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Posts posted by tweig

  1. A few problems with your otherwise good application:

    - You never mentioned your age, this is kinda important for kittens.

    - Would you mind fixing the format of your skin, providing a 3D render rather than the image?

    Fix these and you're accepted.


    =/ Sorry, I don't know how to put on a 3D render, but the Age is updated.

  2. Out of Character Information

    MC Name:




    Time Zone:


    Do you have TeamSpeak?: Nay.

    In Character Information

    Why are you interested in joining the Guivrets?

    "Me Found da note on ma door tu join da Guivertes, And me like Tu cook!"

    Have you read and understood the rules of the Duchy?



    Emily Frostsword

    Race: Woodelf

    Age: "Uh... Me Dun'no. Not Tu old Me think. . ."

    Are you 100% committed to the Guivrets? No other commitments made?

    "Me Dun'no, Me committed to Husband and da Guiverters, Is dat Mmkay?"

    What are your skills? [Give exact stats /stats in game]

    Lumberjack: 100

    Axes: 99

    Farming: 76 cooking <<Currently Deleveling the cooking for Axes.>>

    Do you swear to abide by the oath? [Copy+Paste Here, but make sure you have read it.]

    "Me,Emily Frostswurd., Swear upon my honor dat Me will uphold Da peace and security of Da nice Duke and Da Pretty Duchess, Balian Guivret and Helaine Guivret. To keep Da Guivret family safe and well fed, to protect and support da Duchy, and to do me job to the best of me ability. Me swear to protect the flag of Da Guivrets, the Holy Oren Empire, and to remain loyal to Da Guivrets."

  3. +-OOC-+

    MC Name:adami8u2

    Timezone:EST. Skill Levels:99 Axes, 100 Lumberjack.

    +-IC-+ Name.:


    Simple but Sweet Biography: Twieg is a tall, 8"0 Darkelf, He is loyal but occasionally quiet. Twieg is -like- the head of his Family of 'Tree'. He's 1401 but has yet to lose his sanity as he grows older.

    Skills or Traits you have affinity towards: My trusty Axe. <99 Axes> and splitting logs. <100 Lumberjack>

    Past jobs and/or experiences:Reason for seeking a position as a Vallark Bannerman: "I was once Part of the Seventis guard. I was A simple Soldier in orange group. I served Renati, and I would like to serve Aerios now. He is as his father was, On the path of Victory."

    Have you sworn The Vallark Service Oath? (Copy/Paste it Here): I, Twieg, pledge myself to an oath of service to House Vallark. I swear to carry out with any orders or instruction given to me by any superiors and to follow them without question or comment. I shall do to the best of the ability of my mind and body to further House Vallark and I announce them as my lieges whom which I faithfully serve. I will never go against House Vallark by committing acts of treason or by acting in such a way that either betrays the trust bestowed upon me by my lieges or helps to weaken the household. I must receive permission from a blood member of House Vallark in order to resign from my position. If I choose to disregard this pledge of service, so help me God.

  4. MC Username: Adami8u2

    Rp Username (be sure to include the correct prefix, look up on info thread): Kitten_Sithria

    Character Skillset: 75 farming, 100 wrestling, 100 cooking

    Appearance (age, SUBRACE, gender): Sithria is a small 8 year old, female Kha' Pantera. She has soft, luscious black hair, she also has a cute face with blue gleaming eyes. This can be sometimes used to her advantage if she is ever caught being naughty by other Kha or 'Apes'

    Personality: Sithria has a slight split personality when it comes to talking to people. With people she knows, she if very lively and active, but with strangers, she needs to be shown she can trust them, or she will most likely just be cautious of you, and stay behind her friends. Sithria is also friendly to other Kha races, and has a cute face, which can be used in her favor when for example she wants something from another Kha. Sithria is also goes by the philosophy of 'do first, think later' which can sometimes end her up in a lot of trouble.

    Please include a short bio of your character's life: Sithria was found in the jungle, abandoned at the tender age of one. She was kindly bought in by the other Kha, and would be passed around with people to look after her, along with her friend, Kaha.

    Sithria and Kaha soon bonded well, and became friends instantly, they would both sit, and watch the other Kha do daily tasks such as hunt and fish. She would sit there, days on end, just wanting to join in, sometimes doing so, but mostly cast aside because she was seen as too young.

    They both gained praise for their skills to pick up things fast and learn, Sithria more that Kaha. Sithria hopes that one day, she can become a great Huntress, and also serve the Kha military, and really get her life on track and live a good one.

    Character's ambitions: Sithria hopes to one day start her own family, and be known as a great Huntress.

    _---Situational Rp Questions---_


    As you travel through the Karakatuan jungle, you spot a human trespassing on your nation's lands. He approaches you, obviously distressed, and asks for any food, water, or shelter that you can provide, then tells you that he has been lost in the area for days without any proper supplies. How do you react?:

    Sithria was one say snooping in the long jungle grass, when suddenly, she sees an 'Ape' standing by a tree, looking distressed, and holding deeply onto his stomach. Sithria then gently scampers back from the 'Ape' and awaits it's response. The 'Ape' then says "Please, can you spare me some food, water and shelter?" Sithria then gently and cautiously approaches the 'Ape' and starts to sniff at it from a safe distance. The 'Ape' clenches his stomach more "Please, some food or water!". Sithria then growls and shuffles back "'Ape' on our land! me get other Kha!". Sithria then scampers off to get the other Kha.


    As you romp through the lands of the "apes", you come across a tavern. Inside this tavern, a Dwarf notices you and starts gawking at you, then begins to speak.

    "Oi! I gots a bowl of cream for you, Kitty! Ha! I'd bet you would make a nice throw rug, wouldn't ya, ya mangy furball?!"

    He continues act generally as racist as possible. What do you do?:

    Sithria, the shy Kha she is sits in the corner, gently listening to the dwarf, unsure of what he is saying, because of the heavy accent he bears. Sithria then listens, for a little longer, then getting bored, she growls at the dwarf. The Dwarf then takes a huge swig of his ale and laughs "Come on t'en kitteh!". Sithria then stares at the Dwarf, and swiftly but elegantly makes her exit, shaking her head.


    One of your fellow Kharajyr and a close friend of yours comes to your dwelling in the middle of the night and begins to pound on your door. After you let him in, he confesses to killing another Kharajyr over a slice of cake. What do you do in response? Sithria jumps up in excitement and looks at her friend and says "Cake, Cake, me want Cake!" Sithria then runs over and sniffs rapidly all over her friend "Cake, Cake!". Her friend then retracts and laughs slightly, saying "I ate the Cake!" and Laughs more. Sithria suddenly stops jumping about, arches her back and looks up towards her friend, frowning "Me get no Cake!". Her friend laughs back "No, silly!", Sithria then shoots to the door, opens it and signals for her 'Friend' to leave, wiping away some of the drool she had over her mouth, thinking about Cake.

    Do you swear to follow the Tlatlanni and uphold his law, and do you swear to hold Metztli and all of her actions as sacred?

    Yes, I do swear to follow Tlatlanni and to hold Metztli and all her actions

    Please include a screenshot or 3D render of your character's skin



    MC Name: adami8u2

    RP Name: Lady Aerilyn

    Town Name: Bowshire

    Why are you/your character starting this town? What role will it play?: The village has grown very quickly, and needs more room to expand. The village was started as a refuge for a group of hunters and huntresses, but is attracting more diverse groups. The role played by Bowshire is to be a peaceful, but strong town near the temple.

    What type of political system is enforced in this town? Is this town under the reign of any other nation at this time?: The town is controlled by Lady Aerilyn, who works with a council of hunters to decide laws.

    What sort of behavior will residents exhibit? (Race relations, nation relations, etc.): The citizens here will lead simple, productive lives based around hunting and trading. Things such as art and acting may develop in the future.

    Where would you prefer the town’s region be? Including a screenshot of the land would be nice (of game or map).: The region should keep the same southern border, and expand mostly north-west. Though, to be specific, on block further east would be needed.

    Any other details (architecture, races, culture, etc):

    The town uses the Spectre architectural style, Which is soon to be changed.

    Players who have agreed to sign this charter (15 name minimum):

    Aerilyn [[adami8u2]]

    Uthlirr Tinuviel [[ThanonZi]]

    Galdor [[The_Brownster]]


    Jax [[d3athfall]]

    Relgard [[Darkdragon274]]

    Leif [[Mellowmatthew]]


    Mattias [[beast720]]

    Sasae [[Zamaru42]]

    Nessuno [[Markdeevee]]

    Firsal [[Firsal]]


    Rose [[LilTim3000]]

    Athura [[friar5]]

    Symo [[symodimi12]]

  6. MC Name:

    IC: Aerilyn (The Huntress)

    RL Age: 13

    IG Age: 21

    Short Biography: Aerilyn is a hunter, she is skilled with a bow, and axe. She wishes to settle down more from her nomadic life, and join the Seventis army, while still practicing her trade.

    Why do you wish to join the Seventis Military? All the people that threaten Seventis have fallen, Aerilyn wants to ensure that when war is coming, the end of the foe will always stay the same.

    Which starting rank do you wish to become? (Frouros, Peltast, Toxotes) Toxotes

    Will you be loyal and respect those higher in command then yourself? Yes.

    Your Weapon skills? (i.e. Axes-75 or Swords-34) [sword:0 Archery:30 Axes:30]

  7. MC Username: adami8u2

    Rp Username (be sure to include the correct prefix, look up on info thread): Kal'Mun [[unsure if you have to put 'Kha before it]]

    Character Skillset:

    20 axes, 40 Lumberjack, 35 farming

    Appearance (age, SUBRACE, gender):

    28, Kha'Panthera


    Kal'Mun is a strong, hearted Khajyt, he will pray to Metztli before sleep, He refuses violence and therefore will not willingly be aggressive. Kal'Mun loves farming as much as he did his Step father, He will be burdend if a tragic event occurs, will never take the side of good or evil, But listen to both side's point of views and settle the problem without Violence. A very genourous person and will occassionally give out free items and food. Uses axe and bow for self protection from aggressive monsters and will always show most respect to females.

    Please include a short bio of your character: Kal'Mun, he was raised in a small village by a kind Orc that was rejected by his own society, yet because of this he was a geneorous, kind soul. After growing up in the harsh world of Asulon, He realized the world would not be as nice as the orc who raised him. Then, once Kal'Mun was around 20, He wanted to join the "White Knights". At the time this occured it stirred trouble for his foster parent, As when Kal'Mun came back to his home, it was set on fire, The Orc who raised him through childhood, Lay dead in the blazes, *Kal'Mun screamedNOOO! Who would do such a thing to a kind Orc..." He continued to cry, untill the blazes went out. He would seek the causer of this, then take the [Man/Men] to the White Knights without revealing any contact with the Deceased orc, Kal'Mun then talked to Tempir, their Leader. Tempir's men brought in the criminal, Listend to both sides of the story. He took many days thinking, Knowing if he picked one over the other, the one that wasn't chosen would be put to death. In the end, Tempir was lied to by the criminal, and bribed by the man as well, This made it much more complicated for Kal'Mun, However, Kal'Mun was able to use his influence by a deceased White Knight, which swayed Tempir's mind to choosing Kal'Mun. "I do not want this man harmed, however i want him punished, I want him to fix the damage hes done, Although i realize my dearest friend will not be coming back." *A tear fell from Kal'Mun's eye as he requests this action be done* The criminal struggled, and drew two hidden knives from the sleaves of his robes and claimed "If its a fight Ye want, I fight Ye will Get!" Tempir and the White Knights drew their blades, commanding that the criminal stands down and drops his arms. The brave men fought for justice, the theif fought for his life, As they all realized the criminal was somehow matching their great skill, He grabbed Kal'Mun and put his blade to his throat "One step and i will kill him!" Kal'Mun realized this may be the end of his life, but at that very momment, Kal'Mun felt Adreneline and true anger towards the theif, He broke out the man's grasp, Drew his staff, As the criminal swing, Kal'Mun jabbed at the left side of the mans neck, In shock the Criminal dropped his wepon, and Apologized to Kal'Mun and his loss, begging for his life. "I will not kill those who will bathe in their own sin for the rest of their life, May Metztli spare you." At that moment, Kal'Mun dropped his staff on the sandy ground. He left with no trace, but without greed, anger or need of violence, Kal'Mun walked back to the burned cottage, and sat in deep thought for what seemed timelesss. He decided he will rebuild what he had lost, though, knowing the whole the man left in his heart will never be filled. By the age of 30, Kal'Mun had rebuilt his home through hard work, and labor. Then he remembered as he was tending the farm, "Today is the day he was killed..." As he walked to his old friend's grave he sat and prayed to metztli. Hours after once the moon was far up into the night sky, the criminal returned to Kal'Mun, "I apologize for Ye loss... I cannot bring back what be dead, but..." Kal'Mun forgived the man, knowing he was right, and was finally pleased with the man, the whole in his heart was filled. Then, the criminal left,as the moon was setting on the pitch black horizion, He smiled then said, "Thank Ye Metztli.", His voice echoed but was not answered, Kal'Mun went to sleep as the sun was just arriving.

    _---Situational Rp Questions---_


    As you travel through the Karakatuan jungle, you spot a human trespassing on your nation's lands. He approaches you, obviously distressed, and asks for any food, water, or shelter that you can provide, then tells you that he has been lost in the area for days without any proper supplies. How do you react?:

    Knowing he is tresspassing, Kal'Mun is generous and will not slay him however, He would give the starving man foods, Mostly melons and bread. As Kal'Mun likes his meats. "Need anyfing else widdle pig man?" *The man shakes his head and walks away happily, Glad that he came acrossed Kal'Mun.* *Kal'Mun sighs, "Widdle pig men these days.." *Then Kal'Mun walks home, nothing else to do


    As you romp through the lands of the "apes", you come across a tavern. Inside this tavern, a Dwarf notices you and starts gawking at you, then begins to speak.

    "Oi! I gots a bowl of cream for you, Kitty! Ha! I'd bet you would make a nice throw rug, wouldn't ya, ya mangy furball?!"

    He continues act generally as racist as possible. What do you do?:

    Kal'Mun will not harm the Dwarf directly, as thats not his personallity. However... he will call friends and they will not be considerate, He would request they remove the Dwarf from the Tavern, then warn him, but do not harm him. If he was to come back and do the actions once more, Kal'Mun will request to the bar keeper to remove him.


    One of your fellow Kharajyr and a close friend of yours comes to your dwelling in the middle of the night and begins to pound on your door. After you let him in, he confesses to killing another Kharajyr over a slice of cake. What do you do in response?

    Kal'Mun would not respond to the murderer, and slam the door on their face, then go back to sleep, As he is tired of his daily work on the farms.

    Do you swear to follow the Tlatlanni and uphold his law, and do you swear to hold Metztli and all of her actions as sacred? Indeed i do.

  8. What is your name? Corvas

    How old are you? [[iG Or RL?, 16 IG, 13 RL]]

    Do you have a pure heart, do you wish to create balance? Yes.

    Biography[few sentences minimum]: Corvas has been beaten, He has been mugged by Mogroka himself. Seen the Slaves point of view because of the Old Outlaw; Prince. He wants balance in the world of Asulon, where good and evil are Balanced, To not take sides right away in a war by friendship or greed, but take time to think of the reasons, Then he will decide Heartily.

    Why do you want to join? Kal'Mun wants Asulon to be balanced, and has a home for the White knights when they do not have one, the Islands of Elros. As well as whoever else who is in need.

    Other Information: **Wants to change character as Twieg is dead now, Corvas?**

  9. Merchant Guild of Seventis

    What we do and who we are:

    We are the merchant guild of Seventis, we take care of anything going in, and out, of Seventis. We manage the economy as a hole.

    We also start trade agreements and such in Seventis, making plans that will help us without the economy falling. To sum all of this up


    *Make Trade Agreements with other nations/towns.

    *Handle Taxes on shops in Seventis.

    *Travel and sell items to make money for Seventis.

    *Handle Seventis economy as a hole.

    There will be pay, depending on the rank you hold in the guild. There will also be other benefits the if you wish to know contact the Grand Merchant.

    Also Seventis military members ARE allowed to join the guild. If you are in the guild, we ask you do NOT double job, we wish you focus on the guild.


    Grand Merchant of Seventis (Only given/taken by Lord Renati):

    Tarathiel_Bloodsong (LilTim3000)

    Head of Merchants:

    Symodimi (Simidimi12)

    Operations Supervisor (talk to me IG for more details on this rank.):

    Arkelm (funy100)

    Senior Merchant: (3 spots)




    Merchant: (10-15 spots)











    To join contact me (ig or on fourm) Application:

    MC Name: adami8u2

    RP Name: Twieg

    Are you a good merchant, you know prices and such?: I suppose so, i prefer to keep prices solid, and stays with Melon farming mostly, enless Twieg sees room for big profit

    Any previous Merchant guilds?: Nope.

  10. MC Name: adami8u2

    RP Name: Twieg_Liman

    Town Name: Lima ((Preferably just a protected area for myself and friends, not much of a town))

    Why is your character starting this town? What role will it play?

    This town will provide a safe haven to those that have no other direction to turn to. We support the good of the people, the good of the Elves, and the Good of Freedom.

    What type of political system is enforced in this town?

    The political system would'nt consist of any top leader, the Family owns the land, only members of the family live there. All Members of the family hold Equal power. Although the father's word is Final.

    Exile - If a person commits crime, they will be kicked out of this family's home. if they return, they will be delt with by Force.

    Family Chores.

    Consists of the regular jobs, a Miner for Stone, a Lumberjack for wood, a Farmer for food, a Fisherman for fish, a cook to cook foods, a hunter to hunt animals, and some skilled defenders.

    What sort of behavior will the residents exhibit? (Race relations, Nation relations, ect.)

    The majority of the Family will be kind, Loving, and peaceful. The family members will be Elven, but there are Certain exceptions. We will consist of the working class, supporting each other, trading goods for goods. Trading with outsiders as well to obtain wanted items.

    As of now, all Family members will have power over the Magical Barrier.

    Where would you prefer the Town's region to be? including a screenshot of the land.

    ((Won't let me includ a Screenshot, so i have coords instead -612x -2223z to -642x -2193z)) It is the island i want, please make the protections in a Square formation P.S This is NOT a town, i wish it to be a Manor for my Family, Elven Family, a few Exceptions though. ((Including Half-Breeds, Humans and Dwarves, and KIND orcs)) People who've signed: Zamaru42 (Azune) adami8u2 (Twieg) Jackswannick (Lewis)

  11. You see a diplomat enter your local area and you overhear him speak.

    Hail to all! Seventis will be sieged by the Nation of Andromeda and their group of guilds. They intend to massacre our people and steal the throne. The accuse us of many falsehoods, and attempt to disrupt the peace in the region. The people of Seventis need help defending the people and their home. We plan not to attack, as we never have, but they bring war to our gates. We have already mustered an army of cities and guilds, though we fear it is still not enough. King Markus Powell continually brings war and disorder to the land of the Monks. We make a stand in the forests in front of Seventis, and we ask for any available aid. Thank you and your help in the prevention of the slaughter of our countrymen, as it is much appreciated.

    The diplomat in a red uniform notices you, "Hello sir! Could you potentially help our city? You would be doing the right thing after all." He smiles warmly but you can see a hint of fear and anticipation deep in his eyes.

    ((The battle is 12:30 PM EST this Sunday.))

    My Lord i shall serve you in Life and Death. ((+1)) I secured an Alliance with Venere.

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