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Posts posted by BadCall

  1. Malinor Citizenship Application

    Name: Auri Celenthis Kelzyr

    Truename ((MCName)): ((BadCall))

    Race: Dark elf

    Origin: I have no idea... It sounds stupid... but brother never told me, I don't remember as well, I'll ask him about it.

    What do you wish to become a citizen of Malinor: Maybe joining the guard... I'm a very obedient person as my brother said... It would be a honor to be part of it.

    Also, I would like to buy a house there... to give my friends that are homeless a place to stay, I'm a very kind person, and I would enjoy to offers them a nice and comfortable place to stay.

    I'm also a good miner and smith, getting weapon and/or armor for the military would be something that I could do if asked.

    Do you agree to adhere to the rules of Malinor: I agree with the rules and will always keep top shape and respect them whatever the situation is.

    Skills: A very good smith and swordsman, also, a good miner. ((100 swords, 100 blacksmiths and 75 mining)).

  2. Name ((RP and MC)): ((BadCall)) Azariah Bloodsong.

    Age ((IC and OOC)): ((17)) 245 elvens years.

    Combat skills: 75 archery, quite a descent archer, deadly and good aim for far target, like a sniper.

    Non-combat skills: 100 cooking and 100 farming. I can spend days and days into a farm and hunt for animals for meat. I'm a pretty good nutritionist, I study food mostly. (Maybe the word isn't correct I'm not native english but still good). I'm also a good merchant, ICLY I love to discuss, trade and such. Her brother was the grand merchant of Seventis.

    Experience: A bit experienced in war due she fought for Salvus but realized that it was hopeless and she should just fight for the wining side. She thinks that Salvus is just a lost causes and it should end fast before it turns into another war that would causes useless murder again. She's a master farmer and cook, she knows a lot about farming and making farm, taking care of it and such.

    Why you want to join: Azariah was saved from Mori 7 humans years ago by Alrasian and also fought against them at the Salvus war. After many reflection and tough, she thinks that it would be better if she join Alras to "pay back" what she has been given a while ago. She's probably thinking about moving there when she'll have the money. She gaves her diamond armor to Aislin since it was way too heavy for herself. She also gave it because she tough that she would get robbed anytime soon and also, gave it because she love Alras and think that by giving the armor, it would be well used and considered as a good act for Alras.

    Other: I think that I said pretty much everything beside that I'm quite active because I don't go to school but Adult school since I failed my last grade.

  3. *Picks one of the flier, then starts reading it, hoping this is actually useful.*

    Eh... farmer... could be interesting. If it's just question of loyalty and hard work.. It shouldn't be really hard to do.

    *Sends her hawk, a letter carried by it, looking for him as he starts flying above people's head.*

    On the letter, it is written: I could be a good farmer, not the best, but a descent one ((75 farming)). I will show loyalty and always give my best at the job if I'm accepted for it. - Azariah Bloodsong ((BadCall)).

  4. Alright, time to point my opinion I guess...

    Fixed a dependency issue with Citizens, caused the skill system combat and character cards to break.

    Alright, no problem.

    Fixed mob spawning rates.

    No problem as well.

    Added a 60 second delay to OOC messages to solve some of the apparent trolling and misconduct that has been occurring in the OOC chat.

    60 seconds isn't a bit too long? What about 30 seconds.

    Extend local chat by 100 blocks to compensate for the changes of OOC. (Original: 30 blocks)

    In my time, I don't hear people that are 100 meters further than me, neither 30 so keep it at 30 maybe?

    Removed shout and whisper channels, as they were not being utilized the way we wanted them to be; plus they will no longer be needed with the extended local chat.

    I find them quite useful, so people around can hear purposely shout but NOT local chat. It is a very good way of communication and shouldn't be removed at all.

    Fixed the crazy overpowered poison spider venom.

    Quite a good point.

    Skill System max level has been dropped from 275 to 200. Any accounts with more than 200 levels have been reset and given 200 skill credits. This is for game-play balancing.

    Well, I don't think this is good at all, but I guess this is good... maybe... no...

    Map size will be shrunken down to 4,000 x 4,000, just like the Aegis map; this is both for fixes to the latency and to centralize roleplaying more on the GM-made structures.

    I think it should have been more PLAYER-made structures.. it's still OUR world, not GM world. But for the latency part, good.

    Beds can now be used during the day as well as night!

    Finally a quick healing source! Thanks! Also, it can help for certain RP.

    You will now be required to reroll your character on death. Failure to do so will result in an automatic 1 month ban, regardless if the kill was IC or OOC.

    Completely disagree, this is just terrible but seriously terrible. The server is already peaceful, now people will be SCARED of fighting, this should stay like it is and it will be good for everybody.

    We’ll be renaming the four default races to better fit our lore and gameplay feel. Here’s a breakdown of all the new races:

    Human – Zelot

    Dwarf – Rockary

    Elf – Alfefe

    Orc – Grunshie

    ... I will snip if I dare talk about it.

    ... Where is the April fool in this?

  5. ((MCname)) : BadCall

    ((Time-Zone)) : -5 GMT

    ((How long can you be online per day)) : Around 5-7 hours

    ((How long have you been on the server for)) : Since august (In Aegis)

    Your Name : My name is Eden Wake

    Your Race / Gender : I'm a Male

    Your Age : I'm 47 years old.

    Rank you are applying for : I'm applying for the Commander rank. Since I'm a master swordsman (100) and a good tactician, I think I would fit the requirement for the rank.

    Why do you wish to join the Vendere Military? : I alway wanted to protect my citizen from the danger and earn alot of respect in the realm of Asulon and fight off the Mori.

    Some lore on why your character wants to join : Since my parent alway wanted me to be in the army because of my incredible sword skill but I alway said no until now. Today, I'm finally dediced you join an army since I have seen alot of bandits around and not able to do anything. I wish the peace of the world of Aegis and I'm ready of everything to make it happen.

    Previous experience : I've been part of the vigil and the high king Syrio needed me for some duty but since my clan is hated in Alras, I dont want to work for him.

    Why should we recruit you : You are in need of good soldier I'm pretty sure because those day, they are getting rare.

    What are your strengths/Weaknesses : I'm a master swordsman but since I'm an old person, I have some difficulty to lift heavy sword but I'll be able to lift it with one hand over time. It has been very long time that I didn't take out a sword. I'm a good tactian and a good mapper (Drawing map).

    What weapon do you prefer to use ? (Axe/Sword/bow) I prefer the sword because you can do multiple move and parry many of your enemies attack.

    ((uniforms for each rank will come soon)) : Ill take the uniform needed when it will be ready.

  6. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name: BadCall

    -How old are you?: 15

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: -5 GMT

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: English is not my main language so I possibly make some mistakes but in overall its understandable and clean. Every human on Earth make mistake so sometime its possible that I make some.

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I'm an anxious person but I still have many qualities. I’m very mature for my age, but rarely, I can be immature. I’m very nice to everybody except people who disrespect me but I still try to have some arrangement with the person because I dislike having enemy.I like team working a lot for almost everything or just helping someone, it makes me feel good. I like playing RP and MMORPG games, those are my favorite, I play them with my friends during week end or when we are both free and able to play them but we go outside as well.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?: Except work, school and my friend, I’m on about 3-4 hours online almost every day. Some day I’m not very active because I’m outside with friends or gone somewhere (Mostly the week-end).

    -How long have you played minecraft?: Since Beta 1.3 (I think it’s like a while ago) I think I started minecraft in October, something like that. I played many cracked server too.

    -What do you know about role-playing? How long have you been doing it? What kind?: I play D&D with my friends and in the week-end. We have a lot of fun playing and role-playing (We are playing for almost a year and half at least one time during week end). It’s being your character, you are that person and you act like if you were him. You see the world by your character eyes and ears.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: From the best (Or probably) minecraft RP server, I expect having an amazing adventure in this world of fiction with an awesome community. This adventure must stay in my mind for the rest of my life.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: I’m playing on Kingscraft server (Cracked but I am premium). There is a very nice community (Most of my friends are playing it). I became moderator and fulfilled my job before leaving the staff. There is many other cracked server that I played but many of them was not very clean (Troll, grief, etc.) so I left them.Kingscraft is the only one that worth talking about.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules? What about the lore?: I understand every single rule after reading them twice to be sure that I won’t broke any during the time I’ll be playing here. I’ve been reading the lore a lot. In my opinion, the lore is the server; it’s the world you are playing in. By accepting those two things, I’ll be acting in order that they are respected.

    -Name the 4 races on this server. The four races Elvens, Dwarves, Human and Orc.

    -How did you hear about us?: Minecraft server list show about 3000 votes. My friends told me about this server (He showed me the movie).

    -Did you vote?: Yes, and twice. I want to have a VIP slot so I think voting everyday will help alot for getting it.

    -What was your favourite Law?: "No destroying of the worlds landscape" Let's keep this beautiful world beautiful, you made it, why not keeping it clean.

    -What was your least favourite Law?: "No use of 1337 speaks" I think it’s useless since there is a whitelist and you need proper English on your application. So In-Game you are almost forced to have a proper way to talk. I’m sure nobody will do a proper application to have a 1337 to talk when he got accepted.

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name? BadCall


    -Character Name: Denjhin

    -What is your Race? : Pure blooded Orc

    -Biography: Denjhin always lived in the war nation of Kangrum. His family had a small hut before both died assassinated. From now, Denjhin worked for people until he reached 18. He mined, builded, farmed and killed for the one who was asking for it. At 20, He was gone in the army, fighting in the name of Rex. In same time, he was searching the assassin who

    assassinated his family. He will never forgive such thing. At 23, he left the army because his major injury at his right arms. At 25, He’s serving every Rex wishes and his nation order. One day, he will find and banish the assassin name of the land of Aegis.

    -Character Age: 25

    -Character Appearance: Darkish green skinned with his chainmail greaves, he a fabulous warrior with his sword behind his leather cape.

    -Character Personality: Denjhin always been helpful to his family and his friends or other orc he and will live this every day of his life. He’s afraid of the dark. He very perseverant and never give up on his task and dream. Strong, but peaceful, he will serve Rex his entire life.

    -Your ambitions: He will serve, honor and act for Rex and his family wishes. He will follow his dream. Nothing will stop him of accomplishing his task.

    -Can your character read or write?: Badly, his mother died before he could fully learn how to read and write.

    -Can your character mine?: Due his incredible orc strength, he could mine all day long.

    -Are you a capable builder?: He like to be hidden, underground, while mining, he build his home. If he capable to mine, he capable to build.

    -Can you wield a sword? : His father trained him with a wooden sword but he still training his sword skill at least an hour every day.

    -Enjoy Farming? : Denjhin enjoy farming. He alway liked to help his mother when she was doing it. His mother alway liked to farm with him as well.

    -Does your character have any special skills? : He is a very strong type of person. His incredible strength, he can work all day long without being exhausted.

    -A screenshot of your skin: skinqp.jpg

    -Other Information: I hope this will be my only attempt to be accepted, even if not, I'll still try to make another application, because this server is amazing.

  7. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name: BadCall

    -How old are you?: 15

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: -5 GMT

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: Even if its not my main language, my grammar is pretty good and understandable. I’m not perfect because every human make mistake.

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: 2 days a week with my father, I got this job because he trust me know that I’m very mature, else my brother would have my job. I’m a very nice person but very anxious, sometime stress get over me but it’s not that bad, I’m still very nice to everyone around. I’m still easy to provoque; I get mad faster than a normal person (Some trouble).

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?: Except work and school, I’m on about 2-4 hours online almost every day. Someday I’m not very active because I’m outside with friends or gone somewhere (Mostly the week-end).

    -How long have you played minecraft?: Since Beta 1.3 (I think it’s like a while ago) I think I started minecraft in October, something like that.

    -What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?: I play D&D with my friends and family in the week-end, we have a lot of fun playing and roleplaying (We are playing for almost a year and half at least one time during week end). It’s being your character, you are that person and you act like him (In the way you want). You see the world by your character eyes and ears.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: An epic adventure in a amazing fiction world and having a minecraft "life" in some way to think the life word mean.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: I’m playing kingscraft (Cracked but I am premium). There is a very nice community, my friends joined this server and I hope to see him. I became moderator and fulfilled my job before leaving the staff.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules? What about the lore?: I understand and agree the rules, without them, this server would be a total anarchy world. The lore is some very important information too.

    -Name the 4 races on this server. The four races Elvens, Dwarves, Human and Orc, including the 2 sub-races Acended and Undead.

    -How did you hear about us?: Minecraft server list show about 3000 votes. My friends told me about this server too.

    -Did you vote?: Yes, and twice.

    -What was your favourite Law?: "No racial discrimination or racist remarks, RP racism towards other in-game races is acceptable." I hate racism and I’m against it, everyone is equal.

    -What was your least favourite Law?: "No use of 1337 speak" I think its useless since there is a white list and you need a proper English on your application.

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name? BadCall


    -Character Name: Denjhin

    -What is your Race? : Pure blooded Orc

    -Biography: Denjhin lived in a small hut with his family. Her mom was a farmer and his dad a raider. A day, someone decided to force him to kill his own dad and mom with his own hand. He being threaded by them until he do it while laughing. After this, Denjhin is hiding underground in orc territories, away from everybody but he come out for helping other orc. He in search of revenge for his parents, he searching who decided to act like that whit him, to make them pay back of what they did. He is planning to make them kill each other while laughing. Denjhin is a nice person after all. He wants to follow his family step and make a new one just like the one he had. Every day, he mining and farming and helping his friend in every way possible. One day, he will avenge his family.

    -Character Age: 25

    -Character Appearance: Darkish green skinned with his chainmail greaves, he a fabulous warrior with his sword behind his leather cape. He looks aggressive with his red eye.

    -Character Personality: Friendly but aggressive, people don’t fear him

    because they know he can be a very nice person. People think him a very bad person due the fact he shy and is appearance make him look aggressive.

    -Your ambitions: He wish to avenge his family, that been killed by human slaver when he was young, he were forced to kill them with his hand while laughing. He ready to face every enemy and challenges, everything that could lead to the vengeance of his family.

    -Can your character read or write?: Badly, his father and mother died before he could fully learn how to read and write.

    -Can your character mine?: Due his incredible orc strength, he could mine all day long.

    -Are you a capable builder?: He like to be hidden, underground, while mining, he build his home. If he capable to mine, he capable to build.

    -Can you wield a sword? : His father trained him a bit with wooden sword but he still training his sword skill.

    -Enjoy Farming? : He following his mother step, she was a rich farmer in a small town.

    -Does your character have any special skills? : When he turning mad, he being quite powerful. He hit his enemy without regret.

    -A screenshot of your skin: http://minecraftskinspro.com/default.as ... &link=1727

    -Other Information: I hope this will be my only attempt to be accepted, even if not, i still try to make another application, because this server is amazing.

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