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Posts posted by Rakornokorgod

  1. *You see a note tacked to a notice board*

    Greetings, people of Aegis! For the first time, I am now offering my services to ensure your base is completly safe from invaders. The reason many forts and cities get raided, is that their defenses are easy to get into by a scout. What is the point of a huge wall and many gates, if someone can sneak in and open the gates from the inside? I will do an entire perimeter check of your fort/house/city, for a price to be determined by the size of your area. If no breach of security is found, then you don't have to pay me. Sound too good to be true, right? WRONG! Send me a pidgeon today, and i'll make sure that you will be safe from any and all infiltrations. Regards, Tesawa Fieldstone.

    ((If you have any questions, ask away))

  2. Hey all LOTC players here grab your microphones and recording equipment

    Here is your chance to win 25$ of VIP

    To win all you have to do is record yourself saying

    Upload it to dropbox or something familiar as a wav/ogg/mp3 (128kbit or higher)

    The person of the voice we pick will then have there voice used for an upcoming trailer and will have 25$ of VIP or credit added to their account.

    The competition will finish on 26/10/2011


    That's my submission. If you want me to touch up anything audio wise, then let me know, and i'll resubmit it.

  3. ((Errybody is butt hurt in this thread.))

    Funny how everything in this is just slander and total opinions, no one knows how Dawn will be as queen. You barley know how Gaius will be...

    The Teutonic order refused to the terms they set for battle they are nothing but cowards. The leader they claim to follow was slain before even making it up the stairs of the keep. Hes a war monger he does nothing but wage war, he claims to want to unite Oren under one banner, but the only way he seems to know how is with war what happens when the fighting is done.

    The lack of experience they claim Dawn has is stupid. Shes the only one WITH experience, shes a queen of the people and loves this country much more than this band of misfits.

    If you want peace, GIVE US WAR.

    ((Please no flaming, OOC or otherwise.))

  4. You're king fell to undead influence and ate his queen. No mourning shall be had for such a horrible event. Gaius has protected you all with no ask of payment, in neither fame nor minas. Most of you do not even know of his and his orders exploits to keep the people of oren safe. Now during a crucial time when oren needs a strong leader, one not afraid to fight the influence of evil, you support a bloodline tainted by the undead?

  5. The people of oren saw the corruption of the undead in the last king. I know not why they would support that bloodline any further. Gaius and his order have protected the lands of men against all forms of evil. He has proven himself not only to be a fantastic military leader, but also a diplomat that extends would extend his hand to friends in their time of need. Dawn's supporters claim he is a warmonger, but he is in fact not. While he is not afraid to lead his men into combat in a time of war, he would much rather handle things with diplomacy, and as little bloodshed as possible. I support the one true king, Gaius Marius.

  6. I also support this. Gaius has been a dedicated roleplayer, and many times when i have wanted to rage for others bad rp, he has kept a level head and resolved the situation diplomatically. He has been a part of this server, and helped create great rp experiences for everybody. From attacks against the undead, to the destruction of rival factions, even to diplomacy with our orcish friends, Gaius has led us valiantly through it all. If anyone is going to be a fair and wise king, it'll be Gaius. Plus 1 for gaius marius for king!

  7. * You see a sign posted on the road as you walk down the kings road. You pause for a moment to read it. *

    Crimson Vale was attacked today, by an unknown force. It is believed that it was a ragtag raid by guards from oren, but that is pure speculation. The city was razed, and warnings left. Lord Juvens was not killed in the attack, as he managed to barricade himself in the fort. The attackers left as quickly as they came. The men did not identify themselves, and nothing is know about their ranks or their intentions. Will more raids like this happen in the future? And what does this mean for the future of the Crimson Vale? We'll have to wait and see!

    * The signature on the sign is not legible. You feel an unknown sense of dread in your gut as you continue on your way. *

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