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Posts posted by fatwampa

  1. *A dirty and worn parchment is posted under the ad, the hand writing barely legible. Though in your soul you feel it's a deal you can't miss.  *



    *After examining the parchment for a minute (and like, ten minutes after that), the reader finally begins writing a reply.*


    The reply reads:


    After reviewing your application we have decided that an interview is in order to ensure your knowledge of local politics and legal systems is up to date. Provide a central location you can be met at and we will send a representative shortly. If all goes well, consider yourself hired. 

  2. *A stake is driven through a parchment, attaching it to a wooden post. The parchment reads as follows:*





    Lacking in direction?

    We can help! 


    Seeking lads looking for an opportunity to see the world and make somewhat honest coin. It's not the cleanest or the prettiest job and it will be hard work but where else can you find work these days? Rather than dying from plague or getting killed in a war, why not find purpose and claim your own destiny? We accept all that are willing to work and do not discriminate against those that have criminal history. Actually, we encourage those with less than sterling reputations to apply as we are always looking for people used to handling weapons. So why should you join? Why the benefits, of course. 


    Here are some of the benefits workers will receive! 

    - Food

    - Shelter

    - Coin

    - Protection

    - Even Legal Services!


    So why not join our ranks and start your new life today! If that's not enough, you'll also get the opportunity to show off your talents as we have a number of positions available right now. 





    A simple position that will be expected to perform a variety of tasks.

    Needed Skills: None, just a willingness to work.



    The backbone of our sales division, expected to deal with the customers.

    Needed Skills: Charisma, a real people person.


    Security Guard

    Individual required to protect our assets and hit people.

    Needed Skills: Combat experience is required, morals aren't.



    The people who transport goods and such.

    Needed Skills: A head for maps is good but also some combat experience is helpful.







    A labor manager

    Needed Skills: Previous experience or a good referral


    District Manager

    An individual responsible for the trade and transportation of goods in a given area.

    Needed Skills: Leadership abilities and/or good referral.


    Security Enforcer

    Individuals required to ensure business is good, with a sword.

    Needed Skills: A lot of combat experience and a good swinging arm. 



    Company Officers


    Regional Manager

    Individual responsible for an entire region.

    Needed Skills: Show an ability to handle leadership position. 



    Head of Security

    In charge of all security operations.

    Needed Skills: Decent leadership and more combat experience than most fighters.


    Legal Attorney

    Individual charged with keeping us out of trouble with the law.

    Needed Skills: Displays a good head for law and knowledge to back up skill.



    The president of the company, the COO is the highest tier manager.

    Needed Skills: Special exceptions only




    The chairman of the company and the final authority in everything.

    Needed Skills: Cannot be gained (must be COO first)





    Applications can be found below!


    *Attached to the bottom of the poster can be found small sheets of paper with the following application written on them:*





    MC Name:

    How long have you been on this server?:








    Previous Military Experience (if any):

    Criminal History (if any):

    Anything special we need to take into consideration?:


    Desired Position:

  3. Out-Of-Character Information
    What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: -  fatwampa
    How old are you?: -  21
    What time-zone do you live in?: -  GMT -5
    Have you ever roleplayed before - if you have, how?: -  I played on this server for a little over a year (maybe longer) quite some time ago. I'm also a seasoned D&D vet with several campaigns under my belt. Several of these campaigns were custom worlds I DMed. 
    Have you been on any other roleplaying servers?: -  None worth mentioning.
    Have you applied to this server before?: -  Pretty sure all my apps were deleted long ago. 
    How did you hear about us?: - No idea, I heard about LotC years ago.
    What do you think the server will be like? - Hopefully as good as I left it.
    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: -  Several times, yes.
    What’s your favorite rule / the rule you agree with the most?: - 
    "You need to keep IC at all times. If you need to use OOC, you can either privately message the player using /tell <minecraft name>, or by using Local OOC. This channel can be accessed by putting double brackets before your speech, like this “((Hi guys”. Please use Local-OOC sparingly around other players!"
    Clearly the most important rule in RPing (with the possible exception of meta/power-gaming) as it requires a distinction between RP problems and OOC conflict. A lot of times players forget that their characters are the ones arguing and will start attacking the other player. This leads to some confusing scenarios as players (not involved in the exchange) aren't sure where the RP ends and the OOC insults begin. This rule makes all that much more managable. 
    What is roleplaying?: -  Creating and acting as a set character in a situation, some times with other players' characters. The act of living life as this character is the literal definition of RP as it is seeing the world through a different set of eyes. 
    What’s metagaming?: - Using information gain OOC in a IC situation. For example, a player (say Jack94killa) is talking to his buddy, y0momL1kit, on teamspeak. y0mom casually drops that his guild, a cult of merchant killers, is going to assassinate Mr. Heinsenberg, a fur-tradesman, on the road in two days. Jack94, wanting to be a hero, makes his character, Jose Del Entimore, go to the merchant and warn him of the impending attack. This is a classic example of meta-gaming.
    What’s powergaming?: -
    In most games this means using the most efficient approach in a bid to reduce the difficulty by being over-powered. Like playing a restoration/one-handed fighter in an Elder Scrolls game. However, in RP, it means something slightly different usually. Usually this means dominating RP and not allowing your opponent to fight back or react. For example:
    Gorok grabs his broadsword off the ground and charges at the small elf.*
    Lithi (the elf) picks up a stick in a bid to ward the blow.*
    Gorok raises his sword and swings downward, crushing the elf's skull in.*
    The orc didn't give the elf a chance to react, thus making this a good example of powergaming. This also arises often when magic is involved, in my experience.
    In-Character Information
    What’s your character called?: -  Vlindir Stonehold or just Brother Stonehold. The last name is a chosen one and not one gained due to birth. More on that later.
    What race are they?: - Mountain Dwarf
    What sex are they?: - Male
    How old are they?: - 310
    Give us a brief description of their life - their story, childhood, family: - Before the Dwarf had even been born, the gods made sure that his life would be especially trying. Born to lowly working class family, Vlindir never met his father. His violent temper and his bastard heritage were a poor combination as it caused many fights in his early years. These fights usually ended the same way, Vlindir would win the fight only to get beaten by his grandfather. His grandfather was the unofficial patriarch of the little mining community and it hurt his reputation to have his bastard grandson constantly starting brawls with the children of the miners. So soon he gave up, allowing the law to do the punishing. 
    This had an unintended result. One day Vlindir was being whipped by one of the members of the watch. This had become a pretty normal routine for all involved as the whippings seemed to have no real effect on the lad and soon it became a game of sorts. Today the watch thought they would finally get a reaction out of Vlindir as they were upping the intensity of the beating. Nothing. The only thing the lad said was the usual jokes and quips. Defeated, the whipper dropped his tool and sat down next to the whipping post. A large Dwarf, who had been watching for the past ten minutes, walked up to the pair. The Watch member quickly got to his feet and greeted his superior. The Legatus waved the soldier aside and approached the lad tied to the post. After asking him a few questions the Legatus left and Vlindir was allowed to go home.
    A few days later two members of the Legion came to Vlindir's house and, after a few words passed between  his grandfather and the soldiers, Vlindir was taken from home and conscripted into the Dwarven army. During this time he decided to pick a surname as he was never given one. Stonehold, it was a good name. After all his first battle took place in a fortress, so why not? After spending many years training and fighting Orcs, among other races, Vlindir was allowed to leave. Getting on a ship, Vlindir worked as a deck hand for years, usually smuggling but he soon got involved in piracy as well. The following years are fuzzy as most of the time was spent traveling, searching for answers. One answer, actually. Who was his father? All he could determine was that his father traveled a lot, had a many friends but even more enemies. Still unable to come to any conclusions, Vlindir returned to Anthos, defeated. Giving up, the Dwarf decided to go find purpose again in his life but in a more meaningful way.
    What are they like?: - Short tempered, quick witted but a violent alcoholic. Well built from years of fighting but a little suspicious due to his years of traveling. If you meet him in a pub and you've been drinking, he'll be your buddy. If he was a shipmate of your's back in his sailing days, you'll swear the devil was his father. If you met him out in the field in combat, you'll know he's got to have some relation to the devil. Probably not true but he's just as clueless as you are.
    What are their ambitions?: - To find purpose in his life, find a driving passion that can take him the rest of his life to accomplish. Secretly Vlindir still wants to know who his father is though.
    Do they have any special skills?: - If breaking an iron helm in half with nothing but a wooden mallet is a skill then yes. He also has a language proficiency due to traveling and a knack for naval travel due to his years in piracy and smuggling. 
    What are their weaknesses?: - A short fuse as well as an addiction to alcohol. This is a pretty bad combination but also add an absolutely obscene vocabulary and a love for violence and this Dwarf is basically a keg waiting to explode. He also has hard time with women, mostly in respecting them due to his early family issues. He also has a loose moral code as he was adverse to the law for so many years. (I'll put in a villain app soon).
    Give us a description of how they look (not a screenshot yet!)?: - A hairy Dwarf that stands at about 4'7". Though his hair is brown, some red can be seen in it that reveals his Mountain heritage. His arms and chest are covered in tattoos and muscles, both from years of life on a ship.
    Anything else you want to say about them?: - His father was a well known character on this server in years past and now his legacy lives on in his unremarkable bastard child. 
    Please give us a screenshot of your character’s skin: - 
  4. Though this offer has probably been mentioned countless times throughout this thread, I am pretty gangster myself. If you need decent architects or terraformers, call me.

    And by "call me" I mean let me know in some other way other than actually calling me. Because that would be inconvenient for all involved.

  5. I am sorry if my questioning you has made you feel uncomfortable, Rhisereld. I was merely attempting to argue that the one and only aspect of this server should not be rp. A more varied approach was in order. I was a little rough, granted, but I feel that using terms such as "sunshine" is an invitation to fight. While perhaps you are unaware of the implications of such terms (though I doubt it), it is what we call "fighting words" due to the lack of function and the presence of mockery. If you wish to throw out insults, I suggest you be prepared to accept them as well.

    But, nevertheless, I apologize if the insults were unfounded. I will still, respectfully, maintain my position though. And I shall not attempt to continue this discourse with you due to the possibility of further damaging your sensitive disposition.

  6. That's just the thing. Roleplaying is storytelling. It's about joint stories, and ideas. If you take the story out, you would only have mindlessly PvP. There are other servers for that, if that is your tastes. But, this is a roleplay server. I want to actually roleplay, thanks.

    Words in my mouth.

    Never said I wanted this to be a pvp server. I said story-telling is not the only thing that matters. You two go on and on about how everything is limiting you "creativity" and such but that's life. We can't all be master [insert all skills]. If you want that, get on a creative server.

    Stop being unwilling to compromise and embrace Vaq's hard work.

  7. Sunshine, I've written quite a lot of suggestions and how the skill system should be set up. Do pay attention and try to keep up.

    As long as people refuse to accept that this is detrimental to the game, I will keep attempting to prove it. That is how a debate goes. Once the problem has been established, maybe people will start considering or even reading (God forbid) my suggestions.

    Your "suggestions" are not really compromises nor are they even close to realistic. "Strength, intelligence, dexterity and luck." Really? That's your solution? Talk about an unbalanced game. If you think the system is bad now, wait until you have everyone using your grand idea. So what would this intelligence stat do? Hmm?

    So far all you have done is convince me this patch was pretty good. It forces players to work together.

    It's not detrimental, you're exaggerating. You don't accept change because you're too caught up in your own little world. You want a book. You don't want a community or a challenge, you want your own little story. Great. Like I said, go write a book.

    Roleplaying is about seeing a world through the eyes of another. Not story-telling.

  8. Okay, how does not having a bucket destroy your rp experience? Because I'm still waiting for someone to answer that one. I mean, how many buckets do you really need to have an enjoyable experience on this server? She keeps saying she doesn't want to move yet gets mad when accused of being uncompromising. Really? I've moved so many times in my char's life. It's not that bad.

    And do you need to have maxed stats on your char's profession? Why not just delevel a stat and get a little farming? I mean, that way you can still do your job but you can also do the basics. I didn't misunderstand her point, I don't understand the need for items. Food. That's all you need. If you can't acquire it through trade, grow it yourself. Problem solved.

    One more thing. If nobody's on the server at the same time she is, who's she role-playing with?

  9. I feel as though Casamir has labelled all players against the patch as whining children who refuse all and any change, who live in the wilds self-sufficiently and want to be jacks of all trades. Players who do not value roleplay. This is downright slander and a lie.

    So wait, you're not whining and offering no good suggestions?

    You say you don't whine but you've written over ten paragraphs just now complaining. You also say you're not childish or unwilling to compromise yet I haven't seen you present one decent counter-proposal. All you do is go on and on about how this makes YOUR char's life more difficult. You also say you want to be able to make everything. Is that not a jack of all trades? So far, Casamir is right.

    Stop playing the martyr and start playing the game.

  10. I feel my previous point is in need of restating...

    You don't have to be a master at anything. Your character is a miner or a smith, right? Well you don't have to max those out. Why not just level to about 60 or 70 and then start working on other, more economical, skills. That way you can kind of farm and still maintain a profession. Sure you won't be as good at your preferred profession but at least you can survive. And I think that whole less rp argument is, frankly, bs. Role-playing isn't solely based on imagination or story-writing. Sometimes there needs to be constraints to avoid unnecessary fights and problems.

    For example, I bumped into a player the other day. No names but his character made me cringe. The guy was good at everything and had no faults. Now while some people may see no problem with that, I can't stand that. I'm pretty sure if this kid had it his way, his char would have had maxed stats and been king of everybody.

    So stats do limit rp, sure but they create a more realistic setting for it too. You can't be the best at everything. Limits are realistic and as long as we have young or selfish players, we'll need these limitations.

  11. Anyone can build wooden tools and weapons. Pretty sure the same goes for leather armor but I could be wrong. But if you wanted to be on your own you could spread out your own stats to be able to farm wheat, make bread, build stone weapons, make planks and maybe wield a lesser weapon. You won't excel in any one area but you would be fine enough on your own.

    They didn't take out self-sufficiency. If you want to be on your own, become the dreaded "jack of all trades." You'll never be able to craft a diamond axe but at least you can make all the necessities. See, you can't become a master lumberjack unless you decide to abandon some other trades.

    You have 275 skill points. If you want to live alone, or live in a bad timezone, don't max out two fighting skills and smithing (or something). Work on farming and wood working or maybe cooking and archery (for those hunters). You don't have to limit yourself to your original character sheet. If mining just isn't keeping you well fed, leave that profession, become a farmer instead. Just like in real life. If a professional soldier couldn't put food on the table, he'd probably go into agriculture.

    Not meaning to step on anyone's toes but that's how I see it.

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