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Posts posted by Busenki

  1. An old order- the Templars, founded by Hogarth the High Priest of Oren have been reborn. From the ashes that were sinful to the majestically religious and pure order has risen once again to roam the beautiful world, protect and spread the word of God, and keep the people safe.

    A movement named "Anima Templi" started by Terrowin Moonburst, was an attempt to purify the Templars and turn them from their foul ways. As he was heading to Aeriel to speak to Hogarth about becoming the Grand Master of the Templars, he heard screams and lightning from the North. He ran as fast as his legs would carry him, pushing through the crowd going in the opposite direction of him, sweating more an more with each passing second. When he got to AlKhazar he was stunned just by the noises. All the creatures from the Nether could be heard and all their foul voices could be recognised. Quickly unsheathing his blade, he stormed into the city, slaying beasts, trying to reach the church. He fought bravely for many hours that night, got injured many times and slew many monsters. As the battle was coming to an end, he noticed that there were too many monsters at the gates. Knowing the secret exit, he started sprinting uphill towards the only exit that he though was safe. Alas, it was even more dangerous! What he found there was a number of minions of the Undead. Running his blade through one with ease, he caught that the exit had been closed up! Remembering swiftly in the heat of battle that he could use the rooftops to escape, he ran to the church, although this time not as fast, since he was heavily injured. Smashing the doors, he saw that the church was now a temple of Iblees.

    A minion saw him and tried to run a blade through him, but Terrowin dodged in time. He striked the minion, but all hopes were lost. He lost conciousness and faded away on the cold church floor. He woke up the next day in the Temple as he was being healed by the monks. Remembering little, he left the Temple and asked people all about the battle. They told him everything.

    A few years after the battle, he died of old age or suicide in Kal'Rog. I found his body. Me. His son, Gladnious. I have taken his position as the Grand Master.

    Now the Templars need to grow and I know of a way. I have asked Braxis Silverblade to grant me a guildhouse for the order. We must get followers. Join the Templars today, citizen of Renatus or Kal'Urguan! We need your help. If you wish to join our ranks these are the commandments of the order:

    1) Help the needy.

    2) Protect the people from danger.

    3) Do not steal, kill for no reason, cheat, lie or rob.

    4) Follow the word of God and do not sin against him.

    5) Do not parley with the Undead or minions.

    6) Bring profit to the order, be of use!

    7) Wear our uniform proudly, and may no sword tear it, or arrow pierce it.

    8) Listen to your Grand Master, the Vozds, and the High Priest.

    9) Do not shave your beard if you can grow one, show that you are a man!

    10) Never forget. Never forgive.

    Positions and ranks:


    Arambah- representative of the knights in an outpost

    Keeper- his job is to watch over an outpost

    Vozd- in charge of a section of members. Example: Vozd of Monks, Vozd of Knights, etc...

    Senechal- he makes sure all the Vozds are doing their job correctly and exchanges messages between the Grand Master and the Vozds.

    Grand Master- runs the order, makes sure everything is going well.

    The Vozds are: Elementalist Zane ((the_blind_seer)), Hallen ((kototamopeva)), Zaros Erwyne ((kindaspacey)).

  2. OOC:






    *(-8:00) PST

    How much time can you spend on the server:

    *Depends on my schedule for the day, but As many as a few hours a day.

    Why did you join the server:

    *Because I've always enjoyed Roleplaying as well as Roleplay games, so this server is a bit of a win-win for me.







    *North Human


    *Victor Brandis was the son of a simple guardsman for the village he grew up in. He learned of his father's skills and hoped on day to be a knight and protect the people, just as he father did. However, at age seven, a band of marauders attacked the quaint little town, catching his father and the rest of the men who protected its citizens off-guard. It turned into a rabble, and his father died in the squabble of fighting. He and his mother escaped the town before being found.

    Victor then swore he would become a knight and keep the memory of his father alive through his blade as he fought for those who could not.

    He was soon a squire when he was of the age of twelve, and trained diligently until he was fifteen, upon which he went through swordfighting challenges and competitions. In one of these competitions, he won the favor of the town's arl, and was soon in the Silver Order as a knight-errant for the king. However, mutiny and destitute happened upon him, as he was framed for the murder of three high-families, all of which was performed by his comrades in the order that became bitter and jealous towards him.

    Thrown into Exile, Victor was sent to the Mage's tower, and was sent away through a portal, ending up in the land of Aegis. It was here he planned to regain his honor, his knighthood, and his blade of justice to protect those who cannot fight for themselves.

    Skin [texture, not screenshot]:


    What do you want to accomplish by joining? Explain.

    *I wish to protect the citizens, to bring order back into the lands, and drive back the undead into the bowels of the Nether where they once came.

    Accepted. Silly me, I was asking myself "Why did he not choose a class?", then I noticed that I did not even put that question in the application format. I'll update it later. From this, I have come to the conclusion that you want to be a knight. Use this skin: victorskin.png

  3. The Templars are recruiting, we are in the service of Hogarth, the High Priest of Oren! Choose your class/path:









    [spy]*[FOR THIS, DO NOT POST AN APPLICATION. THOSE WHO DO WILL GET DENIED, instead, PM your application.]

    -Regular spy

    -Assassin [Needs a VA]




    If you wish to apply- please us this application format.





    How much time can you spend on the server?

    Why did you join the server?






    Skin [texture, not screenshot]:

    What do you want to accomplish by joining? Explain.

    Now our aims. We seek to bring peace to Western Oren and help monks. Other then that we protect churches, fight Iblees worship, and fight for the freedom of the people. If you seek profit, you should turn around and go away NOW. We don't need money as much as we need to feel safe, and make others feel safe and free in their own land. If you need help building a church, removing a shrine of Iblees, or an assassination of a corrupt priest- we WILL always be here for you. Contact us, we will take care of it.

  4. *Stops Terrowin as he runs by and yells to him with sad in her voice "Terrowin! I got a sad story to tell you..." Finds out that he knew it too... and walks over to the notice board again to take a clear look at the note now when hysagi is gone and is getting ready to get to the graveyard. Reads the note proberly and sighs, walks over to the shuuhei company to be sure no one else is getting hurt like hysagi.*

    ((I am no longer Terrowin, Jena. I am RPing Gladnious, his son.))
  5. Name: Malik_Kreesh (Ninkirby95)

    Age: 16

    RP skills: Pretty good

    Link to your application: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/31519-ninkirbys-application-2/

    Link to your skin [TEXTURE, NOT SCREENSHOT, TEXTURE]: http://www.minershoes.com/skin/view/i4edb16beadb4a21930547728741941911919139

    Path: Im thinking of Knight, am i allowed to change later on? what do the monks do?

    Accepted! Monks help with things like carrying books from library to library, preach about God, basically they are preachers and they spread to word of God through enlightment. You might be able to change later on, I am not sure. To be a knight you need to use this skin: post-20612-0-31968000-1323425115_thumb.p
  6. This is quite frankly one of the more hateful posts i've seen in awhile.

    "I have just noticed that bringing nothing with you when moving is dumb and unrealistic."

    ^ You're stating that GM's are "dumb"

    Yeah we didn't have banks in RP because they just weren't viable with the plug-in we had. People would've definitely used them if you want to get "realistic" about it.

    As for items, whos to say our boats are PACKED with people because we could only build a handful of vessles to escape on?

    You need to approach things in away that allows for variables, instead of trying to belittle others who you believe to be wrong or "dumb"

    So it can make " ******* SENSE " If you allow it to

    I never said anyone was dumb, I said it would be dumb of someone to bring nothing to a new continent IRL. I am not hating, I am just pointing out. I get it now for the banks, but still, there WERE no banks, so it still makes no sense, even if you wanted to have a different plugin. It would be really hard to RP ignore it. I respect you all, I didn't meant to insult anyone. Peace
  7. I have just noticed that bringing nothing with you when moving is dumb and unrealistic. Would you really bring NOTHING? I don't think so. You would (IRL) most deffinately bring a survival kit, some food, weapons and money. Oh, there is a minas cap! Great! So, you are this rich person that has been carrying 500000000 minas around every day, IN YOUR DAMN POCKETS. But now when you most need them you only bring 10k. [spoiler: MAKES NO ******* SENSE, MY CHILDREN.]

  8. Hello! Do you want to buy some books? Well, we've plenty o' those! Just /tell Busenki or /tell KoToTamoPeva and tell us how many books you want. All are blank though, waiting for your ink, to decorate it's pages with amazing words. Each book costs 25 minas per piece.


    What is the Anima Templi? The Anima Templi is a religious organisation, dedicated fighters for peace in Oren and the word of God. We do not wield blades, but salvation. I am the Grand Master Terrowin and I control the Anima Templi, but I am also in the service of Hogarth, the High Priest of Oren.

    We are not just knights, though. There are four paths that you can follow: The White Cross(Knights), the Red Cowls(Monks), the Tool Weilders(workers) and The Right Hand(spies).

    Each of these paths are controlled by a Vozd. The Vozd of the White Cross is Hallen(KoToTamoPeva)

    and his title is Warmaster. The Vozd of the priests is The_Blind_Seer and his title is Enlightened Vozd. The Vozd of the workers is KindaSpacey and his title is Craftwielder. The Vozd of spies is currently Hallen too, it might stay this way.

    What do we do? We protect churches, monasteries and shrines. We aid Oren in any battle if asked. We gather knowledge and preach to the people about God. We are also personal guards of the High Priest and Head Priest. We do NOT hunt the Undead, but if we see an Iblees worshiper, we will kill him.

    How do I join? Well, pick your path. If you want to be a worker, warrior or monk- use this application form down below:



    RP skills:

    Link to your application:

    Link to your skin [TEXTURE, NOT SCREENSHOT, TEXTURE]:


    Additional information: *not required

    If you want to be a spy, send me a private message with this application and do NOT post on this thread. BTW: orcs are not allowed to join, sorry, I just hate orc-speech and they are not really fit for a knight in my opinion.

    Thanks, looking forward to hearing from you, crusader!

    ((still working on AT RP, will write soon))

  10. Minecraft name: Busenki

    Roleplaying name: Terrowin

    Character Race: Human

    Character Age: 60

    A Link to your Application to the server: Here

    What is your style of build: I am inspired mostly by the countries I have traveled (France, Spain, Italy, Germany and such) that have a rich history and have beautiful medieval buildings and castles. I also like the style of many RPG games and also the builds on LOTC itself! So I build LOTC style and medieval style! Hurray!

    Pics/video of your talent: I honestly don't have any vids or pics, but if you let me show you what I can build in-game, I think you would be quite pleased.

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