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Posts posted by Orlanden_

  1. Howdy, everyone! We've started a new little way to keep all the Halfling players informed and up to date on everything Halfling! We have an RP channel as well as an OOC channel, now. This is not going to be used for voice calls, we'll keep that to Teamspeak. We'll just use this for text-based chats. We'll make sure any new events or happenings are posted in the OOC chat and use it just for general chat purposes. As far as the RP channel, say the server is down. This allows us to still be able to RP with one another and have a little fun! Same goes for if you're away from your computer and have skype on your phone or other device.


    Now, to be added to these chats, you can add me on skype (username is Payne2201, but shows up as Nate (Marco) when you search for me) or ask around in game to see who else is already in the chat and add them so they can add you to the chats. However you feel like going about it, really. Also, if you really want to, you can just post your skype username on a comment here and we'll add you.


    Thanks for reading!


    - Nate (Marco Merryfoot)


    PS: Make sure whoever you request as a contact on Skype, you tell them in your request just who you are!

  2. Marco happens by the notice board on his morning smoke and inspection walk around Merrywater. He reads the note left for him, folds it neatly, and places it in his pocket. He continues his walk until he comes back to his own burrow where he readies a bird to carry a reply back to the Faendal. ((Forum PM))

  3. or the other elders....

    Super isn't the only elder, even if he is more popular :P

    And who named the town Merrywater? That's so cliche...

    He's not the only Elder, no, but him and Dalek are the only ones that have ownership in Merrywater to give people perms. And Dalek hasn't been on in weeks. And it was a mutual agreement on the name that Super finalized. It's not named after Marco if that's what you're thinking ;) muahaha

  4. Howdy, everyone! I've been hard at work building up our community and along with the new tavern in Merrywater, we now have a total of four new burrows which totals five in vacancies! Come on by and check out the new digs! Get ahold of Bili (Supersodapops) either in game or here on the forums to get your cozy new home!



    - Payne2225 (Marco Merryfoot)

  5. *As you take your first few steps off the boat and wander along the gravel path leading you to the quaint little burrows of Merrywater on the Isle of Frondle, you see a new noticeboard has been built. Among all the signs, one really sticks out to you as you realize how thirsty the salty sea air has made you!*


    The sign reads, "Come on in and have a drink in the new Merryfoot Tavern! We have flavorful ales, wines, and a decent selection of hard liquors! We even have some Wood Elven jugga and rotmeth that is specially delivered from Malinor each week! Hungry? No problem! We have many cakes, pies, and pastries along with more main courses like baked taters and cooked carrots! Need your meat fix? Have some pork, beef, and even fresh fish caught daily! We welcome you with arms wide open, so stop on in!


    - Marco Merryfoot, Owner"


    *Your eyes shift just to the left of the noticeboard and you notice how close the tavern is! As you walk up, you hear laughing, singing, and jolly music. You peek through the door and see some tables, a beautiful fireplace, and a rounded bar in the center of the room. Will you come in? We sure hope so!*


    (Also, there will be a huge party in the tavern soon to celebrate its opening...and what better excuse to get drunk and have a great time? There is none! Be on the lookout for a new post on the event in the near future!)

  6. Oh, come on. Really? No love for me - the one who gave you the idea? That's the model, as I told you, I've used for almost a year now, although I lived in Malinor most of the time. :) Also, I've spent nearly all my time (the last month or more) on my Halfling, and because of that, I feel it's drawing in newcomers! There have been three new Halflings just today! :D


    -Marco Merryfoot

  7. Make a fast travel system like Skyrim. Have boats like in Aegis, for one, that warp you to another boat. Then for land travel, have a carriage system that you could only use if you're within say two blocks of the carriage. It would then warp to one of so many different locations including each capital city. Use a command something like /warp carriage [city name]. And of course, you have to pay. The further away the destination, the more money it'll cost. Also, to avoid abuse of any kind, just make a casting time basically. You could call it boarding time or something like that. That takes away abuse of people running from someone else and just instantly warping away.

  8. Terms of Conflict

    • If you have recently taken place in an attack on a village or town you are to not return to that settlement looking for a fight until 3 actual days have passed. ( 72 hours )

    • A Faction or Guild can only attack a City or nation once every 4 actual days. ( 96 hours )

    • If a Nation wishes to wage war on another nation, they must wait a week between attacks. ( 168 hours )

    • This includes guilds / factions allied with attacking nation.

    This allows for some more time spent between conflict, for intrigue & diplomacy!

    Comment below,

    I wonder why this was put in affect :P

  9. Hello! I wish to sign up in you Ranger Guild.

    1. Minecraft name: Tyras91

    2. Character name: Ilúvatarion

    3. Race: Elf

    4. Character age: 850

    5. Short bio of your character (about a paragraph): Iluvatarion is an old wanderer who in past were a mighty warrior and skilled with both Sword and Bow. He came from Aegis with his son

    6. Why you want to be a member of The Shrouded: i have been wandering the world alone my whole life, i just want to belong to something, I want to feel useful.

    ---Below, answer each scenario question in character. Keep in mind that as long as you are roleplaying, you can do whatever necessary to fulfil your contract:

    1. You have been given a death contract for a man named Corlier Fromin. He is part of a band of ten or so villains and rarely ventures away from their camp. You may be required to spend a fair amount of time spying on the man, gathering information, or falsely be a part of their band of villains. What tactics would you use to take him out?

    I would follow them for a few days in silent, learn how they act, what they like and hate, maybe what the use to eat, then attempt to befriend them and join them, then kill everyone of them in their sleep, if however this fails i would use poison in their food, and dispose of the remains.

    2. If you were given a spy contract on a female wood elf who’s husband suspects her of cheating and you accidentally are discovered by the man she is cheating with while outside of his window, what actions do you take to get away (Fighting, Lying, Running, etc.)?

    I would use my bow and strike from a distance. However, if that can´t be achieved, then i would trick the man to come outside while i stand on the roof and attacks with a small knife.

    3. There is suddenly the death of a Mayor of a nearby town. Your guild leaders are approached by a concerned citizen who thinks there has been some foul play by the newly appointed Mayor of the town. The suspicion is that the new Mayor slayed the other with a diamond sword and is now hiding it in his locked chest in his study. You have been given a contract to gather information from the man and try to get him to confess if at all possible. You also must persuade him to take the sword out of the chest and once you know whether he committed the crime or not, you must then take action. If you are sure he did it, kill him and take the sword and return to a leader. If you truly believe he did not do it, you leave and make note of it to a leader to end your contract. State how you would go about getting the information out of the man and get him to remove the sword from the chest.

    I would travel to the new Mayor and ask him some codewords, stating that I needed to talk to him private in his study. I would then sedate him and bind him to a chair, take my tools out and start inspecting them. If he is guilty then he would not be so nervous as if he were not guilty. While he was out cold I would look for the key and search for evidence and traces of blood. If he is guilty, i will draw his blood quicker than the eye, if not, wipe out his memory of me and realese him.

    We are moving our guild hall to a more secure location. We will be in touch with you as soon as this dust settles.

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