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Posts posted by Saviordude

  1. Ol' Treehugger walks up to the poster, glaring at it with a slight frown. He gently pulls it off, and pulls out his tin of tobacco. Within a few minutes, he has rolled a very fine Cigarette and is puffing away at it merrily. As he turns to walk away, he notices the young child no doubt scribbling away in his book. Ol' Treehugger walks over to the boy, leaning down to be at face level with him.


    "If yer wantin' 'is name as well, tis Ol' Tree'ugger. Make sure yeh write that down, eh?"


    He stands up, chuckling. He then leaves the boy to his work and strolls off into the forest.

  2. Ol' Treehugger looks up at the Hanging Tree, dismay on his face. Gingerly, he places a hand on the tree. Using such a brilliant tree for such evil....


    "Tis nay right at all, nay... nay... hmmmmm" he mumbles, taking a step back. "Nay worse than Oren ever was, fer sure. Goin' down th' same path.... hmmm...."

    Gripping his staff tightly, he turns and wanders back into the greater forest.

  3. Ol' Treehugger sits in his shack, nestled in the heart of the Witch Woods. Enjoying his cup of tea, he ponders the stories he has heard lately. Salmon and Mushrooms.... Could it be? "Heh, nay, 'e 'asn't been 'eard from fer decades.... Shame tis...." he mutters, taking another sip.
  4. Ol' Treehugger sits in his shack, smoking his pipe as he listens to a crow recount the impassioned speech given earlier that day on the topic of Mountain Dwarf superiority. Chuckling, he pulls a berry from his pocket and feeds it to his friend, leaning back in his chair and wearing a large grin.

    "Tisn't Forest Dwarves this time, at least."

  5. Ol' Treehugger hobbles into tavern, glancing around as he passes his staff from one hand to the next. Leaving it in his right hand he heads towards the bar, before standing infront of it with a grin on his face.

    "Savi, Sahra! Always guud t' see yeh. Come fer some tea, Tree'ugger 'as. Chai, if yeh 'ave it., Otherwise anythin' sweet will d'. Nay too much sugar added tho', Tree'ugger 'as 'is limits when it comes t ' 'is sweet tooth."

  6. "Another eventful day, it seems" Treehugger sighs, readying his staff. Twirling it around, he mutters a chant before thrusting it in the direction of the harpy. The ground beneath it glows green and rumbles, and a dull hum fills the air.

    Suddenly, the earth bursts as three large roots burst from the ground, flailing about! Shooting around the harpy, they pull tighter in an attempt to ensnare the hag. Treehugger laughs. "Yeh ain't goin' anywhere!"

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