region name: karikshop 1

    Bid: 48 Obsidian, which be 3600 minas

    Name: Clud

    [Reserved for bid]

    *Gulroid announces the latest bid for the brothel*

    Brothel Bid:

    Obsidian (1.5 stacks): 96x 75= 7200

    Iron swords (2): 2x40= 80

    Iron (3 stacks): 3x64x20= 3840

    Gold swords (3): 3x200= 600

    Gold (0.5 stacks): 32x100= 3200

    Diamond chestplate: = 2800

    Minas: = 8280

    Total bid of: = 26,000

    [Gulroid and Pud]

    Clud then walks over to Gulroid, and talks to him a bit about the bid

    "Next bid we make, put a lot o' t'at obsidian in it. I got some o' t'at black stone t'e ot'er day, an' wit' yers an' mine, we can easily outbid t'at silly Skippy. I can bid two an' a 'alf bundles o' t'at black shtuff on t'e bid, an' o' course I can supply some o' t'e ot'er goods, like t'at Diamond Chestplate, er some o' t'e gold if possible. O' course, always bid a high 'mount o' obsidian first, as we got a ton o' it. Sounds good eh?"

  10. *Once again Gulroid's voice rings out*

    6500 Minas, and 60 obsidian valued at 75 per, for a total of 11,000 Minas fer de brothel. If ye accept obsidian dat is.

    ((Region name:karikbrothel

    Bid: 6500 minas (60*75 obsidian= 4500), total of 11,000

    Name: Gulroid Goldhand))

    Clud comes out of the crowd, and starts yelling out an interesting bid.

    "I add a fully repaired chest o' diamond worth 2800 minas, an' 2700 minas te pay fer 'alf o' Gulroids bid. It 'as been agreed on between me an' 'im, an' I'll continue te bid fer 'alf o' it if t'is continues te rise. It'll be a partnership ownin' t'e brothel, makin' it 'ave twice te ladies!"

  11. Clud thinks for a bit, and then yells quite a hefty bid out.

    Region name: karikauctionplot1, karikauctionplot2, karikauctionplot3, karikauctionplot4, karikauctionplot5, karikauctionplot6, karikauctionplot7

    Bid: 40 Iron Blocks, which be 360 Iron Ingots an' at 20 minas each it'd be 7200 minas, enough fer all 7 o' em.

    Name: Clud

    *Gulroid listens to the offer, and shakes his head in agreement.*

    Aye, anythin' te get dat brothel in me 'ands.

    "Bid 'owever many minas ye'd need to beat t'at Skippy dwarf, an' I'll perk up an' say I'll pay fer half o' it wit' minas er items. T'at would be t'e way te do it."

  12. *Shouts out as several of the areas are auctioned*

    Region name:karikbrothel

    Bid: 6000

    Name: Gulroid Goldhand

    Region name:karikshop2

    Bid: 2000

    Name: Gulroid Goldhand

    Region name: karikshop3

    Bid: 3000

    Name: Gulroid Goldhand

    Clud hears Gulroid shout out his prices, and then he moves around the crowd, towards the wealthy Dwarf.

    "Listen mate, I want t'at Brothel. 'owever, we both know t'at t'is can get very expensive, and it'd not be very good fer ta both o' us. 'ow 'bout we split it, an' when we own it we figure a way te go from t'ere? T'at would be a good plan, an' we can outbid all t'em ot'er fools out t'ere! What ye say mate?"

    Clud pipes up out of the crowd after talking to Gulroid, and bids on another shop unrelated to the matter.

    Region name: Karikshop4

    Bid: 30 Gold Ingots

    Name: Pudclud

  13. Region: karikshop2 and karikshop4

    Bid: 1000 and 2000 respectively.

    Ah be Bael Tunnelsmash'r damn it! [[ Bipolar_Juice ]]

    "Ye silly mate, I already bid some gold fer t'at ot'er shop ((karikshop2)) before ye! But t'at damn Hiebe fergot te list it until now. Ye 'ave te bid more t'en me te get t'at shop."

  14. Clud takes a look at the available shops, and at the brothel. He then writes one quick note, and then continues on his way, wondering what to do with the other piece of property he wants in the future.

    Region name: karikshop2

    Bid: 1 Gold Block, 1 Gold Ingot

    Name: Clud

  15. Well, it can be either one of four things, or a combination.

    -Religion: Something to do with Aenguls/Daemons, or a new form of deities/religion imposed upon us

    -Economy: The economay takes a massive shift, diamonds becoming worthless and food the new gold

    -Powerful Force: A powerful force is sent down to this world, either good or bad, and stirs stuff up, razing villages or saving countless lives.

    -Oddity: An odd thing, not seen usually by the eyes of many comes into this world. A mysterious island coming out of thin air, or a horde of six-legged animals arriving to graze on the fields.

  16. [[interesting, but this spire thing raises a question. If the Dwarves are going to take over this happens to have spires on it, what will happen to them? They are supposedly weapons of mass destruction, and as you said because the lore isn't approved as of yet, they could undergo a mass failure. Would that result in a lesser form of mass destruction, as in destroying that whole region? Or would it just go kaput and a little smoke fire starts? Well, we're gonna find out IC anyways, just wondering if this whole conquesting region thing is pointless or not. Oh well, we'll see.]]

  17. While I do believe those reasons for stopping this warclaim were fine, some other form of conflict must arise. Now then, there could be multiple other forms of conflict that could pop up. The Teutons could do some diplomacy, and meet on diplomatic terms with the Dwarves, either with the Teutons surrendering or both sides agreeing to equal terms. Another thing that could happen would be the Teutons coming up with a quick conquest/pillage warclaim to fight back at the Dwarves during this period. However, if having this 30 day ban provides nothing for both sides, then it will be completely pointless. After this 30 day ban, the same thing will happen, except the warclaim will be on the borders of Hanseti, and with better lore. Some form of conflict must come out of this, or it will all be pointless.

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