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Posts posted by killjoytheepic

  1. About a year ago I donated for the iron level VIP package but I have started up again to find I only have one soul stone slot and was hoping to get the other slot I was owed back. My MC name is KillJoyTheEpic.

    Thank you.

  2. [OOC]

    MC Name: KillJoyTheEpic

    Skype Name (optional):



    Name: Kal Elenor

    Age: 268

    Race: High Elf

    Chosen Profession: Miner

    Are you willing to learn other professions in the future, if necessary?: yes


    “I, Kal Elenor, do swear in the name of Malin; that I will uphold the Mali’lumi ethic; that I will practice and espouse nonviolence within Malinor; that I will work hard to promote the betterment of Malinor; that I will not deceive or steal from the West Malinor Trade Company.”

  3. The note is written with great care on truly fine standard

    It saddens me that I must post such a note but sadly I must. I motion for Celia Sullas to be removed from the position of Tulruir'Aclan. These are the reasons why.

    • Gambling away 12,000 minas of the cities money
    • Increased aggression towards visitors
    • Sale of weapons and armor to those who are our enemies
    • Overstepping her "Powers" in several cases Violating the duties of many of the other Tulriur
    • Murder of A pure Mali'aheral
    • Attempted murder of a pure Mali'aheral
    • Assault of a pure Mali'aheral
    • Refusal to pay wages to workers of Haelun'or for several weeks
    • the massive waste of resources on an island she sold for personal gain, while another project was occurring for the good of the city.

    You the citizens of Haelun'or must decide if she is to be removed or not. Please reply stating your position in Five elven days the votes will be tallied. If you vote for impeachment Celia has agreed to step down.

    I vote Yes for removal.

    I second the movement

  4. You walk into the center of the city to see a sign in front of the grand market*

    With the current situation I, Sillumir Kalzhett, have not the time to run the food market and I am selling it for 6,000, it will come stocked with enough food to sell to far make back the money you spent. Please contact me if you are interested.

  5. *posts a response*

    Josef gets word from his couriers that there are responses to some of the notes. He dictates how they should add replies. To the first,

    I believe I have about one hundred twelve rocks.

    - Josef Timothee

    To the second,

    What is a stack of roses? I have never heard of that measurement... I suppose I will sell for two minas per rose.

    - Josef Timothee

    To the third,

    Perhaps two minas per lump? I think that's reasonable.

    - Josef Timothee

    How much for each rock?

  6. IGN : Killjoytheepic

    RP Name : Justicar_Kalzhett

    Job/Profession/Specialties : I am a Justicar of the legion with 100 swords, a shop owner, and a successful blacksmith.

    Which Recommended Tabs did you have (Celia will not judge purely based on this, but it helps alot in wooing her.)? I am a master of the sword and I feel I am trustworthy and shall treat you well.

    Which Great Pluses Tabs do you have (Celia will not judge purely based on this, but it helps alot in wooing her.)? I am the owner of the fastest growing shop in all of Haelun'or. I also have the best shop plot and a steady income. I currently own a grand hall which you have stayed in and I hope to upgrade soon to a massive hall.

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