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Posts posted by Graveclaw

  1. Application:

    Minecraft Name: Graveclaw

    Role play Name: Dezar_The_Dark_Ranger

    Are you good with a sword?: I'm quick with a sword, but not the strongest.

    Are you good with a Bow?: Lets just consider the enemy already dead when I have a bow in my hands.

    Are you good at fighting?: I was born to fight.

    Any special skills?: I am very stealthy, and quick to kill someone if found.

    Sword level: ((MCMMO Is down so atm:/))

    Fist level: "

    Bow level: "

    Axe level: "

    Magic powers: None

    Race: Dark Elf

    Gender: Male

    Preferred Field: assassination/stalk

  2. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name: Graveclaw

    -How old are you?: 19

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: central US

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: Yes, I feel I do not make many mistakes when it comes to English/grammar.

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: Currently, taking classes at college. I love to role-play and have a good time.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?: As much as I can. When I'm not in class I'm normally on minecraft.

    -How long have you played minecraft?: I have played minecraft for atleast 1 year now.

    -What do you know about roleplaying?: Tons! When I'm not on minecraft I normally play D&D or Vampires with my friends. (which take tons of Role-playing skills)

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: Well I'm hoping that this server will have tons of adventurers in store for me. I also hope to earn my way up the ranks, and become know well in the server.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: One other, but it was small. Only about 30 players max. Main reason I left the server is it got to boring.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?: Yes I read them, and I used to be an admin on my last server, so I fully understand the importants of rules.

    -Name the 4 races on this server: The ones I know are, Elves, Orcs, Humans, Dwarves.

    -How did you hear about us?: Minestatus

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?: Graveclaw

    In-Character: Dezar

    -Character Name: Dezar

    -What is your Race?: Dark Elf/Drow (If this is not possible then I will just be an Elf)

    -Biography: Dezar, ever since he was a small drow he knew he would do great things. He excelled at ranging and at crafting bows since the age of 13. Through out his childhood Dezar had many encounters that almost ended his life. He took down several bears three times his size, and a full pack of wolves. None of these other experiences were as terrify as the time he took down a swarm of zombies. One day Dezar was exploring the wood near his village, when he came across some very strange ruins. He began to search these ruins for treasures. Dezar always seems to lose track of time, and unware of the time night began to fall. Dezar decided to head home, but at that very instance he heard a very strange sound. He followed this sound to what seemed a weird catacomb like structure. The sound was more clear now, Dezar realized it was moaning. At first he thought he was going insane, but then thought what if someone is hurt in there and needs help. Dezar tried to open the doors to this catacomb, but they wouldn't budge. He pulled out his pick and started to pick at the door. Pieces of door start to fall then a rotted hand poked through the door. Dezar leaped back, and pulled out his bow. He now realized the moaning was coming from zombies. The door started to crack more and more pieces of it fall to the ground. Dezar ran to a near by hill, and prepared him self for battle. The door soon crumbled and several zombies poured out of the catacomb. Dezar fire arrows in to the horde of zombies. Most of them fall, but one did not it was large then the others. It let out a monstrous roar and charged Dezar. Dezar quickly tumbled out of its path and fired three arrow straight in to its forehead. The monstrous zombie fall, but Dezar was unsure it was still alive so he fire a few more arrows in to its chest. By the age of 20 he was the best ranger of his village. There was one other though that despised Dezar. His name was Raka, and he was consider the second best ranger of the village. Raka did not like being consider second best so he planned to get rid of his competition. Raka was an excellent herbalist, he could produce poisons that could kill a man in seconds. Raka create a poison that would blind Dezar permanently. Little did Raka know Dezar was on to his plan. At a feast Raka sliped this poison in to Dezar's drink, but will Rake was not paying attention Dezar switched their drinks. The next day Raka was found sreaming in his home when his fellow villagers asked what had happened his family said he was blinded. Raka never told anyone how it happened, because he knew he would go down to if he tried to pen this on Dezar. Several days after these events Raka was nowhere to be found.Years later Dezar's village was endangered by enemy elves. These elves were not drow, they consider themselves high elves. These High elves despised all drow, and decide to lay waste to all drow villages. Dezar's village was first on the list. These high elves knew of this village and knew of Dezar. That is when they found Raka and asked if he was interested in revenge on Dezar. Raka was excited about the idea of revenge on Dezar. The high elves asked Raka if he could tell them where Dezar hunted so they could bring Dezar to Raka. Of course the high elves were lieing to Raka. Raka told them where Dezar could be found on his hunts. The high elves soon devised a trap to capture him. Once the trap was set they waited for Dezar. Dezar unknowing went out on his normal hunt. Once in the wood Dezar abushed, the high elves failed to capture Dezar. Dezar had slipped away, but never the less the high elves realized they should attack while Dezar is not at the village. Soon the entire village as under siege by the high elves, Dezar heard the screaming from where he was hiding. He sprinted towards the screaming, soon he realized his village was under attack. He was forced to flee seeing that his village was overran. After the a few hours Dezar sneaked back to his village or what was left of it. Dezar searched for any survivors, but found none. Overwhelmed with emotion Dezar swore revenge for his fallen friend and fellow villagers. Dezar wanders through the wilderness hoping to find the high elves that attacked his village and find some of his fellow drow that may have slipped away from the attack.

    -Character Age: 31. Which is very young for a drow.

    -Character Appearance: He wears a red, black, and white hooded cloak.

    His skin is very dark (most drow's skin are). Always has a bow on his person.

    -Character Personality: Dark and mysterious, but is a good friend and loyal to his allies.

    -Your ambitions: To find all the enemy elves that layed waste to his village, and have revenge. He also wishes to find other of his kind, and to form many strong allies.

    -Can your character read or write?: Yes, he can read and write.

    -Can your character mine?: Being in the wild on his own he has become quite familiar will mining and forestry.

    -Are you a capable builder?: He is not the most artist, but he can make shelters to survive.

    -Can you wield a sword?: Yes, he is very skilled with a sword. He may not hit hard, but his speed makes up for it.

    -Enjoy Farming?: He, has learned how to grow small patches of wheat to survive when pigs become scares.

    -Does your character have any special skills?: He is very skilled in the ways of survival and ranging.

    -A screenshot of your skin: http://www.minershoes.com/skin/view/i4e ... 4911549109

    -Other Information: I really look forward to joining this server, and I know I will make a great part to this server if you will allow me to join! :D

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