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Posts posted by Dwarf_Link

  1. I start ta walk ow't my 'ome and walk ta Kal'Urguan ta visit ma brother Broski so we sit in front of da fire cooling and eating freshly cooked pork chops.

    We 'ad an idea, ta focus on da roads and sell what ever we 'ad but as we were walking on da path in Kal'Urguan a bandit came and stole ma recources and food so then our life starts 'ere.

    Day in, day 'owt we starved and begged to pass by traveler's but there didnt pay attention ta us only the guards who swept us off da streets ta somewhere else. Meanwhile Broski tries 'owt for a job ta be a guard for Kal'Urguan and guess what... he got da job and dat's when da money came rolling in and den swept us off our feet until we ended up standing.

    And dat's da story about da two dwarves who changed there life around.

  2. -In-Game Name:CaliMkali

    -RolePlaying Name:Link

    -Sword and/or Axe and/or Bow Skill: Sword is level 28 and da rest is 0 because I dont use them.

    -Are you a Mage: [Not Needed for Now]

    --If so, what type do you specialize in: [Not Needed for Now]

    -Villain Application Link:(I applied for slave for now until my application gets accepted)

    -Race and Subrace: Wood Elf

    -Previous Guilds/Armies Joined:The Dark Brotherhood

    --Are you still a member of this organization:Nay

    --If yes, are you trusted: Aye I am willingly.

    -Reason for Joining: I want ta join to commit my character to complete and overall evil, in order ta serve a higher power, and in order ta make connections in da world of evil. My primary focus will be da good of da order, and nothing but dat, with a side focus of further developing my character. I expect dat my character will grow with this group.

    -Evils you have committed: I'v been jailed twice for been accused of being an assassain and Iv been jailed for trespassing in the guards house.

    -References for Evils Done: (Optional)

    -Are you a good RolePlayer and do you understand the rules of PvP: Im good at Rp and I understand the rules.

    -Do you have any connections with trusted people within a Kingdom: Yes one person, and he is called Broski.

    -Time Zone and playing Times: Easter Europe Time

    -Do you wish to have your name posted in the Guild list: Nay

  3. Minecraft User Name: CaliMkali

    Villain Character's Name: Link (Elf)

    What sort of Villain you're looking to be? What evils mentioned above will apply to you?:

    Link is no high-rolling bandit running from end to end on the King's Road day to day looking for his next prey, he only commits acts of petty crime, such as basic theft and less than occasionally, a robbery or two. He thinks of himself very highly, and has a very confident attitude when confronted with most issues or situations. link's only ambition is to be able to support his monetary life. No more. He finds crime to be a necessary doorway between poverty and living a mundane life. A notable trait of Link is that he is very brazen.

    Bullying – Link knows he is strong. When talking to others, he can tell how submissive they would be when faced with bullying or threats, and acts accordingly to get what he wants. In an example, Link might see a Human buying Iron at a store in Al'Khazar. He might then later see the same man leaving the city through the main gate. If not busy drinking booze or shouting at women, He would follow this man until he's a safe distance from the city, and in a desolate location. Link would first confront the man and ask him if he has any Iron on him. At that point, Link will at first ask the man for half of the Iron he purchased (As always asks for handouts before he steals what he wants). When the man says no, Link will draw his mighty long sword, and threaten the man with a simple "Alright, I've asked.. Now I'm demanding". Link will often agitate his victims by spitting on their shoe, slapping their cheek, and pulling their hair from behind... not necessarily in that order.

    Lying & Cheating – Mighty Link lives his own life. If he would ever decides to pursue a spouse, he would never put her happiness or satisfaction above his own. He realises that no matter how much somebody says they love him, love is not tangible and cannot be proven, and has learned not to take such risks. If his never-going-to-happen spouse requests something of Link that is unlike his character, he will of course deny her. If she leaves, Link will pursue his own ambitions of pleasure elsewhere, without any second thought or cold feeling in his stone dwarf heart. Link has also been known to occasionally run from debt, weather it be gambling dues or rent, You'll either have to arrest him or get him drunk enough to dish out the cash.

    Vengeance - Link has been wronged by many a people, and although he is not necessarily out for revenge, or to settle a score, he finds pleasure giving the middle finger to the world, as many have to him.. Metaphorically, of course.

    Theft – Money is hard to come by nowadays.. And Link hates the process of occupation. He has no patience to look for, ask for, and certainly not impress for a job. That being said, the obvious answer to his money issues would be to steal other people's hard earned Minas and belongings. It's their fault anyway, right?? Keeping it out in the open like that, what did you expect? That I wasn't going to rummage through your chest and grab your complete supply of clay and a few Gold bars?? Come on.. give me some credit, or at least hide your stuff!

    Murder – Unfortunately, that man with the Iron decided not to give it up.. And Link, confident as he is, threatened the man again "Just hand it over.. I don't want to poke around your corpse looking for it". The man should have given it to him.. Why, oh why didn't he give the iron! "Yer not taking me' precious ingutz!", He shouted. (NOTE: Actual humans do not talk like this) Link then solemnly said to the man.. "Im sorry it had to be this way, sir.. But now you must prepare to die over that Iron!" He then readies his trusty long sword and engages combat with the individual. Slightly guilty, but not much, Link finds whatever he can of value on the man, and leaves the rubbish of his belongings in a nearby chest, maybe aiding another traveler, or quite possibly returning the items to the resurrected man once he returns.

    Bio of Villain (minimum 1 paragraph):

    This is Link. He's a Dwarf. But enough about him for a while, let's talk about his parents. His father (Duggy) and mother (Denra) were never married, and, to tell the truth, only knew eachother for a short time... About two or three years, depending on which one of them you asked. They didn't plan on having a child, and Duggy knows they couldn't afford it. Along with the very, very, small amount of money his mother earned helping the local temple, Link's father worked in the mines, something that comes natural to most dwarves. However, Link's father, Duggy, hated the profession. Not that he wasn't skilled, he just had very little patience and an exorbitant fear of skeletons. Both of which traits were passed down to Link, which is one of the many reasons he hates his father.

    When Denra went into labour, she was alone in Duggy's small cottage, where she lived. She knew she was too far away from the temple to crawl for assistance, but shouted for help throughout the entire parturition, hoping, wishing, that someone might hear her. It was a very tough ordeal, as this was her first child. And unfortunately, It was also her last. Denra died from massive blood loss while giving birth, and a crying dwarven baby laid below her, covered in slime and goop.. But breathing.

    Duggy stepped through the doorway not too long later, returning with charred clothes and a black dusty body, like he did every day. He heard the small whines of Link, and rushed to find the source of the cries. His heart sunk, his stomach churned, and his head spun. Duggy, in tears, tore apart the cottage, ripping cloth from furniture, tearing holes in walls, and breaking anything you can see through. Days later, he dropped Link off at the temple, in his mother's clothes, without ever once saying a word to the new born child. Duggy has never been seen since, and is presumed dead.

    Link was taken in by the monks, he was fed, clothed, and even loved by some of them. Link believed he was one of them until he was around ten years of age. They finally told him the horrible story of what happened to his mother, and that his father has been long gone. He never forgave his father for leaving him. Typically, You'd expect Link to want to go out and find Duggy, and get some answers.. But it's the contrary, Link hoped he would never see the man, it was a very strange feeling, almost like fear. Not fear of the man, but fear of the situation, the information.. He just didn't want to deal with him at all. He wanted to live his own life now.. Get away from his home and be on his own.

    Five years later, Link bid the monks farewell, and walked north, in the direction of the clouds. He walked for days until he found signs of civilization, a few signposts. He didn't remember any of the names listed on them, as they were a foreign language to him, and did not recognize the format of the spelling.. and definitely not the pronunciation. He saw a road at the horizon, going from south to north, parallel to his course. He avoided it and kept to the north, finally stumbling upon a grand city on a mountain. He later found out the name to be Al'Khazar. He was surprised how welcomed he was in this new city, and how fast he became fond of it. This was where he would start his life.


    Describe what each trait means to your character, and relate whether or not the trait is one of their defining characteristics. Then describe how they will be acted out on a daily basis, if they are a defining characteristic.

    Deception - Link doesn't get a fix over lying to people, or fooling them into trusting him, just to betray them later. Infact, he despises people that do this.

    Pride - One of Link's biggest, if not the biggest, trait. He's very confident and very proud of himself and what he can do and has done in the past.

    Betrayal - Close to Deception, Link isn't a big fan of betrayal. However, if he sees something he wants, he will push through anybody that sees him as a friend, as long as he doesn't see them as a friend as well.

    Greed & Gluttony - Two very similar traits. Link isn't selifsh, but he isn't selfless either. He'll take what he wants, and what he thinks he will need. But he will never take all of anything.

    Sloth - I wouldn't say Link is lazy, but it is fair to say that he doesn't have the hustle or diligence to go head on at anything, unless he is is personally driven to it.

    Lust - Link has other things on his mind besides robbing people, he likes having power. He'd like to one day be able to boss people around, while still having them look up to him. But he is not at all concerned about that yet.. He first would need a stable position, not living off of loot and cheap ale.

    Hatred - Everybody has a clean slate in Link's book until they wrong him, he has no natural hatred for anybody besides his father, and shakes his head to those who hate others for impractical reasons.

    Wrath - Link can have a short fuse sometimes.. thing's that really set him off are stupid or annoying people. But other than that, He is often rational in situations and doesn't let hate or anger consume him.


    1. You are in the Grand city Al'khazar in the city square outside the keep. Quickly a noisy crowd of nobles and wealthy merchants form around you, mostly of humans, but other races as well. The crowd's loud chatter is silenced as the King walks out of the Keep, with several guards on either side of him, to address his people. The King begins to talk to the crowd about a plan of attack against the Undead. The crowd is very packed and doesn't leave a lot of space for free movement, but you are able to push through people.

    Link, although often rude to guards and advisors, shows high respect for leaders in Aegis, whether they be Human, Elven, or Slimes. Especially Slimes. Lazily, He stands where he can hear the King without being annoyed by the crowd. He listens attentively, taking mental notes incase the information proves useful later. When the address is completed, and the crowd starts to deplete, he goes on with his business.

    2. An old lady has fallen by a tree on the Kings road. She calls for your help just as you round the corner. She appears to be holding onto a bag, tucked under her arm. Upon closer inspection you notice three others around her, some armed, but all dead.

    First, like always, he looks around for others as a precaution of a possible ambush, ignoring the woman until he has surveyed his surroundings. He asks the woman the situation "The Nether is going on, woman?", he barks. He inspects the woman for wounds, from a safe distance. He can tell she is not able to move on her own, but that she also needs serious medical attention. "Are ye alone?" He asks, still looking around. "Ohhh yess, just mee!" The old lady murmers. Yeah right.. She's hiding something. Considering his options, Brutus walks up to the woman and tells her "Don't make any sudden movements, and don't talk.. I'm going to try to help." Link will investigate the wounds and, if he can, stabilize them. "I can do no more, I'm not carrying you" He turns his back to the woman and continues on his way. If he happens to run into a known medic or physician, he will alert them of the woman's location, thinking 'It's your problem now'.

    3. You're approached at your house by a man who lives not too far away. "Hey neighbor!" He says as he waves.

    Link has a natural sense of uncertainty, he often looks at a person and tries to find their bad side, the side that could cause damage to Brutus, or create problems in the future. It could be anything, Link sees this seemingly friendly man and asks himself 'What does he REALLY want?' Link greets the man, but stands his ground. "Ello' There." The man is scanned by Link, trying to find obvious flaws.. A scar, battle wounds, something to make him look not so innocent. The man then asked to enter Link's home, fat chance! "Ey' what you think yer' doin'?" Link stands upright and balances his chin. "What are you talking about, neighbor?" The man eerily asks. "Go away, you be creepy. I don't like you" Link looks at his sword leaning against the wall next to the door.


    Players who wish to play Advanced Evil or Special characters must answer the following.

    Does your character trust in himself, or does he believe his abilities are due to some other driving force? Does he boast the truth of it or suppress all hint of it?

    One of Link's main characteristics is his brazenness. He's very confident, and knows what he is capable of. If he is presented a challenge, he won't accept it if he know's he can't provide the solution. However, when Link see's something he know's he can accomplish, you better believe he jumps at it. (sometimes literally)

    Does your character trust the words or actions of others? Why and to what extent?

    Link doesn't trust strangers, but people that have done him right before are friends in his book. Although, Link, under no circumstances, would ever trust any other being with his life or property.

    What, in essence, drives your character to the evil he commits most often? Are there complications that drive him to commit others, or is it the other way around?

    Link's evil deeds are merely a side effect of him getting what he wants. When people won't deliver what he requests, or if they find the stupidity in them to wrong him, He retaliates the easiest way he can, with crime.

    Is your character a villain or an antihero? What do you think the difference is?

    Link is a petty villain. An antihero is a person or character who doesn't necessarily have the qualities of a hero. They are mostly moral heros, and act only when something NEEDS to be done in a situation, and he or she is the only person who "Does something about it".

  4. MC Name:CaliMkali

    IG Name:Randolf

    Why you wish to be a guard of Kal'Urguan: To guard the gates from sunrise to sunset also protect the king and the kingdom from bandits and the undead.

    How long have you played on this server: 6 months

    What lv. is your swordsmanship skill or If you prefer an axe((Requirement lv.10 or higher.)): Swordsmanship is level 28 and I do prefer sword.

    And you read the following rules: Aye

    You will always obey your leaders:Aye, anything they say

    You will not obuse your power:I swear on every dwarf that I wont.

    You will be kind to the other races: I will show great respect for races and their culture.


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