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Posts posted by streagar

  1. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name: streagar

    -How old are you?: 19

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: Western European Time, Greenwich Mean Time

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: Yes!, but I apologize for the odd misspelt word in my haste to reply to something.

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: Currently a 19 year old Graphic design student at university going into my second year. I very much enjoy playing computer games of all sorts, as well as a good fantasy/ adventure novel of magic and so on so forth.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?: I’d be on pretty much every day, for as long as possible so long as it doesn’t conflict with my work.

    -How long have you played minecraft?: Been playing for a fair few months now.

    -What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?: I have a pretty good knowledge of roleplaying, I have been doing it since Secondary school and have carried it on wherever I can find it. I am great at keeping character, keeping it interesting (I am well aware of how dull some can get).

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: I expect this server to be fascinating to play on. Deep and immersive play, that will keep me captured till the wee hours of the morning. Lots of friendly communities or not so, depending how characters develop.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: The one server I have spent the majority of time on before this, was Aswein, a reasonable Rp server that has factions and all the likes. Can’t say I have experienced any others that are worth mentioning.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules? What about the lore?: I have read, understood and agree to the rules of the server and hope they will keep this server clean. As well as the lore.

    -Name the 4 races on this server. The Four races of the server are, Humans, The Dwarves, The Elves and of course the Orcs.

    -How did you hear about us?: I found you through the Main minecraft Forum listings of servers.

    -Did you vote?: Yes indeed.

    -What was your favourite Law?: I am particularly fond of the Ability to create towns and the like, and the laws seem to make it so there are no useless towns or a myriad of random nations/towns/governments. That said I like how well organized all the laws are and am hoping they are all carried out well in game.

    -What was your least favourite Law?: Not too sure about the skins Law, I understand trying to keep the Rp going, I am hoping my skin is good enough to pass.

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name? streagar


    -Character Name: Espirith (Esp for short)

    -What is your Race?: Human

    -LordofthECRAFT.net/forum forum account: streagar

    -Biography: Espirith or Esp for short, has a hazy past. Don’t get me wrong his memory is clear as day, however his upbringing was always...how to put it, distracted. Whenever he asked of his birth questions where swept aside “under the rug” and guilty expressions flooded the faces of those dear to him. There was a secret to his birth, but that is now lost. Raised on the roads in a traveling performer troupe Esp is no stranger from loud taverns, rich cities or towns, or even the night on a cold rainy road. Up to about 14 years of age Esp had a good life, learning tricks and trades of the performers, especially the Flute his favorite. He even learned from travelers they met along the road. Such an education is a fascinating one, you never know what’s round the corner. However one tragic night between towns, the troupe was forced to settle by the side of the roads as night spread across the lands. Out of the night came bandits, ravaging his world and destroying all he knew and loved. Discarded by the road as dead, he was found by a small town to town merchant. Esp was taken to the previous tavern they had passed and nursed to health. He spent a year here clearing his mind of that one night, that played over and over when he closed his eyes. After that year he gathered his courage and set out to make his mark in the world, and if it were ever to cross his path, take the opportunity by the scruff and avenge his lost family. For the next 4 years Esp traveled all over the lands with the Lute given to him before he left the Tavern as a farewell gift. Earning money to move around but little more than that and the essentials. During his travels he heard such fascinating stories of old heroes, legendary cities and beautiful maidens. All fueled his aspiration to become the best chronicler known in all time. And so now at 19 years, Esp sets forth with the wind at his back and revenge in not far behind.

    -Character Age: 19

    -Character Appearance: Esp is a practical man, as he spends a lot of the time on the roads, he does not own a closet of clothes as some might. Instead he has his comfortable travel clothes of a simple but elaborate blue, lined with a yellow-ie golden trim. His trusty cape of dark blue goes with him always, lined with many pockets for all the useful items he finds. Although sometimes a bit intimidating he wears a purple scarf across his face, it does not conceal scars, but instead keeps the last remnant of his lost family close to him where he can always be comforted by the familiar scent. He has his trusty knives strapped to his legs, for use in combat or stripping twigs, whatever the situation calls for. And most important, on his back he carries his lute. Treasured as closely as his scarf, it is his livelihood, it is his company, it is his world. Esp has grown strong and tall from his journeys, although he may look a thin man of the farm, he has a wiry strength, and the agility to go with it.

    -Character Personality: Esp is usually a happy, charming man. Often caught out with another man’s women at his arm. But he does flaunt around as a pampered noble. He is careful and watchful, he picks his moments, as a crowd is just as important as the attraction. Esp is an honorable man, do good by him and he will be your friend for life. Harm him or his friends and nowhere will be safe, if it by sword or by words he will destroy you.

    -Your ambitions: He aspires to travel the lands, bringing stories to those who may have forgotten, Witness great deeds so he may compose songs of them that last generations. He wishes to become the greatest bard of all time.

    -Can your character read or write?: My character is proficient in reading and writing (it’s his profession, kinda)

    -Can your character mine?: The bare minimum to create a comfy hole to rest in.

    -Are you a capable builder? I have helped construct a few small houses in a village once.

    -Can you wield a sword?: A sword is always needed on the lone road and Esp has made himself more than familiar with its use.

    -Enjoy Farming?: Not my first choice of income, it involves staying put in one location for too long, and so I have never grasped its skill.

    -Does your character have any special skills?:] Esp has a great grasp of languages, such a way with words he can calm a mob or persuade a King. He has mastery of the lute to of such could make an elf cry or laugh according to the tune. His time traveling alone has made his senses sharp, his fingers nimble and he has learnt to survive off the little he can find by the roads.

    -A screenshot of your skin: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/83 ... craft.jpg/

    -Other Information: Really hope to get onto this server, looks like a dream to RP on.

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