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Seiryuuin 清流

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Posts posted by Seiryuuin 清流

  1. Minecraft Name: Seiryuuin
    Skype ID: yashirokiyoharu
    Timezone: -6 GMT (CST)
    What is your favorite building style?
        Traditional Mori'Quessir style with stonebrick and obsidian accents. (somewhat oriental in appearance) 
    What are some of your most treasured builds? (screenshots if possible):
        I have lost access to most of my builds in the past two years, though the two most prominent that come to mind are Menorcress(in Asulon), and the unfinished Bray Castle (in Old Gildorym Nethersky).
    Please provide screenshots of any medieval builds strictly you have built and a description of each: 
    Druidic Records Library Design (for Anthos)

    Entryway, records section
    Ceiling from center of records section
    Upper level, soul pillar area
    Upper level, statues of Cernnunos and Cerridwen

    Mage's Guild Design (for new map)

    Outside entrance, small gated room
    Lobby ice feature and wall-banners
    College entrance, ice feature
    Basic classroom/lecture hall
    Same room, teacher's perspective
    Mage's Library
    Small relic vault
    Minor magegold core
    Major magegold core
    Council room

    As a builder, what makes you unique and stand out from the crowd?: 
        Not much, to be honest, though I do share many things in common with the best. I have a love for building and design, as well as a knack for picking up the different types of building styles if given a couple examples, and an eye for spotting small things that can make or break a build. I try to make everything according to specification, as is my personality as an engineer, so it can be somewhat frustrating to get started with working with me. However, if I have a list of specifications and not just a "Go build!" instruction, I tend to make what I think are pretty good builds.
    Are you an independent builder, and are you capable of handling all aspects of a build? 
        I believe I am fairly capable, and have done so multiple times. As a general thing though, I tend to work for others since personal builds are less interesting to me.
    Additional details:
    It seems that I tend to build underground, but that is just because of the building types that I have undertaken. I am fully able to build above ground, but there are few screenshots to prove it due to the nature of the builds I have undertaken recently.
  2. ((Subsection Two of the main post: Re-communication of Flays to the Church. That points out that you will be taking part in this thing. You also came and "spoke" to us yesterday on ts.

    Besides, if you're gunning for the extinction of at least two smaller races, especially when one is a race nobody really interacts with any more other than to harass, because of our reputation... But back to the topic of people dying in a campaign or being injured to the point of being out of action or sent home.))

  3. ((I believe what Hael is pointing out is that this is one continuous campaign. I believe that history has never had a campaign that started off with the same number of people in the last battle as in the first. Seeing as this is an invasion and cleansing, it is highly unlikely that you would be able to recruit the ones being invaded into your cause either. Therefore, you should be having less people at the end than in the beginning.

    I honestly think that this campaign is just a reason for pvp. I have never had any good interaction with the Flay, seeing as you (Coaster) and your 'house' have only ever been to Menorcress three times, with two of them to harass the Mori who wouldn't give you free cake, yes?))

  4. Minecraft Account Name: Seiryuuin

    Character Name: Rikal Miiystra [istithra]

    Race: Mori'quessir

    Gender: Female

    Age: 22 (Mori’quessir), 113 (Human)


    While she is still in the process of growing, her current height lends her to a shorter stature than her brother while still being above average, coming in about 5’ 11” (~180.3cm). Even with her current weight, she is anything but stocky, weighing about 155lbs (~70.5kg) with most of it coming from compact muscle on her thin frame. Despite her tall frame that would probably fit in with the darthiir, her pale skin hue would mark her out to be one with a different sort of elven blood.

    Once she reaches adulthood and the limit of her growth, she will be a towering 6’ 3” (190.5cm), causing her to be far above the average maximum height of 6’ (~183cm). She will be 175lbs (79.5kg) and as before, most will be muscle while the other weight is attributed to her curves finally filling out, giving her wide hips and transforming her into a buxom young woman.

    Her hair falls past her shoulders and down to her waist in gentle waves of silver-white, the slight glow caused by low cavern lighting on the silky strands only parted by locks of lavender mingled betwixt the white on the left side of her face. The most eye-catching and unique quality though, is what most people see first: striking eyes that seem to carry a light of their own in the dimly lit cave. With noble blood coursing through their veins, they have the curse and blessing of heterochromatic irises of frosted ice blue and golden amber. Fringed with argent ivory lashes and with the whites of their eyes tending towards a greyish hue, the colors seem even more vibrant, luminescent even. (Rikal’s eyes mirror Hael’s, with the chilling blue left iris and the fiery amber on the right instead of vice versa.) Her effulgent eyes are inset into ashen skin above a straight and chiseled nose that tapers down between high cheekbones and lean jowls. Full but not quite pouty lips are oftentimes pursed together in irritation rather than thought. A slightly wider but rounded jaw and slightly tapered chin completes her heart shaped face, leading down to a slender neck and narrow shoulders. Her arms and are a tad longer than normal, lending her an elongated profile.

    Her apparel or what little she wears, if they can qualify as clothes, consists of only the finest silks and expertly woven mushroom fibers that Menorcress can offer, through local and imported products. The color of gold on her person is either her plated gold arm bands or the gold-threaded mushroom fibers corded together to make a hem or a fastening on various sections of clothing; the color of muted turquoise fills bands of design on her clothing, lending a feeling of originality and elegance when mixed with the sheer white silks that serve as the base of her outfits. She also dons a brooch of a rare precious jewel: the elusive tanzanite. The dim light of the cave shines through the gem of a rich violet coloration, altering the light into a gentle purple sheen when viewed on white.


    Scathing, vindictive brutal, and not to mention endearingly sarcastic, Rikal plays to the strengths of being a cold-hearted killer with a chilling personality to match. Being thrown in the slums had forced her to grow up disproportionately to her body, her mind far more comfortable with the thought of death than it is with being kind. Blood and guts were the norm, along with shady deals and the occasional con; she had grown accustomed to that style of life after being exposed for over thirty human years. However, this doesn’t mean she lacks the ability to be generous and caring, as her mother had provided an example that almost didn’t fit the profile of a Mori’quessir. Very similar to her mother in the respect of having three or even more faces that different people see, her personality in public and in private are considerably different.

    In public, she is readily condescending and prepared to knock people down a few pegs or even completely off their high pedestal. While she is quick to act, her tongue is even quicker to taunt and slander. No male is safe from her condescending words, not even those of the same house or of the same blood. She strolls through the street with her head held high, always seeming to look down on the others even if she is the shorter and smaller one. However, if there happen to be a female, her lips may utter flattery aloud, and her head may even incline towards their direction in acknowledgement.

    In private, her tongue is still quick to mock, but she is much less… abrasive. She may murmur the occasional worry, express a desire, or even care for injuries or sickness, but only if you are special enough to warrant her attention in such a way. She isn’t one for physical contact though, unless she is the initiator. Her reaction may vary from a brief moment of tension to a self-defense stab at the offender, depending on who it is. Hopefully the people who are that close to her will know that touching her is off limits.


    As a child born to the proud race of Mori'quessir, Rikal was always denied the "unconditional love" and "compassion" of a parent that the surface races tended towards. That being said, it was not that Vieraen and Num'irinth didn't care for their children. As an infant, Rikal was given the strangest parenting any Mori could offer. Vieraen personally cared for her young daughter and son, making certain that they were well treated and content. Some might even say that the uncrowned Valsharess loved young Rikal and Haelrayne. Num’irinth didn't do as much for his children as a father, but he did occasionally "play" with the children, although his version of play would be seen more as weapons training by many. However, as Rikal grew into a toddler, Num'irinth left for war against the inhabitants of the surface that threatened Menorcress. For years, Vieraen continued to care for her children, teaching them to read and write and how to act properly. As the years continued to pass though, she watched her "beloved" mother await her mate's return until withered away until she died. Perhaps it was by poison, or perhaps it was from loneliness, but Rikal would never know. Vieraen had been too secretive with her affair with Izier Vincrute, her rothe. Rikal and Hael were still too young to know that an affair with the wrong man had resulted in her death.

    Without an Illharess to lead and with Num'irinth nowhere to be found, she and Hael were thrown to the streets as the prideful house of Miiystra fell. As slightly pampered children, she and Hael knew not of the ways of the rabble. However, by being at such an impressionable age, it took about a year for them to grow fully accustomed to their new way of life. They picked up quickly and took to the unruly appearances and behaviors of troublesome children, although she was less rebellious and quite a bit more sensible than Hael. They would run about the shadows, hassling passerby regardless of station, taunt guards, steal from the tavern, and climb about the roofs in the city, anything that they considered fun and amusing. A short two years later, Num'irinth returned and found his children in the streets. Rikal accused him of causing Vieraen to die, but she asked for him to come back to Hael and herself. Num refused, and disappeared once more from their lives. Then Izier arrived, another three (fifteen) years later. He returned to the caverns to visit where Vieraen had died, and ran into her daughter. He told Rikal of the affair and was subsequently hated and the information denied vehemently by her children. She refused to talk to the dark elf ever again, and avoided him at every turn so that eventually he left them alone. She eventually met Olarae and Rilrae, whom both left a lasting impression on her before the next unfortunate phase that came to pass in her life.

    Rikal stayed a quiet child, but she grew into a cold teen that only Hael could open up. However, certain circumstances caused Rikal to be put away, wandering the caves, mines, and slums for many years. She lost contact with Hael and without him, she was put the the test of survival of the fittest. After living with the filth and refuse of society for so many years, she grew uncaring and scathing with her words, and even more sarcastic and demanding with her personality. She used her bloodline as a weapon and a chain, eventually rising to the top. She believes that it was with her own work and Nemiisae’s blessing that she was successful in earning her right to return to the caverns.

    As an adolescent upon reentering society, she sought the protection of her mother’s bloodline: the Alean’ndar. She found that her brother had joined them, but was nowhere to be found at the moment. Seeking to verify her lineage, she joined the Alean’ndar and purchased a stall by the docks to help sell whatever the house didn’t direly require. Though her actions were verified by the Patron, Tathyraen, they still caused friction between her and the miserly kin of the house, mainly Andaer who happened to run the money-making part of the house. During this time, she also sought out Olarae, the only yathrin knew of. Rikal’s dogged pursuit of status was rewarded when she was accepted as an acolyte and taken in to study the history of her people and ways of the yathrin. She continued with her studies and operating the stall, even taking it with her on her present quest to revive the Miiystra after she left the Alean’ndar house behind. After a short interaction with Num’irinth, who has now gone insane, Rikal is now confused and shaken, but she has him backing her ambition. A confession from Hael has thrown her into a pit of darkness and confusion with no hope of returning to the light known as understanding. With the physical Miiystra compound finally retrieved from the monsters that ravage the caverns, she now continues to work to bring the house into a position of power.

    Your characters ambitions:

    As of now, she seeks to revive the Miiystra noble house and claim her right to inherit the position of Valsharess through her bloodline. For that purpose, she has pursued the position of Yathrin, hoping to verify herself in society and accept the blessing of the Mother. She has no conscious wish to find a mate or mates, now or in the future until she must bear an heir to the bloodline of Miiystra. She also has no wish to fight the surface dwellers because of their uncomfortable presence; instead, she will only fight the pale skinned when she feels that her beliefs, traditions, or people are threatened.

    Why does your character do what he/she does?

    Everything Rikal does is done to secure her and her family’s position in society. She refuses to return to the days where she lived in the streets or the days when she lived with those lower than the commoners. She believes that Nemiisae will bless her in her endeavors and bring her back to where she believes is her rightful place among the Mori’quessir.

    What moral boundaries does your character adhere to, if any?

    Her morality is constantly being degraded, but she is currently unwilling to kill any Mori by her own hands. Eventually though, with Num’s persuasion and decadent presence, she will most likely take part in the act of murdering a Mori with her own hands. This may be triggered with the death of Num as well, when she is forced to fulfill the gap left behind by her father in the family. Surface dwellers are a different group that she refuses to acknowledge as equals, and therefore will strike them down without any hesitation given the right provocation and then if she sees the opportunity.

    What are some notable strengths and weaknesses of your character?

    She is ambitious and goal-oriented, ruthless in her pursuit her goals; however, this is headstrong approach is also an exploitable weakness. She can be persuaded to make a decision the benefits her in the short term and will hurt her in the long term view. This is mainly due to her lack of experience and foresight when it comes to what may or may not benefit her as much as another decision that seems less viable at the present. Another trait, both a strength and a weakness, is her ability to abide by her decisions and remain steadfast. It can be described as being strong and decisive, but to the point of becoming stubborn and belligerent. (A joke weakness that might be able to be exploited is her inability to hold her liquor. She becomes intoxicated by alcohol easily, lending to a sometimes hilarious and sometimes moody character shift.)

    What role will your character play in Asulon?

    The “ruthless” leader of what many surfacers consider to be a savage race of elves living underground, and a pillar of power to her people. In reality, she is just a strong-willed female who has been raised by an insane family and molded by an unmerciful environment into the outwardly cold-blooded killer. To her brother and potential lovers, she is a little gentler, exposing a different side. She becomes more of just a young woman who has yet to fully grow into her life.

    Is your character loyal or a backstabber?

    She is loyal to the point of being a backstabber, which makes no sense at first. The other way to express it is to say that she is loyal to the point that killing the person to prevent them from changing is a possibility. This is rare though, but it is possible for her to develop an attachment of that depth to a person.

    Are you familiar with all server/villain application rules?

    Yes, I am. On a side note, I have played a villain before and have had no complaints directed towards my actions on that previous character.

    Evils to be considered for?

    1 - Thievery, cheating, & lockpicking

    2a - Assassination, unprovoked murder

    2b - Torture, slaving, twisted methodism

    4 - Chaos/corruption, deception/conning

    Why do you as a player wish to and think you deserve to play as a villain?

    I do not think I deserve to be a villain, persay, but I do believe that with the abilities and freedom of reign given to a villain will be beneficial in my character’s uniqueness and the exploration of her personality. As a Mori’quessir, decietful and malicious acts seem to be integral to our society; to properly play such a character would require the ability to partake in the activities privy to a villain and thus I hope that this would allow me to fully play my character to her full potential. I have no interest in petty robbery and minas, and can swear that I will never use my VA to antagonize unjustly or grief other players.

    ===Roleplay Related Questions===

    As your character wanders the back-streets of Menorcress, you sight a cloaked figure lurking in one of the shadowed nook behind the Brothel: a rustle of cloth is heard, and the figure ushers you in with a skeletal finger. The hooded figure imparts information involving a conspiracy to over-throw the House of Miiystra, and offers you a hefty sum of coin to partake in the planned attack. How does your character react?

    Since she is from the house of Miiystra, it’s obvious what she would do:

    Her lips curl back in a smirk of triumph. “It seems I’ve caught a rat,” she murmurs, surging forward to pin the hooded figure against the wall with the strength of a zealot. “Who else is joining you?” she purrs whilst pressing the tip of her ceremonial kelis against his cheek, threatening to widen his mouth. The man babbles out names and begs for his life, hoping against hope that the young priestess would spare him.

    In the event that it is a slave:

    She slams the hilt of her kelis into his throat, crushing windpipe and muscle under the force of impact. “Your mistake leaves no punishment other than death... Let us make use of it... You will be a... sacrifice for our beloved Mother.”

    In the event that it is a Mori’quessir:

    She carves the man a new mouth, grinning maniacally. “Do spread the word that the Miiystra would be happy to... entertain these upstarts. They’ll get a matching smile to yours, and I would hate for any to feel left out,” she drawls contentedly, letting the Mori go with a beautiful smile that was clearly disconnected from her threat. “Mother bless you, her wonderful child.”

    Your character finds him or herself watching the Alure d'aphyon: the several fighters within the void maze wield only sticks as they prove their prowess as warriors by battling to the death. One of fighters happens to be a close companion of yours, and you witness him being strategically cornered by three of the other fighters and beaten to death. While the crowd cheers in celebration of the violence, and the death of your friend. How does your character react?

    She watches nonchalantly, marking off another possible threat as removed. He outlived his usefulness, and served his sentence as a warrior. “Mother embrace you, wael,” she murmurs under her breath, sitting back contentedly to watch the rest of the show. After all, only one can come out alive; perhaps that one will be her next pawn in her quest for power. Or maybe she would play with the younger fighters a little and tempt them into murdering each other before their trials next time.

    As you turn the corner into a dimly lit alley, a pair of young female rothe [slave/cattle] instantly run up to you. They are begging for a donation of either coin or bread. How does your character react?

    She looks at their rags coldly, eyes narrowing as she looks for the branding marks of their owners. “Your master is a disgrace if they cannot provide for even two of you. Come with me... As long as you work, you will be fed. I cannot promise you life though; after all... Are you willing take the possibility of food and the risk of being killed by my father or myself?”

    If they refuse:

    “I see, then continue starving in the streets. Your owner will be disgraced, either way,” she snaps coldly, walking past them without another glance. They lost their chance. It was their decision.

    If they accept:

    “Excellent,” she said simply, inclining her head towards the direction they should head. “Find the Miiystra palace, and I will deal with the details once I return... Do try to stay out of Num’irinth’s way if you want to live though.”

    A male and female rivvil [human] and a rivvil child seem lost amidst the alley-ways of byr'shuk [outsider-market]. The woman walks with a long staff, and the man appears to have a scabbard at his side. How does your character react?

    She watches them warily, but seeing as no weapons are bared in the city limits, she lets them pass. As they ask for directions, she guides them with scathingly sarcastic words, ever distrusting of the surface dwellers. She leaves them with a stern warning, eyeing the scabbard at the man’s waist. “If I see bared blades, I will not hesitate to dispose of you. Laws are not to be questioned or broken, unless you wish to undergo the same treatment.” She mulls over the possibility of taking them as slaves, but dismisses the thought. Rivvil always made the worst slaves: they were mouthy, ugly, and the weakest. They would be more of a burden than an asset, and would most likely draw the attention of the surfacers given the chance.

    Two guards try to break up a fight between your acquaintance and two members of another qu'ellar [house]. Your 'friend' slays one of the guards as he approaches, causing the others to draw their arms. How does your character react?

    She steps back, now holding a newly bloodied kelis. “Acquaintance or not, slaying a guard is an offence punishable by death,” she says softly, watching him writhe in pain as the poison set in. “Those that harm my city and my people have no place within its bounds.” She waves to the remaining kyorl and motions for him to drag the body away before turning to the now silent members of the house. “If I find you partaking in any more unsightly events similar to this ridiculous quarrel in the streets, my next visit to you will be far less than pleasant. Is that understood?” she said, cleaning her weapon of blood before putting it back away into the scabbard.

    A screenshot of your skin:


  5. Well who might you have been talking to, visualjaw? I was not informed of your character ever being made an outcast, or any plans of it. Also, Mori can never become accustomed to the surface. You were raised there for hundreds of years, and once the plugin is added, being outside during the day at all will basically disable you. Lastly, you need a VA. Regardless of if you are a Mori'Quessir or not, you need a VA to do villainous acts, and I think banditry is definitely one.

  6. Minecraft Name: Seiryuuin

    RP Name: Lyrian Arkenlyl

    Why do you wish to join The White Ravens?

    I want to help halt the Undead blight, and keep others from suffering the same fate as I did. Nobody should ever have to suffer being their slave for any part of their lifetime.

    Are you against the Undead? Why?

    I am very much against the Undead. I watched them kill my parents, and was a slave for the majority of my life to them. I'd love to see them dead, actually dead, and paying for their deeds.

    What skills do you bring to The White Ravens? How will these help us?

    I am a free-lance architect, an amateur marksman, and a relatively experienced swordsman. I am not of the rash sort either, and would happily lend my skills to aid the White Ravens in any way I can.

    Do you understand and agree with all of our rules?

    Of course, or else I wouldn't be applying.

  7. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name: Seiryuuin

    -How old are you?: 17

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: -6 GMT/US

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: Yes

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I am a high school student currently attending a University in Texas. I like to draw, design, and construct things, as I would like to be an engineer or architect in the future.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?: Probably about an hour every other day (on a good week)

    -How long have you played minecraft?: I've been playing minecraft for about a year now, but I just now got an actual gift code so I could have my own account. Previously, I played on my friend's account.

    -What do you know about roleplaying?: For the majority of my experience of 8 years, I've done most of my rping through either mIRC or on forums; I've never done roleplaying IG, and I think it'd be a bit more fun since you're interacting in real-time.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: I think this will be a good experience for me, since I have never done it before.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: I've only played on my friends' servers, and I haven't left any of them.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?: Yes, I have.

    -Name the 4 races on this server: Orc, Elf, Dwarf, Human

    -How did you hear about us?: Through Youtube! And also since it was the suggestion of my good friend who plays Izz'drin Arkenlyl (Dogower).

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?: Seiryuuin


    -Character Name: Lyrian Arkenlyl

    -What is your Race?: Elf

    -Biography: The Arkenlyl patriarch had left his newborn son behind after the death of his wife in childbirth. He was captured by the undead, and marked as a slave and servant to them. Lyrian was born to him and a human slave girl. As he grew up in the Nether, his father often spoke of a brother he would probably never see, and eventually watched his father die at the hands of cruelty. He watched his elderly mother leave him when she disobeyed orders to return to work on the fifteenth anniversary of his father's death; He swore to escape after that. True to his oath, he escaped later on, and made it to Aegis, and more specifically, Laurelin. A stranger to the world of being treated as a person, he was uncertain as to how to react when he first came. Now, still homeless, he has adjusted a little bit.

    -Character Age: Real age is unknown because he has no records in Aegis. However, he is the younger half-brother of Izz'drin; Therefore, probably around 150 or so.

    -Character Appearance: His soft, rich sun-browned hair, from his human blood, is styled with a single long lock tied back with shorter cuts along the top and sides (commonly known as the Asian "rat tail" hairstyle). He has the fair skin and vibrant azure eyes of elves and the pointed ears of a high elf. His build is a mix between the lithe body those of the elvish blood, and the muscular build of the Northerner blood flowing through him from his mother.

    -Character Personality: Albeit a little awkward in social situations, Lyrian is a decidedly friendly little... well, big elf. He is a bit hard to make friends with, because of his past (which he has shared with no one) and the fact that he has trust issues. Those who manage to become a good friend to him find that he has occasional bouts of depression, but usually gets over it in a few days.

    -Your ambitions: He wants to become a mage and battle the undead as much as he can, but is unsure as to how he would do it.

    -Can your character read or write?: Yes

    -Can your character mine?: Fairly well

    -Are you a capable builder?: Yes

    -Can you wield a sword?: Sort of; He's not very good at it

    -Enjoy Farming?: A bit tedious, but he can do it.

    -Does your character have any special skills?: Not really. He's a fairly plain guy, except for the fact that he may or may not be able to develop his currently weak connection to magic.

    -A screenshot of your skin: Screenshot Link!

    -Other Information: I've actually already been changed from a wandering soul to a full player (It's sort of a misunderstanding) but I won't take advantage of it and just join without an application.

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