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Posts posted by CadenIsCool

  1. 1)MC Name & RP Name: Caden_Cathladus ---- Caden_Cathaldus

    2)Chosen Patron: Aeriel

    3)Reason For Joining (do not have the reason be to become Ascended):

    Caden has had a tumultuous existance. His family was caught in the cross-fire

    of a political battle between families. It would have been something Caden would have eventually gotten over, if not for the fact that he was accused of the murder that took place. This was the begin of Caden's life on the run, and his constant home turning, and travel. He eventually joined up with a halfling named Sillion, a man who considers himself the greatest surgeon in Aegis. This was a small spark that started his interest in the medical field. A long, unfurling chain of events, lead to a tragic event that changed Caden forever, for better or for worse. It lead to the destruction of most of Caden's arms, parts of his skull, and several incidents of internal damage. Sillion was forced to operate, using a risky procedure known only as biomechanical enhancement, a process of using Sillion's life-force, druidic power, and metal augmentations to spark mechanisms that controls parts of Caden's body. In the end, Caden was just as much machine as man ((Admin approved before anyone asks)) and was reborn, a new man. In the process, Caden lost much of his memory, the extent of which is still not known. Caden continued to work with Sillion on a new project, utilizing the technology that was keeping him alive, and so much more, to better all of Aegis, also know as the Aegis Healing Consortium. But, Caden was hollow, devoid of something. He seeks to learn the ways of the cleric, not only to help better all of Aegis, but to help himself, and he feels this is the best way., enlightening himself in the ways of good, and gods.

    4)Race: High Elf

    5)Flaws in Your Character: Sluggish, and loud. He also has a tendency to hold vicious grudges, and has a small ego problem. The later two he hopes to rectify in this service

    6) How long have you been on the server:About two months after release of the server.

    Scenario Questions-Answer how you would react to each situation.

    7) You notice an Apprentice Shade harassing a lowly citizen. [shades Are Evil Mages]

    I would observe until it escalated into verbal abuse, or physical. I would then approach, speaking calmly for him to stop. If he does not comply, I will ask once more, in a less kind tone, and then set myself into a battle stance, fists raised. This is mostly for intimidation effect, seeing a 6 and half foot elf partially made of bronze in a violent stance normal knocks the gall out of any normal criminal. But, if he enacts any more violence towards me or the peasant,I will incapcitate the man or woman to the best of my abilities (I have a large knowledge of the Aegian anatomy from my studies with Sillion) normal going after a pressure points, cutting off circulation to knock them out. Once they are incapcitated, I will lay them somewhere safe, and wait for the authorities, and in the mean time, comfort the harassed citizen.

    8) You see a small child shivering in the snow.

    I would first observe them, making sure they are not the fodder

    for some bandit scheme. Despite how cruel this may be, it's simply second nature to me now. I would then approach, hopefully not scaring him off due to my appearance. If he does not run, I will ask in a tone I normally reserve for patients on the cusp of death, and situations like this, where his mother and father is. If he replies with a location, I will escort him to the best of my abilities, probably on my shoulders for protection. If he simply says he does not know, it's a bit more complicated. I would probably offer him some food, some soup or a slice of melon, sit with him on his level, preferably somewhere warm nearby, and ask him about somewhere he could go. If he doesn't answer with a place. I would escort him to local authorities to give him a bed and food. Or, to the Clerical order, for apprentice-hood.

    9) You are walking down the road when a bandit stops you and threatens to kill you if you don't give him all your money and valuables.

    This is the trickiest. I would obviously at first be compelled to kill him,

    it's simply my knee-jerk reaction to lowlife. But, I've changed, so I believe I would at first just talk to him. Ask him quickly, but gently why he's doing this. The answer will always be to survive, always. I was in a situation like the bandit before, I understand why. When he answers, I will tell him about the beauty of Aegis, about the possibilities, about how many ways he could use his obvious talents with a weapon for good, not evil. If my coercing doesn't work, I will simply hit him quickly, probably the throat or groin if it;s a man, and run.

    10) As you walk through the local market place a person begins to yell that Aeriel and the other patrons are weak and cruel and claims that joining Iblees is the only way to survive.

    This kind of thing typically stirs strife in a crowd,

    I would be able to tell that the mood was shifting, people beginning to get angry at everything going wrong in the world. I would first climb to a vantage point, preferably a flat roof top, or the pinnacle of a lamp. I would then cry for silence. My voice has an odd quality from the proceudres on my face, so I would probably get silence on my first attempt. "People! Don't listen to what your mind may tell you, that Aeriel has given up on you, that God has moved on, and forgotten about our strife, and our cause! Well, They have not, adn they watch upon you as I speak, and I know a fwe things. Namely, to lsiten to what your heart says, that Aeriel and God watch upon you, and can only do so much! WE must rally, as one, as a whole and push back against the scourge this man is claiming will help us! Iblees is not the answer, the lgiht always will!" As I finish, I will slide down, and take questions, answering the nagging feelings of hopelessness among the people.

    11) A person walks up and asks you, "Why does God allow suffering to continue?"

    I will clasp my bronze arms onto their shoulders, and look them in the eyes

    . Then say with full sincerity, "It is simple my friend, quite simple indeed. We live in a world where we are being tested, where we are looked upon for the next life. So when we pass, our true mettle will have been proven over our life. Things may be bad, but they will get so much better, all you must do is hold your chin up. Your true strength is shown facing suffering, how you compose your emotions in such a way that proves you're a worthy person, one that holds God in your heart, and walks into strife with open eyes, and an even more open heart. Stay strong my friend, do it for yourself, and for God." I would then nod, and move on.

  2. Oh the reason's easy - to sacrifice you! Lesser being ;)

    Okay Caden firstly you should feel honoured :P! And I'm not one to start flame wars, I try to approach these things in as friendly and mature manner as possible. Just because your opinion is different to mine, that doesn't instantly make you a **** :).

    The cat comment is actually a reasonably good one... I never really thought of it like that. If I could go back several months in time that's a hole I'd definitely fill :P. Sadly its too late in the day for such overarching changes (eg changing everything :P!)

    I'm not going to gameception you... but rereading your post... bracketception ;)

    I can understand why the financial thing may've annoyed you. That was a bit of description from a by-gone era when finance was the most important thing and we were trying to woo Availer. I apologise if it annoyed you, it wasn't meant to seem quite so... blunt as you interpreted it, but I can understand why you may've interpreted it like that. Rest assured I'm not that much of a bell-end

    Onto the voting bars, I guess it depends how you look at it, I think a lot of people voted against the race simply because they didn't want any new races, which is why I added the "don't want new race - but if we had a new race I'd pick this" option. If that makes sense?

    We don't have to end this discussion, I'm actually enjoying it and its nice that we can both be mature. Just don't expect me to change my opinion as I don't expect you to change yours :)

    Right. I know I shouldnt expect you to change your mind about your own idea, I'm just trying to tell everyone why I think they shouldn't vote for Kaharajyr. I WANT a new race, totally, but something more fantasy like, and something that makes sense to Minecraft, like my ideas on my ideas for Aegis 2.0 post, like goblins who live in caves, trolls who live in dense forests, and fairies that live in the mushroom biome. I cant see where the Kaharajyr would live. If anything, different biomes could suffice for it; snow cats, desert cats etc. But I cant find this idea anywhere in my range of what I would accept for a race on the server. It's like Pawnstars, (lol, why bring that up here?) I'm the dealer telling you the flaws of your merchandise (race), and you're the customer continuously telling me that his product is worth more (that the race should be implemented). (I want you to know, the statement above sounded dicky, but I didnt mean for it to sound that way.) I'm just trying to tell you that I, and many others wont support the race. As much as I dont want it to get implemented, at least I hope your RP experiences in LOTC are better than ever!

  3. Lots to reply to here, so Caden, I'll start with you :). First off I'd like to say I have complete respect for your opinion! Having alternate viewpooints and ideas is the best thing for the race as it gives us a chance to improve our lore etc.

    I see your point about it being plagiarised, I really do and I think this is about the only decent argument against the race. Sure the speech is copied from Elder Scrolls. And sure we're furry cat people like from Elder Scrolls. But in my opinion the similarities end there. Any other similarities are essentially the result of the argument that that's how cats would act if they were human! Or at least in my opinion anyway! This race is predominantly based off of cats, not Khajiit. I can see why people would get confused though. If you can't get your head round it then I apologise, I can't scrap the whole idea based solely on your opinion, as much as I respect it.

    Okay now to the numbered points

    2) Sure there may only be around 10 people who are actively engaged within this thread but look at the polls on the first page. A high percentage of people voted that they'd play as this race. I don't think numbers are going to be a problem.

    3) As far as I'm aware I don't talk about the race all the time. If I do and I don't notice then fair play, I apologise and will try to stop

    Again I'm sorry, I'm not going to be changing this race. If the mod team doesn't except it then that's fine, they're the bosses. But the race is at its closest, most hopeful hour and I'm not gonna be like "oh **** dudes... best change it all and become fish-fairies". It doesn't work like that.

    Finally, sorry about my avatar but I literally possess no artistic talent. Like none at all. If I did I would have created an amazing image of what I perceive to be a Kharajyr and had that as my avatar.

    Onto everything else!

    Ninja - yes the Do-ra are under direct control of the Mane, and failing that whomever the leader of the Do-ra is.

    Crime and Punishment - I think that's an area that should be covered by both the social and military Aelkos. That is the social is tasked with rooting out crime and "convicting" criminals whilst military is more in charge of the punishment aspect

    NoNameGoesHere - What a beautiful song!

    Thanks, I feel kinda honored! I enjoy conflicting opinions, and my main fear was, a flame war was going to start, and I've been in one of those, and it isnt fun. So I'm glad we can get on a nice level/level conversation. Now, I didnt point out some of my other opinions on this race idea, so if I may: *Straightens a stack of papers and puts reading glasses on*

    I'm kinda confused about Kaharajyr in general. So, if they aren't based on Kahjits, they're based on cats. But.... cats dont even exist in LOTC (I love how I refer to it as a game. It honestly is a game within a game (If I hear one damn "GAMECEPTION HURRR DURR on here, I'll be angry) or at least desrves to be one), nor Minecraft itself.

    One thing (in your original post) that actually made me OOC pissed off at you was the way I read your donator thing. Basically, it seemed like "Hey, I donated $200, so, can I make up a race, now?". I'm not saying thats what you SAID, because I do often misinterpret what people post, but it seemed quite a bit like it to me.

    Again, a really appreciate your maturity about my criticisms, but currently (the last time I saw it) the Pro and Anti Kaharajyr bars are tied. However, I did vote against Kaharajyr. It wouldn't fit in LOTC to me. As I said, something more universally fantasy style (fairies, goblins, trolls, etc.) as a race I wouldnt support nor go anti on. But still, if you want to end this here, we can, or if you want to keep talking , go ahead :)

  4. I really enjoy your effort, it's just....... ugh.... I just dont WANT this race implemented. I mean, you have really put alot of effort and lore into it, but no matter how much I try, and even WANT to embrace the idea, I just keep looking at it the same way: (call me closed minded if you want, but I'm getting to my reasons)A copy of the Kahjit. They share a similar name, a similar body, similar things in some parts of lore, and Christ, even your profile picture is a Kahjit from The Elder Scrolls. I just find it plagiaristic. I find the Dark Hand actually, quite a bit plagiaristic, but I mean its only a guild (kind of like my view on the Holmes). But this is an entire RACE, and would be a HUUUUUUGE thing in the server. I mean, people will PLAY as these. And sure, elves, dwarves, and orcs are plagiaristic.... but so many forms of media use them, it's truly hard to call it plagiarism. Cat people exist in other media, just not in the context of the Kharajyr. It's clear you got the idea from The Elder Scrolls series.

    I mean, I love the idea of another race, but I have certain STANDARDS, and I hope the GMs have similar views on this race. I know this guild is flooded with comments, but I hope this one gets some attention, whether you like me OOC or not. However, I digress, my views on new race ideas are:

    1) Be COMPLETELY original! If you steal something like an orc or an elf, that's okay, because its so commonly used in many forms of media.

    2) Make sure that you have a large amount of people you know are going to play as your new race. If you're going to make a race of, lets say, flying monkeys; well, you better damn well be sure the LOTC community likes flying monkeys, or your hard work=NOTHING.

    3) Dont run around talking about your race every six seconds. I'm guilty of over advertisement of my former guild the RCM, so DONT DO THAT. People dont like you saying "Hey wanna be part of my bull***t?". It's annoying to me and everyone else.

    So, I'm ending this post for right now, but please respect what I say,as I have respected what YOU say. I would like comments on my opinions, agreements/disagreements, whatever. Races that I would like to personally see include:

    1) Fairy like people. I dont know about this one, but it could give some frackin' awesome race benefits.

    2) I've seen RP friendly golems (stone people), but it would be cool to see them as a race. I think they would be too similar to the orcs though, so I'm kinda' criss-crossy on this one.

    3) Fish people? I've heard someone talk about this before, but it would be cool to see some fish men (NOT ARGONIANS)!

    4) Other trademark medieval-y stuff, like goblins, trolls, etc.

    On another note, I'm going to be posting a "Your suggestions for Aegis 2.0" page! Hurry up, Aegis 2.0 is COMING!

  5. *You see a poster outside the city of Laurelin, and right outside the gaseous airways of Al'Khazar, and the still intact orcish and dwarven cities. It is a notice with large red AHC letters stamped on it. A stamp familiar to most.*

    Well everyone these times are rough. With a (supposed) giant flying creature in Laurelin, a crumbling poisoned Al'Khazar, and disease, insanity, and curses running rampant, it is a hard time for a healing organization. We are offering free healing services to anyone, and encouraging the people injured or cursed by black magic when fighting the Undead forces, or the (supposedly real) dragon beast, to come to our healing base on top of the mountain in the city of New Oasis inside the Verge.

    *You see a map of the Verge and a line from the entrance to New Oasis*((X=-255, Z=-10))

    Also, if you have any ailment and wish to help us benefit in research, the AHC would appreciate all help as long as you sign a contract to let us test on you. On another note, if you are looking for a job and you are an experienced doctor, you may apply at the unfinished AHC base. On the last note, if you have any information about the alleged dragons, or any way, magical or otherwise to rid the Oren area of the noxious gasses, PLEASE contact Sillion Luthais ((Ohaythar121)) or show up at the AHC base in person.

  6. I say we klomp da rnder-ummie

    *Hears the orc child's words whilst he is handing out the pamphlets*

    *Caden decides to confront him, as he has been told this many times*

    NO! The whole point is, we're a HEALING facility that offers healing services to anyone, and jobs to anyone interested in science, biology, or resource gathering and protection! We arent going to kill someone because they're suffering something that SEEMS un-cure-able! We'll find a way. The only way we'll ever kill him is if he turns full Enderman. Then he would have to die.

    *Walks off, ignoring any other words the orc says.*


    I am passing out these new pamphlets as a new informational guide to the new medical innovations of Aegis. I am Caden Cathaldus, from what I hear a medical miracle, and the leader of a certain branch of a medical guild. Today, the second ever Augumented man in history was augumented! These medical advancements are very VERY good for the Aegisian science! I just wanted to hand this put to everyone to let them know, that even among the fact that this Ender person is hindering us, we are getting strunger and smarter.


  8. ((Kinda a repost considering it was a reply on my other one, but I wanted to put the reply as its own topic.)) *Posts the new flyers up*

    Hello fellow men of Aegis. I am currently in hiding with larger numbers beginning to join. So far we have only 6 or 7 members, HOWEVER, I have a couple of guilds on my side that I wont release the names of for fear of jeopardizing their safety. Let me just tell you, the Wardens should start not considering me as criminally insane, but an intelligent threat to Wardens. I would not say "national security" because I am the one securing Malinor here. The amount of acceptance/neutrality ((I know slashes didnt exist, i couldnt think of a word)) on the topic has been overwhelming. I have heard multiple threats from Wardens insisting every elf is on their side, when I beg to differ. I have met at least 3 of every race who support my actions. I find the Warden's efforts to take me off the charts unjust and if anything, minuscule, considering I am still out there, still OUT OF PRISON. That phrase may scare the Wardens, but it should give you: Fellow free thinkers hope, that one day the Wardens may become a better work force, under REAL ELVEN RULE, not these disgusting lazy idiotic bureaucrats. We, fellow citizens must take down the force that knew the location of Wrath's new Clutch for a long time, but lied back and let it continue; the force that locks people up for mere suspicion; the force that kicks people out for speaking with a criminal. Interrogation or not, the kick their members out; the force that acts as if they own Malinor instead of the people. THE FORCE THAT MUST FALL FELLOW INTELLIGENT MEN AND WOMEN OF ALL RACES, THE FORCE THAT CAN FALL UNDER US, THE REAL ELVES, THE REAL DWARVES, THE REAL ORCS, THE REAL HUMANS, THE REAL PEOPLE!!!! Please, take into consideration joining the R.C.M.


  9. *Posts the new flyers up*

    Hello fellow men of Aegis. I am currently in hiding with larger numbers beginning to join. So far we have only 6 or 7 members, HOWEVER, I have a couple of guilds on my side that I wont release the names of for fear of jeopardizing their safety. Let me just tell you, the Wardens should start not considering me as criminally insane, but an intelligent threat to Wardens. I would not say "national security" because I am the one securing Malinor here. The amount of acceptance/neutrality ((I know slashes didnt exist, i couldnt think of a word)) on the topic has been overwhelming. I have heard multiple threats from Wardens insisting every elf is on their side, when I beg to differ. I have met at least 3 of every race who support my actions. I find the Warden's efforts to take me off the charts unjust and if anything, minuscule, considering I am still out there, still OUT OF PRISON. That phrase may scare the Wardens, but it should give you: Fellow free thinkers hope, that one day the Wardens may become a better work force, under REAL ELVEN RULE, not these disgusting lazy idiotic bureaucrats. We, fellow citizens must take down the force that knew the location of Wrath's new Clutch for a long time, but lied back and let it continue; the force that locks people up for mere suspicion; the force that kicks people out for speaking with a criminal. Interrogation or not, the kick their members out; the force that acts as if they own Malinor instead of the people. THE FORCE THAT MUST FALL FELLOW INTELLIGENT MEN AND WOMEN OF ALL RACES, THE FORCE THAT CAN FALL UNDER US, THE REAL ELVES, THE REAL DWARVES, THE REAL ORCS, THE REAL HUMANS, THE REAL PEOPLE!!!! Please, take into consideration joining the R.C.M.


  10. * Writes on a dirty piece of paper, attaching the R.C.M flyer to the back ((read the forum post, its at the top of the second page on just the regular roleplay section))*

    I see, this isnt good friend. Im sorry for your loss, but it could become a gain. You might think of joining the R.C.M, or the Rebel Coalition of Malinor. I was kicked out for the exact same reason. You cant arrest for suspicion. Not in my morals anyway. Maybe in the sick and twisted minds of Quazar and Felore you can. But NOT TO THE R.C.M. If you are at all interested, or even curious, send me a pigeon through the bars.

    * Slips the paper through the bars *

  11. Im really sorry. I had no idea how mainstream it was when I did it. It was insane. I thought I was SOOOO original, being the rich kid who broke out of prison wrongly accused of the murder, but I looked at the apps and I literally shat bricks. Im really pissed now. I want to be the last person looking for parent killing revenge. I want the GMs and FMs to pass a law about that.

  12. -On a stormy night in Laurelin, you see a man in a cloak with a half smiling half frowning crying mask equipped with daggers strapped to his arms and legs running from a man in full chain armor with the Warden Insignia on his blade. As the Warden yells, the strange masked man punches you in the chest. After you are knocked down and they are out of sight you get up and notice he didn't punch you. He gave you a flyer. It reads:-

    Hello citizen of Aegis. These days are some of the most tough times I've faced, and Aegis is recovering as well. I have just recently escaped Warden prison with the aid of a man I do not know. I am the leader of the rapidly growing "Rebel Coalition of Malinor". We are a rebel group opposing the Wardens of Malinor. You may be too conditioned to the Warden's lies and pseudo-Justice system, which is sad, but we are not. We are attempting to take down this idiotic establishment in order to create a better Malinor, and all in all, a better Aegis. I am calling all rational people of Aegis, in specific some guilds and clans that I will meet with personally, to join in, in this liberation of Malinor. There is not one time in which you need to help the elves, and if you are an elf, Malinor, MORE THAN NOW. I am asking you to contact me through the post system in Laurelin ((Just /msg Caden_Cathaldus)). We will find a meeting place, in which I will ask you some precautionary questions. This is only to be safe; We have spies in their organization, they can get spies in ours. If you are curious to the exact goals and reasons of the Rebellion, you may ask me discreetly. Thank you citizen, and remember: Think for yourself; Not me; Not the Wardens; Yourself.


  13. *The C.C, or Caden Cathaldus search group that is hunting for him for the brutal murder of his parents, and his breakout from jail come across a message on a post ((post as in the thing from the fence, not forum)) from the man himself. Caden Cathaldus, the 25 year old murderer.* ((I assure you btw, im a good guy, but its part o my backstory elven athourites come after me, so if youre an elven athourity and havent already started doing so, expand on the C.C Search Group. Its impotant too :P))

    Hail to the people who are searching for me. I want you to know that I am innocent. I know, I said that in court, and you still wont belive me, but I assure you that it is true. I have a way to prove my innocence that I will show to all of Laurelin. Too bad that you wont be lucky enough to see it. I lured you here. By the time you finish reading this you will be riddled with arrows. Farewell.

    *The C.C Search group became nothing but blood, sticks, stone, and feathers by the time they looked down at the pressure plates they were standing. The monks didnt make it in time. And magic couldnt even save them then. High Prince Native is looking for some new members to recruit.*

    OOC: Thats it, i dindt want to post the C.C Search Group on the ideas in the ideas iand lore section, because i wanted to show people what people think of me, particularly elves. I want hopefully shiftnative to read this to start an offical C.C Search Gorp, and also, this gives an open slate, as the old one is dead, for ppepz to just start one. So yeah, but the rules i want to set out, which is only ttwo, and whoever starts it next can make up more, but not take these two away: 1: You cant just meta then spam me. You have to walk up, ask if im caden, and if i say no you can follow me. But unless you are in a chase/fight with me, dont just kill me. 2: Elect a leader. Thats all, any posts on here be in character until the end. KTHXBAI. BTW Dont post tl;dr.))

  14. I was thinking tonight about LoTC, Oblivion, and Dragon Age Origins. No, Im ntot going to copy the cat guys from Oblivion, that just made Caden ANGREH! But, I was thinking about these games (Well, LoTC is a game withing a game), but aside from gameception, I was thinking of weapon powerups. They wouldnt have anu magical texture, It would be a regular sword. Now, as you see this next part, dont leave yet, because it balances out. Im talking; Flaming swords, poison sowrds, explosive swords (IDK, over the top, rly), redstone, or electric swords etc, anything you can thnik of, just nothing wierd like derp swords or dirt swords. Now, this is where we balance it out. You obviously dont want people running around with powerful swords just pwning everyone. So, you need to make these things hard dto make. So, take a simple thing, that would be the flaming sword. One hit=2 seconds of FIIIIRE on the enemy. So, spamming left click could be an option. But, to make this, you must have at least the weapon teir of stone. (4 n00bs: Wood, Stone, Iron, Gold, Diamond) Then you msut take 4 flint and steels and surround the outer layer of the stone sword. The stone sword is in the middle. You ask, why not torches? Because, then everyone and their grannies would have this thing. You may ask, why so much flint n syteel? Same answer. You have to work at it. But, lets go to something simply AMAZING. The explosive blade. That would require the diamond teir, and put it in the middle, and surround it with TNT. Thats the one of three possibly combinable idead of how to get powered blades. Another idea that could be combied with the crafting (or not whatever (if this comes out) availer chooses) magical spells that maybe only certain people such as ascended can do, or mages. Or, a coole one, is finding them in the dungeons laid about. Who knows? Well, I didnt really think this idea throguh much, but Ill be on the forums awhile if ya want to reply, pl0x do so.

    -C.C :D

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