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Posts posted by Hothik

  1. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name: Hothik

    -How old are you?: I am 14.

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: -5, Eastern. I live in the USA, North Carolina.

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: Yes.

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:I am a freshman going into High school. I am in the Marching Band, and I enjoy expressing myself through song.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?:

    Maybe 6-7 hours?

    -How long have you played minecraft?:

    About 6 months.

    -What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?:I used to play WoW, and I was on a few RP forums with my friends.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: Absolutely Amazing.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: EVL. The economy RP was great, but got bland before long.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules? What about the lore?: Very much so.

    -Name the 4 races on this server. Elves, Dwarves, Orcs, Humans? If you wanted Undead or Ascended in this answer, here they are. XD

    -How did you hear about us?: I am subscribed to Reckreations.

    -Did you vote?: Yes, I did.

    -What was your favourite Law?: No greifing.

    -What was your least favourite Law?: They are all fine, but the five minute spawn wait seems… boring.

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name? Hothik


    -Character Name:Rithis

    -What is your Race?: Elf

    -Lordofthecraft.net/forum forum account:Hothik. Didn’t you already ask this?

    -Biography: In short, an orcish tribe that was banished from the lands chose to live out their exile underneath the sands. They amassed many followers, and the two leaders were great lovers. However, they wanted nothing more than children, and unfortunately, they were cursed with sterility. The Dad of this couple left the cave for a few days, returning with a stolen elfin child, about the age of 2. This was I, Rithis. Raised in a cave, I never learned much about elves. However, I always was less violent then the other orcs. I never saw much of the surface world, till one day, when I was about the age of 25; I walked over to the small sapling in our cave. Simply by touching it, it sprouted into a mighty tree. I used it to climb out, and wandered around for about 50 years until I met another person. I asked him where I was, and he replied, “You, my friend, are in Aegis, land of the wonderful.” NOTE: This is the much-abridged version of my bio. I have the long version hidden under this spoiler tag, (if your forum has those. I recommend reading it first XD) Here goes.

    • Our tale of the Elf Rithis begins on a hot day, in a warmer Orcish season, in the middle of a desert, not long after the defeat of Iblees. Two large orcs were making a furious commotion. A group of the green folk was circled around them, yelling angry jeers, and hissing at the obvious loser. His name was Runkthud. Not the strongest orc, but definitely one of the bravest. See, he challenged the leader of his nomadic tribe to a duel, over the rights to a certain lady that he loved more than anyone else in the whole world. She was fair, as orcs went. Not too beautiful, but no one could argue that she was ugly. Her name was Liluk. The leader of the village, a particular brute, made constant “advances”, onto her, taking advantage of her unfortunate condition. She was born sterile, unable to produce bountiful offspring. Disappointed in her inability to have children, she found comfort in Orcish Shamanism. The leader of this village didn’t take well to that, but he didn’t care once he found out he wouldn’t have to worry about managing ignorant pests, as orcish children go. Liluk turned him down, too his fury, time after time, confessing to him that her only true love was Runkthud. This angered the village leader, and Runkthud was to be cast out, never to see Liluk again. This was when Runkthud did something, not very, well Runkthud-y. See, Runkthud never really had an aptitude for fights, especially against orcs almost twice his size, (in the case of the village leader), but rather preferred to be Un-Orcish, and reclusive, remaining mostly introspective until he met the future love of his life, Liluk. He was constantly around her, much to the dismay and anger of the village leader. That is how the events of today came to take place. Now, that battle raged for two days straight, and even though Runkthud fought ferociously, the village leader was a bit of a cheap, and ended the battle with a stern kick between the legs. Runkthud was banished from the village, and exiled from ever seeing Orcs again. He ran for days, finally finding a shelter underneath the sands, a small cave with a single tree sapling in it. When all seemed lost, and he contemplated taking his life, a voice came from the well-hidden entrance of the cave.
      “Runkthud?” It was Liluk. She had fled her village to be with her loved one. They embraced each other and vowed to create their own Orcish clan, one based around fair treatment of all.

      Within six years, the two orcs had amassed quite and underground village. Sprawling for a few hundred yards in very direction, over 120 orcs occupied the village. However, Likuk and Runkthud could never have a child, unique of their own. Every day, Liluk seemed to be more and more depressed, and her beautiful face twisted with sorrow and regret. Runkthud could not stand to see her in such an awful state. He loved her more than life itself. Remembering the worlds of the forceful village leader, he remembered how he marked him as an exile. Any orc from the same village as him when he was exiled was to kill him on sight. And rumors spread that the particular village had over 700 orcs living in it. A big chance to run into them for such a small desert. But Runkthud cared not. His only purposed in life was to insure that Liluk was as happy as she could possibly be. Telling Liluk that he was going to check the lining of the cave, he snuck out, headed with no bearing, against all odds into the pitch black of night. On the fifth day, he stumbled upon an object in the woods. Giving no remark to it, he continued walking, until it began to cry. He turned around, and picked up the fair child of Elfin descent. “Child..” He spoke in his raspy orc voice, and ran back as fast as his body would allow. He made the trek back without being caught in a single day. Upon entering the cave, Liluk had not noticed his disappearance, and inquired as to what he had in his large, orc hands. He handed the baby too her, and said, “Child. Yours, and mine. No parents.” In the same tone of the orcs. Liluk was overjoyed. Not caring that the elf may have had parents, or that he would never truly fit in, she raised him like a true orc. Of course, he didn’t meet up to standards. In the beginning of his life, up to age five, Rithis was quiet, and self-withdrawn. The other kids often bullied him for his small, slender form. Much to the anger of his father, Rithis sometimes came home with many cuts and bruises from his peers, and their bands of rock wielding gangs. Runkthud knew it would be shameful too ask the other children to stop, so he hid the scars from Liluk. As slow days went by, Rithis came to have built-up rage inside of him. As the small orcs attempted to attack, Rithis, using his superior agility, nimbly sprinted around them, and dodged most of their attacks. This did not mean they would stop. No quite the opposite. Up until Rithis had turned nine, most of the other kids had scheduled times as, “Rithis Pain Time.” They would encircle him, and send the biggest brute of orcish kids, Tek-Hut to kick the crap out of him. Back when he was not out of his small orcish hut, Liluk tended to Rithis, helping him learn, feeling that a balance of knowledge and power would help her son grow to be a great.. orc. Likuk loved Rithis, and so did Runkthud, but they knew Rithis was never to fit in, until he showed an act of violence. Liluk began to teach Rithis shamanism. He didn’t quite grasp the concept, but had excelled at manipulating nature, and healing magic. It took him a few months, but he learned to take a simple seed, plant it in a small pot, and he could force it to grow to full size in a mere day. Of course, this was exhausting to Rithis, as he was only 11 years of age. Over the next four years, Liluk and Rithis explored all types of nature magic, from manipulation of earth, to causing vines to entangle small animals. Rithis, though, never took much pleasure in trapping cute animals, such as the strange race of green frogs that inhabited the den. When Runkthud found out that Rithis was still getting beat at school, one day he pulled him over and said, in a stern but loving voice,
      “Son. You no fight. This bad. I get you no like fight. But try. You no know if you fight good. You no know unless you do.”

      Rithis nodded, starting to understand that his native tounge was much more fluent and noble than the rest of the orcs, but he didn’t want to let his father down. So one day, when it came time to kick the snot out of Rithis, Rithis decided he would kick the snot out of Tek-Hut. The normal routine happened, the circling, the jeers, the cussing of Rithis’ parents. And when Tek-Hut took the first blow, Rithis exploded with rage, taking a sharpened stick he had been hiding, and stabbed it into Tek-Hut’s gut. Attached to the stick was a small seed. The second it pierced into the orc, Rithis commanded it to grow, weaving it’s vines gruesomely into his body. Tek-Hut fainted, and Rithis retracted the seed, not wanting to kill him. The orcs stood in shock and silence. No one had ever even landed a blow on Tek-Hut, much less knocked him clean out in one. Tek-Hut and the other orcs came to respect Rithis, and his life was good, until he turned 25. He woke that day to horns of war. The old village leader had found Runkthud. It was a long, but pointless battle against the whole village. Only Liluk and Rithis, both hiding, had survived the vicious onslaught. Liluk, old and frail now, crawled over to her husband, and died next to him. The village leader and his clan exited the small cave, collapsing the only way out. The only way to food. Rithis stayed in the cave for three days, dying of thirst, and aching for food. Then he remembered something. The small sapling in the middle of the cave. He quietly crawled over to the small, baby tree. Over 22 years of Rithis living in this cave, the tree had not died, but had not sprouted. With his last bit of energy, Rithis reached over, and simply laid one finger on the tree, and blacked out.

      Rithis awoke a day later, 70 feet off the ground. He was in a giant tree, breaking the monotonous sand of the desert. He climbed down, and began to look around. Alas, Rithis was tired, and could not find someone for 64 whole years. The first life he laid his eyes on in 64 years was a human, entering the desert. “Hail, Elf!” he said, in a deep, rich accent.
      “Hello..,” Rithis replied. “May you inform me as to where I am?” Rithis barely said. The human informed him he was in Aegis. “Aegis?” the Rithis asked.
      “Aegis, the most beautiful land in all of the world,” “Here elf, allow me to show you around.” The human said, and Rithis began his new life with these words.

    -Character Age: Can I just make up an age? I don’t know how well it will fit with my bio, but around 89 seems like it fits. Correct me if I’m wrong!

    -Character Appearance: I am a wood elf, with blondish hair, and a green outfit.

    -Character Personality: Outgoing, benevolent, a good leader, and confident.

    -Your ambitions: Create my own town, a safe haven for all races.

    -Can your character read or write?:Fluently.

    -Can your character mine?: Yes, but not very well. It’s kind of embarrassing actually.

    -Are you a capable builder? Very much so.

    -Can you wield a sword?:I choose not too.

    -Enjoy Farming?: Yes!

    -Does your character have any special skills?:](Am I allowed to be a druid? I didn’t read about any secret cults, so I’m assuming I can. Correct me if I am wrong!) I am a Druid of the Tree! ( Meaning I love bonemeal.)

    -A screenshot of your skin: http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/wood-elf-452/

    -Other Information: Amazing server. If this app is denied, you can tell I spent a long time on my bio. If you would be willing to take a minute of your time to explain why, that seems more than fair. Again, AMAZING server. I really love the in-depth lore.

  2. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name: Hothik

    -How old are you?: 14

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: U.S.A

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: I suppose. I'm going in to High School so it's not perfect, but it's good enough.

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:I like to play Minecraft, and take all challenges head on. I love to build, and constantly find myself using world edit to design giant structures.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?:Probably 5-6 hours. I can't play much, I am starting freshmen year.

    -How long have you played minecraft?:4 months.

    -What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?: Alot. I love RP'ing, but only in video games. I can't stand Larping. I've been RP'ing for about 3 years. I am so good at avoiding metagaming, sometimes I'm lost even if I know where I'm going!

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: Amazing!

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: EVL. I liked the economy rping, but it got stale fast.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules? What about the lore?:Twice each.

    -Name the 4 races on this server. Elf, Orc, Dwarf, Human. Don't forget Ascended and Undead?

    -How did you hear about us?:Reckreations!

    -Did you vote?:Mhm.

    -What was your favourite Law?: No greifing, and you must remain IC.

    -What was your least favourite Law?: All the rules are good! 'Cept for the 5 minute wait after spawn.

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name? Hothik


    -Character Name: Kour'Ahg

    -What is your Race?: Orc.

    -Lordofthecraft.net/forum forum account: Hothik

    -Biography: At the age of five, Kour'Ahg expressed deep and scaring anger towards the world. Anything living he came across he took as a threat. He would often get into fights with the other young orcs, scarring them, and getting scars of his own. He was reckless, with no patience, and no self control. At the age of seven he was considered to be a great danger to society. Conflicted within his own mind, his inability to control his anger often caused him stern beatings from his abusive father, Pajinik. The only person who truly understood him was his shaman mother. She knew the hatred and fury pouring out of Kour'Ahg was a gift, not a curse. Every day she took him into the woods, and taught him to use an axe. Then swords. She perfected his aim with a bow. Over time his anger was soothed, not gone, but locked away inside. At the age of 10, Kour'Ahg discovered a true love for something other than combat. Architecture. Between training with his mother, and blueprinting grant structures, Kour'Ahg was re-excepted into society. At the age of 12, his father died. However, Kour'Ahg was not scarred by this moment, nor was it depressing. His father was struck down in a great battle for the survival of their small orc town. His last words to his son standing by him were, "Son, I always loved you. I wish that my anger would not have scarred you as much as it did." At that moment, Kour'Agh had realized his purpose. The anger inside was not anger, as it was passion to protect, and the building was the want to have something to protect. At the age of 15, he and his mother left his small Orc town to seek out the kingdom of the Orcs, and become a great warrior.

    -Character Age: 15

    -Character Appearance: I am an Orc, with a skull of an animal tied to my chest with leather. My eyes and hair are red.

    -Character Personality: I have calmed my fury for the world somewhat. However I am semi-prone to violent outbursts. I shall protect anything that belongs to me, or that I feel need be protected, with my life.

    -Your ambitions:I wish to become a great warrior, then retire as an architect for the kingdom of the Orcs.

    -Can your character read or write?: Well enough, though writing is a problem, as my fingers are calloused from all the axe wielding.

    -Can your character mine?: Not well. I don't like to be in the dark.

    -Are you a capable builder? Yes.

    -Can you wield a sword?: Very well.

    -Enjoy Farming?: NO.

    -Does your character have any special skills? Not in particular.

    -A screenshot of your skin: http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/orc-warrior-134000/

    *Edit* I realized how crappy my original Application was, so I changed almost everything.*

    -Other Information: Nope.

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