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Posts posted by magno

  1. MC Name: theswimmingmango

    Character's Name: Saikahn

    Character's Age: 28


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


         In the twilight of the realm’s beginning there was a Daemon who, jealous of the creation of the descendants, created her own, superior race. On an island far from the reaches of the descendants, Metztli forged what was to be the grand amalgam of beast and man. Allured by the beauty of her creation, she cared and watched over the Kharajyr for generations, granting them powerful magics to protect themselves from the aggression of the descendants.

         In the time of Athera, Metztli granted her children a city, untethered from the soil. The Kharajyr repaired and cared for the floating construct, but the beauty of their home wrought envy from those who opposed the Kha. With a massive assault, the descendants brought down The Ordium, unleashing Metztli’s dark abominations, long trapped within. Metztli, angered by her childrens’ inability to protect her gift, severed the connection between her and the kha; breaking the bond between Mother and Child.

         Now the Kharajyr wander the realm, bound only to the land beneath them; eager to shape their own fate.



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Do you understand that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  2. ((Just to note that toxic rp referred to early which you claimed to have "happened irl, get over it."


    Also going to add that if this is meant to be part of negotiations on any sort of "proposition" you should maybe send better diplomats and not a bunch of armored idiots with pvp statuses already enabled.

    And to comment on the outcome of the battle, the Sultanate was able to remain within there walls without them having been breached

    The raiding force was kept back at a distance for the entire battle by archers from the Kadarsi side

    Kadarsi archers scored a kill toward the beginning of the bout and downed another soon after as they tried to revive their fallen warrior


    After their other warrior was downed the remaining force turned and ran from the battle(assumed from our perspective as we didn't see sight of them after this)

    We sat on top the wall peacefully grabbing screenshots of our rallied men while the leader of our force was bombarded OOC'ly with PMs from the raiding party


    All-in-all The death toll rings 0 for Kadarsi and 1(maybe a second) for the Opposing force

    Kadarsi managed to defend their settlement and would obviously be victorious in this fight

  3. MC Name:



    Character's name and Age:




    Characters Race:



    What Magic(s) will you be learning?





    Who will be teaching you (MC name)?:




    Who will be teaching you (RP name)?:



    Do you have any magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? if so, link it:



    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link app:


  4. Just now, Arkelos said:

    Quick question.

    I don't like to play as a Kha, just a general preference, but I'd like to roleplay a lot more then I have with the race. Are there any plans to develop a means to have a form of 'honorary' Kha so that they may live among the race? That might help out (with activity dips) quite a bit!


    How do you mean?

  5. 17 minutes ago, Sky said:

    I have some questions that may seem as offensive, or even a little upfront, however they are genuine and I hope are answered instead of ignored. 


    1. Why should anyone, new or old, consider playing a Kharajyr character?

    2. Why do you still play a Kharajyr, despite the many issues (IE. Region loss, Huge dips of activity, etc.)?
    3. If through proper means, would you accept it if the Kharajyr race died out?

    4. Ever considered somehow purging your priests?

    5. What would you say to old Kharajyr's wanting a reason to return come 5.0?


    Looking forward to the answers.


    1. Kharajyr represent a unique niche for roleplay and culture on the server

    2. I enjoy roleplaying something that largely differs from the main few races and adding a different aspect into average roleplay scenarios

    3. It really would depend on how it happened, but maybe

    4. I don't exactly see why :/

    5. In 5.0 I expect to see a growth in kharajyr involvement with conflicts and other politics alongside the Sultanate of Haria and other nations under this union.

  6. Welcome to the Kharajyr Question and Answer thread! Feel free to ask questions about anything regarding Kharajyr, though be sure not to ask person specific questions or insult players.


    Anybody is free to answer questions but some players will know more than others, thanks!


  7. I know you said no "be less snooty's", but it really is a big turn off to anyone wanting to have some rp

    I know people say rp in haelun'or is pretty cool, but it seems like every high elf is just so stereotypically unemotional and ignorant. It just gets to the point where you know exactly how any interaction with a high elf will go so you just avoid it all together, because why deal with a 20-minute annoyance when you can just walk around it? Seriously, though. Just don't be so unemotional when you rp. How can that be fun?

  8. (( RP ))
    Title - Dra', Ti', or Ri'
    Name - Yuulpria
    Gender - Female
    Race - Kha'Tigrasi
    Faith - Metztli
    Age - 63
    Profession - Blacksmith/Moonblade
    (( OOC ))
    MC Name - theswimmingmango
    Skype - theswimmingmango
    Timezone - CST
    Do you have teamspeak? yup
  9. Do'Tavahla



    Do’Tavahla, translating roughly to Metztli’s defence is the Karakatuan warband located in the village of Karak’Vylthawl. The Do’Tavahla are tasked with upholding law in the village.  Members of the Do’Tavahla are Kharajyr warriors and hunters that wish to become part of a collective with means of defending their home at any cost.  They act on completely religious values, to uphold the traditions of Metztli and her people.  The Do’Tavahla is under the highest command possible, Metztli’s chosen, the Tlatlanni.


    Rank Structure





    The Moonblades serve as Generals of the Karakatuan Army and answer only to the Tlatlanni in terms of military decisions in addition to serving as the elite personal guard of the Tlatlanni. Each Moonblade is additionally in charge of training the Do’Tavahla, leading them into battle, and following any other orders the Tlatlanni has.

    Moonblades carry the prefix title of Dra’.





    The Do’Tavahla are the fighting force of the Kharajyr. Usually made up of melee and ranged fighting specialists, these warriors are trained outside the usual hunting prowess given to them by nature and are focused on learning ways to combat their enemies. The Do’Tavahla are allowed to wear armour and carry weapons within the city, as well as the Moonblades. They are trained by the Moonblades personally, as well as receiving orders from them. Their usual tasks are to fight battles, defend the village from bandits and the like, and follow any other orders they are given. They carry the prefix of Do’.


    Sign-up Form




    ((Ask me for your skin on Skype or in a forum PM.))








  10. +1


    Venom is a very good rp'er from my experience as playing his Elf's daughter. He knows how to bring solid emotions into play during rp which is essential. Venom is someone that can understand the point of view of an rp from all sides of the situation; making him a perfect fit for ET.

  11. Whelp if you're gonna go voxeling for oren all day long you have to expect something like this to happen eventually.


    Do be quiet Adam....


    He has a point. Maybe you guys should just drop tons of diamond armor and swords while your at it? No. Not nearly enough. Our castles should be made of Gold Bricks.


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