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Posts posted by Ivran

  1. MC name: DessertMenu


    Character's name and age: Lisbeth Dragulna


    Character’s Race: High Elf


    What magic/s did you learn?: Shade, Soul Puppetry, and Mental Magic.

    Who/how did you learn magic/s?: I learned Mental Magic from Caedwen Camoryn (_Elad_) and Soul Puppetry from mthdominator (or mth_dew) long before the magic apps made their return, over a year ago at least. As for Shade magic, my character received hers from Malineer Dragulna (Tentoa) originally.


    Offer an explanation of said magic/s you learned:


    Mental Magic: Through a combination of physical/visual contact and location of another’s consciousness in the void, one can see, feel, and experience the mind of one other than your own. Less skilled mages can perform basic telepathy between them and their mark, while those more skilled can alter the way others perceive reality, their sights, smells, etcetera. Mental Mages and those with a highly-trained mind are capable of producing mental barriers which act as deterrents to any attempted intrusion into their mind.


    Soul Puppetry: A rather simple form of magic in itself, requiring only a doll crafted in the likeness of whoever it is the mage is attempting to affect, the blood of said person, and a hint of magic. Once the doll is imbued with the blood of your mark through application to the eyes of the doll, then it’s simply a matter of decision. Do you mean to simply annoy your victim? Then induce nausea in your target by violently shaking the puppet. Is your goal to truly harm your target? Then cutting or pricking the puppet would cause similar wounds to the mark. Of course, any damage you tend to inflict on another has a chance to be re-directed onto yourself.


    Shade Magic: Beings afflicted with the curse created by Iblees himself, first bestowed upon Rilath who attempted to replicate the gift, but in turn formed an imperfect copy. A Shade is capable of manipulating their own aura and devouring, albeit slowly, the aura of things around them. Using the curse as a weapon involves solidifying one’s aura into a real, physical, and tangible object. Whether it be in the form of the ever popular tendril, or a simple knife or sword, a Shade is capable of morphing their aura and forging it to the strength and density of even steel. Once done, any aura or mana expended is consequently removed from existence.


    Provide evidence you’ve garnered to said subtype:


    Mental Magic: _Elad_ should be able to vouch, as he was the one who taught my character.


    Soul Puppetry: Once again, _Elad_ should be able to vouch as he was a student alongside me.

    Shade Magic: I’m sure any of the current Shade Fathers would be able to verify my authenticity, though I can provide whatever proof is required. ((Note: My Shade is not currently active, but lies dormant. I’m in the process of having it re-awakened and have simply added this to my application as a pre-emptive action.))

  2. Perhaps instead of making any additions to shades.

    Go do more things... Shades keep it a secret and that does not make it very fun for anyone you could be a very interesting player antag but all i'm seeing is assimilating yourselves into society as if you were never infected with the parasite. That creates very little Rp instead of that go cause so chaos burn down a city or something.

    ALSO fix the notorious problem with shades that powergame


    Many of us attempt to live semi-normal lives because hiding the fact that you are a Shade is simple enough, and it's normally preferable to being hunted down constantly. Shades have never been the "Let's go burn down a city!" Generally, we take on a more deceitful approach to things instead a rather heavy-handed and upfront one. ((At least we try to.)) This provides its own kind of role-play, no? Also, it's impossible for us to deal with PG unless we can get names and screenshots, in which case they're dealt with accordingly.

  3. If the collective shades want to push for this lore addition I feel you guys need to crack down on the advanced attrition seen in shades and directly clarify for yourselves what you can and cannot do with your abilities.


    I think what makes me get turned off by the idea of adding more shade magic is that I personally get a lot of "sort of" ('s) when asking about specific abilities. Although with the MP something like "hauntings" could be RP-ed mechanically through dark curses that I am sure are existent in the plugin.



    EDIT. Basically what I am saying is shades need to choose if they want attrition and support abilities like the lore said it was for or if they want a strong offensive magic. Right now it seems you guys want both.


    I believe most of what can and can not be done with Shade has been clarified in the latest... clarification. I guess.

  4. Compensating old mages should be easy enough by taking into account who was a holder of an MA when they were removed. Anyone who's been using magic that long should get some sort of bonus.


    That'd be quite a bit of work, which isn't really needed. You can still RP your magic.

  5. Nature of the bug: After the update you are no longer able to turn gravel directly into flint. ((Intentional?))

    First occurrence: (Providing an exact time helps us locate the error messages, which can help in fixing the bug) : Anytime since the update.


    Describe exactly all the actions you took leading up to the bug: Tried placing gravel into my 2x2 crafting table and looked through every workstation, no luck.

    What messages are/aren't you getting that you would/wouldn't get normally : (in the event of a crash, please also provide the error log) : N/A

     Frequency of occurrence: 100%

    Are you able to reproduce the bug: Every time.

  6. I wonder if the dwarves are the only ones using this plugin effectively. There's like 30 of us, all of whom have a profession and we all rely on each other, and actually RP in the meantime, or RP the stuff going on. Must be sad to be you, you say your opinion matters... "This plugin sucks!" very professional, very mature, these are the kinds of opinions that don't matter.


    Nice rep whoring




    Woooah nelly clam down m9

  7. I like the fact that it requires people to depend on each other, the professions themselves seem pretty neat and would be perfect with a few tweaks. ((Lower or remove the crafting times on everything, and to a lesser extent armor. And please make skills default to 0 and be unable to go into the negatives, just a pain.)) All in all, good job on actually making a plugin that has a ton of potential!

  8. It isn't an issue on whether I am vocal or not. The times I've tried to be vocal, people make ad hominem attacks such as "Oh God, Gaius is too confusing, he must be arrogant or trying to cloud the meaning". I learned arguing on the internet is futile since cognitive dissonance mostly cannot be experienced, but I'll put my words in from time to time.

    Wasn't talking bad about you, by the way. :3 Just explaining to him.

  9. -snip-

    Pretty much what you said. And with your suggestion of cleaning out the staff teams, Viper said he's going to begin doing that rather shortly.


    The players need to realize that the GM's are still people and just because you don't see them doing what you want to be done, it does not mean that they are not doing their job. GM's are only a part of providing your fun, the task belonging to the staff in its entirety. But, I do notice that player feedback of often times overlooked or said to be noted, then nothing is done and it's tossed to the side.


    Overall, I feel the gap between players and the staff grows larger every day, and the only way to fix many of our problems is to close said gap. No more of this player vs. staff garbage, we need to come together as a community. Perhaps more communication between staff and players would be a great help, we want to know what's going on. And please, try to tone down the hate. 


    EDIT: I apologize for the double post.

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