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Posts posted by Sir_Vilku

  1. On 8/30/2022 at 5:56 PM, Sir_Vilku said:


    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 


    Yes, ive got a skin for my kharajyr. (i tried everything, to put a pic of the skin here, but it doesnt work. maybe thats possible on discord?)



    (I think i screwed something up, didn't mean to double post. where's the delete function?) Oh, we still have it the same way? That moderators will do the deletion. (You can delete this post, these pictures were failures, and the successful one is on the appropriate place.)



    On 8/30/2022 at 5:56 PM, Sir_Vilku said:




    (I fixed the hood clipping on his eyes.

    This skin was made before the times that the hood got smaller. )


    Now i got it working!


    Maybe this one is better? :


    On 8/30/2022 at 5:56 PM, Sir_Vilku said:



  2. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:




    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    He is my kharajyr character, Si'Kviir. (pantera subtype)


    He is mostly pastless. he just wants to forget his past, to begin an adventure in the almaris world.

    His profession is that of a mason/engineer. He doesn't like many things. But he is good, and not a villain at all. Although his moral sense could be alarming to others.

    He isn't the romantic type either. His pessimism is quite obvious, But he is not cranky.



    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 


    Yes, ive got a skin for my kharajyr.


    I can try to explain it: He has yellow eyes. he looks masculine, even for the kharajyr standards. He has a white dot of fur on his chest, black the rest.











    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:

             magics? I don't understand the question.

             EDIT: ah, one has to apply for magic? then the answer is no. (i mean, i could always get those later, if needed, right?)

             I tried asking on discord about this magic stuff, but didn't get answers. Also i don't know what memey rp is. Or what subpar villain thing is.

             Is memey Rp the self focused Rp?



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:

             uh, yes? EDIT: this doesn't apply for me, as I'm not applying for a magic application?


    Do you understand that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand.


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:

             I have, here:  (this was.. 10 years ago?)


  3. But as you can see in other games that have communal race's.... they still have a capital/nation, no matter what it is.

    They will need a center for their species, and just making a ghost capital is out of the picture I am guessing. And the whole lore for it just starting up, I would need to see WAY more.

    The Kharajyr and Mori could be communal race's as well, more the Kharajyr. It would be weird for players to just have something right there.

    they arent only communal, but mobile like most species on planet earth, also the cooperation over competition are their primary cultural attributes.

    no need for centeralization, just like in wild species move around and thats how they do it. which is what led them on asulon in the first place.

    maybe capital could form later if arvidians adopt their ways, but until that tribes are the biggest thing for them. which too, move around as the area runs out of meat to eat.

    EDIT: ooc'ly i hate it how cities are so big yet inactive, hard to navigate in and basically only negative traits. with cities location being defined by where the players go instead of the other way, would create more rp'ing.

    This looks like a really good idea, and I also like that they could live in our swamp biomes.

    I hate when people say we have too many races in LOTC because the dwarves are dieing out and I hear that there is like no one in Menorcress, so if any of does two races were to get extinct I would definitely add this race in. Although the idea is not very original it would add some sound rp in LOTC and lead to alot of new rp events.

    races die cause people dont liek them. simple as that. which also equals into lotc having less players as they quit in the lack of their specific tastes.

    its a natural process for all species to meet with in the end.

  4. So... you planned this for over 8 months? And you were gone for awhile, and jut came back, and want another race? Its been at least a week or so since the Kharajyr has been accepted.

    Also, to those that think Kharajyr are stuck at one island, they wont be. We will have our capital, but we will go out when we travel or however that event will play out.

    And also the title of the race:

    Sounds a lot like Argonians.

    And, if you didnt know, the Argonians are pretty much slavers that took over the dark elf lands. Just look in the lore for Elder Scrolls on the wiki.

    AHEM!! i do know that, and it was actually argonians revenge for them slaving argonians.

    i know its similar.. but it sounds good doesnt it?

    also i anyways think we should have a communal race no matter what, even if i played some other race i would LOVE to see some diversity in life style in lotc. which is not what we have. orcs, elves, humans.. dwarves... they all live according to a kingdom hierarchy as does kharajyr and mori.

    a different kind of race is what we need. to give a bit of diversity.

    also, wrote a stump of a lore to give a slight idea of the whole lore, which ill continue on right now!

    no, i studied psychology all that time i was off lotc, but yes before that i planned this until i got the great idea of lore and wholly different culture for this race! yay!

  5. Wait, so you were one of the main advocates for the Khajiit for a very long time, I believe. And now that those are accepted, one month later you try to push Argonians as well?

    I feel like you should be made a meme or something... It fully feels like a troll.

    But in all seriousness, you finally get to play the race you always wanted here in LotC. Now sit down and play it! Don't get right on trying to create ANOTHER one.

    hahah, i actually planned this before that, but re surfaced it as i got an idea of a great new lore (which i am yet to write <.<)

    but anyways, whatever race i play, i could make one more which contributes to them all in rp value, no matter which race i choose to be.

  6. I do dislike the unoriginal concept, though it can be developed on when another race is even likely to be accepted, good luck.

    do you perhaps mean the appearance? i know i only used those elder scrolls things as a way to show a bit of what it appears like, except with different and more colours, different culture, different physiology: reproduction as hermaphrodites, egg layers and cloacas.

    pardon me, but i dont think bethesda invented the concept of reptilians, i think it was nature who did that.

    and bethesda might have combined them with humanoids before me, but that doesnt make this idea less original.

    actually my greatest source of inspiration is the nature on planet earth, how unoriganal of me.. =/

  7. I like the idea of having a communal race. I would even go a step further and suggest that this race have no homeland whatsoever, forcing them to intermingle with the other races of Asulon, something you mention. One of the problems with the map currently is that all the races are very spread out, which makes for realistic RP but is also incredibly challenging. Even more aggravating is how races like the Mori and Kharajyr are confined to a specific place and restricted in their interacting with other races. I think a race that wanders the land, maybe sticking together without having a single place to call their own could be very successful.

    However, I'm also pretty sure that any new race at this time is a bad idea. If there can be excellent and in-depth lore done with lots of input then I think it could go well. LOTC needs more players before adding any new races. So I give support to the idea and actually think it could be pulled off brilliantly, but it needs more time first.

    im almost ashamed now, you hit hat i already planned but didnt write as plain 100% correct, the lore of it goes, which i didnt write out but did in my head but hands too SLOW! well their culture is based on adventuring and thus they simply have no settling down except for short periouds, and they destroy their settlements always after moving off + the settlements are done with nature, they respect the beauty of nature = no nature disturbing at all.

    Well I know its Argonians as soon as I saw the skyrim picture. I would think this would be amazing and might fill out the swamp biomes but we just have to much Races. I think the Kharajyrs were the last exception in my opinion.

    the only thing they really do share with argonians is physiology, they have entirely different culture (as they havent made games nor books of argonian culture, unless this what i invented just simply happens to coincidentally be what they would invent if they ever are to maker a game there. ps, havent read the books yet, LOL.)

    but my primary focus is in being 100% OOC political race, one which couldnt possibly harm rp of any race and one which benefits all.

    thats achieved by creating a different organizing structure than hierarchism/settle downism.

    (im just so horrible at writing that my hands can no way keep up with the pace i get new ideas <.< .. so pardon the way i express these possibly temporary and possibly final parts i add, which might transform into something higher, or actually, definately will.)

  8. [table of contents: 1 introduction, 2 the specie, 3 lore!]

    1 introduction

    currently, all races function in the exact same manner. no matter which you choose, its all the same. thus i decided to invent a new, more interesting way which also promotes more rp. and less abandoned cities.

    if you oppose a new race, for any rational reasons. i dont see how this could make any players rp worse. having more races doesnt take population from other races but rather increases it as people have more diversity to choose from which equals more players and this race, doesnt function terristorically thus doesnt spread out population but rather verges them together by being an rp focused race instead of competition focused like all of the current races. this competition focus is what people seem to expect all new races to be about, and thus automatically go into denial while this race is designed only rp in mind.

    number of players in races is dropping cause people get _bored_ of the races dullness, and creating more options to choose from is the solution to keep people interested which also broadens the scope of people who deem lotc's races eligible for themselves. theres nothing you can do to the original 4 races of aegis which would make me interested in them, nothing, and same applies to many others who then decide not to apply for this server or leave it due that. for starters, the culture of those 4 main races is too much alike, and we need something which is totally different to give a spice to the mix.

    2 the specie

    the specie wouldnt be hierarchial like the rest, but rather communal with cooperation over leadership. the hierarchial nature of other races is actually very annoying, and the reason even my valikor_the_snob character didnt exist for long at all in lotc. for example what its like to enter lotc if your in a hierarchial specie: (irl time) you spend few days wandering around in wilderness, you havent yet even found people to rp with as cities appear desolate. after few days, you found someone who gave you a wooden axe so you could start out in the wilds. spend some more days gathering in the wild, was this supposed to be an rp server? and thats what this race would do differently, you can just go find fellow speciemen and rp with them to find out all they are about. and possibly even get accepted into a commune if you fit into that specific one. basically a race which is about rping instead of competition. and competition elements can be filled by communes cooperating to compete against something. basically much like pack of wolves, predators who pack up to cooperate and then travel around and settle down when theyve found land they wish to keep as their own, and thus becoming a tribe. (thus a hybrid of pack and tribal specie, which would support the flexibility of the migration lore.) ((rant rant rant! : the four primary races promote competition and hierarchy which in itself alone is the opposite of rp and leads to power being some divine value, while i consider good rp time being the divine value as does this race.))

    ooc'ly i hate it how cities are so big yet inactive, hard to navigate in and basically only negative traits. with cities location being defined by where the players go instead of the other way, would create more rp'ing. i want to cure this disease we have in lotc for the sake of rp quality.

    had this idea of cooperative development to unite all lizard/reptile lovers under one banner (as most if not all suggestions seem to have a denial rate which goes too high, thus politics are a necessity.) this banner also includes any and everyone who want a non-egoistic specie, like a hill of ants but only less, mobile and predatory version!

    everyone is accepted into the development process and cooperation is encouraged over competition as that is what this race is about.

    baseline of culture along the lines of being predator, thus meat eating race who migrates always when the numbers to hunt have thinned out too much. and that means kingdoms arent required for this race which = no "stealing" of player base. and they would be communal, spontaneously forming communities with their own as they meet them in places they have migrated to, hunt together until the food runs out and then migrate together if small group enough, if big, then great migration where they migrate to several directions and my idea for lore was for them to find their way to asulon, a great migration occured due to running out of food and some found their way here.

    also their architectural style would be very mobile/hidden and would fit perfectly as a subrace of elves due to their way of not disturbing nature by destroying it to make way out for buildings, but rather by building with the nature both to maintain their mobility and their respect for beauty of wild nature. and that would explain why most of them come very well along with elves, and a lore-wise sub-racification.

    capitols/cities: none, they simply wont build any as they keep on the move while tribes might have villas or headquarters they call home. and as a speciewise, there surely would be some foreign cities they visit more than others at some points of times varying, which might be called an unofficial capitol to some. although, their pack or tribe will always come before such.

    to speech: their physiology was never meant for speaking, they used to communicate entirely by body language and emotions (+ noises) until meeting speaking creatures after the migration. thus their speech is very broken as they are learning to speak for the first time and their physiology will never be that of other sentient creatures of asulon. (this idea i particularly like, to make them mysterious and very different, without having any crazy annoying original language to ruin it from being understood by others while still being very original. *cough* mori *cough*. why i like it, creates a very original culture for them, and just look at my "argonian" in my about me to see how hes oozing of mystery without even saying a word! thus using *tagging* would be very well developed for nonverbal/emotional expressions for this race due their backgrounds, and to emphasize the importance of body language/emotional expression for this race which also equals higher rp value.

    for genders, i would suggest hermaphrodites + reproductive organs being cloaca's like for the rest of reptile species, the non-sentient kind.

    (even if this specie seems all super goodie goodie, thats only cause they lived for centuries in thriving peace without having to compete at all. and in face of problems they learned to cooperate, but now with meeting all these corrupt races their goodiness will become more inclusive to their packs and tribes.)

    this is in a one huge unorganized pile, and this includes ideas and so on etc, lets polish this, until we are satisfied.

    but here a few pictures of the appearance and written details.




    these screenshots are just few examples, they dont have breasts nor external reproductive organs for being reptilians and egg layers.

    Information pile:

    thay are hermaphrodites.

    their skin varies greatly.

    it depends wholly on your genetic line.

    thay are usually multi-coloured.

    most common colours in the mix: green, blue, orangish/brown, purple, yellow. well, basically all hues of reptiliany.

    they prefer water above all other elements. thay love it! (swampy culture) often even doing the effort to bucket water to places where there is none decide they to live there. also use it as a decoration and comfort means in living places.

    they dont use clothings at all, its a new concept for them since reptiles have inclusive reproductive organs and might have hard time understanding the clothing/modesty concept.

    thus any and all of their clothings are either bought from asulonians or made by themselves in which case it will look really weird for being new to that kind of culture. while they might learn to create even good clothings, their creations might shock asulonians for misunderstanding the whole concept of clothings. for example, if hoods are in, they might wear the hood alone as it is. or add too much of ornaments in their love for dazzling colourfulness like the lizards they are.

    end of information pile

    Sir_Vilku's skin in aegian/asulonian stealth suit:


    from behind,(just to show the tail) in the alpha version:


    and the mechanical key which we absolutely must emphasize:

    since we are a subrace of elves, we wont expand the canvas of population distribution.

    therefore, we wont do any damage to the population density, the opposite. we will habit the same lands (or on our case, waters as well.), and that combined with all the things this race adds to the gameplay, will lead to more people joining lotc.


    (just a stump and pre idea of it but it grows!)

    evolution, the survival of fittest. it has been raging on for times sentient species cant even count. creatures of aegis, creatures of asulon. but there are other places with sentient species these people of asulon nor those of aegis could never even imagine. but there is one, which they soon wont have to.

    a specie of sentient reptilians, they dwell across the waters finding new lands whose animals to feed upon. it has been going on for far greater time than that of any historical records.. they form communities with fellow speciemen they come across to live together, to cooperate and to hunt together.

    a perfect life was easy fr an arvidian to achieve in these lands. find a pack or tribe to join, to gather meat with, to mate with.. to sleep with, adventure with, and to do everything with. life was easy, and their numbers thrived. and so did their culture, which based on body language and cooperation. occasionally using noises to describe emotions with..

    but one fine day, the continent ran out of enough prey for all arvidians.

    that day, is what came to be known as the great migration. as how they have always done. they would set on leaving with their pack or tribe to unknown lands wherever the sea would take them. it was no easy feat, every arvidian knew it could take weeks, or even months with nothing but swimming and eating whatever came across in the great waters.

    this was just one of the many times this specie had repeated the cycle. except for one thing. one thing, was different this time.

    in this new land they migrated to, are other species capable of communication! the joy filled all arvidians who happened to migrate there, but not for long. these other species, they fight amongst their own! and they.. communicate using sounds! those, are no things arvidians have ever come across before. they have, as always, communicated by body language and used sounds only to express their emotions. for arvidians life has only three purposes: company, hunt and enjoyment. and the only way to have all of those three things is by finding fellow speciemen to live, have compassion and cooperate with. and nothing wins quality group time, only the species of these new lands dont seem to agree with that..

    now with this new shared land, along they must come with all the other races are they to not be executed by all these massive nations. for the first time, not just themselves.

    to an asulonian an arvidian might seem outright animal if not just primitive. but oh how wrong they are to assume that.. arvidians are by no means without intellect, they just used body language for information and words for emotions instead of the opposite path which all other intelligent species developed. with their natural colourfullness and beauty, they never saw a reason to hide it as for modesty thy have inclusive reproductional organs in stead of exclusive. and the climate, has always served them well enough for after all they do have the ability to alter it by building a makeshift shelter. with knowledge they might not be gifted, but in understanding are. and by understanding they quickly learn.

    easy path the coexistence with these seemingly crazy races of these new lands will not be...

    what is it which could possibly cause these new species they met to be so cruel to their own?

    what could possibly drive these species to build too many houses to separate themselves from their own tribes, their own friends? do they not share even with their own packs? do they never befriend? all these questions and many more, baffle the minds of arvidians for these people apparently dont value their own tribesmen at all.

    in due time, language of voice they learn may reasons those to known be. learning, is not a problem with their great capacity to understand, but their physiology will never suit a language made by a mammalian prey specie.

    meantime, many arvidians desperately try to fit in the rest of the races while failing horribly as there are many concepts completely new or just done different way than how they did it.. which is either ironically humorous to aegian races or viewed as outright primitive. also arvidians viewing many of their ways as unnecessary and crippling doesnt really help either.

    current end notes: this is a race all about cooperation, lets start that right with OOC, all suggestions, criticism and help is appreciated and welcomed!

    and specifically, if there are any good writers itd be great to rewrite all this as im a hand injured spontaneous dyslectic writer, (thus this is the quality result of.. 11 years trying to master my weakness.)

  9. Each subrace will have a unique name; we're not sure on them yet, although we found a great fantasy name generating site that we'll probably use.

    actually i have a great suggestion for "high elves"!

    since they are such flowery people, why not name them after minecrafts most famous flower, the helianthus? (the yellow flower of minecraft.)

    also, since dark elves are such darky darky elfelf's, they totally deserve name twilight since it means the zone between day and night!

    i mean, who wouldnt want to play a twilight then!? =D

  10. Because of they way you have spoken to all the KAT team, Im having you banned from the Kharajyr untill further notice.

    Do not post another app, it will be ignored. Don't think you know whats right here because trust me, you don't. And we really really don't want people like you in our race.

    Your comments are almost funny. I'm not sure what makes you think you know whats best, you know next to nothing on the Kharajyr background where we do, you know nothing about how this race has developed where we do, you know very little about how the application process works too.

    All the time we get comments on how we are doing are jobs badly, but guess what, its only ever the people who get denied that say that, I am sick with the amount of disrespect we keep getting.

    So for the last time, give up. And stop posting here....

    EDIT: Thinking by myself huh, happy? Because this is me thinking by myself. And it turned out badly for you.

    do you not consider why others speak they way they do?

    im overwhelmedly horrified of the biased grammar nazism being the way you treat people with, for which its only most rational thing to get emotional with when being treated with such social injustice.

    these kind of immature judgements make me want to disappear from the surface of this planet, how could my fellow speciemen be like this?

    and you dont care even that much for other peoples feelings?

    its no wonder how you became socially irresponsible, then.

    its not about how you do your jobs badly, its the job which is too hard and would require a major in psychology + patience of an immortal to do it unbiasedly, i just dont bother pointing out the obvious unless demanded as you now did.

    and i already have seen you considering other methods for doing that said job, and ive seen there are other better ways which would not only ease your job by tenfold but also make it much more justified.

    just replace application thread with white list thread and when correct evidence (screenshots) are submitted by players you kick people out.

    then, to become a kharajyr one would have to describe how the rules work to be whitelested, swear an oath to rp well and if not.. well, also to make it a rule, a responsibility of players to inform of these bad rp'ers.


    advantages over this system: you wont have to study psychology, you'll have more time for other stuff, you'll be less stressed, people will be more satisfied with the race as the amount of bad rp'ers would go incredibly low thanks to well designed white list system, which is thanks due to it being so, so simple and easy. you could even include in the rules that f2 takes the screenshot to prevent people from excusing for not reporting bad rp.

    you could also have a negative rp notices from people, it wouldnt do anything but if a person has too many negative rp's given to him, you could easily investigate his rp skills by sending an in game scout to rp check him, or just have it overall for your ease to judge them, with the player reviews they would add a reason why they negated him.

    and its quite incorrect of you to expect me to be one of the majority of players here, i do know what these things take, and i do have witnessed the process and can imagine the pain and work it costs. but i dont go out starting by informing you with what i know, as i take it irrelevant here.

    see, its not about doing your job, its about the method, youve chosen the _hardest_ path possible while easier alternatives exist. but then, your just doing your job, not inventing better methods of doing it. no wonder where the stress comes from.

    and no, im not being disrespectful, im just being hurt and its inevitable that will reflect on the _mood_ of the post even if its intention is to aid you.

    EDIT: thus the white list idea is, everyone already accepted in the server is eligible and must create their own thread on kharajyr white list part where people can then complain if they do bad rp, add screenshots maybe even and when enough evidence has gathered, you investigate the trustworthiness of these evidence. simple, and their OP in thread should include the rules you make, which should be simplified along the lines of: 1 i promise to do good rp, 2: i promise to report others of breaking these two rules as instructed below. and when something has happened, you might use various punishments varying on the degree of crime to _teach_ them.

    EDIT: and the OP for your white list should be described in your own terms as to block people from copy pasting to demonstrate they understood, and copy pasting = insta revoke

  11. Your right, it's not a matter of argument. It's us telling you that you have been denied, simple as.

    Stop arguing on an application.... What exactly do you expect to gain from that?

    i see, your on the level where everything has to be about arguing, its the only path huh?

    im trying to teach you the importance of maturity, social injustice is wrong.

    the way i see applications are judged here: by personal preferences.

    that means, you look for qualities _you_ value, failing to accept the fact others might have other qualities they value instead of those and inability to accept others for whom they are is the very definition of social immaturity.

    so, applications are just a contest of "whose most like me gets in" thing, not a matter of real qualities that affect the players playing _abilities_. those OOC qualities have nothing to do with how and how well the player plays his character.

    thus i would see it as much better to have no app check at all rather than a biased app check.

    you should focus on kicking people in _game_ when they do bad rp, not before anything has even happened as you clearly cant see the fact app's dont relfect rp'ing skills _at all_ for spontaneous people like myself.

    thus i declare this council biased, and no its not an insult. i dont expect everyone to be expert in social psychology like i am, but i do expect you to mature up if you wish to judge others.

    and e personal note to you whom i replied in this post: your just moving to the pace of herd, learn to think by yourself ok?

  12. Writing like this, while applying for a job, will not get you accepted. Same goes here.

    -End of discussion, PM Xerdun if you want to keep uselessly arguing.

    *rolls eyes*

    its not a matter of argument, its a matter of psychology and resricting something from me just cause of OOC style is absolutely ridiculous, as it has nothing to do with the IC in the first place.

    when i have power, i dont kick grammar nazies out just cause i dont like some minor flaw in their persona. people are born the person they are, and nothing can change that.

  13. You dont seem to understand,

    Whats above should have been sent in a PM to him about this, since he was the one who pretty much saw what you wrote here, a mistake of being accepted. Feel free to copy and paste into a PM to him.

    I judged it on my own, in which he told me to.

    And I could go back on everything you said, but it doesnt seem necessary since Xerdun wanted the app denied from, what he saw, a bunch of weird grammar mistakes and titles and a bunch of other things, in which I agreed with.

    It does matter how you write it though.

    Writing is an art, it can have a message that can be seen or not seen. It all depends on who sees it, but this..... this doesnt look like art at all to me.

    Again, feel free to message Xerdun about this.

    looks art to me. text just isnt the visual kind of art, its the sound kind.

    and i never said it doesnt matter how you write, or at least not what i implied. just that capital starting and all other silly things take the originality from the writer. steals the fredom of expression. and agonizing over obvious write wrongs is just plain silly. and intentionally writing "incorrectly" according to who knows what rules by using original words doesnt make it wrong just cause some silly outdated dictionary cant update itself. if i use capitals after the first initial letter, its 100% correct and done on purpose to imply specific sound.

    its just wrong to uphold one writing style as correct one to destroy others without any justification. that goes to the category: egoism. why cant people just see past themselves without having to be taught so? ughH..

  14. Override Revoke:

    Person who told me: Xerdun, message him if you want to fight about it cause I just woke up and found it in my inbox.


    Reasons for Revoke:

    -Horrible Grammar (ie. Spelling mistakes, no capitalization in places, capitalization in places not needed, etc.)

    -The title, Ra, is not accesible to you since you are not a, quote:

    -Bio makes no sense at all, ineligible

    -Questions make no sense, ineligible

    -Off color things, examples:

    With many more. We are not crazy humanoid cats.

    Side Note:

    Akeron..... clearly a biased acceptance. If I was able to, I would have given you a warning because this:

    Does.Not.EVEN. Make up for anything. We may be trying to be lenient, but this is WAAAAAAAAY to lenient. He may be a long friend, and I sure remember him, he does not get any special treatment of this magnitude.

    Vilku, if you need help with spelling errors, and the creation of a better biography and a character overall, feel free to head into TS and talk to us for help. But remember, if you have Firefox or something, it has the ability to spellcheck for you.

    And for your capitalization problem, I dont know how to address that. Ask Xerdun on what to do about it since I dont know.

    ahem, a little bit of humour by using capitals to create drama O_O.. 'sides, i use it so it'd correspound the sound i wish to express. which is crucial, for else its wrong, not the one i imagined =(

    also start with capitals, the old english dialect is kind of silly especially considering im a 7 fingered person, hard to write as it is.

    also the white dot thing was planned months ago, just made a bit humorous flare to it, as the lore has changed since then. dont remember what it was, but i guess the new lore could be for it something along the lines of vilku having deep felt loyalty and thus is magically unbreakably bound to last forever to that whom is the tlatlanni. which fits my character perfectly since he has no ambition to rule in a high position nor to ever leave his own.

    i consider my grammar as a cultural highlight for taking it beyond some old boring capitalizations, my way to adapt to my permanent injuries. (which make using shift extremely hard for me.)

    by questions you must refer to the joke parts? i thought making those questions would be obvious enough to point it was humorous.

    like saying something silly and then ask a question as in a tone of sarcasm.

    unfortunately TS 3 works not on ubuntu.

    since the application is clearly written from OOC perspective, and OOC'ly i make everything humorous, thus: 'and since hes still ra'vilkus friend, that means A+++++ care. cuddle party!' is just my way of saying he will have 1 on 1 time with his friend. o¸o

    and probably the reason why my character aint like me(overly humorous for some people?), wouldnt want the same traits i have on him. and yes that means ja'vilku is far more serious than i ever will be towards others, but the side comments are _commentaries_ of the situation, and i dont imagine you imagining my character himself creating the commentary do you? "oh hey, you sell that?" responds: "as a matter of fact i- he now hoovers his hand over to a mysterious object..." yes, i dont imagine that being something to happen?

    all what you consider "crazy humanoid cat" in my app is strictly me being OOC,(commentary is ooc after all) for IC read the three examples to see hes clearly the serious kind, as i also mentioned at several parts pointing into my character being serious (aka my opposite. except im actually super serious inside my head, i just wont show it to any pony.)

    to me it seems, all these are just psychological misunderstandings between those who judge introvertically and those who judge extrovertically.

    also i would liek to point out, i correct most of spell errors i make, but some escape my eyes and many i leave for them being too obvious to even need it. also, i use a lot of customized words to fit the writing style i use which is that of my OOC. (for IC refer to the voiced replies vilku gives. unless there reads "vilku thinks" or use of ' ' its a commentary of ooc to describe.)

    (i often wont realize write wrongs even when others point them to me.. i consider it a great skill while annoyance to those without such a skill. but then any effort useless tends to make people bitter when others wont do by the traditional inefficient ways.)

    not to add the weird problem this forum has at least for me: when i press enter it can create even three spaces and at different places than intended O_O... "the horroorr!" -in a melodramatic female voice.

    also, i really love my grammar style. its different =D

    and ive coped well by constructing custom writing style to cope with my injuries. (otherwise you wouldnt even see me writing anything, would cost too much pain. the physical kind.)

    what takes for you to write correctly using all the possible classical english writing style is what it takes for me to write without spelling _every_ word wrong............. but i do aim to better it always, and always it better slowly gets.

    "Ra’ - Bestowed before the name of those who command the villages and towns"

    Ra'Vilku will be a one male town even if he has no one to command, he will always have himself to command around if not others. qualifies for a town? =) (just joke)

    meddling OOC persona as a factor for IC acceptance is not only personally extremely offensive, but immature as well for judging others writing styles. i never judge others writing styles, only my own. people have to learn to accept others for who they are, you cant meld other people to your preferences.

    while yes, i did rewrite everything else than the three encounters which i _believe_ couldnt be any more perfect, not grammatically, and not contentually. now go ahead, have a read. (also a reason i restrain myself from writing too much of content is, asi prefer to have freedom for later choosing what my character is as i get the feeling of his person, not only a theory. theories change, while writing on stone can be fun at times.

    i just prefer.. no, i demand to have my options open and never seal them off which kind of leaves me starting with a character whose past and persona is unwrapped as he speaks. since, how you interact _is_ the definition of your persona in the end.

    and im not joking when i say i prefer to read text with write wrongs over ones with none. why? it doesnt take any effort nor does it disturb me if i even noticed the write wrongs and i save a lot of unnecessary efforts from others.

    until all humans with power understand the concept of psychology and personalities, we will _always_ have problems with these for people demand others to come in their terms while both sides demand their ways, the fact remains.. both are _psychologically_ different and can never use the other way, which makes it extremely ridiculous to demand something they have not. (aka the problem of thinking one way is correct.)

  15. God I ******* missed you so much.

    Besides that, fix all the capitolization errors. I don't mind spelling errors, and the biography looks decent enough.


    *a bit to enthustiastic kitten springs on all fours to kitty HUG!*

    capi- uhH.. yeah, i guess ive alienated from capitals after few years of my left hand incident which left it permanently injured. (guess its better if i use no capi's ehh? =S unless you meant my drama capitals, nothing wins good melodrama, or actually the word melo would be a word too mch for geuine my drama is!)

    but yah, ive became CAPibliNd, and if you only saw my hand writing which is pretty evenly 50/50 capi non-capi method learned at age of 7 to never be changed. whats to change with perfect? =)

    i tried, several times to change the small r from the title into big one so it'd look better, but apparently it doesnt allow that.

    ok so how do i proceed into my kharajuration? is the kharajyr option now available to me with command /register ?

    or i take a temporary one for someone to teleport me over to the island?


    i mean v, not r. Ra'Vilku looks tenfold better than with small v, but the programming form of this website allows not for that with its auto capi'ted titles.

  16. MC Username:


    Rp Username (be sure to include the correct prefix, look up on info thread):


    Character Skillset:

    he was taught by obsessed parents, but they didnt really teach him anything except those two things: engineering and magic. (which also explains his.. somewhat.. weird behavior, occasionally.)

    that led him to being self reliable when it came to seeking learning in the lack of easy path.

    those two afore mentioned skills taught him how to organize and functionalize evrything to the maximum.

    but those, are not the true origins of his abilities. that obsession his parents had over him led him to hate them and leave at an early age to live on his own.

    Appearance (age, SUBRACE, gender):

    18, kha'pantera, male

    he usually prefers comfort and style, which has to be something he made. somehhting original.

    but comfort and style.. he cant choose just one, must have both. if he cant.. thats another story.

    as he only wants to shine as himself.

    at one moon in his latter kitten years, he noticed few white fur threads on his chest. eventually, after maturing it stopped and a white spot he has, static without changing anywhere.

    maybe some divine power had made the purpose of his life to serve that mystical white kha? he wouldnt know, not one book he read told of anything alike. but that, stays as his best theory for it since he can feel a deep loyalty to this kha he has never even seen. explain it he can not, has the books tricked him unto it? no.. it cant be.. books dont tricker feelings?


    intellectual, rational and judging. also very pragmatic, even to the end, that he is obsessed with functionality. of every thing.

    or so he wants to seem at least.

    this, along with his own moral philosophy, is why many might perceive him ruthless.

    moral compass: kharajyr default. means, stay away from the foreign "good/evil".

    the softer side of him is known only to his fellow kharajyrs, as he considers that interior sensitivy of his unacceptable in his posture.

    apart those, hes quite charming and compassionate, the leader type. although, a bit rough if he deems you unworthy. ok, ruthless would fit better.

    but hes able to usually see the best in others even before it is there, as he aint impulsive type. think before act.

    to leave anypony alone he wants not, everypony happy should be, thinks he.

    ohh wait, this isnt ponyville? too bad. Kha'ville it then shall be.

    while the upper sentence holds true when it includes condition ja'vilku cares ticked on, but back to seriousness:

    Ja'Vilku, as his interior sensitivy was mentioned, well.. manifests itself in various forms. but rarely seen by other than those he considers friends.

    some of those being prudeness, modesty, and being overly gentle. occasionally. well, maybe too often, but that wouldnt change the ruthless image he wants others to have of him. and dont tell anyone i said that, he would be ashamed if people knew.

    Please include a short bio of your character's life:

    he, had parents who wanted to make him the best redstone priest ever to exist. which, was the only thing they wanted of him, and this left vilku feeling as an item of use, an item to abuse. for that reason, he packed what little he needed and ran off at age of 13 to live on his own. for the first few years, he lived very cautiously under ground in a dirt cave he dug, which had constant airflow thanks to him making them. and so he was set, hunting the easiest of animals and gathering what materials he would require to seal it off in a way not one could see the entrance.

    this life style did last a few years and he did gather much practice for the skills he had already been taught, but that life style was getting boring.

    thus he had to find a solution, for days he thought...

    traveling around and camping, living on his own to learn all the possible things he could have use for is, what he did. that way, he became adequate at engineering by studying all the different buildings he found, and no book he came across was ever left unturned.

    by excessive studying of buildings and the world around, his imagination always became more and more realistic, untill the point he could build his structures inside his head first to know they would work. he cant really tell why his heart desires magic, why it desires secrecy.. night, and the twilight zone. all that mysticism hes willing to uncover in order to understand for his own use. for there is no mysteries to him, only knowledge, and to be known. to those rare he ever met, he kept hard face to hide his sensitive side.

    for so long, he adventured until finding the kharajyr capitol.. he had never really seen a city, the magnificance of it mystified him. all the buildings, and people. he never really realized how amazing things other creatures too can be if he only studied them, like the buildings, to find they too can be interesting.

    and so his hermit past is over, and a whole new subject to study he has.

    this past, reflects his building style strongly to this day, for in secrecy his strength is.

    Character's ambitions:

    ever after discovering how wonderful the company of fellow speciemen can be, his ambitions changed almost utter completely from that of learning alone into learning how he could help all who he cares for. but that long hermit period has left him severely lacking the knowledge of social standards and often he wouldnt even care if he appeared rude.

    and so it became his ambition to create an order whose goal is to ultimately organize everything thay care about. when everything functions in the most efficient way, and practically. he'll be happy. cause then, he be able to focus on growth of society around him to aid how he best can.

    secrecy is a formidable defence, and an ambition in his design.

    along with his kharajyric defensive engineering ways.

    basically, to create good living conditions for those he cares for and those not, well not.

    and.. infinite progress for everyone he cares for, to the point he might forget himself some times.

    also, ja'vilku cares not for power, but knows it a necessary evil for progress is.

    _---Situational Rp Questions---_


    As you travel through the Karakatuan jungle, you spot a human trespassing on your nation's lands. He approaches you, obviously distressed, and asks for any food, water, or shelter that you can provide, then tells you that he has been lost in the area for days without any proper supplies. How do you react?:

    he does the kharajyric equivalent of eyeroll, opening his paws, and talons within it shaking in frustration and anger while his gaze appears absently as if he was looking over the humen at some invisible object. shortly after, he looks at the humen indirectly as if he wasnt there while speaking to him the following words:

    "errRgh.. cant your fellow apes even take care of their own pawns or never mind restraining them from wandering to dangerous forests?"

    the humen responds while he appears as if he wanted to disappear into thin air: "but i-.. i.. dont have anyone."

    Ja'Vilku folds his fore paws and visibly eyerolls with his mouth slightly agape, and responds:

    "FINE! you cahn be vilkus temporary pet, 'less you work hard yahl starve like now."

    to this the humen.. well, he only shrieks down on ground in tears of fear. ja'vilku, impatient.. graps the humen from behind his neck from his shirt and shouts: "UPP lazy ape!!! follow vilku NOW!! or be left to starve."

    the humen does, and after short while they arrive at what appears to be dead end, untill ja'vilku presses a button and a secret latch opens, to which they enter and soon enough the humen is stored in a safe place far away in another forest without any idea where he is. that is, thanks to the fact his eyes were tied with a piece of cloth the whole time after he started following ja'vilku.


    As you romp through the lands of the "apes", you come across a tavern. Inside this tavern, a Dwarf notices you and starts gawking at you, then begins to speak.

    "Oi! I gots a bowl of cream for you, Kitty! Ha! I'd bet you would make a nice throw rug, wouldn't ya, ya mangy furball?!"

    He continues act generally as racist as possible. What do you do?:

    "ja'vilku is not looking to mate with a dirty ugly humen cub, now off to your parents yahh go."

    to which the not all too smart dwarhv returns into drinking in his inability to produce something to defend himself with. but guarenteed it is, continue he soon will, and ja'vilku has to be just that bored for being in a tavern in the first place. and soon enough, continues he does:

    "it was an insult!"

    to which ja'vilku responds "ohh pardon this kitty, thought you were courting me there for a while."

    baffeled, the dwarhv replies not, fast enough at least that is. and ja'vilku, siezes the moment he will:

    "what? a kitty stole yahs tongue?"

    to which witnesses of the situations laugh, even his fellow dwarves.

    taken by the dwarhhv now is, and the room in shame he leaves.


    One of your fellow Kharajyr and a close friend of yours comes to your dwelling in the middle of the night and begins to pound on your door. After you let him in, he confesses to killing another Kharajyr over a slice of cake. What do you do in response?

    "ohH! whom has left the surface of this planet?"

    to which his friend explains, and ja'vilku coming to the conclusion of it being someone more trouble than worth and by so decides to side with his friend. and since hes still ja'vilkus friend, that means A+++++ care. cuddle party! ok, maybe not the right mood for Thhaahht! but ja'vilku is certain it'll be ah great night slumber party even with a dark mood. after all, ja'vilku has a soft emotional side he shares with 'ees friends.

    lets just hope ja'vilku doesnt come to regret his decision later, as if he couldnt fix it.

    Do you swear to follow the Tlatlanni and uphold his law, and do you swear to hold Metztli and all of her actions as sacred?

    Ja'Vilku honoured is, to have another more purpose for his life other than that what he creates, t'yes! vilku doess!

    *PUFF!* a white dot appeared to his chest fur, as a sign of ja'vilkus never ending loyalty. (JOKE.)

    Please include a screenshot or 3D render of your character's skin

    look no further, right there taking role of a signature it iss!

  17. Guild Wars 2

    X Rebirth

    Halo 4

    Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary


    Borderlands 2

    Diablo 3 (whenever it's released)

    Spellforce 2: Faith in Destiny

    Risen 2

    Seems rather good to me.

    halo 4 is made by a company which is microsofts newest acquired slave company.

    microsofts games are well known for the feeling known as "this was made for money" products.

    as sad as i am for halo franchise being hijacked by something so contagious, i truly hope the story could be made as something comparable to mass effects. (so people would write more and better halo fanfiction.)

    and im quite unsatisfied with the current technological limitations these games poses. they, are simply too simple for me. if you understand exactly how that piece of code works in the game, and you understand how every single one of those codes form a game which now looks too simple because you understand how it functions.

    thats why im waiting for next generation gaming output and input.

    like brain computers for example to enter into entertainment industry.

  18. Don't forget Skyrim Comes out 11.11.11 and we will probably loose a lot of player base for a few weeks

    well, its true. skyrim, is a fascinating world. i will love it, but not as a game. but as an universe. i love designing games, so modding is what i will do in skyrim. my playtime in skyrim will probably be much like oblivion. first, i play it for a thousand hours (the first years of that game), and the next years i mod that game for a thousand or two hours.. but common to all those years, is that i will do far more reading of skyrim fiction than both modding and playing it.

    bethesda's games already poses necessary engine for minecraft type world. hell, some single person had even made a mod in fallout 3 that allows you to copy any obstacle in the whole game, and place it in any spot, in any position you could ever imagine.

    if only bethesda went to that direction themselves... (not a fan of noncreative single player games. except mass effect, which is more of a story than a game to be honest.)

    Woot LegendaryCraft yah!

    Wait I mean LotC woot yah....

    legendary craft? is it funny, before i even owned minecraft, in search of my first server (lotc), i dismissed legendary craft as just one another of those out of control huge unergonomic no play worlds?

    just the look of their gallery.. ugh..! scary, its not designed from the players perspective obviously.

  19. Arkham City would like a word with you :angry:

    i dropped from the track of batman games during the first xbox. they just kept coming, and their design went to wrong direction from my point of view. they went into stealth. and i, have never been a fan of hiding from computer written predetermined codes. (so yeah, those games are far too simple for me..)

  20. We could get 400 easy, but a lot of people will be taking a month or more break from LOTC to play Skyrim and a lot of other games coming out around that time

    neh, i wont even play skyrim much. i will just mod it. and only other good game in near future is mass effect 3.

    so it doesn't look too good in the game industry...

  21. Im pretty sure they would make it bigger when Minecraft is stable. Im sure there is still lagg, maybe even a teeny bit, and when Minecraft becomes fully relea- BOOM 300!

    three hundred? aren't you underestimating quite a bit now?

    we can make it to 400. easily.

    just look at it this way: our competition? there seems to be none comparable to lotc.

    our position at minestatus is growing. we already have probably biggest active player base at minestatus, and with it rising.. there will be more votes even if optional. by 1.9 we are probably 2nd at minestatus, and with 1.9 new map flooding us with new players..

    then, we'll be top one at 11.11.11.

    minecraft receives a flood of new players then, and us dominating top position is the obvious choice.

    and that flood of new players is not instantenous. i say, it lasts several weeks, until it starts to go into slower pace some day when most of potential minecraft buyers have bought it.

    its the beta tag which many are afraid, and with 11.11.11, it will be available from shops too. which of course appeals to uneraged gaming population, as they wont even require permission from their parents then.

    the variable, our only obstacle of succeeding.. is, the server page lists. we might have to gain top 1 position of some other sites too, if new players look from there.

    also, 2nd highest danger comes from our ability to prepare our server for the big day.

    will our server be in a very appealing state before that day?

    we need to expand our volume by gaining bigger portion of server fame.

    also, i rheally hope we get kharajyr race, since its the only race i find appealing. and im not the only furry out here. many other furries are out there, too.

  22. Also, A way to make profit to sustain the school without killing students would be selling textbooks, I think I've discusssed it with all the people from the Older group.

    i think we will find many other ways too, once our characters get head on with ideas. for example: something which our students and us do for outsiders to profit those included and the academy. like those books you mentioned. when students are long enough in their expertices, we could profit well from it.

  23. I got no idea what you mean. The magic that gets implemented soon will be for everyone, so no clue what you mean...

    rp magic ie: *valikor casts a charm spell on subject one*

    its something.. very closely related to powergaming.

  24. The stuff you say in OOC is exactly what teachers will do in each course. It's not that we need aa sports arena for it.

    As I said, it will not be built or made on this map, but possibly on next map.

    yep, of course.

    but i still, and never was, suggesting to replace anything. merely something bit of extra to enhance the communications between the classes.

    like, team projects between classes which purpose might not only be to teach essentials, but to entertain. as like, time off studies. (like on this idea, it would be only side object to let them use their abilities in practice, but more about entertainment.)

    on this map, while not realizing in practice, we could still create theories. then, we wouldnt have to create it out of sudden as we would have many good ideas of different possibilities. and merely creating all sort of theories how thay could use their learned abilities in practice at non-study purposes, would be excellent way to see what our students really are capable of _outside_ of the academy with what thay have learned.

    (and i will never want to see an arena cleared out of nature into plain fields. being able to do this without destroying nature too much is only a must.)

  25. But we are not a sports academy :P Who knows, this might come up in the future, but not now.

    well, its not like its supposed to be anything significant enough to take over the studies <.<

    just something which all students and teachers can participate at some specific occasions if thay wish to.

    i just think we need optional bonus things too to enhance communication between different classes.

    (edit: and never forget, that these sort of things could be made so, that thay help to learn things necessary at those classes. teamwork, engineering, defencive design, geography, navigation.. do i need to continue?)

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