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Posts posted by Botar


    MC Name:


    Character's Name: Botar Blackrock


    Character's Age: 476 (Atleast when he last checked)


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable): Dwarf


    Transformed form: Dark Stalker


    Creator's MC Name:Necrophilip, Idolumun, Croy007


    Creator's RP Name: Ashkeeper, Wyland, Heinrich


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:

    Named for the predatory way in which they stalk the life force within the living and consume it, producing a dark smog-like substance. Capable of enacting a tier 3 necromancy drain a darkstalker is always hunting living things to drain in order to fuel their necrotic form. Made of a reinforced skeleton, darkstalkers are the brother to the lich save they carry no magical capability beyond their hunger-sating drain. A Darkstalker is in essence, a skeleton often clad in armor whose soul has been trapped in a phylactery by a necromancer and their cohorts. Should this phylactery ever be destroyed the Darkstalker shall perish.

    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: No


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Yer


    Do you consent to accepting what may happen to this character?: Yes


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: No


  2. MC Name: Botar
    RP Age: Equivalent of his early thirty's to late twenties
    Hair style?: Close, near buzz cut
    Type of clothing[Descriptive]: See Reference
    Color of shirt?: Reference
    Color of pants?: Reference
    Dress?: Loose fitting, easy to wear. Simple.
    Gender?: Male
    Race?: Elf (W/ tanned skin, think bronze almost )
    Reference picture?: http://i.imgur.com/jdHlcza.png  Minus the hat


    Also before you do said skin a question, how much will this cost as I have 600 Mina to my name.

  3. The book does not leave his grasp, no matter how hard you pull, yet as you do a small slip of paper falls out of it, which itself seems like a small notice, written in Botar's hand, if abit shaken  "The sword, The gift, and the journal, all for one, good for none, do not remove, others about and to be found, the secrets within for no mortal eyes, these things be left for the dead, yet the other tools, and the other words for others to learn. Leave the dead with what they may, for there last requests may be once for last safe"

    The book's title comes clear aswell as one of his fingers shift, seeming to be a recent addition to the worn leather cover "Decora's private journal, to whoever may find this, please keep closed"

  4.       Nod's at the man "Ver well, but dun say I did not warn ya" He says grimly as he works on prying off the coffin's lid. He reveals a corpse of a man, his clothes of a fresh and clean white shirt and simple cloth pants, his hair has been cut and trimmed from a clearly rough state to where it is presentable, still a dull grey. Yet this is where the good aspects stop, as the face is drawn and ashen white, with the skin showing early signs of decay, white it seems both the left eye and right cheek have been chewed on and repaired to the best abilities of medical professionals, leaving a patchwork of stitched skin, the parts of the chest that show's display claw marks and patterns of various woodland animals having lied on him. 

    The body has three objects with him, resting within the wooden coffin, one being a leather bound journal, held close and tightly in his interlaced fingers, placed on his chest. On his right lies a good sized hand and a half sword,  it's hilt of steel bound in leather, with what appears to be a ender pearl held into the hilt as the pommel, all held in a simple peace tied leather sheath, yet a dull glimmer of blue peeking from it. Upon his left lies another sword, smaller yet with a very ornate and shining hilt, held in a fine leather and steel sheath, again peace tied also.

    "most of teh more severe damage is coved by teh clothes, but trust me, you dont want to see it. The doctor's dun had alot to work with when they found him, guess whatever he drank sorta pickled him a little, let him decay slower or sumthin. Still, he had these on him and yet nothin else in teh room when they found him, so they decided tah leave them alone and bury him with them, out respect ya see, but some lady came by and mumbbled some thing over teh book, not sure why."

  5. The man stomps mid motion with his shovel, and looks to the young man "are ya sure lad? When they found him it was.. well.. ratha gruesume, but if ya wish I understand." he says as he grabs a few things from his cart and hooks them to the cart, and using a little ingunity, is able to bring the coffin back onto the surface, as he then moves beside it "Whew... Well. do ya still want tah do this" also turning to Nienna "this will be disturbin"

  6. Nod's and begins to lower the coffin carefully into the ground, shaking his head as he does so " Aye, a shame. We beh needin more doctor's in this world. A shame this one had tah go. An I am sorry tah intrude but, what dud ya say to him?" He asks as finishes lowering it down, the box coming to a rest with a soft thud in the dirt.

  7. "Really? well damn I did't know. Feller must had a neather of a life then, gota wonder.. what drove him to do this to himself? from what I herd about em he was not a bad sort." The man says as the other two monks depart back to their own duties, as he places the cart and the coffin next to the freshly dug grave.

  8. The rest of the ride is uneventful as the cart comes to a stop at the temple, as the man goes to the back and pulls out the coffin, lugging it onto a smaller cart placed nearby  and carrying it to a spot some distance away, a fresh grave dug by two young monks. The man grumbles " Bah, wishin some one help meh with this bloody thing " as he is pulling the smaller cart.

  9. "Ah I see, well from wat I heard of him from a few of teh folks in town, he seemed like a stand up guy. But still mah heart goes out to ya, always harsh tah lose a friend" The man say's as the cart comes close and closer to the temple, only about half a mile away from it "I wonder if anyone else guna jump on in?"

  10.     "A man's corpse has been found in the farming and slum's district of Malinor!" wrote the heading on the news flyer in front of you, posted along with many other titles and notes looking for your attention. "The decrepit and decayed corpse of a male Dwarf or possible human has been found within the lower class home's district of the elf's great city. Current identity of the body is unknown, for any help identifying the body, please come to the sentinels main office to help solve this mystery!"


        You notice that the flyer in question is a few days old, and has been sitting out at the grand crossing, seeming to have been taken off its nail, put back up, crumpled and so forth, having been put through the ringer of the public's grasp. As you look at the rest of the flyer's and notices you hear a string of swears and grunts coming from down the road to the elf lands.

        "Come on ya hunk o' crap! Don't break now, onl'eh another mile or two!" the voice declared to himself and the wind. You look down the way to see a human male, kicking a average looking cart, seeming of quite worn quality, pulled along by a bored looking donkey. You decide to see what he is yelling about as you casually walk over, letting your curiosity guide you. 


        "Agh! I swear I am going tah break ya down into fire wood a-"  He shouts at the stopped cart, but stops short as he see's you walking over "Oh 'ello there! I did not see ya, sorry fer making a ruckas, as ya see this old bucket of scarp can barely hold ter'gether. Ah'n considerin' wat she be carrying, I can't afford her tah break tah bits."  Out of curiosity you ask just what exactly he is transporting, and to this he responds with a smile and a dramatic wave of his hands "I be transporting tah deeeaddddd... whhoooooooo~" He says as he lets out a hearty laugh.

        You look behind the man and to the cart to see there is in fact a coffin, closed and hitched to the cart. You think to the flyer you saw earlier and you ask the man if it is the same body in question. "Aye it is, I picked him up this mornin from the elf hospital. Teh tell me teh poor bugger killed himself, drank some sorta poison er somethin. A shame really." You then ask if they ever found out who he was, your curiosity getting the better of you.


        "Aye teh did, has some man com' in, said he recognized some of his markins, and honestly from teh way he looked when I got hem, I got tah say that person has some strong eye's. Bloody animals and critters been nibblin on him something fierce." You ask the question again, trying to draw his attention back to the original thing you asked. "AH right right, his name. Sorta a odd on, it was B.. Bo.. Bo -somethin..."

       He thinks for a moment before stamping his foot and shouting "I remember now! Botar Blackrock was his name... some sorta docter fellow." He looks to you with a cocked brow and a smile's "Did ya know him or somethin?"


    (( so OOCly I meant to make this post a few months back but to make a long story short, finals computer exploding, real life and ect. stopped me from putting this out sooner, but still the question stands, Did you know him? ))


  11. -Botar raises his head from his work, fiddling with some random object in a place far far away from Anthos, as he feel's something is wrong. He looks to the sky's and seems to feel something is missing. He tries to shake the feeling off and returns to his work-

  12. * sits within the being built clinic, a mess of documents, papers and other nonsense spread about a large desk as he reads the small notice and smiles *

    " A party you say? Well then what better way to meet the people I am going to help. Better hope nothing happens. pray to the gods that some one like Majora does not show. "

    * shudders and wraps the note away *


    * stands up on a small box bringing himself tall among the crowd *

    " I used to be Dawn perea's personal right hand man and dear friend, though this does seem very... odd, it is indeed not the same dawn, and just a another woman by the same name.. so kindly do NOT riot in the street's please.. thank you 

    * dismounts his box but yells out *

    " ALSO As a doctor I can confirm Godfrey does not have smelly feet, but he does have a shaggy and wimpy beard! "

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