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Posts posted by lichtkang

  1. I'll try to keep my comment short, with main points (some others have already said)

    -Magic not for everyone, only (quite) rich people would be mages right now!


    Magic should be a choice for experienced players in the server, applying to some sort of 'master wizard', it will unlock magic for them but limit their other skills greatly! Also, they should be able to choose a few spells. Each spell costing a number of 'points', 'points' are received at the start but can be gained through RP.

    -Artifact magic; special staffs/artifacts that give one signle, very powerfull spell to the wielder. Usually in the possession of each faction's 'master wizard'.

    -Flying for certain highly advanced mages.

    -a little bit of basic 'magic' for the non-mages; weaker spells, no direct-damage spells.

    for example: can create small wall of fire (3X1)(but can't put a person aflame),

    Can make crops grow immediatly (like bonemeal), Can summon ONE minion (larger amounts only for professional mages)...

    Hope this is usefull for you!

  2. A re-enforced Iron door at the entrance may be a better choice!

    Do not waste such a large amount of iron on that wall,

    you'd better use it to equip an army of militia with!

    I propose that every dwarf residing in Kal'Urguan has to sign up to the militia,

    if they're no part of the guard yet,and needs to fight for the defense of the city

    when the King calls for it! Don't leave the fighting just to the army when your home is threathened.

    Iron equipment could be given freely to each militia member when the time is nigh,

    on order of the king the armory doors could open and the citizens could collect

    their weapons and armor and prepare themselves for the frey.

  3. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name: lichtkang

    -How old are you?: 17

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: Belgium

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: I like to think so, and as I'm a Belgian from flanders, I can also speak dutch, some french and understand and speak a little german

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I enjoy minecraft allot, mostly the online keeps me interested. I also enjoy doing volunteer work for 'Speelpleinwerking Oostkamp', a sort of youth movement during summer organised by the town where kids can sign up for a day each day. Naturally, acting and roleplaying is part of such a job!

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?: differing from 2 (absolute minimum, very rare) to 20 hours. It all depends on the situation really. But if school work raises, especially during exams, this might drop to as good as 0.

    -How long have you played minecraft?: since 1.4, though I played the alpha in browser before that for quite some time as well.

    -What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?: RPG games like the Witcher, Guild Wars, a bit of WoW, Runescape also used to be a favorite when I was quite young (8). But the most RP thing is what I am doing now, with the 'secret guild' in some other minecraft server. Everything is a consiracy, hidden parts of the guildhouse everywhere! Do not trust a painting, search for hidden levers, watch your step for traps or hidden doors, do not think beautifull manuments are just to be beautifull! We are the secret guild, and our key holds many secrets! (Also see Bladecreep's submission, and Beargrylls123 is already LotC member) And as already said, I do some acting/roleplaying in the youth movement-like thing.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: a large friendly community, with allot of challenge and a sizeable world dynamics to keep it interesting and ever-changing in nature. Hopefully something coherent, rather than the everyday servers with all kinds of huge structures packed up to eachother, turning it into one ugly mass...

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: Ericbogard's server, my first, it stopped. I still currently play on play.mineground.com (for more creative reasons - I'm a Secret Guild member; like two before me who signed up)

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules? What about the lore?: I have and I do. The lore is interesting, and thank god (perhaps the wrong word) without allot of religious influences! A server which doesn't choose sides in IRL is a good server :)

    -Name the 4 races on this server. Human, Dwarf, Elf and Orc

    -How did you hear about us?: Through a friend of the Secret Guild, Beargrylls123

    -Did you vote?: Even though I prefer voting AFTER seeing the server, yes... I'll trust Beargrylls123 on his judgement that this is a good server.

    -What was your favourite Law?: No racial discrimination of remarks. Makes for a friendlier server.

    -What was your least favourite Law?: You must use server character skins. Well, I can understand why... it's just that I liked my skin :P

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name? lichtkang


    -Character Name: Thorg Beregrim

    -What is your Race?: Dwarf (Cave Dwarf)

    -Lordofthecraft.net/forum forum account: lichtkang

    -Biography: Raised in a smaller dwarven town, he came in touch with other races quickly. The town was more about local trade and processing goods rather than actual mining. After a visit to the mines as a young boy, accompanying his father on a trading trip, he quickly got interested by the promise of wealth and the treasures that could be dug up under the ground! This is what moved a regular dwarf like himself to the adventurous miner he is today. Supported by his father, he made a trip to the main continent of Aegir, hoping on a chance for wealth and glory. The roads are a dangerous place, thus he accompanied a trading caravan of a wealthier merchant of the village. A caravan isn't the easiest way to travel either, it was demanded from him to learn some basic fighting techniques so he could help should the caravan be attacked... It did not. However, he had to leave the caravan for the last bit, and during this trip of half a day he encountered orcs, the dwarves' natural enemies. They only had a guard of two men watching over the open road looking for easy targets. Luckily for the young dwarf, he spotted the raiders before they did, so he snuck behind them in the bushes, planting an arrow in the first and a dagger in the second. First blood but no wealth yet, what will come of this motivated dwarf now in unknown land? Nothing is certain, but one thing: he'll be in more trouble soon when he settles and pledges allegiance to the Dwarven lords of Aegir!

    -Character Age: 24

    -Character Appearance: small, yet tall for a dwarf. Though deceptively long on beard, usually marking wishdom in his native village, he is still young. He wears some minor protection, given to him from his father, a mark of his Bourguoise origin.

    -Character Personality: tolerant and considerant. Likes to think about things before flying into them... except for mining that is! You'll find a loyal ally, generous and warm to visitors and friends. If he's trading however, don't expect any presents.

    -Your ambitions: Becoming a great smith and fabled miner. A trader in fine wares. Also a loyal supporter in war, just not the great hero of the day.

    -Can your character read or write?: He can. It is needed for his trade, and requested from the richer parts of the community.

    -Can your character mine?: He hasn't had allot of practice, but he's a miner in heart! He has a feeling, given down from his ancestry, that makes him a stout and effective miner.

    -Are you a capable builder? Yes, he prefers practicality and comfort. Minor aesthetics, like simple pillars or fancy lighting and a good choice of materials are in his grasp. He has seen many wonders of the world as a trader's son, so has also some basic understanding of greater monumental buildings. Don't ask him to carve statues though! He never had a good eye and mind for carving natural shapes.

    -Can you wield a sword?: Yes, though he will probably never be the hero of the day and will often prefer the bow. In close-combat situations however, you will find a brave ally ready to put his life in the balance to cover the flanks of the army and save valuable lives.

    -Enjoy Farming?: no, you'll only see him farming when the need is grave. A small farm is always handy though.

    -Does your character have any special skills?: Preferring the arrow over the sword, this dwarf is a good shot, especially for his kin. If TNT is to his disposal, he's be quite a cannoneer as well!

    -A screenshot of your skin: screenshotdwarflotc.png

    -Other Information: As Guild Master of the secret guild, I have heard good things about this server. We'll see how it goes. I do not think of making a new headquarters or team up with the other members constantly, but if it appears the leadership of this server is open for suggestions, we might offer a blueprint of our guildhouse.

    It would be usefull as secret hideout for a faction to come, or a group of banned Elves in hiding. It isn't 'over the top', you will not find unnecessairy grand structures or statues. But it is a compact place, with many hidden doors, entrances, even a cannon that only reveals itself when it fires! It offers little personal space, a large storage, a command room, a small and practical crafting and smelting room (that was all top floor). An entrance hall, a small but aesthetically nice, richely decorated monument (with hidden behind it a llarge library, towering upwards and downwards) a grand meeting hall, secret passage to an underground treefarm, mushroom farm, cactus farm, herbiary. (ground floor or nearby) Than there are 2 mineshafts running to bedrock, a smaller that has practical facilities and a larger shaft including an arena, a small, well protected and enjoyable vault and other relaxing areas like bowling and volleybal.

    By the way, It's quite annoying seeing your application being skipped.

    I'm sure you guys are covered in allot of work, but even with the 2 day delay, you eventually get those subbmissions again. Personally, I'd rather wait 3 days untill you reach my application than post it again after 2 days and get response. Mainly because it feels unjust, but also because it can be frustrating if you're online, refresh the page and see that you're among the 5 skipped applications. But whatever, if you're reading this, I've done a job like that as well once, and I can understand why you skip some! :D

    Edit: seeing I'm the only one skipped in the nearest 3 pages back and forth is... bothering. I'm sorry, but this is very, very poor. Even someone who double posted got answered to. Either this has been read and is in consideration, forgetting to leave a note, or the attitude of the moderators here is below all standards. The least I can ask is a little response telling someone has or has not read this! I hope it's not the latter, and just a misunderstanding.

    Edit: nevermind, seems like this took a long time to read! :D

    Thanks very much!

  4. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name: lichtkang

    -How old are you?: 17

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: Belgium

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: I like to think so, and as I'm a Belgian from flanders, I can also speak dutch, some french and understand and speak a little german

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I enjoy minecraft allot, mostly the online keeps me interested. I also enjoy doing volunteer work for 'Speelpleinwerking Oostkamp', a sort of youth movement during summer organised by the town where kids can sign up for a day each day. Naturally, acting and roleplaying is part of such a job!

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?: differing from 2 (absolute minimum, very rare) to 20 hours. It all depends on the situation really. But if school work raises, especially during exams, this might drop to as good as 0.

    -How long have you played minecraft?: since 1.4, though I played the alpha in browser before that for quite some time as well.

    -What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?: RPG games like the Witcher, Guild Wars, a bit of WoW, Runescape also used to be a favorite when I was quite young (8). But the most RP thing is what I am doing now, with the 'secret guild' in some other minecraft server. Everything is a consiracy, hidden parts of the guildhouse everywhere! Do not trust a painting, search for hidden levers, watch your step for traps or hidden doors, do not think beautifull manuments are just to be beautifull! We are the secret guild, and our key holds many secrets! (Also see Bladecreep's submission, and Beargrylls123 is already LotC member) And as already said, I do some acting/roleplaying in the youth movement-like thing.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: a large friendly community, with allot of challenge and a sizeable world dynamics to keep it interesting and ever-changing in nature. Hopefully something coherent, rather than the everyday servers with all kinds of huge structures packed up to eachother, turning it into one ugly mass...

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: Ericbogard's server, my first, it stopped. I still currently play on play.mineground.com (for more creative reasons - I'm a Secret Guild member; like two before me who signed up)

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules? What about the lore?: I have and I do. The lore is interesting, and thank god (perhaps the wrong word) without allot of religious influences! A server which doesn't choose sides in IRL is a good server :)

    -Name the 4 races on this server. Human, Dwarf, Elf and Orc

    -How did you hear about us?: Through a friend of the Secret Guild, Beargrylls123

    -Did you vote?: Even though I prefer voting AFTER seeing the server, yes... I'll trust Beargrylls123 on his judgement that this is a good server.

    -What was your favourite Law?: No racial discrimination of remarks. Makes for a friendlier server.

    -What was your least favourite Law?: You must use server character skins. Well, I can understand why... it's just that I liked my skin :P

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name? lichtkang


    -Character Name: Thorg Beregrim

    -What is your Race?: Dwarf (Cave Dwarf)

    -Lordofthecraft.net/forum forum account: lichtkang

    -Biography: Raised in a smaller dwarven town, he came in touch with other races quickly. The town was more about local trade and processing goods rather than actual mining. After a visit to the mines as a young boy, accompanying his father on a trading trip, he quickly got interested by the promise of wealth and the treasures that could be dug up under the ground! This is what moved a regular dwarf like himself to the adventurous miner he is today. Supported by his father, he made a trip to the main continent of Aegir, hoping on a chance for wealth and glory. The roads are a dangerous place, thus he accompanied a trading caravan of a wealthier merchant of the village. A caravan isn't the easiest way to travel either, it was demanded from him to learn some basic fighting techniques so he could help should the caravan be attacked... It did not. However, he had to leave the caravan for the last bit, and during this trip of half a day he encountered orcs, the dwarves' natural enemies. They only had a guard of two men watching over the open road looking for easy targets. Luckily for the young dwarf, he spotted the raiders before they did, so he snuck behind them in the bushes, planting an arrow in the first and a dagger in the second. First blood but no wealth yet, what will come of this motivated dwarf now in unknown land? Nothing is certain, but one thing: he'll be in more trouble soon when he settles and pledges allegiance to the Dwarven lords of Aegir!

    -Character Age: 24

    -Character Appearance: small, yet tall for a dwarf. Though deceptively long on beard, usually marking wishdom in his native village, he is still young. He wears some minor protection, given to him from his father, a mark of his Bourguoise origin.

    -Character Personality: tolerant and considerant. Likes to think about things before flying into them... except for mining that is! You'll find a loyal ally, generous and warm to visitors and friends. If he's trading however, don't expect any presents.

    -Your ambitions: Becoming a great smith and fabled miner. A trader in fine wares. Also a loyal supporter in war, just not the great hero of the day.

    -Can your character read or write?: He can. It is needed for his trade, and requested from the richer parts of the community.

    -Can your character mine?: He hasn't had allot of practice, but he's a miner in heart! He has a feeling, given down from his ancestry, that makes him a stout and effective miner.

    -Are you a capable builder? Yes, he prefers practicality and comfort. Minor aesthetics, like simple pillars or fancy lighting and a good choice of materials are in his grasp. He has seen many wonders of the world as a trader's son, so has also some basic understanding of greater monumental buildings. Don't ask him to carve statues though! He never had a good eye and mind for carving natural shapes.

    -Can you wield a sword?: Yes, though he will probably never be the hero of the day and will often prefer the bow. In close-combat situations however, you will find a brave ally ready to put his life in the balance to cover the flanks of the army and save valuable lives.

    -Enjoy Farming?: no, you'll only see him farming when the need is grave. A small farm is always handy though.

    -Does your character have any special skills?: Preferring the arrow over the sword, this dwarf is a good shot, especially for his kin. If TNT is to his disposal, he's be quite a cannoneer as well!

    -A screenshot of your skin: screenshotdwarflotc.png

    -Other Information: As Guild Master of the secret guild, I have heard good things about this server. We'll see how it goes. I do not think of making a new headquarters or team up with the other members constantly, but if it appears the leadership of this server is open for suggestions, we might offer a blueprint of our guildhouse.

    It would be usefull as secret hideout for a faction to come, or a group of banned Elves in hiding. It isn't 'over the top', you will not find unnecessairy grand structures or statues. But it is a compact place, with many hidden doors, entrances, even a cannon that only reveals itself when it fires! It offers little personal space, a large storage, a command room, a small and practical crafting and smelting room (that was all top floor). An entrance hall, a small but aesthetically nice, richely decorated monument (with hidden behind it a llarge library, towering upwards and downwards) a grand meeting hall, secret passage to an underground treefarm, mushroom farm, cactus farm, herbiary. (ground floor or nearby) Than there are 2 mineshafts running to bedrock, a smaller that has practical facilities and a larger shaft including an arena, a small, well protected and enjoyable vault and other relaxing areas like bowling and volleybal.

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