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Posts posted by TwilightStorm

  1. Tis' a sad time in Aegis...

    Aeriel has reclaimed her children after they have done so much for our realm. All of you will be remembered by I, I shall never forget your presence amongst our people. Ye will always hold a special place within my heart and the heart of every follower. The common folk may not have given you the respect that ye deserved, but I have always thought highly of ye in every situation. I will continue on in my defense of Aegis along side other gracious Followers of Aeriel. We shan't lose hope for Aegis. We shall continue on in your memory and honor everything you have ever stood for. The Followers of Aeriel will continue on despite the dark times that approach. We will be there to guard Aegis. You will never be forgotten. I will make sure of this personally. I am glad to have known ye and have grown close to a couple of ye. Farewell O' Wise Sages.. Farewell...

    -Forever a Follower of Aeriel and forever your friend,

    Followers Of Aeriel Major Twilight Storm.

  2. Hero Application:

    Minecraft User Name: TwilightStorm

    Hero’s Name: Twilight Storm

    Background Of Hero (Chronologically and must be at least 1 paragraph long, but no longer than 4 paragraphs):

    Twilight Storm was born in the year 1233 at a small cottage located within the forest surrounding Laurelin. There he lived a happy life and learned to love nature.

    "Nature is everywhere and everything. Even the smallest most insignificant ant is a part of nature," his father once told him. All was well with his life until about the time of his fifteenth birthday. On that exact day his family was attacked! The assailants were of Dwarven descent and were Undead followers. As the attack began Twilight's mother forced him into the cellar of their cottage. After doing this she went and bravely fought along side her husband... Sadly both were slain.... Twilight waited hours for his mother's return. When she didn't return he went up to see what happened. Upon leaving the cellar he saw both his mother and father dead in front of him and all of his belongings gone. This scarred and panicked the young elf. During his panic he ran off into the woods to live alone with nature for it was the only thing that comforted him.

    He lived there for about ten years until he spotted a young elf about ten years younger then him walking through his camp. He asked the young elf what he was doing alone and told him that the woods was a dangerous place. The elf replied saying that his family was killed not a week ago. Twilight then asked him his name. The young elf told him that is was Volthias Dramos. Once he had said that, Twilight adopted him as his younger brother to live with him. They lived happily in the forest for about fifty years. After this time they wanted a new life and calling so they left the forest to join a greater cause. The cause they wanted was to protect Aegis from evils such as the Undead and so they did by joining the UAC. This is where the story ends and continues in Twilight's daily life of duty along side brave souls such as Volthias, Thimble, and Blaedr Stouthammer.

    Good Deeds (List Several of your good deeds and how they prove you are worthy of becoming ascended): I have spread the good word of Aeriel and the Ascended around most of Aegis. I also have fought along side other Followers of Aeriel against the Undead many times. Other things I have done include escorting many to Laurelin because they did not know the way. One other thing I have done is defend those who cannot defend themselves, and an example of this is when I protected a young man named Finn from a pigman when he was helpless

    Character Flaws: Twilight is often racist against against Dwarves because the Undead followers who killed his family were of Dwarven descent.

    Twilight is also very battle hungry and almost never retreats even when ordered.

    Hero’s Specialty (is your hero a warrior, builder, trader; at least 1 paragraph long): My character is a warrior and a builder. He has fought many battles against the Undead at their former keep along side many UAC/FOA operatives. He has also built many things including a chapel and library at the old UAC base outside of Haven. Other things he has built is the FOA foreword base outside Al'Khazar and the UAC Omega base in between Alstion and Snowy Fields.

    Rationale (what is your characters mindset, why does he go out of his way to help others): Twilight see's the good in others and will often go out of his way to help them. The reason for this is because he knows the pain of being alone and helpless. He wishes this upon no one so he helps out anyone in need to the best of his abilities.

    How do you determine right from wrong (At least 1 paragraph): I assess the situation deeply and determine what the right outcome would be. Ways I do this is by finding the truth of the matter and by determining if it clashes with my morals or not. Morals only go so far however so I find the outcome that is for the greater good.

    Reaction to the following situations (At least 1 Paragraph):

    1. Cephalus defines ‘justice’ as speaking the truth and paying one's debts. Socrates quickly refutes this account by suggesting that it would be wrong to repay certain debts—for example, to return a borrowed weapon to a friend who is not in his right mind. Reaction: I believe that speaking the truth is always a needed necessary trait. I also believe that repaying debts is also very important. As example the situation with the friend who is not in his right mind rather than giving him the sword back. I would give him something else that would benefit him equally in all shapes and forms.

    2. 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous misfortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them? Reaction: It is very noble to sacrifice one's own personal thoughts and belongings for the greater good. I would gladly give my life if it meant that it would save hundreds of others. For example if I was given a choice of life or death and if I chose life I would live but an entire city would die, but if I chose death the city would live. I would gladly give my life to save the inhabitants of that city.

    Those are my reactions to those situations.

  3. Out-Of-Character:

    Minecraft Account Name:TwilightStorm

    How old are you?: 15

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence: U.S Mountain Time

    Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: Yes.

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I'm very good at role-playing games. I enjoy games that are based in the Middles Ages time-line. I take all honors classes at my high school.

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?: Two to three days a week.

    How long have you played minecraft?: I have been playing Minecraft for about a year and a half now.

    What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?: I have played Dungeons and Dragons a few times with a few of my friends. I've done it for a couple of years now.

    What do you expect this server will be like?: I expect this server to be a in-depth role-playing experience.

    What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: I have only played on a couple of other servers. I left those other servers because of the lack of role-playing and the immaturity of the players.

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules? What about the lore?: Yes I have read all the rules and lore. I agree with the lore and look foreword to being an elf on your server.

    Name the 4 races on this server. Humans, Dwarves, Elves, and Orcs are the four races found on this server.

    How did you hear about us?: My friend transphat told me about this wonderful server. He plays Thimble a UAC undead fighter.

    Did you vote?: Yes

    What was your favourite Law?: The no griefing of the landscape law.

    What was your least favourite Law?: The use of 1337 speak law.

    What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name? TwilightStorm


    Character Name: TwilightStorm

    What is your Race?: Elf

    Lordofthecraft.net/forum forum account: TwilightStorm

    Biography: Twilight was born into the small elven family, Storm was their name, who took up residence just outside the Holy Princedom of Malinor. There he was raised to love and nurture nature.

    "Nature is everything large and small. Even the smallest insignificant ant is an important part of nature", his father once said. He was a great druid and was one with nature.

    It seemed nothing could ever harm him nor his family as long as they kept the peace with nature. They were wrong. For around the time of his 15th birthday a group of undead attacked! His mother thrust him into a small cellar to keep him safe from the conflict. His mother fought bravely along side his father, but in the end.. both were slain..

    He was fortunate enough not to be found. The horror of finding both of his parents dead however scarred him and made him bitter inside. He was so hurt that he fled into the forest never to been seen again.. Until Thimble found him many years later and requested his aid in the conflict between The Undead and the people of Aegis. This was sixty years after the incident with his family. He is much older and wiser than he was then. This was due to living in close contact with nature for many years. During his seclusion from the world he learned that the elements were his friend and that he could control them from time to time. His favorite element is fire. He uses this to his advantage against the evils of The Undead. He is very bitter but willing to learn and he is the TwilightStorm.

    Character Age: 75

    Character Appearance: Long blonde hair wit blue robes and purple eyes.

    Character Personality: I enjoy peace and I will do anything to preserve it. Even if that means wielding a sword to defend those who cannot defend themselves. I am very intelligent and will lend my guidance to others. I take commands very easily and listen to the opinions of others well.

    Your ambitions: To rid Aegis of evil and to help the community rebuild anything that the Undead destroy.

    Can your character read or write?: My character is very literate. He can write very well and read all things.

    Can your character mine?: He can mine but he will only mine if it is required of him.

    Are you a capable builder? Yes I am very adapt at building very unique structures out of many materials.

    Can you wield a sword?: Yes I am very handy with a blade.

    Enjoy Farming?: Not in the slightest. I enjoy live combat much more than the simple farming life.

    Does your character have any special skills?: None that he knows of.

    A screenshot of your skin: http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/elf-skin-for-lotc/

    Other Information: I changed my skin

  4. Out-Of-Character:

    Minecraft Account Name:TwilightStorm

    How old are you?: 15

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence: U.S Mountain Time

    Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: Yes.

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I'm very good at role-playing games. I enjoy games that are based in the Middles Ages time-line. I take all honors classes at my high school.

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?: Two to three days a week.

    How long have you played minecraft?: I have been playing Minecraft for about a year and a half now.

    What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?: I have played Dungeons and Dragons a few times with a few of my friends. I've done it for a couple of years now.

    What do you expect this server will be like?: I expect this server to be a in-depth role-playing experience.

    What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: I have only played on a couple of other servers. I left those other servers because of the lack of role-playing and the immaturity of the players.

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules? What about the lore?: Yes I have read all the rules and lore. I agree with the lore and look foreword to being an elf on your server.

    Name the 4 races on this server. Humans, Dwarves, Elves, and Orcs are the four races found on this server.

    How did you hear about us?: My friend transphat told me about this wonderful server. He plays Thimble a UAC undead fighter.

    Did you vote?: Yes

    What was your favourite Law?: The no griefing of the landscape law.

    What was your least favourite Law?: The use of 1337 speak law.

    What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name? TwilightStorm


    Character Name: TwilightStorm

    What is your Race?: Elf

    Lordofthecraft.net/forum forum account: TwilightStorm

    Biography: Twilight was born into the small elven family, Storm was their name, who took up residence just outside the Holy Princedom of Malinor. There he was raised to love and nurture nature.

    "Nature is everything large and small. Even the smallest insignificant ant is an important part of nature", his father once said. He was a great druid and was one with nature.

    It seemed nothing could ever harm him nor his family as long as they kept the peace with nature. They were wrong. For around the time of his 15th birthday a group of undead attacked! His mother thrust him into a small cellar to keep him safe from the conflict. His mother fought bravely along side his father, but in the end.. both were slain..

    He was fortunate enough not to be found. The horror of finding both of his parents dead however scarred him and made him bitter inside. He was so hurt that he fled into the forest never to been seen again.. Until Thimble found him many years later and requested his aid in the conflict between The Undead and the people of Aegis. This was sixty years after the incident with his family. He is much older and wiser than he was then. This was due to living in close contact with nature for many years. During his seclusion from the world he learned that the elements were his friend and that he could control them from time to time. His favorite element is fire. He uses this to his advantage against the evils of The Undead. He is very bitter but willing to learn and he is the TwilightStorm.

    Character Age: 75

    Character Appearance: He adorns purple robes that are on fire. His eyes glow blue with the power coursing through his veins.

    Character Personality: I enjoy peace and I will do anything to preserve it. Even if that means wielding a sword to defend those who cannot defend themselves. I am very intelligent and will lend my guidance to others. I take commands very easily and listen to the opinions of others well.

    Your ambitions: To rid Aegis of evil and to help the community rebuild anything that the Undead destroy.

    Can your character read or write?: My character is very literate. He can write very well and read all things.

    Can your character mine?: He can mine but he will only mine if it is required of him.

    Are you a capable builder? Yes I am very adapt at building very unique structures out of many materials.

    Can you wield a sword?: Yes I am very handy with a blade.

    Enjoy Farming?: Not in the slightest. I enjoy live combat much more than the simple farming life.

    Does your character have any special skills?: None that he knows of.

    A screenshot of your skin: larp.jpg

    Other Information:

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