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Posts posted by LittleBigFace

  1. Application:

    MC Name: LittleBigFace

    RP Name: Rogin

    Age: 15

    Desired Position on the Army: I know this probubly wont get in, but a survivalist might work quite well for me in 1.8, it also matches my character, and i also know some irl survival which might help (and not that bear grylls bullshit!)

    RP Experience: I have expirienced much rp, although i have a hand co-ordination problem that slows down my typing!

  2. Application:

    MC Name: LittleBigFace

    RP Name: Rogin

    Age: 15

    Desired Position on the Army: either an archer ((due to my character being a skilled hunter)) or working in geographic positioning of military structures! ((i did this for another rp server for a while, and they really liked it. i also have a freind who works for world of warcraft and he worked in possitioning things according to the landscape! but you probubly dont care :L ))

    RP Experience: I did rp for a while but then stopped for a while, i have a hand co-ordination problem that slows down my typing, so that may get in the way knowing that id have to stop moving for 30 seconds every time i need to type something. although ive done larp and rp and p&p rp so i know how to sound epic :D

  3. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name:


    -How old are you?:

    14-15 (im abit paranoid, sorry :L )

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence:

    GMT, U.K

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?:

    Yes, I have the highest english marks in my school year :ugeek: (grade if your american!)

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:

    My name is little big face, i am of lebanese decendence. i am often abit hyper for a reason i dont like to explain :oops: however if i get anoying then just tell me and i'll stop! i am an enthusiastic roleplayer and have done a small amount of larp in my life! i respect everybody, so dont worry about it, ive have been bullied racistly so i know how it feels, i would never racistly bully someone else. i dont like to get into real life stuff such as politics, ive come to the server to roleplay, not to discuss current affairs!

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?:

    it depends what time of year! in the winter, the hole day! in the summer about half the day, depending on what ive got planned, although my day is very flexible, im willing to rearrange my timetable if needed!

    -How long have you played minecraft?:

    about a year and a half.

    -What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?:

    roleplay is creating (or being given) a character with a background biography, and 'acting' based on this background story. i have been doing it for a long time and i have been on many roleplay servers! mainly fantasy but two steampunk roleplay.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?:

    FUN FUN FUN! :D (that sounded retarded)

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:

    ctgames freebuild, tales of mel lenxia, a couple of other roleplay servers but i cant really remember their names :L i was only banned off one server, and its simply because i suggested something to the admin, he was a douchebag! most of them i got bored of but im hoping to settle on this server!

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules? What about the lore?:


    -Name the 4 races on this server.

    human, elf, dwarf, orc.

    -How did you hear about us?:


    -Did you vote?:

    i think so, although i didnt quite understand how so I may have done it wrong :L

    -What was your favourite Law?:

    'no racial or discriminant language' I'm all about respect!

    -What was your least favourite Law?:

    the one about using the servers skins, although i can live with that!

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?



    -Character Name:


    -What is your Race?:

    elf/ halfelf if possible!

    -Lordofthecraft.net/forum forum account:

    I dont understand.


    Born a halfling, from a different father than his 3 brothers -- Edwin, Fogwil and Baroth --, Rogin was greatly disrespected among them! his mother considered him an embarrassed, and liked to keep his existence discrete! he spent most of his time in the either in his house or out in the woods! by 13 he grew to be a strong lad! although he was shy due to the fact he hadn't spent much time with people.

    on his 14th birthday -- which he spent alone -- Rogin was stood by a lake, throwing stones in and trying to skim them. suddenly he heard loud screaming coming from his village, the loud noise surprised him and he slipped and fell in the lake! being unable to swim he thought that it was all over, he felt his lungs flooding with water, he belived that the depth of the lake would be the thing that departed him from a life of suffering and torment...


    he awoke in a shelter constructed neatly with sticks and leafs! by his side was an old man with a beard, crushing plants in a bowl. when he noticed Rogins head rise he turned around and said "Hah, your awake! thank goodness your ok!" in a happy, surprised tone. "Where am i and who are you?" said Rogin. "I am Wattoo, a halfling like you! welcome to my camp. you know you should be careful when near deep bodies of water!". Wattoo passed him the bowl, and said "drink this, it'll ease your pain, what is your name kid?". "Rogin" he replied. "Rogin what?" asked Watoo. "Fletchwing, Rogin Fletchwing." replied Rogin in a shivering voice. "a curious name for a curious young child!" a moment of silence fell over the hut, then a sudden laughter broke out between the two! it was then that Rogin realised that this was where he belonged!

    for the next year Rogin lived with Watoo and learned the ways of the wild, including herbalism and hunting skills. he built his own hut and barely thought of the village or his family! Watoo taught him never to raise a fist when not needed, but to never trade his rights for fear, because it is fear and lack of rights that can reduce an entire army to a lifeless stack of corpses!

    on his 15th birthday Rogin decided to visit his village, he talked to Watoo then set off to his village, when he arrived to his village, he went straight to his house he knocked on the door and was answered by Fogwil who was clutching a wooden mug filled with juice. "EDWIN! BAROTH! WE'VE GOT A PROBLEM!" he yelled in a worried voice as he dropped his mug! "WHAT IS IT?!" asked Edwin, in his usual stingy voice! Edwin arrived at the door. his eyes widened when he noticed who it was standing at the door! "but... but your dead... Fogwil made sure of it!". "what?" asked Rogin! "i saw him drown, with my own two eyes, i swear by it Edwin!" said Fogwil! "SHUT UP!" Yelled Edwin, pushing him out of his way! "Wheres mother" asked Rogin demandingly! "where you'll be soon!" said a grim voice coming from behind him. he turned around and saw Baroth holding a large club! *smack!* He felt the heavy club making contact with his face! it was in his lack of conciousness that Rogin realised what had happened, in his absence Baroth and Edwin killed his mother to inheret the house, while Fogwil went out to make sure he was dead. he decided not to kill him when he saw him drowning in the lake!


    he awoke inside Wattoo's hut. Wattoo met Rogin outside the hut. "what happened to me?". "i dont know, i was picking some herbs and i saw 3 men draging your unconcious body into a pit they had dug, so i attacked them and took you back to the camp! you suffered a serious head injury." explained Wattoo! "I need my own destiny to follow!" said Rogin in a sudden epiphany! "I can no longer live safely in these woods, I wish to travel away from here and help those who need help, i will join the elven kingdom and prove to my brothers that i can be someone, even if i am a halfling!". "then let it be so" said Wattoo in a gentle voice "if you ever wish to return, you know where i am!"

    He packed away his stuff, said his final farewells and set off for a new life...

    -Character Age:

    around 15

    -Character Appearance:

    wears scrapy leather clothes, hair cut short, elf like ears but the rest is human features.

    -Character Personality:

    generaly shy, although willing to help someone whos lost or needs help! kind and respects everybody even though they dont often respect him! good with understandign nature, due to the fact that he has lived in the wild for a long time! fear of deep bodies of water!

    -Your ambitions:

    understand nature better because it apears animals respect him more than the civilised races!

    -Can your character read or write?:

    can abit, but very very weak at it!

    -Can your character mine?:

    is willing to mine when needed, but doesent like to desicate the land!

    -Are you a capable builder?


    -Can you wield a sword?:

    yes, but is generaly quite peaceful so wont harm someone unless for self defence.

    -Enjoy Farming?:

    likes animals, but doesent like to keep them locked up in penns!

    -Does your character have any special skills?:]

    good at quickly setting up shelter, can cover large distances within a day, good with maps, good at planning routes, knows flora and fauna like the back of his hand, a good hunter!

    -A screenshot of your skin:

    http://imageshack.us/f/713/skinw.png/ soz for bad quality :L

    -Other Information:

    i did alot for one of my old servers, im sure the people of this server will love me! i have a hole list of rp phrases that i can use, aswell as an open imagination! i think that this server has been put together better than any other ive seen! well done!

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