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Posts posted by comraderenzbro

  1. Minecraft name- ComradeRenzbro

    RP name- Renzbro/Brother_Kuken

    Character bio- Renzbro is currently employed under the Black Company, a group of mercenaries. He is no stranger to killing and stirring up trouble in social and political systems, having done so for a good majority of his life. He is a self described "fallen Ascended," falling from grace into the world of villainous acts.

    Renzbro always wanted to attempt to put an end to the corruption he sees in the world around him. He may be evil in a conventional sense but he loathes the leaders of most nations and churches, sitting back in luxury while others work and toil to keep themselves from starvation. He never had anyway to execute any plans to stop the corruption due to low funds and no one else with the motivation to do anything.

    Renzbro currently wanders the streets of Oren, observing the corruption and perhaps kidnapping and killing a few people here and there.

    Reasons for joining Millennium- To put an end to the corruption caused by the Oren church, a group of heretics in Renzbro's mind.

    accepted V.A- http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/63851-unread-renzbros-mini-va-1/

    (the link to my original VA is in the mini VA)

  2. * Several small posters are posted on the boards in the Sanctuary, and the Docks from the sanctuary, showing off some recruitment advertisements.*

    The Royal Military of Holm

    -Description of the Military-

    The Royal Holm Military is led by High Constable, Cethis of Holm. Each guard and soldier of Holm needs to be willing, and ready to lay down their lives for both Holm, its citizens, and the King. It’s main job will be the defense of Holm, and it citizens.

    The duties of each soldier, and guard will be based upon their rank. Most duties will involve going on patrols around the streets of Holm, the docks, as well as standing at attention at the gate, and most importantly, helping the citizens of Holm.

    -Ranks and structures-

    The High Constable is in charge, the only ones that outrank him are the King, and Queen.

    He will have five different captains, each one answering to him every elven day.

    Soldiers are the common guard,and will listen to their captain.

    -Jobs for the military-

    The military has several jobs that need to be filled.

    The military is in need of blacksmiths to forge new weapons and armor, and repair broken ones.

    We are also in need of tailors to fit the new soldiers, make them uniforms, and repair any tears.

    -Housing and pay-

    All the military will receive rooms in the barracks.

    Soldiers will be put in rooms that will be shared.

    Captains will each be given a room to themselves, but will be required to check on their soldiers.

    The pay will depend on your rank, and your work.

    Disobedient soldiers will receive warnings, depending on their disobedience, warnings and their lack of work effort they may receive a fine, loss of employment or worse, hanged in dire circumstances.


    ((OOC Information -

    Minecraft Name: ComradeRenzbro

    Age: 15

    Timezone: EST

    Villain Application (Optional): 1 and 2a

    Skills: 100 swords

    28 lumberjack

    64 mining

    23 farming

    45 wrestling

    RP Information -))

    Full Name: Renzbro_Amenian

    Age: 563

    Race: Elf

    Gender: Male

    Profession: Fighting and diplomacy

    A brief description about yourself: I am a wood elf that is agile and skilled with swords. I have much skill in killing with my times in vast armies of different alliances and also with diplomacy and peace with my time as an Ascended.


  3. Name ((MC)):


    Name ((IG)):


    Real Life Age:



    Wood Elf

    Combat experience:

    I am a Sariant in the Teutonic Order and have been a part of many other large successful militaries in Aegis ((I'm also a good PVPer from my time on faction servers))

    Give me a short summary of your character so far. The longer the better (but 2 paragraphs minimum):

    Renzbro grew up in the slums of Laurelin back in Aegis with no useful skills at all. Well liked by the other elves that walked the streets of Laurelin he didn't feel like a complete failure with his life but he felt something missing. When the Undead started appearing he heard wind of a new Coalition, the United Aegis Coalition, and found his calling. He joined the UAC and proved himself time and time again and quickly rose through the ranks up to Captain where he remained until his very last days in the FoA.

    Renzbro stayed close with the Ascended in his times in the UAC/FoA out of necessity and when the Sages left he himself became an Ascended. He tried to be pure and good with his powerful mind and magic but the power corrupted him and he started getting his first tastes of blood. One day the men of the FoA brought in a prisoner and Renzbro told them to put him in a cell and he started torturing the man for information. He never felt so alive.

    After that incident the leaders of the Enlightened Ascended found out and kicked Renzbro out of the Ascended to prove himself. When Renzbro was out on his pilgrimage he only did good deeds in the sights of people who mattered but when he was out in the wilderness he slaughtered just about every traveler by he could find for the pure pleasure of the sport. He got quite good at stalking and assassinating during this time. This was the environment Renzbro felt best suited, he was home.

    Soon after the Enlightened foolishly let Renzbro back into their ranks Renzbro decided to quit on his own terms. He lost his powers but gained his freedom. He went around Aegis looking for military work, he worked with the Alras military for some time before joining the Teutonic Order where he remains today.

    Would you consider being a spy?:

    I would love to be a spy, in my times as a Captain in the FoA I was used to lead and solo in complex spying missions on the Undead. It's one of the niches I find most enjoyable.

    Past military experience:

    The UAC, the FoA, the Alras Military and the Teutonic Order.

    In previous characters, I have been:

    Don't have any other characters.

    Past criminal experience:

    I have been a part of a few thieving/murderous groups including one lead by Guraim (Pugsy) and most recently one that just sort of came together which is just me and some IC friends going out and robbing.

    Current Occupation (Miner, Smithing etc):

    New Sorovitz Military leader. It's a city in Hanseti.

    Useful, Non-military Skills:

    Mining: 61

    Farming: 23

    What have you heard of us IC?

    I have heard only whispers of the name, nothing concrete.

    What have you heard of us OOC?

    Only that you guys are pretty great RPers and a lot of people want to join.

    What skill level do you currently hold on the following? Note, to rank past Neopyhte a skill requirement of 40 is required in one of these fields.

    Swords: 100

    Axemastery: 0

    Archery: 0


    Preferred weapon: Diamond/Gold sword.

    Screening Questions

    ACCEPTED villain app link (Required):


    Are you wanted in any countries?:

    Perhaps Renatus, I like to thieve from them a lot but I don't think they know me by name.

    Why do you want to join?:

    Assassinating, spying, causing political chaos, all things my character has always wanted to do but had no solid grounds to do it. With this Guild I have more than enough support to do all these things I want to.

    Define powergaming thoroughly:

    Powergaming, is a term, which can be used to explain various different types of unfair Role-Play, these include:

    1) God-Modding: Implying that your character is so good that the other character can't even harm them in any way. This is only in RP fights of course.

    2) Cheesing: Using past information from past characters or from things the other party of the Roleplaying would have no way of knowing to get an unfair advantage.

    3) Power-Gaming in General: Doing something unrealistic in RP. ie; Swimming in full iron/diamond armour, punching a man in armor in the face, jumping off a high cliff landing, living but not acknowledge any kind of pain.

    Will you ever mention or hint the name or existence of this organization IC?

    Of course not, it would break the illusion to everyone and possibly get me and my Brothers killed.

    "Legal" stuff

    Will you tell anyone about your association with us ever (including OOC) or reveal any amount of information about who we are or what we do? And yes this is entirely necessary.

    No, I don't want to ruin this for myself or others. The whole RP behind this is to be a secret organization that no one knows about, and even in OOC people may start slipping secrets they learned OOC to IC and it might get traced back to me and I would be banished and killed.

    Do you realize that breaking any server rules may result in banishment at our discretion?

    Yes, that's extremely fair, if I ran a guild I would do the same. I don't plan on breaking any rules however.

    Do you realize that revealing any information about us either IC or OOC will result in banishment and multiple contracts for your head? This may extend to a permadeath.

    Yes, I understand, while I may not like the "permadeath" part I'm willing to accept it to be a part of this because I know I will not leak secrets.

    Will you take multiple screenshots of all jobs related to the Dark Brotherhood?

    Yes, I make it my duty to take screenshots of every villainous activity I do just in case. It's something you need to learn to live with.

  4. Name ((MC)):


    Name ((IG)):


    Real Life Age:



    Wood Elf

    Combat experience:

    I am a Sariant in the Teutonic Order and have been a part of many other large successful militaries in Aegis ((I'm also a good PVPer from my time on faction servers))

    Give me a short summary of your character so far. The longer the better (but 2 paragraphs minimum):

    Farewell Sherlock.


    Sherlock simply wept for hours, the note strongly clutched within his hands, now again an Orphan, he took charge of the town, with plans on his mind.

    Would you consider being a spy?:

    Yes, I would, but one that is open to speech, and one that would prefer to spread conspiracy.

    Past military experience:

    In previous characters, I have been:

    1) Oren Ranger

    2) Alras Corporal

    3) Sariant and Landmeister of the Teutonic Order. (Twice, currently still one now.)

    Past criminal experience:

    I have never been a bandit, and I have never been a thief, it is not really my forte to steal, instead, he wishes to lie, and steal in a way, that they would give it to him willfully.

    Current Occupation (Miner, Smithing etc):

    Landmeister of New Sorovitz and of the Snowy Mountains.

    Useful, Non-military Skills:

    Lumberjacking: 75

    Mining: 50

    Smithin: 50

    What have you heard of us IC?

    I have heard, that you live within the shadows of nations, that are ruled by corrupted tyrants, and even peaceful monarchists. You wish to gain an advantage over the government of a nation, and learn knowledge, as to make said government fear you.

    What have you heard of us OOC?

    Pretty much the same as I have IC really, I do not know much other, than that you are feared, and also extremely exclusive, to only the best RP'ers.

    What skill level do you currently hold on the following? Note, to rank past Neopyhte a skill requirement of 40 is required in one of these fields.

    Swords: 0

    Axemastery: 100

    Archery: 0


    Preferred weapon: Diamond Axe, or as my character calls it: Halberd of Ice.

    Screening Questions

    ACCEPTED villain app link (Required):

    Now, this a bit of sticky ground, as, I have my VA written, and it is being revised by Ninja, and I qoute: "Then your age would need to drop a bit, or you'd have to be a bit older when you came to Asulon. I see no other reason apart from that to deny it, so add that change and you're set. " Which I have changed since. As for a link, there is one at the bottom of the page, in my signature, or here.

    Are you wanted in any countries?:

    Not at all, although I would like to, it would seem fun to be hunted by these nations, as your run through the shadows, still causing unrest for the political leaders.

    Why do you want to join?:

    I want to join, as a "Guild" like this, really fits the activities of my character, someone who will kill, steal, and destroy a man either physically, or metaphorically, to get what he wants.

    Define powergaming thoroughly:

    Powergaming, is a term, which can be used to explain various different types of unfair Role-Play, these include:

    1) God-Modding: When in an RP fight, instead of PvP, the character who is "God-Modding" constantly emotes, that he dodges every move, and performs actions, that are unrealistic, and would be impossible to avoid, such as grappling them to the floor, from around the neck, where as this type of move, would require large amounts of strength, and nigh god-like speed when dueling.

    2) Cheesing: When RPing, the character who is "Cheesing" uses past lore, which is unknown to the other side of the event, to gain an advantage for hi character.

    3) Power-Gaming in General: Performing an action, without giving time for the other side of the event to react, and perform an action, to balance out the RP.

    Will you ever mention or hint the name or existence of this organization IC?

    No, it is brilliant, walking into a city, being seen as a stranger, which is probably no one, but have such power and intelligence concealed within your masquerade of simplicity. Ruining this secret, would be a horrible disgrace to RP.

    "Legal" stuff

    Will you tell anyone about your association with us ever (including OOC) or reveal any amount of information about who we are or what we do? And yes this is entirely necessary.

    No, admittedly, they will "know" about it, if they see my application here, they will guess, that I have some sort of affiliation with you, as for giving them intelligence of the DB plans, I will most likely forge some up, just to make them think like they have intelligence about the DB.

    Do you realize that breaking any server rules may result in banishment at our discretion?

    Yes, absolutely, which is why I plan on never breaking the rules, as to increase the fruition of my RP.

    Do you realize that revealing any information about us either IC or OOC will result in banishment and multiple contracts for your head? This may extend to a permadeath. Yes, and it is fair, for the enjoyment of the rest of the Order, it is unfair to say things OOC which, are slowly snuck into RP, through "suggested" terms.

    Will you take multiple screenshots of all jobs related to the Dark Brotherhood? Yes, I have come a-custom, in the case a ban-report comes forward, which now-a-days, happens very frequently sadly...

  5. Hello, I'm Renzbro of the Teutonic Order, I also run the military of New Sorovitz. We need a lot of new people in our military of course but we're not going to just take anyone willy nilly if you know what I mean. So just fill out this simple little application and we'll approve or deny it considering, happy hobbit hunting!


    What is your MC name?:

    What is your IC name?:

    How long have you been a part of the LOTC community?:

    On a scale of 1-10 gauge your RP skills:

    Why do you want to be in the NS military?

    Are you willing to take any order from a superior whether or not you find it morally right or not?:

    Do you have a Villain Application? If so what is it for?:


    See that wasn't so hard now was it? Hopefully your application is good enough to be inducted into the New Sorovitz Military!

  6. Viadar, I have chosen to take the Crusade of Knowledge upon myself. I have some information of this new land to show you. When I was exploring the new land I found a place called Crescentfall Bog and in this bog there's these mysterious meteors. They might have valuable ores or technology from other worlds if there are indeed other worlds out there.

  7. ((How about this, I kinda took a page from the Spartans with the ideals and the names but the names are not set in stone obviously since they're spartan names but it seemed to work pretty well for them. And no this does not make us a war nation for using an ancient war nations government type, I have a feeling one of you will bring that up. They had 2 kings 5 Ephors. The Kings could declare a military assault only with the consent of the majority of the Ephors and one king could overrule the other King but if the Ephors voted in favor of overturning the king that overruled the other king then the first king's plan would be set into motion. The Ephors primarily deal with political stuff and diplomacy and maintaining and creating laws and the economy while the kings are more there for moral support and for military action. Essentially the Kings are the military figureheads and the Ephors were political with some aspects of Americas congress in the sense that they had to approve of the military actions of the Kings. I don't know, I kinda reread this but not entirely so if something doesn't make sense to you point it out to me and I'll fix it to be more understandable. I think it might work.))



    I forgot to mention, I TL;DR'ed the last like 10 posts so if someone mentioned something like this before me I didn't read it. Sorry ;D

  8. Application


    -Minecraft Account Name: ComradeRenzbro

    -How old are you?: 15

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: Eastern Standard Time/ United States of America

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: Yes I'm an honor English student, no worries.

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I'm a 15 year old gamer that enjoys minecraft and roleplaying games. I haven't gotten into anything like this before and what better server to start on?

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?: About 2-3 hours a day unless something is conflicting.

    -What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?: I used to play Runescape obsessively from 4th to 8th grade and I have a firm grasp on how to act. It was mostly clan roleplaying so the government kind of bow down to your leader type thing.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: From what I've seen this server is very well scripted with the mods that it uses and everything. Even though I'm only a wandering soul I am already very impressed.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: I have played on Team9000 and Minesworn. The first is a roleplaying/survival server and the second is a faction server. I haven't quit either but I plan to make LOTC my main priority over the two and only occasionally visit them.

    -Have you ever been banned before? if, why? ( Be Honest ): I've gotten banned from a friends server as a joke if that counts and kicked from another for saying 2 or 3 swear words and they had a strict no swearing policy. I don't play on swearing on this or any minecraft server for that matter from now on.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules? What about the lore?: Yes I have read both. It's a very good read.

    -Name the 4 races on this server. Humans, Orcs, Dwarfs, Elves

    -How did you hear about us?: I heard it from Petridagamernerd on Youtube.

    -What is your LordOfCraft forum account name? ComradeRenzbro


    -Character Name: Renzbro

    -Lordofthecraft.com/forum forum account: ComradeRenzbro

    -Biography: Renzbro was a young elf that lives on the outskirts of Ravenhold farming crops in hopes to earn enough money to be permitted to mine in the community to make more Minas to take care of his sick mother. When ever he has time to train he goes out back to do some target practice with makeshift arrows and a bow his father left him before he died.

    He has had to fight many people trying to break into his house so he has gotten very good at hand to hand combat and doesn't feel out of place holding a dagger or a sword.

    Just recently his mother died of her illness before he could save her. With her dying breath she told him to go out and live life how he wants to and gave him a small bag of Minas as an inheritance. Now Renzbro is wandering the land looking for The Holy Princedom of Malinor so he can join his people to help defend.

    -Character Age: 19

    -Character Appearance: Tall and slender with gray eyes and medium length tall brown hair. Raggedy clothing for now.

    -Your ambitions: to help protect my own people and any allies they may have

    -Can your character read or write?: yes

    -Can your character mine?: he never got the chance to learn very well

    -Are you a capable builder? Yes he built his own house and its surroundings

    -Can you wield a sword?: Yes he trained himself in the craft from watching attackers and from experience.

    -Enjoy Farming?: I did it for a living for awhile and I can do it if need be. Its not exactly my strong-suit.

    -Does your character have any special skills?:] He is quite charismatic and can coerce people into doing almost anything.

    -A screenshot of your skin:

    http://s1111.photobucket.com/albums/h47 ... 074658.png

    -Other Information:

    I hope I got the Lore of the land right.


    Renzbro the Great


    It was supposed to be a russian military guy from WWII i thought we made our character skins after we're accepted. But I can make an elf skin real quick if you want. Could you accept me while i do it? :3

    -How long have you played minecraft?: I started playing early December of last year and haven't gone many days without playing.


    http://s1111.photobucket.com/albums/h47 ... t=elf2.png there we go :3


    http://s1111.photobucket.com/albums/h47 ... t=elf3.png

  9. Application


    -Minecraft Account Name: ComradeRenzbro

    -How old are you?: 15

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: Eastern Standard Time/ United States of America

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: Yes I'm an honor English student, no worries.

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I'm a 15 year old gamer that enjoys minecraft and roleplaying games. I haven't gotten into anything like this before and what better server to start on?

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?: About 2-3 hours a day unless something is conflicting.

    -How long have you played minecraft?: I started playing early December of last year and haven't gone many days without playing.

    -What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?: I used to play Runescape obsessively from 4th to 8th grade and I have a firm grasp on how to act. It was mostly clan roleplaying so the government kind of bow down to your leader type thing.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: From what I've seen this server is very well scripted with the mods that it uses and everything. Even though I'm only a wandering soul I am already very impressed.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: I have played on Team9000 and Minesworn. The first is a roleplaying/survival server and the second is a faction server. I haven't quit either but I plan to make LOTC my main priority over the two and only occasionally visit them.

    -Have you ever been banned before? if, why? ( Be Honest ): I've gotten banned from a friends server as a joke if that counts and kicked from another for saying 2 or 3 swear words and they had a strict no swearing policy. I don't play on swearing on this or any minecraft server for that matter from now on.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules? What about the lore?: Yes I have read both. It's a very good read.

    -Name the 4 races on this server. Humans, Orcs, Dwarfs, Elves

    -How did you hear about us?: I heard it from Petridagamernerd on Youtube.

    -What is your LordOfCraft forum account name? ComradeRenzbro


    -Character Name: Renzbro

    -Lordofthecraft.com/forum forum account: ComradeRenzbro

    -Biography: Renzbro was a young elf that lives on the outskirts of Ravenhold farming crops in hopes to earn enough money to be permitted to mine in the community to make more Minas to take care of his sick mother. When ever he has time to train he goes out back to do some target practice with makeshift arrows and a bow his father left him before he died.

    He has had to fight many people trying to break into his house so he has gotten very good at hand to hand combat and doesn't feel out of place holding a dagger or a sword.

    Just recently his mother died of her illness before he could save her. With her dying breath she told him to go out and live life how he wants to and gave him a small bag of Minas as an inheritance. Now Renzbro is wandering the land looking for The Holy Princedom of Malinor so he can join his people to help defend.

    -Character Age: 19

    -Character Appearance: Tall and slender with gray eyes and medium length tall brown hair. Raggedy clothing for now.

    -Your ambitions: to help protect my own people and any allies they may have

    -Can your character read or write?: yes

    -Can your character mine?: he never got the chance to learn very well

    -Are you a capable builder? Yes he built his own house and its surroundings

    -Can you wield a sword?: Yes he trained himself in the craft from watching attackers and from experience.

    -Enjoy Farming?: I did it for a living for awhile and I can do it if need be. Its not exactly my strong-suit.

    -Does your character have any special skills?:] He is quite charismatic and can coerce people into doing almost anything.

    -A screenshot of your skin:

    It wouldnt let me put the picture in. Is there any other way i could show you? ;-;

    -Other Information:

    I hope I got the Lore of the land right.


    Renzbro the Great

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