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Posts posted by LordAjax

  1. This is my application for the Order of Sera!

    -MC Name dacorn123

    -RP Name Wood-Elf_Elena

    -Age 14

    -Time spent on this server I'm pretty new... But I've spent quite a bit of hours. I think this group is a great way to start out well!

    -Desired position within The Order (See Sections of Study, below.) I would like to be a healer

    -Character Traits My character is kind, caring, and ambitious. Her goal is to protect Aegis from all evil, whether it should be through magic, reasonable combat, or through words. I think Elena will be a great addition to the Order of Sera.

    -Any other Info you wish to provide Hmm.. Not much. I think this group is a great idea!

    Accepted. You'll be given the rank of Apprentice, studying under Briamoth. I'll notify him of this immediately, and you can begin your training.

  2. -MC Name


    -RP Name




    -Time spent on this server

    about 6-9 hours a day

    -Desired position within The Order (See Sections of Study, below.)

    I would love to be a master i find myself fitting the requirements perfectly. If not a night or guard.

    -Character Traits

    Master of war

    -Any other Info you wish to provide

    Denied. You didn't read sections of study. Please reapply with the proper position request (Eg. Peacekeeper, Healer, etc.)

  3. -MC Name


    -RP Name



    14 (Near 15) RP Age: 110

    -Time spent on this server

    School is about to start so around 20-25 in the week and then around 20 on the weekend so 40-45 at the most per week.

    -Desired position within The Order (See Sections of Study, below.)

    Ambassador or Healer whichever is needed most.

    -Character Traits

    Trustworthy, kind, funny, Wood Elf, archer, swordsman, peaceful

    -Any other Info you wish to provide

    No, not really.

    Accepted. You'll be given the rank of Knight, and the position of Healer. You may take on up to two apprentices with this title.

  4. -MC Name


    -RP Name

    Thedas Riverwind



    -Time spent on this server

    Probally about 50 hours

    -Desired position within The Order (See Sections of Study, below.)


    -Character Traits

    Swordsman, kind, loyal, dark elf

    -Any other Info you wish to provide


    Accepted. As we are short on Knights, you will gain the rank of Knight, allowing you to welcome members to the Order as Apprentices. You are allowed a maximum of Two.

  5. -MC Name






    -Time spent on this server

    ~8-10 hours now

    -Desired position within The Order (See Sections of Study, below.)


    -Character Traits

    archer, writer, high morals, friendly, wood-elf

    -Any other Info you wish to provide

    We met on the bridge between Laurelin and Ravenhold!

    Accepted. Arise, a Knight, and Ambassador of the Order of Sera. May you serve our world well.

  6. Welcome to the Order of Sera. My name is Angelo Dimarco, Headmaster.

    Currently, I am looking for a place to set up. Should any lords be interested in housing this order within their lands, please contact me immediately.

    We are a collection of all races and nationalities, and we call upon more than just swordsmen here. Currently, we have need of Warriors, Philosophers, Herbalists and Healers, Alchemists, and Scribes. All it takes to join is commitment to maintaining peace, freedom, and justice throughout the world.

    To tell you a bit about the order, I'd like to say that our ultimate goal is to bring balance to the world in which we live. It is commonly understood that permanent peace is unattainable, as there will always be someone who desires to cause malice. We do not aim to revolutionize the world. We just want to make it better for all those who live in it. This can be obtained through other means than combat.

    Our membership will be limited to those who see violence as a last resort. Our aim is to be able to mediate on conflicts, both local and global, and to provide for those in dire need. Members are expected to swear to a life of poverty, forsaking any luxuries and obtaining only what they need for the affairs of the order, but more will be explained in the doctrine.

    All who are poor and oppressed are welcome to our aid.

    All who seek to rid the world of evil shall be free to walk these halls.

    The defense of Peace and Justice by means of Diplomacy and, only when necessary, combat, is our primary goal.

    Our secondary goal is to research our world and learn about the lands through Alchemical and Historical pursuits, and to design a Grand Archive of Worldly Knowledge.


    Those who wish to join the Order of Sera should submit an application, as follows:

    -MC Name

    -RP Name


    -Time spent on this server

    -Desired position within The Order (See Sections of Study, below.)

    -Character Traits

    -Any other Info you wish to provide

    The Grand Doctrine of The Order of Sera

    Preamble: Though I have walked through the valley of the shadow and witnessed much chaos and strife, I have feared no evil, nor sought outright to rain fire, pain, and anguish down upon it. For such a cruel extermination is itself an act of evil. Peace should always be sought first by diplomacy, and second by combat. Neutrality is a difficult path, but to follow it would bring you balance and inner peace, which would, with enough effort and commitment, turn to worldly peace as well.

    The Laws of the Order:

    -Members are expected to live a life of charity.

    -Members are expected to forsake Luxury goods, only seeking out what they need.

    -Members will adhere to the teachings of the Headmaster, and the decisions of the Master Council.

    -Members will not seek to cause harm to others, or to achieve personal goals that do not reflect the goals of the Order.

    -All laws of the land shall be respected and upheld, even in the wilds.

    -Members are free to come and go as they please, unless on official business, which takes precedence above free will.

    -Members will respect people of all races. Tolerance, Open-mindedness, and Impartiality are expected qualities.

    -Concerning the Undead, it is widely understood that this force cannot be negotiated with. Therefore, all members of the order are expected to defend the world from attack by this dark enemy. Use of violence against this enemy is expected, and allowed. the primary goal of Knights who go to combat against the Undead is the security of the people within the area attacked. Evacuation is a primary goal, followed directly by engagement. If evacuation is impossible, form a defense perimeter around those who cannot fight, and defend them with your life. We must ensure we save as many as we can.


    The Order of Sera shall become a place where many different pursuits are undertaken for the sake of Justice and the Defense of the Innocent. As is such, members will be divided into groups depending upon their strong points. There are Four Main Ranks within the order; Master, Knight, Apprentice, and Initiate.


    A Knight who has trained an Apprentice to Knighthood, shown promise as a beacon of light in right action, as well as a gift of knowledge and tolerance and Arms training shall be considered for the Rank of Master. Masters will be hand selected by the Headmaster, and may serve on the Council.


    Those who have shown promise as an Apprentice shall be asked to perform trials, usually consisting of a Trial of Body, Mind, Heart, and Flesh. Upon completion of these trials, the Apprentice shall be granted the Rank of Knight. Knights are able to carry out missions for the Order, and are allowed to take on their own Apprentice.

    Apprentice An Initiate who shows promise as a Swordsman and a will to do good in the world may be noticed by a Knight or master for Apprenticeship. These lower ranked members will accompany their trainer on his assignments and learn from him the ways of the order. Once their mentor decides that the Apprentice is ready to face the trials, they shall be able to do so.

    Initiate The lowest Rank of the order, Initiates are the youthful hopefuls who train up their skills in battle and in mind with hopes of gaining Apprenticeship.

    Sections of Study


    Those who prefer to take up arms against the dark forces of the world shall be placed into the Guardian Corps. This section of the order produces fine swordsmen and capable warriors.

    -Combat Instructors:

    Members who are veterans of combat and have achieved the rank of Master shall instruct those in use of the Sword and the Bow.


    Knights who wish to become Peacekeepers will be assigned a post within the world. Here, they will assist local authorities in maintaining order and solving civil offenses. Actions abroad should be reported to the Council or Headmaster regularly.


    The Consular Knights of Sera are those who focus not on combat, but on the ways of the Spark and the pursuit of Knowledge. These Knights should be those who are interested in pursuits of the Mind and Earth.


    These Knights are expected to be the face of the order wherever their business brings them. They will work closely with local lords, serving as Advisers or Diplomats.


    The Healers will work to discover and perfect healing techniques through Magick or through herbal remedies. They will serve in places impacted by disaster, and by treating the wounded in times of war.

    -Lore Keepers:

    The Scribes and Historians of the Order shall form this branch of service. Those who would seek to research historical texts, study anthropology, and the elder scripts shall be placed here.


    The Alchemists shall work within this branch. They would be in charge of studying the world around them, including its structure, base elements, and the origins and the mystery of the Spark, which gives people the gift of Magic.


    The Sentinals are Knights who wish to balance both pursuits of Strength and Intellect. Sentinels will work to investigate matters of injustice and deceit, and to rectify and bring the matters to light.


    The Investigators will be hand selected by the Headmaster. Their job is to uncover mysteries and threats to the world and bring them to the attention of the Order. Once evaluated, the Headmaster will notify the local lordship and decide on what to do next.

    -Shadow Corps:

    The Shadow Corps is a secret group which reports directly to the Headmaster. It is their task to use stealth to infiltrate enemy strongholds and eliminate specific targets or to gather intelligence.

    Concerning Times of War

    The Order of Sera and its members will work to find a peaceful solution to every conflict before it boils over. Ambassadors are responsible for hearing the disputes of each side and deciding where to proceed. If peace cannot be obtained through diplomacy, the Order will remain neutral unless Civilian lives are at risk.

    During wartime, Knights will be given posts within the military as allowed by the Lordship and Government.

  7. Application


    -Minecraft Account Name: LordAjax

    -How old are you?: 20

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence:

    Eastern Standard Time / United States of America

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?:


    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:

    I am a 20 year old from New York. I attended WyoTech school of Automotive repair in Blairsville PA. I love to be creative, so Minecraft suits me very well!

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?:

    I'd say about 4-6 hours per day, 28-42

    -How long have you played minecraft?:

    I've been playing classic for months, but about two days ago I finally bought beta. I found the transition from classic to beta was painless for me, and I could get into it quickly.

    -What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?:

    Well, let me start out by saying that I've been RPing since Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy came out in May of 2003. I used to play on multiplayer RP servers which are similar to the concept here. Since then, I've expanded my career to forum text RP games such as The Dark Forest and NationStates (http://www.nationstates.net). The most famous and wildly successful section of my career came from the latter, on an independent forum called Renatia with the name Azurbajan. (http://s1.zetaboards.com/renatia/index/) Go ahead and search my name there, You'll find much of my work (And a few flattering things some people have said about me.) Unfortunately, and most upsetting, the forum is closed now due to widespread inactivity.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: Well, I expect it will be a tight knit group of RPers who know eachother relatively well depending on time spent here. I also expect that there will be those with patience enough to coach those who require it, and those who do not. All in all, from the detail level on the site alone and the extensive application process, I believe it will be a fantastic place to play. Also, it'll be another chance for me to prove myself in another realm. I'm quite excited to do so!

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:

    On Minecraft Classic I played mostly on World of Minecraft, where my realm was voted #210 (Out of 1,000+).

    I have never RP'd on Minecraft Beta before. Most of the time I play is Single player, with some light Multiplayer PvP for good measure.

    -Have you ever been banned before? if, why? ( Be Honest ):

    From Minecraft? I'd hope not! I havn't been playing for very long! But I was banned just once back in Jedi Academy a long time ago for multikilling an Admin. Go figure.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules? What about the lore?: Yes I have. I like the detail and attention paid to this server, including the construction of such document as the lore. I think I'll enjoy my time here. By the way, paragraph 1, line 3 of the Ancient History; "Hersey" is spelled wrong. ;)

    -Name the 4 races on this server: Humans, Orcs, Dwarves, Elves

    -How did you hear about us?: McMyAdmin Public Server List (http://list.mcmyadmin.com/)

    -What is your LordOfCraft forum account name? LordAjax


    -Character Name: Angelo Dimarco

    -Lordofthecraft.com/forum forum account: LordAjax

    -Race: Human

    -Biography: Angelo, of the Dimarco family, was born in the home of Angellus and Gaia Dimarco. Angelo was born second only to his sister Saya. The Dimarco family lived within the Human sanctuary of Oren, enjoying their lives and the friends they had made.

    His father, Angellus, was a hunter who loved the green earth enough to rival that of the Elves. Angelo's mother, Gaia, came from noble stock, but she left that life behind when she met Angellus in her youth. together, the two of them built a home and filled it with the love of their family.

    Saya, born 4 years before Angelo, spent her young life playing with the neighborhood children and enjoying the company of her parents. When she grew older, her mother Gaia had taught her responsibilities of the home and how to garden and influence the land to produce nature's bounties.

    Angelo was born second, but as the first born son. When he came of age, his father Angellus would take him on his hunting expeditions into the woods, where he would teach young Angelo how to read the land and how to use a bow. As a test of his manhood, at age Thirteen, Angelo had crafted his own bow and hunted his first wild pig. Angelo, as taught by his father, showed respect to nature and only hunted when absolutely necessary, and never to excess. Also, he made sure to use every part of his kill.

    Apart from hunting, Angelo was a social boy in his youth, and made many friends. His closest friend of childhood was named Tylar Ronoke. Tylar's father was a master swordsman, and taught his son much about how to defend himself and how to wield a sword. Together, He and Angelo would spend much time dueling with wooden weapons to train their skill throughout their youth. When the boys came of age, they moved on to iron weapons, and in return Angelo taught Tylar the ways of the hunter, including use of a bow.

    The boys traversed the countryside of Oren, becoming familiar with its layout. Home, as it was, was beautiful enough. There were sights to see and new trails to blaze, and the two had tested their skill time and time again against the dangers of the realm. With each test, they became stronger and more aptly minded to face the challenges that lay ahead.

    At age 21, the two young men would go on adventures together throughout the lands to learn about life beyond. It was in this stage of life that Angelo, with the good influence of his father and friends, had experienced the potential malice and danger of the world in which he lived.

    The Young Men adventured around Oren and into the sprawling landscape before them. First, Angelo and his long time friend found themselves in the mountains of Kal-Alras, where they learned how to negotiate the terrain. Next, they followed the road out to Kal-Roc, where a few bandits had to be dealt with. Angelo understood that sometimes greed gets a hold of a man to drive him to steal. He also understood that multiple paths could lead to the same outcome. The bandits they fought could have been greedy folks who prayed upon the wealth of others, or desperate beggars looking to crime just to live another day.

    Throughout his journey, Angelo had pondered the relationship and delicate balance of good and evil and the paths that could lead someone to a side. Greed, lust, anger, jealousy, hatred, ignorant disdain of other races and life forms; These were the paths to a life of hate and suffering. All the while, a life of purity could be attained by compassion, right action, and neutrality. Angelo even found that love and attachment could lead to jealousy. But love was supposed to be a good thing. How could it be so bad to love someone? Also, what of point of view? Are Good and Evil really so obvious? Would giving a poor old beggar a blanket really be as far from an act of charity as ending the man's miserable life? He began to wonder if he was a pure spirit or a man destined for evil. Confused, Angelo decided to head for the monks of the Cloud temple of Aegis.

    Knowing that the topic of God was a tough subject to ask questions about, Angelo chose his words wisely. He asked about the relationship of emotions and the effects they had on state of being. The wise monk had taught him of the laws of God, and that if he believed in his heart that his actions were for good, then they were. Angelo thought this advice was a bit lacking, but didn't want to press the matter. Tyler meanwhile had paid attention to these words and heeded them almost as divine mandate, as they were spoken by a man of the cloth.

    As he left the temple, Angelo began to question the laws of the clerics. How could they brand someone a heretic? What gave them that right? Because they chose a life as a monk? They themselves are not gods, yet they are the ones who write the holy laws? Who determine hoe we should live our lives? Their intentions are notably pure, but speech and thought should not, at least in Angelo's eyes, be the subject of any man's regulation but their holder, as one may regulate his own property. It was here that Angelo started down a path that the holy ones would call Heresy.

    In his mind, Angelo saw an order; A collection of people of all races with a desire to respect nature and maintain peace and justice throughout the lands by mediating conflicts. Often, he spoke of this with his closest friend Tylar, who thought in his mind only of the glory and fame such a title would bring him.

    While traveling, Angelo had become acquainted with a woman named Emilia. She was a beautiful blonde with the looks of a goddess, and green eyes that shined like Emeralds. Angelo and Emilia began to see eachother. Tylar watched with envious eyes as Angelo courted the beautiful girl. He coveted her, and wanted her for himself. Soon, he couldn't contain his jealousy and began to tell Emilia lies about Angelo, saying that he was a horrible thief and murderer. Shocked by Tylar's words, Emilia confronted Angelo about the claims.

    When Angelo was able to convince her these words were false, Tylar's rage grew. He couldn't bring himself to harm his closest friend, so he decided that if he couldn't have Emilia, no one could. He picked a few poisonous mushrooms and ground them up, then soaked them in tea. He gave the poisoned drink to Emilia and she became ill. Angelo, being an adept woodsman, identified the cause of her death as poison. Tylar decided to confront Angelo and confess his crime. He told Angelo of his jealousy, and his desire for the woman who he couldn't have. Angelo reacted by leaving Tylar alone and he headed back home to Oren to grieve for his fallen love.

    Angelo had seen the answer to one of his questions; Love could indeed have negatives. He felt strong anger toward Tylar, but refused to give in to his desire for revenge. As hard as it was to get past her loss, Angelo decided to be the better man. He saw Tylar as a man who should be pitied, rather than exterminated. His ways were those of darkness, while Angelo shined bright as a beacon of goodness.

    Now, Angelo has decided to start his order. This is where his quest for peace begins.

    -Character Age: 28

    -Character Appearance: 5'8'' tall, brown hair, blue eyes, a beard.

    -Character Personality: Angelo is friendly and compassionate. He gives any extra supplies he has to those in need and strives to improve the world in which he lives. He loves nature and seeing new places.

    -Your ambitions: To establish an order with members of all races with the goal of studying nature, maintaining peace and justice, and providing charity to those in need. Also as secondary goals, this order would provide a safe haven for its higher ranked members to debate and form philosophies of the concept of God, religion, the laws of men, and the role of sentient beings in the world. As such discussion is highly controversial, all records would be privately kept to protect the identity of those involved.

    -Can your character read or write?: Yes.

    -Can your character mine?: Yes, basically enough to quarry for stone and to find Iron ores for better weapons and armor.

    -Are you a capable builder?: Character? Capable enough to design basic buildings. Me in general? Oh yes, able to design advanced buildings like cathedrals and stadiums and structural works of art.

    -Can you wield a sword?: Yes, trained since childhood with friend Tylar

    -Enjoy Farming?: Angelo has a love for nature and an understanding of how to grow food from the land. Farming is enjoyed.

    -Does your character have any special skills?: Angelo is charismatic and enjoys friendly company. He has the ability to make friends easily. He is a natural philosopher and often contemplates psychology, good and evil, nature and the flow of natural energy, and many other things. He is an avid hunter and is also adept in problem solving, often favoring compromises.

    -A screenshot of your skin: characteru.png

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