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Posts posted by EvilCustard

  1. Application form

    MC name: EvilCustard

    RP name: Silas Alfgeir

    Character's age: 29

    Have you ever commited a crime and/or been part of a gang?: No.

    State 3 of your character's skills: An inquisitive mind, good with a sword and a bow, perseverance.

    State 3 of your character's weaknesses: He isn't fair minded with people he believes (with confidence) to be guilty of criminality. He can anger easily when he believes he is being taken for granted. He finds it difficult to trust due to his backstory.

    How often do you go online and how long?: Every day for roughly 2-4 hours, more at the weekend.

    And have you read the rules( rules are located below right after our list of allies): I have, yes.

    And do you have Teamspeak?: yes =]

  2. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name: EvilCustard

    -How old are you?: 20

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: GMT - 0 (UK)

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: Yes

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: Hi, Im a part-time student and an experience roleplayer. I attend a LARP group every month and I've been roleplaying for quite a few years now. I also take pretty much every opportunity to read and re-read a lot of fantasy novels.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?: Probably at least 2-3 hours every night but I'd probably exceed that by a lot on weekends.

    -How long have you played minecraft?: Almost 10 months since I bought the game after it was recommended by a friend.

    -What do you know about roleplaying?: For me, roleplaying is all about slipping into someone else's shoes. I approach it from a completely in-game perspective and am a big believer in FOIP (Finding out in play), in other words I think it's important to play the role as opposed to finding something out OOC and then making a bee line to achieve something your character shouldn't know about.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: Im expecting a very pretty world with lots of clever a interesting creations with a healthy dollop of quality RP! This would be my first time roleplaying in the Minecraft setting and I really want to see some immersion.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: I have my own server which I use to build things with my friends on occasion, I would still use this on occasion should I be accepted for Lord of the Craft but probably only for a few hours a week. Im sure my friends will understand :P

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?: I have read them and I completely agree.

    -Name the 4 races on this server: Humans, Elves, Dwarves and Orcs.

    -How did you hear about us?: Through a friend who has also applied.

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?: EvilCustard


    -Character Name: Silas Alfgeir

    -What is your Race?: Human

    -Biography: "No! Marius, run. Don't let them catch you!" - Silas' cries reverberated throughout the cavern. Why did they not listen to their parents? Why did they always have to be so damn stubborn? It had been a cold and miserably wet night and Silas and his younger brother Marius were one of the many people who had left for the mines, only to be trapped under a stone overhang by a fierce storm. They had decided to wait it out.

    Silas and his family hail from a small settlement, long forgotten by the peoples of Oren, that made their livelihoods in mining and masonry. Arivale, as the community was locally known, had been in steady decline since some of their best masons and miners had ventured out to learn from the mighty dwarves of Kal'Urguan whose skill and fortitude far outweighed their own. It had been five years since the setting out of the masons when Silas' part in this tale began. Silas' parents were elders of Arivale who owned the local tavern, The Olde Mine Man, and it had been they who had overheard the talk of a rich vein of diamond that lay in the mountains to the west. Seeing this as the key to the restoration of the village, they immediately set out with friends and family in search of the rumoured riches...

    "The wind, it's changing direction. At this rate we'll be soaked through since this over hang isn't going to offer much protection when the rain is blustered from the east right at us. There's nothing for it, we should dig in to the mountain side and make a shelter..." Silas' father was a practical man, a trait he did not seem to have inherited. It was because of this lack of common sense that Silas and his brother took it upon themselves to venture off into the cavern, despite their parents warnings, that the miners had stumbled across while hollowing out a shelter. As they ran through the darkened passageway they did not notice the smooth walls or the regularly hewn stones, someone had clearly been here before. Upon seeing a glimmer in the dark, Marius had called back to the others, "Look, the diamond, I've found it!", and those were the last words that Silas heard his brother utter. The creatures appeared, roused by the noises in the dank pitch dark, they emerged from every tunnel and every crevice and pursued Marius until he came to an underground river. "No! Marius, run. Don't let them catch you!", those infamous words, but it was too late. Marius fell into the dark water and was washed away, he was gone.

    In the years that passed Silas and his parents learnt that the rumour of the diamond was in fact a hoax, designed to be overheard where upon the criminals would track their victims to the overhang. There had been a deep cut mark on the rock face that was designed to alert the adventurers to it being a prime spot to dig, but they had not noticed it in the darkness of the storm. The con men would then follow their victims until they met their demise at the hands of the monsters and they would collect their valuables. A tidy operation... Unfortunately for them Silas was left deeply affected by the experience and when he learnt of the deception he hunted the men and left them stranded in the dark themselves. Payback... Silas now travels the land in search for easy coin by lending both his sword and his pickaxe, for he retains an affinity with the mountains and hopes that he may one day find his brother in his travels. He mourns his brother deeply to this day.

    -Character Age: 29

    -Character Appearance: 5'9", brown hair, blue eyes. He wears the outfit originally made for his brothers 19 Birthday as a mark of respect.

    -Character Personality: Silas is kind hearted but firm, especially when he feels someone is being reckless and looking for trouble. He takes every precaution when venturing into the wilds. Because of the nature of his brother's demise, Silas dislikes both the undead and sneaky individuals. He is quick to take up his sword and defend those in peril but equally to aid those in need of a skilled pair of hands. Unfortunately though, since the strangers betrayal, he finds it difficult to trust.

    -Your ambitions: Silas seeks only to scratch out a living as a small time adventurer and miner but has been known to take in travellers and the poor when they are in need of a warm bed a good tale. He says to others that he one day dreams of building a place for like minded people to stay and shelter from the harshness of the night,in fact he longs to take after his parents and establish a public house where people may exchange stories and make merry. As a child he often spoke of his love for politics and his wish to represent those who are often overlooked, after all his parents were village elders. Also he has often wished to discover what came of the masons who went to visit the Dwarves of Kal'urguan, he has spoken of visiting the Dwarven nation many times before. Perhaps, deep down, he still entertains these ambitions.

    -Can your character read or write?: Yes, very well.

    -Can your character mine?: As a child he was often taken underground in search for treasure and gems. Since his brothers demise he was taught the local traditions of mining and masonry.

    -Are you a capable builder?: The nature of Silas' former community meant that everyone lent a hand with house building, so he has some skill. His taste is often described as rustic.

    -Can you wield a sword?: Silas used to spar with his brother and considers himself a good swordsman. Especially since he wants to be prepared, lest he encounters more unsavoury characters.

    -Enjoy Farming?: No but if there's good coin he'll begrudgingly entertain it.

    -Does your character have any special skills?: Silas isn't particularly extraordinary but he does consider himself a good people person and a man with a keen mind for problem solving and adventure.

    -A screenshot of your skin: <!-- m -->http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/84 ... 70110.png/<!-- m -->

    -Other Information: I have a good amount of experience with building in Minecraft and a lot of experience with RP and RPing in person and on the internet... If Im accepted then great! But even if I don't get in then at least I know there's good RP out there.

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