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Posts posted by Krism

  1. To give my 2 cents.


    This is honestly a really nice plugin, something that just makes players experience on LOTC more fluent and easy when it comes to changing skins. However, i must agree with some of the people in this thread. The way that gaining access to this feature is priced seems oddly high. Having players donate 100 dollars to gain access to this feature is ludicrous. And i get that it isn't "paying" for the feature, it is "donating" to the server we all love. But still, if the staff want to incentivize more people to donate and keep the server running, features like this one should be lower on the VIP perks list. Probably starting with 1 skin slot at Gold and then going up from there.



  2. Are there plans to invest time into doing a lot more custom terrain building to really make certain areas or terrains stand out? Make people really wanna go see the entire map. Think of it like how wildly different and high fantasy the different areas are in WoW.

  3. #WhatsWrong


    - The process of becoming a member and having your application accepted should be made easier. Not as in lowering our standard for applications, but in making lore more easily read and understood by new players. Perhaps making a lore intro video or at least some Wiki page that simply sums up all of the major lore and serves as to inform new players about the basic lore and history of LOTC.


    - Retention. I was aware that at one point some GM was trying to make a project for new players where he compiled players from different races that new players could go to, to start RP'ing and be given something to do. Maybe I missed it but I don't see this in action. Maybe have some pre written message for each race with a short list of people/areas where they could go to find RP with their race that could just be posted along with the accepted post on their application.


    - Big believer in the way maps are approached needs to be changed. Make the map smaller and do more custom building of the map that makes the terrain interesting. More high fantasy.


    - I think people voted for a global villain so I assume that it is being worked on, if not, villain.


    - Tying into the previous point about the map. We need more ways of marketing the server to the broader community. Media team. Maybe start recording timelapses when the ET is doing a big planned build. Showing off our server and our map is important to capturing new players interest.


    - Also Nexus


    What's right?


    - The server has dedicated staff that try their best to improve this server for all of us and I thank them for that.



    • Minecraft name/s: (List the username of your main, and any alternate accounts)

    • Krism


    • Age: (Your age in whole years. Must be at least 14.)

    • 17, turning 18 on the 20th of July.


    • Timezone: (State your Timezone. Ex: GMT-6)

    • GMT+1


    • Discord: (You will need Discord to be in the chats and for interviews.

    • krism#5269


    • What is your availability: (Tell us how many hours you can spend on the server daily, and between what times.)

    • For the remainder of the Summer, I could spend the entire day, almost every day, if required. After the summer I'll be in my final year in gymnasium so ill only be able to do real work from midday to afternoon on days when I'm not also working. However, with how the Danish school system works I can still talk and communicate while in class.


    • Tell us an issue you currently experience on the server: (If you’re experiencing problems on the server at this current time, please state what they are.)

    • I don't experience this as much as I am worried new players experience it. The most important thing for this server is keeping new players coming in. But with so much advanced lore and so much stuff to learn, I believe this scares away many new potential players. There hasn't been any official video that explains the fundamental lore and history of the server and asking new players to read 100 pages on the wiki, just so they can catch up seems like a lot to ask. I'd like to see more stuff done that makes it easier and less painful for new players to join us.


    • How do you feel individual GMs should present themselves personally and collectively as a team?: (In your personal opinion, how should GMs communicate with the Playerbase, how should they act?)

    • In my opinion, there is a very fine line here. The trick is to both be the mature, responsible and professional GM that is needed to handle a situation. But it is also important to keep a down to earth attitude and not accidentally raise oneself to a higher position. Do a good professional job, but stay humble. This is how both individual GM's and the team should be acting. The GM's are there to serve the players and nothing else.


    • What are your finest and worst traits?: (Shoot for two or three of each. This part is to have you analyse yourself.)

    • FINEST:


    Separating fun and work: I like to have fun, but I'm also able to focus when needed and take work seriously.


    Creativity: I like drawing, building in Minecraft and doing photoshop. I often find myself making infographics and other stuff in the spur of the moment when I'm working hard.


    Controlled: It's very very rare that I get mad, I approach most situations, especially in LOTC with a good and fun mindset.


    Teamwork: I really enjoy getting on TS or Discord and just talking to people while working on some project.




    High hopes: I have a tendency to set goals that are way too high for myself when I approach something. And when I then don't reach does unrealistic goals I beat myself up over it.


    Attention span: This problem hasn't been too big in terms of LOTC, but I tend to get distracted by things easily and it can disrupt my workflow.


    • Why are you the best candidate for the Game Team?: (Convince us on why you are the person we want within the Game Team)

    • I am very enthusiastic and I hold myself to a very high standard when I know people are relying on me and are expecting things of me. I enjoy meeting new people and talking and I like to think that I would be a nice, hardworking guy to have on the team.


    PS, just ignore those annoying dots on the left );

  4. MC Name: krism
    IC Name: Arlascath Vattus

    Race: AME!
    Occupation: Avern in the order of Sirame
    Additional Residents(Ic and their mc names): N/A
    Additional Resident's occupation: N/A
    Have you read the laws and obligations?: Yes

    If applicable, which Seed do you belong to? N/A

    (Seeds are families in the city that adopt people if you pass their trials. They serve as a tight group that helps one another):

  5. Name: Arlascath Vattus

    Race: Wood Elf

    Age: 40

    Occupation: None

    Experience: Hunting

    Proficiencies (Archery, etc.): Archery, dagger

    Place of Current Residence: None




    Username: krism

    Nexus Profession+Proficiency: Currently none, fresh character

    Timezone: UTC+1

    Do you have Teamspeak?: (Y/N) Y

  6. 1) What do you believe are the key qualities that one should have for it to succeed in creating a worthwhile overarching antagonist?

    The actions of the antagonist need to be far-reaching and clear. An all-powerful antagonist sitting in some citadel of evil in a corner of the map won't work. He/she or they're minions should be actively being out on the map and making a clear threat of themselves. Potential terrorist-style attacks on city's, corruption of certain terrain areas and other stuff so people actually feel that some overarching power is threatening them. Also great ET opportunities in there.


    2) What do you believe are the qualities that one should avoid in an antagonist?

    As slightly mentioned before, if you have an antagonist you need them to be active and a clear threat, always looming over the people. If he

    /she/that becomes some kinda bad thing I guess just sitting somewhere far away, there might as well not be an antagonist.


    3) What do you believe an antagonists job is?

    To create suspense and a sense of meaning in the world. Also especially in these times, we need someone people might be able to fight together, as in the races, so Oren might stop beating the **** out of everyone because they're bored.


    4) What do you believe would give a more enjoyable experience, an overarching antagonist entity or a splintered group of antagonist entities, or something else?

    There should be a single overarching antagonist. This person should have some powerful minions of chaos, who can go out and actively create chaos in the world.


    5) Any other information you would like to give on the topic?

    Hit me up if you need building manpower.

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