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Posts posted by mr_bobble

  1. In Character


    Name: Clintarius Reinald Bobble

    Age: 27

    Race: Human

    What are your professions and talents?: I have many good years of training with a sword.

    Previous military experience: Was a member of the King's Watch in Abresi

    Do you agree to follow the Oath of Allegiance?: Yes


    Out of Character


    MC Name: mr_bobble

    Do you have skype? (Not Required): Yes

    Do you have teamspeak? (Not Required): Yes

  2. OOC:
    MC name: mr_bobble
    Skype Name: Clinton.adeyemi1
    Age (Optional):


    *Clintarius pulls out a seat in the silver maiden tavern and fills out his form.*

    Name: Clintarius Reinald
    Age: 22
    Experience: Was taught at a young age by my father how to wield a blade, and the necessary skills for battle.
    Criminal History:  None

  3. Out-Of-Character

    Minecraft Account Name: mr_bobble

    How old are you?: 15

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence: GMT/Ireland

    Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: Yes, I was born in an English speaking country and it is my first language.

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:I was born in Ireland so I am fluent in English and I like gaming but I mostly just go on Minecraft servers. I don't like to get into arguments with people but if someone thinks I did something wrong, I'll defend myself.

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?:About 9 or more hours a week.

    What do you know about Roleplaying? Give a definition of what it means to you: Roleplaying is playing a role. It is making yourself whoever or whatever you want to be. Following a story and playing along, with the personality of your character.

    What experience have you had in Roleplaying, if any?: I've been on a Minecraft roleplay server but it was very small. I've also played some rpg's.

    In your own Words, define what the act of Meta-Gaming is: Meta-Gaming is using information out of character to help you in character. For example If I came to an area I've never been to before but my friend on this server has, he could tell me everything about the place that he knows and I could use it to my advantage, even though in roleplay I should know nothing about the place.

    In your own Words, define what the act of Power-Gaming is: Powergaming is making yourself always come out on top in roleplay. For example: *Joe tries to attack Bob*. *Bob dodges and stabs Joe, killing him instantly*.

    What do you expect this server will be like?: I expect this server to be full of people most of the time and be a great roleplay experience

    What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: I was on a small assassin's creed roleplay server but it was empty most of the time so I left.

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?: Yes

    Do you promise to abide by said rules, and laws? This includes the Server, Forum, and Teamspeak set Rules:I promise

    How did you hear about us? Did someone refer you?: I wanted to join this server about a year ago but I never got around to making an application. Recently my friend mentioned this server and I decided to finally make an application.

    Have you previously made an Application? If so could you link us to your last Application?:Yes I've made an application before.http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/56871-my-third-application/

    Have you posted this application on our minecraft forum thread yet? If not, just finish it up on here and then copy + paste is over there. (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/832121-%E2%96%91%E2%96%92%E2%96%93-the-lord-of-the-craft-%E2%96%93%E2%96%92%E2%96%91-enter-the-world-of-asulon-o-f-f-i-c-i-a-l-l-y-t-h-e-n-o-1-r-p-s-e-r-v-e-r/):


    Character Name:Clintarius Bobble

    What Race are you?:Human

    What Sub-Race are you? (note, you aren’t required to have a sub-race):

    Biography (Please make this at least 2 paragraphs long.Clintarius was born in The Holy Oren Empire. His father was a Human, named Isaac Bobble and his mother was an Orc named Urka Garduulf. His father was a retired soldier and had settled down to have a family. He decided to be a tailor. He had met Urka while having a stroll in the woods. 2 years later they had Clintarius. They also had a second son a year later named Balgruuf.

    Isaac used to tell Clintarius and Balgruuf stories of when he was in the army. They both looked up to him. They wanted to be like him so much that they asked him to train them. He said no but they would not accept that. They begged and pleaded for days until he finally said yes. He told them that their training would probably the hardest thing they will ever endure. That they will learn how to survive in the harshest terrains against the toughest animals. They will learn how to use a sword and how to assess their enemy and estimate the chances of winning a battle.

    And that was exactly what they did. Six years of hard training. They still had to help their father with making clothes and selling them. But every spare moment they had they spent training. Once their father even made them survive in the wild for a week on their own. When Clintarius became 18 his training finally ended. He had survived his training and was now much stronger. he felt as if nothing could bring him down. Nothing could defeat him now.

    That was how he felt until his father died. It began when Clintarius, Balgruf and their father were out hunting in the woods. Their father had found a small chest on the ground underneath some bushes. When he opened it he saw that it was full of gold and treasures. It had probably been lost by a wealthy trader. They brought it home and showed it to Urka. She gazed at the gold inside, astonished. She said that they should spend it all now but Isaac said no. He said that they should not spend it all so hastily. That they should use the gold only if they had to. But Urka would not accept it. They had an argument but eventually they decided that they should not spend the gold immediately. But for days Urka kept on looking at the chest with a mad look in her eyes.

    2 weeks later Clintarius and Balgruuf came home from the market when they saw a horrible sight. Their father was sitting in a chair with a deep wound where his heart was. Urka was standing beside him, holding a sharp, bloody dagger and the chest of gold. Clintarius immediately knew what had happened. He unsheathed his sword and charged at his mother.He jabbed at him but he dodged and swung his sword, cutting her across the shoulder. She let out a roar of pain. She kicked him in the chest and he fell over. For a moment they stared at each other and Clintarius saw her. She had an insane look in her eyes and was clutching the chest as if her life depended on it. She tried to stab him but Balgruuf tackled her before she could. Clintarius stood up and stabbed her in the leg. She screamed in pain then ran to the window. She broke it with her bare hands and then climbed through it. Clintarius turned and ran to his father. It was too late to call for help. Their father was dead. Killed by his own wife and Clintarius' mother.

    The next day they searched the woods for Urka. They found her body bloody and mangled by wolves. She was unable to run very far from the house with her leg injury. In a way Clintarius had killed her. He was the one who injured her.

    He remembered how he felt when he had finished his training and realised how wrong he was. They both searched but they could not find the chest. Someone had probably already taken it.

    Clintarius and Balgruuf decided to forget what had happened. They closed down the shop and left the house. Now Clintarius is 23 and Balgruuf is 22 and they are trying to join the army and be like their father.

    What is your Character's ambitions?:To become a famous and respected soldier in the army

    What is your character’s favorite tool? (sword, pickaxe, shovel, etc):His favourite tool is the sword since his father taught him how to use one.

    What is one of your Character's most skilled talents?Using his brain while in a fight.

    A screenshot of your skin (must be in proper format):post-20680-0-55945100-1339193969_thumb.p

    Other Information about your Character:Clintarius is very certain about everything he does. He would hardly ever try and undo a decision he makes. If he did make a mistake he would do his very best to fix it. It is also very hard to gain his trust after his father was murdered. He is also very cautious of everyone he meets.


    Whilst traveling from the Cloud Temple you see a small halfling, being harassed by two armed warriors. They appear to be trying to steal money from him, how does your character respond?Clintarius checked how well equipped he and his enemies are in case a fight was to start, then unsheathed his sword and said "Hey, leave that man alone, or taste the steel of my blade!" The warriors throw the Halfling to the ground and turn to face Clintarius. One of the warriors laughed and said "I'm going to paint my axe with your blood". He swung his axe down but Clintarius gracefully sidestepped out of the way. He then sliced it across the air but Clintarius crouched under it. "Come here you", he growled. Clintarius smiled as the man continued to lose his temper. He kept dodging, ducking and sidestepping until the warrior completely lost his temper. He spread out his arms and roared at the sky. Clintarius chose that moment to strike. He knocked the warriors head with the hilt of his sword and sliced across his torso. The warrior dropped his axe, bent over and clutched his stomach. Clintarius then stabbed his blade into the warriors back. The warrior crumpled to the ground.

    The other attacker stared at his dead accomplice.

    "Fred!" He screamed. "I'll kill you!" He raised his sword above his head and ran towards Clintarius. Clintarius was confident. Too confident. The man was stronger than he expected and when Clintarius's sword clashed with his, it soared into the air and landed on the ground. He swung his sword downwards but Clintarius sidestepped. The man was expecting and raised his sword and turned around, cutting Clintarius on the cheek. Clintarius quickly took a step closer, swung his arm and punched the warrior, hearing a crack as his fist met the man's nose. The man fell over and dropped his sword. Clintarius picked it up and and pointed it at the man's neck.

    "I suggest you hand me that poor halfling's minas and run. Or face the same fate as Fred here" he said, indicating the attacker's partner.

    "Here, take it", he said throwing a bag of coins towards Clintarius. He quickly got to his feet and ran, until he was completely out of sight. Clintarius turned to the Halfling. "I think these belong to you", he said, handing him the minas. "You can keep it" The Halfling said giving it back to him. "As a reward for helping me". Clintarius thanked the guard and continued on his way.

    Your character wanders into Alras, and comes across a small stall, behind which a well dressed man is standing. He’s offering various wares, the merchant turns to you and says in a posh accent " 'ello there, what can I do you for today?" What is your character response?

    "Hello merchant", Clintarius says. "I would like to browse through your wares." The man lets Clintarius look at what he has for sale. Clintarius notices a fine looking sword.

    "How much is that blade?" He asks the merchant.

    "175 minas", the merchant says.

    "175 minas! That is far too overpriced". He examines the sword. "This sword looks as if it had been use many times before. It's edge is blunt an you clearly have not made a big effort to clean it. You can still see the bloodstains! I'll buy it for 100 minas.

    "150 minas or nothing" The merchant replies.

    Clintarius then moves on to the rest of his wares and begins exclaiming all of their many faults. As the customers begin to leave the man turns to Clintarius.

    "Ok, ok you can buy it for a hundred if you stop driving my customers away!"

    Clintarius smiled and buys the sword. He then leaves and continues on his way.

    Whilst wandering in the wilds, your character comes across a small hut, which looks abandoned. Inside it you see a chest containing a few iron bars, and a golden sword. How would your character respond?:He carefully looks around and checks if anyone is around or if this is some sort of trap. Once he is sure it is safe he takes the items. He also decides to stay in the cabin until tomorrow. He checks inside the cabin to see if there is any more loot but he does not find anything. He stays in the cabin until nightfall when he hears a bang on the door. He looks through the window and sees the undead gathering at the door.

    "Now I realize why this cabin is abandoned", he says to himself, unsheathing his sword.

    The undead manage to bring down the door and Clintarius fights them off, but they are too many for him. He is forced to break the back window and climb out. He runs but more undead follow him. He eventually managed to escape from them. He finds a settlement and goes inside the local inn. "Can I stay here for the night?" He asks the man at the counter.

    "Yes, for fifteen minas" he says.

    Clintarius checks how much minas he has.

    "I dont have any money, but what if I give you a golden sword?" He asks

    "Yes, I think that will suffice", the barman replies.

    Hungry and lost in the wilderness, you stumble across a small trading camp nestled among the forest, they greet you you in the common tongue, how do you respond?"Please, I am lost and I have not eaten in days. Do you have any food or a map I could use?", says Clintarius. One of the men approaches him.

    "Yes, we can help you."

    "Thank you".

    He leads Clintarius into the centre of the camp, where there is a small fire.

    "Wait here, I will go get some supplies" he says.

    He returns a few minutes later and gives Clintarius some food.

    "I do not have a map, but I know where the nearest town is. Just follow the path east." he says

    "Thank you for your help."

    Clintarius leaves and follows the path that the man told him to take.

    You hear word that bandits occupy the road outside the town in which you have been staying. The town guard have gathered, and are asking for assistance to help eliminate them. The leader of the party is offering a reward for any who offer their support. How does your character act on this information?:"I will help you defeat these bandits. I can also scout the area if you need me to", Clintarius says.

    The captain of the guard approach Clintarius.

    "Do you have any experience with these kind of things?"

    "Well, I did train with my father for six years with the use of a sword, survival skills, and assessing my opponents so I suppose I have some some experience."

    The captain looks at him.

    "Then I'm going to enjoy having you with us", he laughs.

    "Yes, and I'm going to enjoy receiving my reward", Clintarius laughs.


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