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Posts posted by MasterKitty

  1. ((I didn't get Nalro (TheNander) online recently, I'll see if I can send him the money. If not, I'll give him as soon as possible.


    EDIT: Sent... But someone give him the will, before he spends it all xD... Or don't :x

  2. One day before the grand battle of Urguan and Oren, Olive starts to think. Would it not be honorable? It would only make me a coward to call apon them if hurt. So many loved ones to leave. Yet, none death is as good as this one. So Olive takes a paper and starts writing a message. A message that will effect those who might be hurt of her death. She deciedes that if she dies at the battle of Urguan and Oren, she will not allow the monks to save her, as it would be honorable and within her death wishes.


    Later that day she hands one copy of the note to her one true friend, Gili and to her love of her life, Donaafr. Both letters can be seen to have a number of tears on them, as it was obvious they are written with full heart.


    Olive died at the battle, as being flanked from the Oren army, being killed. She has given her army a great effect of killing three Oren warriors. One with a bow and two with a sword. Her only wish apon the last swing on her is that she will not be forgotten.


    When and if Gili or Donaafr open the message, they will find the following sentences written:


    It is a good life of a dwarf. When I frist arrived to Kal'Azgoth I did not know anyone. I was merely an old member that came home after 50 years. Not long after, I met my one and true love, Donaafr. Although we were not in much agreenment sometimes, and even though I was sometimes angry at you, I want you to know that you will always have a place in my heart. Visit the place where we met, my spirit will always be there as no God, not even Iblees himself can stop me. Do not cry for me! I want you to know that I am happy where I am and with the life that I had. An honorable death is my wish. I want you to find a woman for you. You are a good man, Donaafr, never let that go.


    Gili, you are the only friend who understood me and stood by me always. You connected me to your Gods. I do not much care of them, do not take that wrong of me, but I do believe in our friendship. You trully were and are my true friend, Gili. I want you to use the book I gave you. It ment much to me. And find a man for your self. Just like Donaafr, I do not want your sadness over me.


    Lathros, you are a nice student and a sweet person to talk to. I would like you to still be an engineer, and stay the kind of a person that you are.


    Nalro you are and always will be a father to me in my heart. I thank you for everything. The book that you gave me has been given a legacy, Gili. She is worthy of it. Oh, and if it comes to my death, there is a chest inside our clan house that belongs to her. Please open the doors for her to get in and take the chests belongings.


    Igor, you bastard, why didn't you encourage Donaafr to marry me?! I am kidding of course, you will always be within my heart as well, as you are the first person that offered me a tour around the city and the first person that actually took the time to hold a conversation with me.


    I only have two papers, so I would like to ask those of you who I did give, to give it to the others, so they would see this letter and my final will. ((The letter is given to Gili and Donaafr))


    By the rights of the king and my clan Lord Nalro Grayhammer, I pledge this will to the people named within this document (*tears can be seen a lot from this part):


    ~To Donaafr my one true love I leave an amount of 150 minas and my heart.

    ~To  Gili I leave my book of healing and a sum of 150 minas and my endless friendship.

    ~To Lathros I leave a sum of 50 minas and a request to Nalro to a promotion as you do trully deserve it.

    ~To Nalro I leave this ring as which I have gotten apon my journeys 30 years ago ((A ring is RP'd and is found at the document Donaafr recieved)). I wish I was a better student and a better person.

    ~To Igor I have not much to give, but my heart and prays to the Gods.

    ((I will come as my other char and leave the ammount of 350 minas to Nalro (OOCly of course), as by the dwarven laws it should be at his arms, it is of Donaafr and Gili to be expected to give him the will and take the minas. This includes Lathros))



    -Olive Grayhammer.




    ((The document is given to Gili and Donaafr and it is asked within the document to show the letter to other participants, but I can not make you ICly to give it to anyone, so it's your call ^_^.

    It was fun RPing with you, but I really feel Olive would do this. I will meet you with my other chars, maybe. Happy RPing ^_^))

  3. Olive walks around the path just like every week, checking for posters that have been ripped off, so she could replace them. But at one of the posters something  was weird, there was a note.


    - Well, dat beh weird. Ney signutur...


    After a small pause, she still deciedes to write a respond, although being a little suspicius.


    - The siege weapons can be made for defense and offense, yes. Although popular would be catapults for offense and balistas for defense, although I would need to consult with my guild leader as to further information. If you require more information send me a bird (pm-ing me on forum would be better than in-game ^_^).


    ~Olive Grayhammer.


  4. Another poster is pinned at the Malinor docks next to the Kharajyr ship, but this one having another small piece of paper below the poster, as in it was a page from a book ripped off and having a writting on it.


    Due to stories of Kharajyr sacrificing certain people, according to my mate, Donaafr. To accept a project I need a signature from one of your leaders and an item dear to the kha which will be returned to the owner apon completation of the project and kept if awaken at the monks tower, as to the deal signed by the leader mentioned before and of course the client. Again, two copies are needed. As the Kharajyr are allies of the Dwarven nation and our cause I will charge projects 10% less. Thank you.


    ~Olive Grayhammer.


  5. A poster is pinned in the lands of Urguan, Malinor and on borders of the lands of Oren, on some trees, not too far, not too close to the road, yet still noticable.




    Another, what seams a temporary poster is pinned below the main one.




    ((If you have any OOC or IC questions, shoot ^_^))

  6. -OOC-
    MC Name: MasterKitty
    RP Name: Olive
    How long have you been with the Empire of Urguan?: I have only arrived. Invited by Lord Nalro Grayhammer.

    Are you capable of writing lore posts?: (If you aren't, that's fine.) I am capable. ^^

    Name?  Olive

    How long have you been a citizen of the Empire of Urguan? Oi 'ave unley urrived at der Empire.
    What is your current job?  None. Oi 'ave been away 'rom der lands vor arrun' 50 years. Onle' 'ave oi returned recentley.
    What do you know about engineering? Oi am ov practicul moind. Oi can lurk queckley.
    Have you have a mentor? If so who? Ney.

    In which specialization do you have the most experience? Oi 'ave been a merchunt travelin t'roug'out der lands. Ney do ey wun to do a job loik day agoin. Travelin' loik dat es loik a hood vor der bandits.

    Are you experienced in anything else? Aye, as to mey last job, I 'ave learned to persuade people. Oi 'ave vixed our cart several toims as dey wuren't no gud.

  7. OOC Information

    MC Name: MasterKitty
    Have you read and fully understood Kharajyr lore?: Yes, I have read and understood.

    Have you read and fully understood the Kharajyr application rules?: Yes, I have read and understood... Better than last time, apparently.

    Do you understand and accept that the Kharajyr application team may revoke this application in the future if they deem it necessary?: Yes, I understand.

    Do you agree to both follow and uphold Kharajyr lore throughout your time in the Kharajyr?: Yes, I accept.

    Tell us one unique fact about Kharajyr lore, culture or history that you know.(We will check for plagiarism!): What is found interesting by me about the Kharajyr race is that their race is, like todays society, put to beliefs of one god. But not that very thing, but it seams as the Metztli being brainwashed into the Kha's heads gives the priests all the control over the race. Putting themselves as the highest kind in the land, thinking others are theirs to command, is work of none other then religion of Metztli. Their cultural and religious bond, their placement of others behind themselves. And the very understanding of how life works beyond emotions, is the reason I'm applying.

    IC Information

    RP Name (This includes your character’s prefix): 

    Character Sub-race: Kha'Cheetah (With elements of Kha'Pantera as it is from his fathers side).

    Character appearance (Including age and gender):


    Daktheers young apperience:


    A small kitten. Eyes of the kitten are big and appear of the brownish color. As innocent as a kitten can be, he has little fur and no scratches on him. His paws seam big for a kitten of his size, but claws are not yet to be found. His fur is of a pattern of a Cheetah, but what is different of this one is that his fur is a little bit darker, then a pure cheetahs fure it. The reason for this is his father being a Pantera.


    Daktheers older apperience due to the application rule no. 7:


    An old Kha at the age of 173. Even though of his old and pailed fur, he still has a darker cheetah fur than a pure Kha'Cheetah would have. The pattern of the spots have not changed since he was kitten. Even though a Kha'Cheetah, one can easily notice that he lacks agility. He wears a plated skirt only, that can be seen is of great age. Possibly 30 years. In the center of the plate is only one lapis.


    He holds many scars apon his body. Some not noticable, like the one on his left leg. He got that scar by falling off a branch while still a little kitten. The scar was big when he got it, but yet it grew to the point where it is so small, one would have to look from close distance to notice it.


    Some scars are big, on the other hand. Like the one not far from his eye. It came as he was carrying stone from one place to another and was not careful enough with it, or the one on his neck, which was made by an arrow that almost killed him. He was lucky as it only scratched him. Possibly, the most noticable scar of them all would be on his back, close to his right leg. Although hard to notice as he is lying on the wheat farm, if one would come close to the scar, he would notice the scar is no scar at all, but an open wound.

    What is the personality of your character like?:


    Ki'daktheer (Per application rule he is older, he gains the role of Ki' apon age) would curently be described as a dying old Kha. But not an unhappy one. Ki'daktheer found that his death had good purpose. But, as he is dying came a new part of persionality, something that would come to the ones dying, leaving the world for good. Memories.


    As he is lying on the farm of wheat, he thinks of all the things he has done. The good and the bad. He sees all of the mistakes he has done in his years. All what caused worryness, panic, rage and other things some time ago now only cause laughter, as he finally sees how life slicks by. Ki'daktheer remembers how agresive and full of dreams he was, but also how he lusted for her. He could still see her face within his mind. Pitty her father never favored him. He never was allowed to mate with her, even though the two of them spent their childhoods together. He knows he did good for Metztli, and by dying, he will finally gets his chance to guard her, as she did guard him during his mortal days.

    Biography (If you are applying as a kitten, please only state the name of your parents/siblings)


    My mother would be Ki'lorei and my father Do'Zhadaar. link



    Character’s ambitions within the Kharajyr:


    In the presence of death to Ki'daktheer, he has only one ambition. One which many Kha have for their whole life. It is time to guard Metztli, as death is only the beginning and not final to Kharajyr's.


    Although, during the time his memories went by, Ki'daktheer remembered of all the times he had ambitions and dreams he wanted to furfill. He remembered how the majority of them never got real, but instead of being sorry for that, he was glad and smiled as he thought those are ways of which Metztli wanted him to take. He was who he was as the Goddes pleased. That thought made him satisfied about the life that he had.


    He always wanted to become a Ja', a priest. But he has never gotten the priveledge. Over the years, he had tried, but never satisfied the needs of the Ja's to accept him as their own. The idea of him never succeeding brought anger to him when he was younger, but nothing but more laughter as he is old, seeing how foolish he was of thinking being a priest is the meaning of his life, as to serve Metztli and possibly get closer to her. He only learned later that Metztli has a meaning for everyone, wheather or not he is a priest, does not matter in any way.


    But now it is time to serve Metztli in the afterlife. He does not do much, lying on the farm, but say his last words, after which he closes his eyes, trying to fall asleep.


    "Metztlee. Kee'dawktheer ees cuumeeng tuu Metztlee. Metztlee weel suun get awnuuther guawrd."

    Character’s strengths/weaknesses:


    As much weaknesses he has, being very old and having an open scar on his back from which blood still goes out, giving him certain death, he has one strenght that overcomes all of the weaknesses. As strange it may sound to someone who isn't close to death, it is nothing more, but satisfaction. He does not think of his life as full of missed opertunities, but a life full of filled ones.


    As much as his life did not go as planned, he is glad of all the good memories he has of it. Satisfaction. Clean heart. No regrets. No regret is placed apon Metztli's wishes of him. He is not to doubt the Goddes. His life, her will. The thought of the said gives Kha'daktheer nothing but satisfaction, not feeling any of the weaknesses he has, and not seeing death, even though it stands before him.

    Please provide a screenshot or 3D render of your character’s skin:


    The picture is of the young Daktheer.


    Situational Roleplay Questions


    All of the below are of the later stages of Daktheer. Most from around age 50-100. The last one is at the end of his life.

    1. You are heading home from a successful hunting trip when a group of three heavily armoured humans jump out from behind a tree and start demanding the surrender of your catch over to them. Each man has a sword drawn and they are gradually pacing towards you...

    How does your character react?

    If one pray is gotten from a Kha, it is of his own. None has the rights to take what is yours, as it is within the law of the Kha'. But this is different, this is even worse, a human, the one that should bow to the race, has raised a sword on him. Although, a simple attack is not smart. Ki'daktheer quickly tilts his head a little. A little, but enough to see both the humans slowly coming towards him, and the sorounding. Perhaps, a fight is avoidable. But, perhaps he was wrong. As he started running, he noticed the pray he carried is of higher weight then he could run with, being him is a Kha'Cheetah. The situation got worse. The three humans, seeing he was starting to flee, quickly charged on him, but stopped as Ki'daktheer did as well. They continued to slowly go on him, but now, they were closer than last time. 


    Realising a fight against three of humans is hard to win, he carefully looks and estemates the faces and armor of the humans, seeing the army they come from, the White Roses. He then finally leaves the pray on the ground, dropping on all four, making a strong growl, that has pushed one of the humans back, quickly running as the humans could not catch him. But only for now. One pray is lost, three are made. Strong together, weak alone.

    2. You arrive at the temple of Metztli only to see one of your closest friends stealing the sacred blue gems from the altar, a most unholy act for a Kharajyr.

    How does your character react?


    As Ki'daktheer comes to study the ways of the priests, like many other days, as his mother did as well.  He stumbles apon a stunning view. A group of Kha members are sneaking about, taking items from the temple of their Goddes, Metztli. As quickly as he could without trying to make a sound he hid behind one of the pillars. The group of men were yet too far to be noticed.


    After a few minutes have passed, Ki'daktheer finally attempts to go to a closer pillar, in hope he might get a closer look at the thieves. What he saw shocked him. It was no less, no more, then a group of three Kha, all of which are his childhood friends. Stepping away from the pillar, one of them finally sees Ki'daktheer. At first the Kha got scared. So scared, it seamed, his fur looked like it was going to turn white from black. Suddenly his shocked face turns into a smile. Kha approaches Ki'daktheer.


    "Kee'dawktheer! We guut twenteah uuf the gems. We geeve Kee'dawktheer feeve, but Kee'dawktheer cawn nuut tell nuun thawt we tuuk them. Guud?"


    Ki'daktheer did not answer, but got even more shocked. Not for the reason that his friend offered him to participate in a crime, but how he started talking inside a temple, not worrying of the wraith that Metztli might throw apon him. He realised his friend was becoming one of the apes.


    Ki'daktheer did not take the gems, but went outside the temple. He did not know wheather to report his friend or not. He has spent his childhood with this friend, but it is a crime like no other to steal from the Goddes.


    As he was still standing in front of the temple, he finally made his mind. He dropped on his four and finally went to the priest, telling him the whole situation. The priest was stunned, running to the temple and stopping the group of thieves taking from the temple.


    Ki'daktheer's hidden reason of reporting his friends did consist of him becoming a priest, but he was in no luck, as the priest only said:


    "Eet ees nuut uuf Kee'dawktheer desteeniah. Metztlee duues nuut requeere anuuther Ja'. Kee'dawktheer deed duu aw greawt deed."

    3. You are in the Cloud Temple when a stout, angry little dwarf begins yelling highly racist terms towards you at the top of his lungs. Although unarmed, the dwarf continues to yell after he makes eye contact with you.

    How does your character react?


    As Ki'daktheer estemates the land, minding his work, the silence is broken by a dwarf of deep sound and loud voice. Kha ignores the dwarf as he is not of his interest. Well, that is, untill the dwarf noticed the Kha. Dwarf starting yelling as loudly as he could, trying to lower the pride of the Kha, calling them beasts, animals and savages. During the rough words Kha looks at him with a dull face. On the outside, the dwarf saw nothing but a scared Kha, too afraid to land an attack, or possibly he did not see nothing, as he might have just been drunk. Such habit for a dwarf is not uncommon. Even if it was, being that the Kha did not tolerate alcohol, and even banned it, this ment nothing to Ki'daktheer


    On the inside however, Ki'daktheer saw two things. He estemated of the weaponry of the dwarf (or lack of one), as well as his behaviour of the dwarf, for an upcoming attack. A dwarf, like any other race is to stand before the Kha, talking low on the superior race that is Kha means nothing but death.


    He finally lands on his four starting to slowly circle around the dwarf. Dwarf did not get afraid or backed away, but only grew in haste, his face growing red as he yelled. The Kha probably circled around him for five, or perhaps six seconds when the dwarf started yelling even louder, cursing the Goddes of the Kha. He yelled so loud that a pipe fell out of his mouth. Before the pipe fell to the ground, Ki'daktheer was already half way to the dwarf. The dwarf did not move and inch, though. It was clear he was a drunken fool. A moment later, the Kha's claw has already reached the lungs of the small dwarf. He fell to the ground.


    A few moments later Ki'daktheer stood up. He stood on two legs for ten or so seconds before finally moving forward, continuing his work, not looking at the dwarf. He does not deserve even that much.

    4. Fire has broken out over the jungle city and you can hear the screaming of two Kha’ nearby. As you go investigate, you notice that one of your friends and the Tlatlanni’s white-furred child have gotten themselves trapped in opposite ends of a burning building. The roof creaks above you, if you were to get involved, you would only have time to save one before the building collapsed.

    How does your character react?


    It was the day that he made peace. It was the day he found out that life had a meaning. That day Ki'daktheer was inspecting an ongoing fire, looking for survivals. As old as he is, he could at least wake up fainted Kha's. That is when he gazed apon his friend. He was stuck in a rubble of stone within a building. With haste, Ki'daktheer ran to his friend as quickly as he could trying to save him before fire could reach him. But, half way to his friend he saw a little white sightning. Seamed like fur, but white. As he continued running he noticed it was only a child. Making a loud growl, he quickly turns to the child and starts running towards it. As of his age, he was in no way a fast runner, but still, in a matter of seconds he finally reached the buildingin which the child is located. As the entrance was blocked, and the child was high, he started climbing ruined parts of wood and stone, trying to reach the baby. Half way up, finally, his strenght gives up on him and he falls on his back. Ten seconds it was that he layed down. The pain in the back that the Kha felt was not little. Gaining strenght, he wishes to try again and reach the child. He climbed the rocks and wood again, feeling his back giving up on him, but it is his duty to save a child, he thought. After a bit while, the fire was very close to them, but he finally menaged to get to the child. It was only a newborn kitten cheetah (This doesn't have anything to do with my real character) that was lying there. It appeared white as its fur was bright and partly missing as of a newborn. He looked at his friend not too far away, but already felt the fire reaching him. It was too late, he could not save him. As he knew placing the kitten on his back could make the kitten fall along the way, and not to mention the horrible pain that Ki'daktheer felt, he took the kitten along his jaws and on all four quickly started running away from the fire.


    After finally escaping the fire, just along a wheat farm, far from the reach of fire, he has put the kitten down. He softly told the kitten:


    "Duu nuut wuurreah. Duu'dawltheer weell pruutectah keetten."


    A long while later has filled Ki'daktheer with memories. After which, out of strenght, he finally says the words.


    "Metztlee. Kee'dawktheer ees cuumeeng tuu Metztlee. Metztlee weel suun get awnuuther guawrd."


    ((Ah, well, I edited what was needed, hope it's enough. Again, hope you enjoyed. ^_^))

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