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Posts posted by SparehoeCakes

  1. yrBryoK.png

    Hey there! Your application has been put on pending, which means you have 24 hours to edit your application accordingly. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions regarding the following points. Once you complete the changes, feel free to PM to come look at your updated application. :)

    Here are the problems I see with your application:

    -Your powergaming definition, refer to this post on the WoW website. We follow basically the same definition. If you have questions, ask! http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/1306050810

    -A minor issue, in the RP section the Race question. You answered Elf and sub Human. That isn't really how things work on LOTC. You see, under Elves, there are a few sub-races, Wood elf, High Elf, and Dark elf. That is the sub-race we are referring to in that question. So, click here to read up on the sub-races of the elves. Choose one, and update your application accordingly.

    As stated above, feel free to PM (Private Message on the forums) me if you need anything. You might also want to read the post (the WoW post) for a better understanding of metagaming. Your choice.


    Welcome to LOTC! Please wait for a GM to implement you into the server. Though this is usually a fast and easy process, this may take a bit. Until you are implemented, you will remain a wandering soul in-game. When a GM implements you, you will become a player!

    Welcome to LOTC! Let me know if you have any questions. :)

  2. 5sKMpDc.png

    Welcome to LOTC! Now you wait for a GM to implement you. When that happens, a post will be made right below this one saying it's implemented and this will be moved to 'Implemented Apps'. At that time, you will be able to play as your character!

    While your waiting, feel free to log in and explore as a Wandering Soul or read the wiki or the guides.

    Feel free to PM me if you have any questions :)

  3. One moment!

    Okay so, here's the deal.

    You can't have two full apps to the server. So here's what I want you to do.

    1) I'm not sure if you took care of the old application, or what's wrong with it, BUT if it is compromised, I HIGHLY suggest you talk to a GM about it, because you are still responsible for it. If you haven't talked to a GM already, I suggest talking to this one: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/user/44232-ishwish/ . Just let her know what's wrong, and she'll ban your other account or whatever she needs. Though this isn't required, I suggest doing it.

    2) I want you to copy the alt app you made earlier today, the one that was denied, and copy/paste it, and repost it. The application team member that handled it was mistaken. But that's okay, he's human. I'll handle your application from there, and get everything how it's supposed to be.

    ---If you can't get the skin picture to post, go upload it to an image sharing site like Imgur and you can get it to work that way.

    If you have any questions, let me know. Sorry for the inconvenience. WE SHALL HAVE YOU PLAYING IN NO TIME!

    PS- You don't need to wait the 24 hours as this isn't really a denial. :)

  4. 5sKMpDc.png

    Welcome to LOTC! Now you wait for a GM to implement you. When that happens, a post will be made right below this one saying it's implemented and this will be moved to 'Implemented Apps'. At that time, you will be able to play as your character!

    While your waiting, feel free to log in and explore as a Wandering Soul or read the wiki or the guides.

    Feel free to PM me if you have any questions :)

  5. 5sKMpDc.png

    Welcome to LOTC! Now you wait for a GM to implement you. When that happens, a post will be made right below this one saying it's implemented and this will be moved to 'Implemented Apps'. At that time, you will be able to play as your character!

    While your waiting, feel free to log in and explore as a Wandering Soul or read the wiki or the guides.

    Feel free to PM me if you have any questions :)

  6. 5sKMpDc.png

    Welcome to LOTC! Now you wait for a GM to implement you. When that happens, a post will be made right below this one saying it's implemented and this will be moved to 'Implemented Apps'. At that time, you will be able to play as your character!

    While your waiting, feel free to log in and explore as a Wandering Soul or read the wiki or the guides.

    Feel free to PM me if you have any questions :)

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