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Posts posted by Fudge

  1. *Leaflets have been posted to every major blackmsith and mage in the land


    I am an experienced smith and am looking to expand my trade by infusing the blades and bows I forge with magic.


    I would be willing to offer a sizable bag of gold in exchange for glyphs with the sworn promise that I shall not share their secrets with any other.


    Contact James Booth (olifudge) if you care to make an offer.

  2. Name: J. Booth

    Race and Subrace: Human Northerner

    Age:  21

    Are you willing to die for both the Creator, and The Decterum: Aye

    Are you a citizen of Oren: Aye

    Military Experience(None Needed): Lead the defence of Oren against the Undead of Aegis.


    The Decterum Oath

    I, James, swear to uphold the word of the Creator in anyway, shape, or form. I swear to give forth my utmost effort to perform my duties the best way I can, and to bring honor to both myself, and The Decterum. I swear to protect Oren and it’s people from whatever threat dares to show hostile actions towards my Nation, and to protect the Church and the Human Realm from barbaric heretics and those who wish to bring chaos to the Oren government. I swear to never disobey a direct order from my superiors, and to never act in a disrespectful manner while representing The Decterum. I swear, to be a member of The Decterum until I die.



    MC Name: olifudge

    What is your Skype: ----------

    Do you have TeamSpeak: Yes, but just built a new rig so i lack a mic right now.

  3. Ok, so after some thought. I decided to quit LotC, for some time at least.

    However i have a large house in Sanhar which i was using as a temporary home for some time.

    Anyway. If you want it. Just say in the forums. If more then one person say they do ill hold some mini forum contest or w/e.

    Anyway, have fun!

  4. *As you walk down one of Al'Khazar's many back streets and notice a peace of paper nailed to a wall*

    Hiring a good architect for a no questions asked job. The payment will be given depending on your construction. All materials will be supplied.

    ((/msg olifudge in game if interested or post on this thread.))

  5. So after leveling my mining up to 36 i have quite a lot of cobble! I'm not 100% sure on the exact amount but im pretty sure its ~30,000. Iv'e already shifted 10,000 of it but Iv'e still got plenty left over. If anyone wants to buy any i usually sell for 20-30 a stack.

    If you do /msg me in game (olifudge) and we can sort something out.



  6. (Summary of the battle which took place last night under the hard rock)

    [A guard is seen running towards the great gates of Al'khazar. In his hands he grasps a leather tome with metal clasps. He stops in the center of the city and a small group gathers round. On the front of the book the words "Diary of James Bridge" can be seen. He opens the book and reads aloud.]

    Day 1. Nayleigh and I have discovered a small area close to Al'khazar. It appears to be the ruins of an old shop. With a few tweeks here and there we may be able to turn it into a prosperous establishment. Half of the building is built into the mountain and so we have decided to name it the hard rock.

    Day 3. I came across some bandits today somewhere along the kings road. They stole 2000 minas from me. Thats almost all of the money we made in a week! I fear if something like this happens again we will need to relocate to somewhere safer. This is not good. Not good at all.

    Day 6. We made a huge sale today! 500 arrows for 3500 minas! This is amazing! we might be able to start living the high life soon. I can see it now. Elven beauties in my bed. Orc man servants tending to my every needs. A huge mansion in the city. But for now it is just a dream. But... maybe one day.

    Day 8. Nayleigh told me to follow him today. I wasn't sure why but i soon found out. He had been exploring a small cave system he found when we first arrived and stumbled onto something quite concerning. It appeared to be a natural cavern but i soon came to doubt that as there appeared to be man made objects there. I found a lever and pulled it sharply. To my amazement, lava began to pour down from the ceiling. It filled what appeared to be grooves specifically made for the lava to run through. This place gave me a bad feeling. But it was more then that. It was a sensation in the back of my mind. I could feel someones presence there but i did not know who.

    Day 12. Nayleigh has become obsessed with the mines. He has....changed. He no longer comes out for food. When he does emerge from the depths he acts differently. Snapping at me when i try to talk to him. He isolates him self in his room and no longer helps in the shop.

    Day 15. It happened again. Bandits. They took everything. I don't think we can go on like this. I will think about it over the night and come up with an ultimatum in the morning. I haven't seen Nayleigh since last night. I think he's back in the mines, i will look later.

    Day 16. Thats it. I have decided. If we can't get a new source of money by next week i'm shutting up shop and going back to my old home.

    Day 16.5. Nayleigh appeared out of nowhere. He was clutching a purse filled to the brim with minas! I was in shock. He told me he had taken it from a rich traveler. Interesting, perhaps this could be a new way for us to make money?

    Day 17. Haha! This is brilliant! We made so much money! More then we would make in a month! Maybe my dream will come to fruition after all!

    Day 19. Iv'e been going back into the caves with Nayleigh. I have seen what he is doing down there. Corpses line the walls. Many have chunks missing from them. Teeth marks in the flesh. What has my friend become?

    Day 25. The corruption... it... it feels so good. I think i have figured out who's presence i have been sensing. Iblees. We have turned the cave into a shrine. I no longer go to the surface much these days. Other then to get more flesh to feast on that is.

    Day 26. Nayleigh and i met a man today. His face looked different. It appeared to have been rotting... We showed him the shrine, he was impressed. He then quickly left. I don't know where.

    Day 27. We got a guard today. The fool. The king has no idea there is a shrine to his greatest enemy so close to his home.

    Day 30. We met some friends today two men, they claimed to be followers of the great one as well. We showed them the shrine. They were instantly engulfed in its power.

    Day 31. We messed up! A guard we tried to kidnap escaped! This isn't good! Not good at all! I fear the guards will return in force. I must discuss with my allies what our next move is.

    Day 31.5 They are upstairs. A lord, one i knew as Eze' leads them. He is a "Friend" of sorts. Well, thats what i want him to think.

    They found the damn shrine! Nayleigh and I face unbeatable numbers. At least 15 men stand against just the four of us! This fight is hopeless. All i can do is hope that we can defend for long enough for allies to arrive.

    The man! The man with the rotting face arrived! He summoned a horde of monsters on the guards! He got at least 3 before he was forced to retreat. If the guards are too much even for an undead. What hope do me and my allies have.

    Nayleigh got one with an arrow through the eye! Fantastic! We have tunnels all around these rooms. I am going to use them to sneak round their lines and see if i can take a couple out.

    I got one before i was wounded by a blade to the arm. This does not look good for us at all.

    Eze' led a charge across the pathway. We knocked a few into the lava with our hidden traps but still they come. I fear this is the end.

    Nayleigh was knocked into the lava. I am alone now. In one of the tunnels. I hear them searching for me. They are coming.

    I got one but there is another coming. Its time for me to go down with a BANG!

    [There is a splatter of blood on the page.]

    Aftermath - I went through the ruins of the shrine. It has been destroyed. I found my diary under some rubble. We are taking refuge with a friend to the south in the city of.....

    Someone is here. A guard! This book will do nothing but weigh me down so i must leave it. If anyone finds this. Take note.

    If four followers of Iblees could cause so much trouble, so close to the heart of Oren and remain unnoticed. What can the undead do? The thought pleases me. For soon. We will find all of Aegis in ruin.

    [the passage ends here]

    ((Hope you liked it! I tried to show the corruption James faced throughout his time in the Hard Rock and the effects this had on his mind.))

    ((anyway, going to golf. Happy hunting!))


  7. I'm a guy who writes alot...here I just can say:



    Hmm... a piece of fudge as a Forum moderator... PERFECT! +1 Olifudge is an awesome guy, a god like roleplayer and he will be an amzing addition to the FM team

    I know the Gm's get the final say but im sure the support will help them decide ;)


  8. +1 I support this.

    I support this app for multiple reasons

    one of them is if you go and look at his villain app you can see how good his grammar spelling and such is good you can also look over his past apps and see how he has listened and seen how to improve his own work, if this isnt a good quality than i dont know what is.

    he is friendly and gets on with people, just ask people on TS, he also knows when to stop a joke before it goes to far and when to say no to people.

    In all truth i support this app.

    Ummmm YESH! Fudge is a very good Rp'er and very helpful too. He is always posting and helping on the forums. This shows he is dedicated! +1 support for me!

    Olifudge is a great choice for a mod. I have only been on this server for a day and he has shown me how this server works. It has really helped me play this server and has helped enrich my exprience. Thankyou!

    It's getting hard to quote you all! Also, my signature is full. You will have to imagine you are on it!

    Thanks so much all!

  9. Wow

    From what I've seen Oli looks like a quality candidate for a forum moderator. A guy with experience is worth a lot, and you can't go wrong with an active guy like him. He seems like a great candidate and I give my support!

    Flight of the Concords friend! Thanks for the support!

    This fella seems helpful, and patient

    excellent FM qualities i'd say!

    From the high prince!

    Im honored. Truly.

  10. Long time love Vardak <3

    I support Olifudge fully!

    Thanks Tom, i only think i met you once but means alot!

    i support olifudge fully!

    Thanking everyone who supports me!

    You are all awarded my unlimited love!

  11. Olifudge is an honest guy who allways seems like he knows what hes doing I think he would be pretty good at a Forum Moderator.

    PLUS ONE he is a great person who will dedicate himself to his work.

    Wow. Never met some of you guys! Didn't know i was liked :D Thanks alot

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