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Posts posted by Deeblock

  1. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name:


    -How old are you?:


    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence:

    GMT +8 / Singapore

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?:

    Yes. I do have a rather good fluency in the English language, apart from a few spelling errors or sentence structure problems.

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:

    During the day I go to school until around 3pm, after which I will probably game for a few hours before finishing up any homework or revision. I enjoy my hobbies, which are gaming and learning VFX as of the moment. I work well in groups and tend to avoid causing disputes to the best of my ability.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?:

    I do not guarantee I can play long as there are exams and other commitments to the school. Approximately, I can play for around 21-30+ hours a week, but during exam periods or hectic school weeks, I may only play for around 12 hours to 15 hours or so.

    -How long have you played minecraft?:

    I just started playing Minecraft at around Beta 1.5 (approximately), but I've picked up fairly quickly and know all the fundamentals as well as some of the complexities of redstone. Judging by time, I would say around a few months or so.

    -What do you know about roleplaying?:

    The attractiveness of roleplaying is that there are fairly no limitations in imagining what the character can do, and being able to experience a new way of life is indeed very interesting and appealing to me. Although I have not roleplayed much in minecraft before, I believe there's always a first time.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?:

    From what I have heard, I expect this server to be friendly, in which the Admins continuously uphold the rules with honour and fairness, holding no biasedness or grudges against players. The community is overall friendly and very helpful, and the server having no lag at all. What I would expect from this server would probably be a fun and caring community which would guide me along in my first few weeks of joining, allowing me to learn the ropes and pick up the new fundamentals of the server, while having a conducive and enjoyable environment to game in.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:

    I have played on my own server, but closed it because the people that joined weren't very friendly and tended to grief a lot. I did not know of Bukkit nor plugins at that point of time, and thus did not have any ability to stop the griefers.

    I have also played on PvP annoyomous' server before. Their server was very fun and engaging, allowing players to have PvP on a large scale basis and ensuring that everyone had a fun time fighting each other. However, I left the server as the admins were rather biased and the language use not very considerate.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?:

    Yes. I have thoroughly read through the rules.

    -Name the 4 races on this server:

    Humans, Elves, Dwarves and Orcs.

    -How did you hear about us?:

    I mainly heard of this server through Rekreations channel, whom I watch his videos regularly, but I also heard of this server through forums and discussions.

    -Did you vote?:

    Yes. All 3 links.

    -What was your favourite Law?:

    It would have to be no disrespecting of the GMs and Admins. I believe that without them, the server would not have become so accomplished and favoured today. We should respect everyone else and treat everyone equally.

    -What was your least favourite Law?:

    None. I believe that all the laws are made to keep the community bonded and not disrupting the server's gameplay, and that all of them are crucial.

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?:



    -Character Name:


    -What is your Race?:

    Humans (Sub-Race: Northerner)


    "Run!" The screams echoed horribly throughout the still night air. The sky lighted up in a blinding flash of light, flames raining down from the heavens like a million arrows unleashed from the very depths of hell. Deeblock turned his gaze towards the ominous dark clouds, the sound of roaring thunder shattering the tranquil night. Dark clad figures stood silently on the church's roof, flames pouring out of their hands seemingly at will. "Run, Deeblock!" His father dragged him along by the arm, half pulling, half dragging him along the cobblestone path. The gritty stones scratched at his soles, bring tears to his eyes. "Cary, take the child, I have to stay and protect the village!" He was passed roughly from his father to his mother, who, crying quietly, brushed away the tear streaks on his face and led him swiftly away from battle. Deeblock turned around, and saw the silhouette of his father, slowly vanishing into the smoke of the flames; his footsteps slowly melting away into the war cries and screams of the innocent.

    "It's ok now". His mother stood beside him, sitting down ever so tensely onto the forest ground still damp with last night's rain. The clearing they were in was covered in a thick canopy of leaves, masking out any sight of the outer world. "We're safe... I'm sure your father will return soon..." The trees burst open in a sudden blinding flash of light. His father ran in, waving a blade forged of a sparkling blue. "Run, Cary, take the child! Necroman-" His words were cut short, in a split second, time froze. The sound of a whizzing arrow filled the air, displacing the still pockets of air and sending chilling ripples down the leaves of the trees. A bloody arrowhead stuck out of Deeblock's father's body, and his eyes, once a sparkling blue, faded out into shadowless, calm, darkness.

    "No! No!" Cary screamed, throwing herself over his corpse. The tears flowed freely, bitterness filled his heart and through the dampness of his eyes, he faintly saw the village in ruins, fire, everywhere... the lightning, the darkness that slowly consumed the land. "Why, mum? Why?" He asked, fists clenched tightly against his sides, hardly daring to breathe, to even look at his father's corpse. "The Undead, son. They did all of this. They killed your father!" Fury filled his mother's eyes, a like in which he had never seen before. She coldly turned her gaze towards her son and picked up his father's sword. "Wait here, son, they will pay for your father's death. I swear." She turned and walked out of the clearing, and slowly faded away through the thick canopy of leaves. It was the last time Deeblock ever saw her again.

    He sat down and cried, moving close to his father for comfort, but all he felt was cold, emptiness and anger. It welled up inside him, made him feel brave, but at the same time, it broke him down, and made him afraid, so afraid of what he would have to face in the future, alone. He felt it first before seeing it - the scorching heat the filled the entire clearing, then he saw a blinding orange glow that lighted the trees up like wildfire, his hair cringed at the sudden heat wave, the ground beside him exploded in a flurry of dirt and debris. His vision slowly clouded, his mind losing control of his body and his hand lay strength-less at his side. He turned his head, slowly, forcing him to wake up, to keep surviving, to live to see his mother once more, but all he saw was those deadly red eyes, high above the village watchtower, silently looking at the destruction before his vision faded out into darkness.

    Deeblock didn't know how long he had been knocked out, but he knew that it was cold, and the rain had started to pour down from the heavens once again. The surroundings were calm and quiet, and it was a soothing and clear night. The stars in the sky, sparkled of a brilliant glow, casting a soft light over the glades of trees. Fire burned everywhere, their orange flames flickering strongly even in the downpour, sizzling and releasing choking smoke that clouded his vision and clogged his respiration. He turned, and looked at his father's corpse for one last time, then ran out of the forest, never once looking back.

    He didn't expect it to turn out this way. The village was completely destroyed. Wooden beams hung lifeless from the ceilings. The great hall, once full of laughter and cheerful cries of ale and mead was dead, soulless and empty. Deeblock looked around. "There has to be more survivors... I can't be the only one..." All around him, dead bodies littered the floor. Lifeless corpse hung, broken and strewn on the debris and deadwood that filled the city square, entire bodies broken into half and hung on the doorways. He backed up, terrified, and looked around in horror. The skies were that peaceful colour again, a calm and soothing darkness, but he vividly remembered... those eyes, those horrible skies of lightning and fire, of the plague of darkness that had swept across the village. The Undead. That was what his mother had called them. "I will hunt down every one of those vermins and bring upon the wrath they laid upon my village today. I swear."

    Years passed, and Deeblock grew up in solitude, learning the ways of living slowly. His father had not taught him much, but at least he had learnt to build a little and farm, and that ensured his survival well enough. At night, hideous beasts of darkness rose up from the ground and slowly but determinedly seeked to bring about his death and destruction. He slowly forged a sword of his own, and devised methods to destroy these creatures. The days forged into nights, and the nights forged into months. Over the dreary long evenings, he spent time training on inanimate objects such as trees or the hunting down of pigs and cows to supplement him with the necessaries to ensure his survival. And all the while, he waited. And all the while, he planned.

    He knew that he would not be able to defeat the Undead alone. Too strong, too many, too powerful. He needed help, he needed a cause, a group of starlet individuals with a belief such as his own, to help him achieve his aim. And so, leaving the forest behind, and the land in which he had grown up in for over two decades, he made his world out into the world, to seek a new adventure, and to fulfil his dreams and oath.

    -Character Age:


    -Character Appearance:

    A rouge-like character, cultivated from growing up in solitude in the forest. Clad in simple plain clothing, he harbours a sharp sword self-made from steel forged from the minerals of the earth. Despite his simple and blank looking appearance, he prefers simple and comfortable outfits to increase his agility in drawing his sharp blade, which he keeps securely behind his back.

    -Character Personality:

    He likes to choose tactical combat over physical combat, and will plan his moves carefully before sprinting into action. Once he is set on a plan, he will continuously improvise it along the way. He is a little bit reckless at times, but keeps a cool head and does not flare up or cause trouble. Deeblock respects higher authorities as he had in his village, and a lack of company in the forest has caused him to be more open and talkative in nature, but he is cautious with his words and actions.

    -Your ambitions:

    Deeblock wants to participate in battles, mainly large scale ones. Gaining a good stock of money is another of his goals, as he wishes himself to be prepared for all situations, and money is key in getting better gear which would improve his combat abilities. He would probably also want get his own shop and a home to supply him with supplies for battle.

    -Can your character read or write?:

    Yes. His father has taught him extensively in the course of his life, and he is fluent in both reading and writing.

    -Can your character mine?:

    Yes, but he does not enjoy it much as he is getting tired of darkness due to the long years under the thick canopy of the forest. He will mine however to get ores to make his armour and weapons.

    -Are you a capable builder?:

    Not really. He has not made much structures in his life, other than helping his father build a small house in his village, but it has long since been torn down by the mysterious invaders.

    -Can you wield a sword?:

    Yes. He is well trained in wielding swords and has practised for long hours alone against the dark beasts that roam during the night.

    -Enjoy Farming?:

    Quite. He likes to farm for mushrooms, whose soup is great for healing wounds gained through battle.

    -Does your character have any special skills?:

    Not really.

    -A screenshot of your skin:

    Front: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/10/deeblockskin.jpg/

    -Other Information:

    From seeing several videos and comments on forum posts about your server, I believe this server is a very engaging and well planned out server for everyone to enjoy. I sincerely hope that more servers such as these will appear with Admins and GMs wholeheartedly caring for the community instead of being biased.

  2. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name:


    -How old are you?:


    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence:

    GMT +8 / Singapore

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?:

    Yes. I do have a rather good fluency in the English language, apart from a few spelling errors or sentence structure problems.

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:

    During the day I go to school until around 3pm, after which I will probably game for a few hours before finishing up any homework or revision. I enjoy my hobbies, which are gaming and learning VFX as of the moment. I work well in groups and tend to avoid causing disputes to the best of my ability.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?:

    I do not guarantee I can play long as there are exams and other commitments to the school. Approximately, I can play for around 21-30+ hours a week, but during exam periods or hectic school weeks, I may only play for around 12 hours to 15 hours or so.

    -How long have you played minecraft?:

    I just started playing Minecraft at around Beta 1.5 (approximately), but I've picked up fairly quickly and know all the fundamentals as well as some of the complexities of redstone. Judging by time, I would say around a few months or so.

    -What do you know about roleplaying?:

    I know that roleplaying is the act of picking up a different character other than your own, in following that character's words, phrases, actions and different roles in life. To me, roleplaying is a form of putting yourself in others shoes, to be able to experience things differently from someone else's point of view. The attractiveness of roleplaying is that there are fairly no limitations in imagining what the character can do, and being able to experience a new way of life is indeed very interesting and appealing to me. Although I have not roleplayed much in minecraft before, I believe there's always a first time.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?:

    From what I have heard, I expect this server to be friendly, in which the Admins continuously uphold the rules with honour and fairness, holding no biasedness or grudges against players. The community is overall friendly and very helpful, and the server having no lag at all. What I would expect from this server would probably be a fun and caring community which would guide me along in my first few weeks of joining, allowing me to learn the ropes and pick up the new fundamentals of the server, while having a conducive and enjoyable environment to game in.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:

    I have played on my own server, but closed it because the people that joined weren't very friendly and tended to grief a lot. I did not know of Bukkit nor plugins at that point of time, and thus did not have any ability to stop the griefers.

    I have also played on PvP annoyomous' server before. Their server was very fun and engaging, allowing players to have PvP on a large scale basis and ensuring that everyone had a fun time fighting each other. However, I left the server as the admins were rather biased and the language use not very considerate.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?:

    Yes. I have thoroughly read through the rules.

    -Name the 4 races on this server:

    Humans, Elves, Dwarves and Orcs.

    -How did you hear about us?:

    I mainly heard of this server through Rekreations channel, whom I watch his videos regularly, but I also heard of this server through forums and discussions.

    -Did you vote?:

    Yes. All 3 links.

    -What was your favourite Law?:

    It would have to be no disrespecting of the GMs and Admins. I believe that without them, the server would not have become so accomplished and favoured today. We should respect everyone else and treat everyone equally.

    -What was your least favourite Law?:

    None. I believe that all the laws are made to keep the community bonded and not disrupting the server's gameplay, and that all of them are crucial.

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?:



    -Character Name:


    -What is your Race?:

    Humans (Sub-Race: Northerner)


    "Run!" The screams echoed horribly throughout the still night air. The sky lighted up in a blinding flash of light, flames raining down from the heavens like a million arrows unleashed from the very depths of hell. Deeblock turned his gaze towards the ominous dark clouds, the sound of roaring thunder shattering the tranquil night. Dark clad figures stood silently on the church's roof, flames pouring out of their hands seemingly at will. "Run, Deeblock!" His father dragged him along by the arm, half pulling, half dragging him along the cobblestone path. The gritty stones scratched at his soles, bring tears to his eyes. "Cary, take the child, I have to stay and protect the village!" He was passed roughly from his father to his mother, who, crying quietly, brushed away the tear streaks on his face and led him swiftly away from battle. Deeblock turned around, and saw the silhouette of his father, slowly vanishing into the smoke of the flames; his footsteps slowly melting away into the war cries and screams of the innocent.

    "It's ok now". His mother stood beside him, sitting down ever so tensely onto the forest ground still damp with last night's rain. The clearing they were in was covered in a thick canopy of leaves, masking out any sight of the outer world. "We're safe... I'm sure your father will return soon..." The trees burst open in a sudden blinding flash of light. His father ran in, waving a blade forged of a sparkling blue. "Run, Cary, take the child! Necroman-" His words were cut short, in a split second, time froze. The sound of a whizzing arrow filled the air, displacing the still pockets of air and sending chilling ripples down the leaves of the trees. A bloody arrowhead stuck out of Deeblock's father's body, and his eyes, once a sparkling blue, faded out into shadowless, calm, darkness.

    "No! No!" Cary screamed, throwing herself over his corpse. The tears flowed freely, bitterness filled his heart and through the dampness of his eyes, he faintly saw the village in ruins, fire, everywhere... the lightning, the darkness that slowly consumed the land. "Why, mum? Why?" He asked, fists clenched tightly against his sides, hardly daring to breathe, to even look at his father's corpse. "The Undead, son. They did all of this. They killed your father!" Fury filled his mother's eyes, a like in which he had never seen before. She coldly turned her gaze towards her son and picked up his father's sword. "Wait here, son, they will pay for your father's death. I swear." She turned and walked out of the clearing, and slowly faded away through the thick canopy of leaves. It was the last time Deeblock ever saw her again.

    He sat down and cried, moving close to his father for comfort, but all he felt was cold, emptiness and anger. It welled up inside him, made him feel brave, but at the same time, it broke him down, and made him afraid, so afraid of what he would have to face in the future, alone. He felt it first before seeing it - the scorching heat the filled the entire clearing, then he saw a blinding orange glow that lighted the trees up like wildfire, his hair cringed at the sudden heat wave, the ground beside him exploded in a flurry of dirt and debris. His vision slowly clouded, his mind losing control of his body and his hand lay strength-less at his side. He turned his head, slowly, forcing him to wake up, to keep surviving, to live to see his mother once more, but all he saw was those deadly red eyes, high above the village watchtower, silently looking at the destruction before his vision faded out into darkness.

    Deeblock didn't know how long he had been knocked out, but he knew that it was cold, and the rain had started to pour down from the heavens once again. The surroundings were calm and quiet, and it was a soothing and clear night. The stars in the sky, sparkled of a brilliant glow, casting a soft light over the glades of trees. Fire burned everywhere, their orange flames flickering strongly even in the downpour, sizzling and releasing choking smoke that clouded his vision and clogged his respiration. He turned, and looked at his father's corpse for one last time, then ran out of the forest, never once looking back.

    He didn't expect it to turn out this way. The village was completely destroyed. Wooden beams hung lifeless from the ceilings. The great hall, once full of laughter and cheerful cries of ale and mead was dead, soulless and empty. Deeblock looked around. "There has to be more survivors... I can't be the only one..." All around him, dead bodies littered the floor. Lifeless corpse hung, broken and strewn on the debris and deadwood that filled the city square, entire bodies broken into half and hung on the doorways. He backed up, terrified, and looked around in horror. The skies were that peaceful colour again, a calm and soothing darkness, but he vividly remembered... those eyes, those horrible skies of lightning and fire, of the plague of darkness that had swept across the village. The Undead. That was what his mother had called them. "I will hunt down every one of those vermins and bring upon the wrath they laid upon my village today. I swear."

    Years passed, and Deeblock grew up in solitude, learning the ways of living slowly. His father had not taught him much, but at least he had learnt to build a little and farm, and that ensured his survival well enough. At night, hideous beasts of darkness rose up from the ground and slowly but determinedly seeked to bring about his death and destruction. He slowly forged a sword of his own, and devised methods to destroy these creatures. The days forged into nights, and the nights forged into months. Over the dreary long evenings, he spent time training on inanimate objects such as trees or the hunting down of pigs and cows to supplement him with the necessaries to ensure his survival. And all the while, he waited. And all the while, he planned.

    He knew that he would not be able to defeat the Undead alone. Too strong, too many, too powerful. He needed help, he needed a cause, a group of starlet individuals with a belief such as his own, to help him achieve his aim. And so, leaving the forest behind, and the land in which he had grown up in for over two decades, he made his world out into the world, to seek a new adventure, and to fulfil his dreams and oath.

    -Character Age:


    -Character Appearance:

    A rouge-like character, cultivated from growing up in solitude in the forest. Clad in simple plain clothing, he harbours a sharp sword self-made from steel forged from the minerals of the earth. Despite his simple and blank looking appearance, he prefers simple and comfortable outfits to increase his agility in drawing his sharp blade, which he keeps securely behind his back.

    -Character Personality:

    He likes to choose tactical combat over physical combat, and will plan his moves carefully before sprinting into action. Once he is set on a plan, he will continuously improvise it along the way. He is a little bit reckless at times, but keeps a cool head and does not flare up or cause trouble. Deeblock respects higher authorities as he had in his village, and a lack of company in the forest has caused him to be more open and talkative in nature, but he is cautious with his words and actions.

    -Your ambitions:

    Deeblock does not have much ambitions. He likes to wander instead of having a home, and wants to participate in battles, mainly large scale ones. Gaining a good stock of money is another of his goals, as he wishes himself to be prepared for all situations, and money is key in getting better gear which would improve his combat abilities. He would probably however, get his own shop and a home to supply him with supplies for battle.

    -Can your character read or write?:

    Yes. His father has taught him extensively in the course of his life, and he is fluent in both reading and writing.

    -Can your character mine?:

    Yes, but he does not enjoy it much as he is getting tired of darkness due to the long years under the thick canopy of the forest. He will mine however to get ores to make his armour and weapons.

    -Are you a capable builder?:

    Not really. He has not made much structures in his life, other than helping his father build a small house in his village, but it has long since been torn down by the mysterious invaders.

    -Can you wield a sword?:

    Yes. He is well trained in wielding swords and has practised for long hours alone against the dark beasts that roam during the night.

    -Enjoy Farming?:

    Quite. He likes to farm for mushrooms, whose soup is great for healing wounds gained through battle.

    -Does your character have any special skills?:

    Not really. Despite his fighting skills, tactical ambushes has always been his forte. He likes to think of traps to ambush his enemies to make them in an inferior position for an easier victory.

    -A screenshot of your skin:

    Front: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/829/20110905161616.png/

    Back: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/43/20110905161624.png/

    -Other Information:

    Good job on the server so far. From seeing several videos and comments on forum posts about your server, I believe this server is a very engaging and well planned out server for everyone to enjoy. I sincerely hope that more servers such as these will appear with Admins and GMs wholeheartedly caring for the community instead of being biased.

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