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Posts posted by TheeHoodieNinja

  1. hOut-Of-Character:

    Minecraft Account Name: Grushly

    Did you attend minecon and sign up at the LOTC booth?:I was at minecon but could not find the booth

    How old are you?:16

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence:Canada central

    Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?:I am a born canadian eh

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:I am a funny, smartish, and loves to play games. I am a freshman is high school but, i am not a very good speller.

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?:2 hours each weekday 10 hour weekends

    What do you know about Roleplaying? Give a definition of what it means to you.: i beat skyrim, and i loved to battle join guilds and barter with people.

    In your own Words, describe what Metagaming and Powergaming are. Is using info that your charater doesnt know, makeing your self have specail personality traits

    What do you expect this server will be like?:fun, adventures, and cool

    What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:just my friends but is was only on when he was

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?:Yes

    How did you hear about us?:PetriDaGamerNerd

    Have you voted for the Lord of the Craft on Minestatus? Which vote number were you? You Have To!

    What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?:TheGrushly


    Character Name: Steamo

    What is your Race?:Dwarf

    Biography(This should include the history of your character and his life as well as age, appearance and personality, etc.):Steamo is a steam robot that the dwarfs built to protect them when they got attacked, when he was first built something went wrong. He started to glitch out and hurt everyone in his path. the king ordered steamo to be taken apart, but steamo had already left. His creator built something in side of him to let him Eyesight, smell, hear, taste, Touch. All he wants to be is a real dwarf.

    Your characters ambitions:His wants to find a tinker to build his emotions and try to turn him into a real person

    Out in the Wilds, your character comes across a small cottage. Outside, there appears to be an elf struggling combat with two bandits. What does your character do? He exams the battle, learning the moves and when the elf is killed he goes in taking down both the banit and looting all the goods

    Your character walks up to a shop in a quiet market. "Hello, my good sir!" says the shop owner. "What may I help you with today?" How does your character answer?YES! i am looking for something speaical

    A screenshot of your

    Other Information: even tho he is a robot he is easy to destroy


  2. [4:02:40 PM] Davis Romman: Minecraft account Name: TheeHoodieNinja

    Age: 15

    Canada, Pacific Standard Time

    Grammar: I take it in school and can speak it great, not the best speller but you could understand me easily

    I am smart and to my friends one of the most trustworthy person ever. I have a great imagination and would rather take the path less traveled by. Im the type of person who will spend hours on a game and lucky for me this server seems like it up 24/7 no lag which is awsome and its rp woop.And i have alot of friends who play minecraft and once i see if this server is as awsome as it looks ill tell them about it which will probablly hapen soon.

    Time on Server: 2 hours when school's on. Up to 5 hours daily on weekends and Summer days.

    I've played minecraft since 1.5, about 5 to 6 months ago

    I haven't done any other roleplay just because I couldn't find a good server. I know to always stay in character and act like he should, obaying your leaders orders and just having fun acting, doing things for your race.

    Expectations: I expect this server to just be fun, with all the diffrent races, and cities, people will really get into it, the role playing following the rules and just make it like your really there, living a fantasy dream.

    Other Servers: I've only played on private ones with my friends and I left them because my friends just didnt play anymore.

    Rules: I've read them all, and there just like every other server's rules, there to make it fun and enjoyable.

    The 4 Races: The main ones are Elves, Dwarves, Humans, and Orcs, plus the guilds

    How I heard: Through friends who all wanted to meet and join on

    Vote: Ya, You had to??

    Favorite Law: No Griefing, because I hate when hard work, and time is destroyed

    Least Favorite Law: I don't have one, there isn't really a unlogical law, there all reasonable to make the game fun.

    My Lord of Craft Name is: TheeHoodieNinja

    In Character

    Name: Davis

    Race: Elf


    Born into thy great elvish city of Laurelin, Davis' to 2 elvish parents where a pround to have their first child. His father was a greatest blacksmith among the lands, crafting magic into his work. Thys mother tended to the crops and farms, singing to them and weaving them to full crops. Davis grew up and went to school, like all thee other childs that could afford it, however Davis was smart and this did not gain acceptence with his peers. One fort night, in thees school, he came forth to try many diffrent jobs, but at none he could exceed. He kept squishing the crops while farming, bringing havock upon other jobs and lacked the thought of skill, which was promised with his fathers job in thee forge. Thow brought shame upon his family, casting them far from the safe of the keep. Upon returning to school he was casted even further with thows peers and thows family. Davis as a child, vowed to regain his family's fame. While walking to the farms a fortnight later, he came upon a bow and an arrow just laying on the groung. Amazed, he picked it up and in one motion he aimed at a hanging apple and shot the arrow into it's core. From behind, thee guards master came forth to thee and asked him to join the guard, deadicating his life to serving with a bow. Davis, standing in wonder came to thee mans front, reached to his fore arm and took hold of it firmly, and thee legend of Bryce came upon.

    Age: 97, still a youngling

    Apperence: An average hight, and pale white skin with blond hair that flowed to his eyes and over his ears. He wear's a bow and arrow on his back with an axe on him: his weapon of choice for close combat. He has blue eyes and is very skinny.

    Personality: Smart, loyal, honest and caring. However he will do anything for power and dreams of it in his sleep.

    Goals: To become a known bowsmans throughout the land. Also to move up the chain of power in the elves politics and become a High Prince.

    As he went to school he can read and write very well.

    He will mine if needed, however he is not the strongest and can not mine for a long time. In his quest for power he will mine once and a while in the hope for diamonds and gold.

    He is a pretty good builder and has the patience for it. He will do it willingly and will always strive to make better creations, alone or togeather.

    His wepon of choice is a bow, and second an axe, but he will fight for his race, given a sword with all his might

    As his mother is a farmer he is pretty good at it, however he often wishs to do somthing else. When needed he will help.

    He is amazing with a bow and at figuring out problems.

    For the skin http://www.planetmin...n/wood-elf-452/

    Great Server, Best RPG out there


  3. [4:02:40 PM] Davis Romman: Minecraft account Name: TheeHoodieNinja

    Age: 15

    Canada, Pacific Standard Time

    Grammar: I take it in school and can speak it great, not the best speller but you could understand me easily

    I am smart and to my friends one of the most trustworthy person ever. I have a great imagination and would rather take the path less traveled by. Im the type of person who will spend hours on a game and lucky for me this server seems like it up 24/7 no lag which is awsome and its rp woop.And i have alot of friends who play minecraft and once i see if this server is as awsome as it looks ill tell them about it which will probablly hapen soon.

    Time on Server: 2 hours when school's on. Up to 5 hours daily on weekends and Summer days.

    I've played minecraft since 1.5, about 5 to 6 months ago

    I haven't done any other roleplay just because I couldn't find a good server. I know to always stay in character and act like he should, obaying your leaders orders and just having fun acting, doing things for your race.

    Expectations: I expect this server to just be fun, with all the diffrent races, and cities, people will really get into it, the role playing following the rules and just make it like your really there, living a fantasy dream.

    Other Servers: I've only played on private ones with my friends and I left them because my friends just didnt play anymore.

    Rules: I've read them all, and there just like every other server's rules, there to make it fun and enjoyable.

    The 4 Races: The main ones are Elves, Dwarves, Humans, and Orcs, plus the guilds

    How I heard: Through friends who all wanted to meet and join on

    Vote: Ya, You had to??

    Favorite Law: No Griefing, because I hate when hard work, and time is destroyed

    Least Favorite Law: I don't have one, there isn't really a unlogical law, there all reasonable to make the game fun.

    My Lord of Craft Name is: TheeHoodieNinja

    In Character

    Name: Davis

    Race: Elf


    Born into thy great elvish city of Laurelin, Davis' to 2 elvish parents where a pround to have their first child. His father was a greatest blacksmith among the lands, crafting magic into his work. Thys mother tended to the crops and farms, singing to them and weaving them to full crops. Davis grew up and went to school, like all thee other childs that could afford it, however Davis was smart and this did not gain acceptence with his peers. One fort night, in thees school, he came forth to try many diffrent jobs, but at none he could exceed. He kept squishing the crops while farming, bringing havock upon other jobs and lacked the thought of skill, which was promised with his fathers job in thee forge. Thow brought shame upon his family, casting them far from the safe of the keep. Upon returning to school he was casted even further with thows peers and thows family. Davis as a child, vowed to regain his family's fame. While walking to the farms a fortnight later, he came upon a bow and an arrow just laying on the groung. Amazed, he picked it up and in one motion he aimed at a hanging apple and shot the arrow into it's core. From behind, thee guards master came forth to thee and asked him to join the guard, deadicating his life to serving with a bow. Davis, standing in wonder came to thee mans front, reached to his fore arm and took hold of it firmly, and thee legend of Bryce came upon.

    Age: 97, still a youngling

    Apperence: An average hight, and pale white skin with blond hair that flowed to his eyes and over his ears. He wear's a bow and arrow on his back with an axe on him: his weapon of choice for close combat. He has blue eyes and is very skinny.

    Personality: Smart, loyal, honest and caring. However he will do anything for power and dreams of it in his sleep.

    Goals: To become a known bowsmans throughout the land. Also to move up the chain of power in the elves politics and become a High Prince.

    As he went to school he can read and write very well.

    He will mine if needed, however he is not the strongest and can not mine for a long time. In his quest for power he will mine once and a while in the hope for diamonds and gold.

    He is a pretty good builder and has the patience for it. He will do it willingly and will always strive to make better creations, alone or togeather.

    His wepon of choice is a bow, and second an axe, but he will fight for his race, given a sword with all his might

    As his mother is a farmer he is pretty good at it, however he often wishs to do somthing else. When needed he will help.

    He is amazing with a bow and at figuring out problems.

    For the skin http://www.planetmin...n/wood-elf-452/

    Great Server, Best RPG out there

  4. [4:02:40 PM] Davis Romman: Minecraft account Name: TheeHoodieNinja

    Age: 15

    Canada, Pacific Standard Time

    Grammar: I take it in school and can speak it great, not the best speller but you could understand me easily

    I am smart and to my friends one of the most trustworthy person ever. I have a great imagination and would rather take the path less traveled by. Im the type of person who will spend hours on a game and lucky for me this server seems like it up 24/7 no lag which is awsome and its rp woop.And i have alot of friends who play minecraft and once i see if this server is as awsome as it looks ill tell them about it which will probablly hapen soon.

    Time on Server: 2 hours when school's on. Up to 5 hours daily on weekends and Summer days.

    I've played minecraft since 1.5, about 5 to 6 months ago

    I haven't done any other roleplay just because I couldn't find a good server. I know to always stay in character and act like he should, obaying your leaders orders and just having fun acting, doing things for your race.

    Expectations: I expect this server to just be fun, with all the diffrent races, and cities, people will really get into it, the role playing following the rules and just make it like your really there, living a fantasy dream.

    Other Servers: I've only played on private ones with my friends and I left them because my friends just didnt play anymore.

    Rules: I've read them all, and there just like every other server's rules, there to make it fun and enjoyable.

    The 4 Races: The main ones are Elves, Dwarves, Humans, and Orcs, plus the guilds

    How I heard: Through friends who all wanted to meet and join on

    Vote: Ya, You had to??

    Favorite Law: No Griefing, because I hate when hard work, and time is destroyed

    Least Favorite Law: I don't have one, there isn't really a unlogical law, there all reasonable to make the game fun.

    My Lord of Craft Name is: TheeHoodieNinja

    In Character

    Name: Davis

    Race: Elf


    Born into thy great elvish city of Laurelin, Davis' to 2 elvish parents where a pround to have their first child. His father was a greatest blacksmith among the lands, crafting magic into his work. Thys mother tended to the crops and farms, singing to them and weaving them to full crops. Davis grew up and went to school, like all thee other childs that could afford it, however Davis was smart and this did not gain acceptence with his peers. One fort night, in thees school, he came forth to try many diffrent jobs, but at none he could exceed. He kept squishing the crops while farming, bringing havock upon other jobs and lacked the thought of skill, which was promised with his fathers job in thee forge. Thow brought shame upon his family, casting them far from the safe of the keep. Upon returning to school he was casted even further with thows peers and thows family. Davis as a child, vowed to regain his family's fame. While walking to the farms a fortnight later, he came upon a bow and an arrow just laying on the groung. Amazed, he picked it up and in one motion he aimed at a hanging apple and shot the arrow into it's core. From behind, thee guards master came forth to thee and asked him to join the guard, deadicating his life to serving with a bow. Davis, standing in wonder came to thee mans front, reached to his fore arm and took hold of it firmly, and thee legend of Bryce came upon.

    Age: 97, still a youngling

    Apperence: An average hight, and pale white skin with blond hair that flowed to his eyes and over his ears. He wear's a bow and arrow on his back with an axe on him: his weapon of choice for close combat. He has blue eyes and is very skinny.

    Personality: Smart, loyal, honest and caring. However he will do anything for power and dreams of it in his sleep.

    Goals: To become a known bowsmans throughout the land. Also to move up the chain of power in the elves politics and become a High Prince.

    As he went to school he can read and write very well.

    He will mine if needed, however he is not the strongest and can not mine for a long time. In his quest for power he will mine once and a while in the hope for diamonds and gold.

    He is a pretty good builder and has the patience for it. He will do it willingly and will always strive to make better creations, alone or togeather.

    His wepon of choice is a bow, and second an axe, but he will fight for his race, given a sword with all his might

    As his mother is a farmer he is pretty good at it, however he often wishs to do somthing else. When needed he will help.

    He is amazing with a bow and at figuring out problems.

    For the skin http://www.planetmin...n/wood-elf-452/

    Great Server, Best RPG out there

  5. [4:02:40 PM] Davis Romman: Minecraft account Name: TheeHoodieNinja

    Age: 15

    Canada, Pacific Standard Time

    Grammar: I take it in school and can speak it great, not the best speller but you could understand me easily

    I am smart and to my friends one of the most trustworthy person ever. I have a great imagination and would rather take the path less traveled by.

    Time on Server: 2 hours when school's on. Up to 5 hours daily on weekends and Summer days.

    I've played minecraft since 1.5, about 5 to 6 months ago

    I haven't done any other roleplay just because I couldn't find a good server. I know to always stay in character and act like he should, obaying your leaders orders and just having fun acting, doing things for your race.

    Expectations: I expect this server to just be fun, with all the diffrent races, and cities, people will really get into it, the role playing following the rules and just make it like your really there, living a fantasy dream.

    Other Servers: I've only played on private ones with my friends and I left them because my friends just didnt play anymore.

    Rules: I've read them all, and there just like every other server's rules, there to make it fun and enjoyable.

    The 4 Races: The main ones are Elves, Dwarves, Humans, and Orcs, plus the guilds

    How I heard: Through friends who all wanted to meet and join on

    Vote: Ya, You had to??

    Favorite Law: No Griefing, because I hate when hard work, and time is destroyed

    Least Favorite Law: I don't have one, there isn't really a unlogical law, there all reasonable to make the game fun.

    My Lord of Craft Name is: TheeHoodieNinja

    In Character

    Name: Davis

    Race: Elf


    Born into thy great elvish city of Laurelin, Davis' to 2 elvish parents where a pround to have their first child. His father was a greatest blacksmith among the lands, crafting magic into his work. Thys mother tended to the crops and farms, singing to them and weaving them to full crops. Davis grew up and went to school, like all thee other childs that could afford it, however Davis was smart and this did not gain acceptence with his peers. One fort night, in thees school, he came forth to try many diffrent jobs, but at none he could exceed. He kept squishing the crops while farming, bringing havock upon other jobs and lacked the thought of skill, which was promised with his fathers job in thee forge. Thow brought shame upon his family, casting them far from the safe of the keep. Upon returning to school he was casted even further with thows peers and thows family. Davis as a child, vowed to regain his family's fame. While walking to the farms a fortnight later, he came upon a bow and an arrow just laying on the groung. Amazed, he picked it up and in one motion he aimed at a hanging apple and shot the arrow into it's core. From behind, thee guards master came forth to thee and asked him to join the guard, deadicating his life to serving with a bow. Davis, standing in wonder came to thee mans front, reached to his fore arm and took hold of it firmly, and thee legend of Bryce came upon.

    Age: 97, still a youngling

    Apperence: An average hight, and pale white skin with blond hair that flowed to his eyes and over his ears. He wear's a bow and arrow on his back with an axe on him: his weapon of choice for close combat. He has blue eyes and is very skinny.

    Personality: Smart, loyal, honest and caring. However he will do anything for power and dreams of it in his sleep.

    Goals: To become a known bowsmans throughout the land. Also to move up the chain of power in the elves politics and become a High Prince.

    As he went to school he can read and write very well.

    He will mine if needed, however he is not the strongest and can not mine for a long time. In his quest for power he will mine once and a while in the hope for diamonds and gold.

    He is a pretty good builder and has the patience for it. He will do it willingly and will always strive to make better creations, alone or togeather.

    His wepon of choice is a bow, and second an axe, but he will fight for his race, given a sword with all his might

    As his mother is a farmer he is pretty good at it, however he often wishs to do somthing else. When needed he will help.

    He is amazing with a bow and at figuring out problems.

    For the skin http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/wood-elf-452/

    Great Server, Best RPG out there

  6. [4:02:40 PM] Davis Romman: Minecraft account Name: TheeHoodieNinja

    Age: 15

    Canada, Pacific Standard Time

    Grammar: I take it in school and can speak it great, not the best speller but you could understand me easily

    I am smart and to my friends one of the most trustworthy person ever. I have a great imagination and would rather take the path less traveled by.

    Time on Server: 2 hours when school's on. Up to 5 hours daily on weekends and Summer days.

    I've played minecraft since 1.5, about 5 to 6 months ago

    I haven't done any other roleplay just because I couldn't find a good server. I know to always stay in character and act like he should, obaying your leaders orders and just having fun acting, doing things for your race.

    Expectations: I expect this server to just be fun, with all the diffrent races, and cities, people will really get into it, the role playing following the rules and just make it like your really there, living a fantasy dream.

    Other Servers: I've only played on private ones with my friends and I left them because my friends just didnt play anymore.

    Rules: I've read them all, and there just like every other server's rules, there to make it fun and enjoyable.

    The 4 Races: The main ones are Elves, Dwarves, Humans, and Orcs, plus the guilds

    How I heard: Through friends who all wanted to meet and join on

    Vote: Ya, You had to??

    Favorite Law: No Griefing, because I hate when hard work, and time is destroyed

    Least Favorite Law: I don't have one, there isn't really a unlogical law, there all reasonable to make the game fun.

    My Lord of Craft Name is: TheeHoodieNinja

    In Character

    Name: Davis

    Race: Elf


    Born into thy great elvish city of Laurelin, Bryce's to 2 elvish parents where a pround to have their first child. His father was a greatest blacksmith among the lands, crafting magic into his work. Thys mother tended to the crops and farms, singing to them and weaving them to full crops. Bryce grew up and went to school, like all thee other childs that could afford it, however Bryce was smart and this did not gain acceptence with his peers. One fort night, in thees school, he came forth to try many diffrent jobs, but at none he could exceed. He kept squishing the crops while farming, bringing havock upon other jobs and lacked the thought of skill, which was promised with his fathers job in thee forge. Thow brought shame upon his family, casting them far from the safe of the keep. Upon returning to school he was casted even further with thows peers and thows family. Bryce as a child, vowed to regain his family's fame. While walking to the farms a fortnight later, he came upon a bow and an arrow just laying on the groung. Amazed, he picked it up and in one motion he aimed at a hanging apple and shot the arrow into it's core. From behind, thee guards master came forth to thee and asked him to join the guard, deadicating his life to serving with a bow. Bryce, standing in wonder came to thee mans front, reached to his fore arm and took hold of it firmly, and thee legend of Bryce came upon.

    Age: 97, still a youngling

    Apperence: An average hight, and pale white skin with blond hair that flowed to his eyes and over his ears. He wear's a bow and arrow on his back with an axe on him: his weapon of choice for close combat. He has blue eyes and is very skinny.

    Personality: Smart, loyal, honest and caring. However he will do anything for power and dreams of it in his sleep.

    Goals: To become a known bowsmans throughout the land. Also to move up the chain of power in the elves politics and become a High Prince.

    As he went to school he can read and write very well.

    He will mine if needed, however he is not the strongest and can not mine for a long time. In his quest for power he will mine once and a while in the hope for diamonds and gold.

    He is a pretty good builder and has the patience for it. He will do it willingly and will always strive to make better creations, alone or togeather.

    His wepon of choice is a bow, and second an axe, but he will fight for his race, given a sword with all his might

    As his mother is a farmer he is pretty good at it, however he often wishs to do somthing else. When needed he will help.

    He is amazing with a bow and at figuring out problems.

    Your recomended skins: the wooded elf: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/82 ... 25103.png/

    Great Server, Best RPG out there

  7. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name:

    -How old are you?: 15

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: canada central

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: yes

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I am a male i love to play video games, minecraft is one of my favorite games. I like playing role playing games, my favorite food is tacos

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?: after school 4-5 hours weekends 18 hours :)

    -How long have you played minecraft?: alpha

    -What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?: i did play dragon age, dragon age 2, and obliven. I know who to play and i know how to act/talk

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: Fun

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:none

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules? What about the lore?: I have read the lore and yes i agree

    -Name the 4 races on this server. elf human dwarf orc

    -How did you hear about us?: bryce141 patato12

    -Did you vote?: yes

    -What was your favourite Law?: none the make the game fair and fun

    -What was your least favourite Law?: none really some are ok and the others are great

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name? TheeHoodieNinja


    -Character Name: Davis

    -What is your Race?: Elf

    -Lordofthecraft.net/forum forum account: TheeHoodieninja

    -Biography: He has been abannond and left out in the woods to try and survive, until a human found him and took him in and took care of him know he wants to help out other elfs

    -Character Age: 24

    -Character Appearance: short blonde hair wears a silver breast plate and has golden gloves

    -Character Personality: brave, noble,

    -Your ambitions: to have fun and meet other people and to play loc

    -Can your character read or write?: neither

    -Can your character mine?: yes

    -Are you a capable builder? yes

    -Can you wield a sword?: yes

    -Enjoy Farming?: yes

    -Does your character have any special skills?:] he can take a hit, but he cant run fast

    -A screenshot of your skin: my computer is stupid ang wont do that

    -Other Information: none

  8. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name: TheeHoodieNinja

    -How old are you?: 13

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: Central

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: Yes

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: i like to play role playing games i play red dragon. I know what to do and i love to play minecraft i would play it all day if i could. I can be trusted i dont like to swear and i dont rage.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?: 2 hours a day more on weekends

    -How long have you played minecraft?: Alpha

    -What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?: None

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: I expect it to be a fun server that i can play with other people and do what i like to do witch is role playing and minecraft.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: Just my friends smp

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules? What about the lore?: Yes

    -Name the 4 races on this server. Dwarf elf human Orc

    -How did you hear about us?: Bryce141 one of my friends

    -Did you vote?: Yes

    -What was your favourite Law?: all of them becasuse they make the game fun

    -What was your least favourite Law?: none at all

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name? TheeHoodieNinja


    -Character Name: Davis

    -What is your Race?: Elf

    -Lordofthecraft.net/forum forum account: TheeHoodieNinja

    -Biography: davis has been a orphan for years. He grew up in the forest and didn't trust anyone. He wants to be one of the kings guards

    -Character Age: 14

    -Character Appearance: Short Brownish blondeish hair wears a white mask and white cloths to hide all his scars

    -Character Personality: Brave

    -Your ambitions: To have fun and play the game.

    -Can your character read or write?: he can read

    -Can your character mine?: yes

  9. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name: TheeHoodieNinja

    -How old are you?: 13

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: Central

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: Yes

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: i like to play role playing games i play red dragon. I know what to do and i love to play minecraft i would play it all day if i could. I can be trusted i dont like to swear and i dont rage.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?: 2 hours a day more on weekends

    -How long have you played minecraft?: Alpha

    -What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?: None

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: I expect it to be a fun server that i can play with other people and do what i like to do witch is role playing and minecraft.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: Just my friends smp

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules? What about the lore?: Yes

    -Name the 4 races on this server. Dwarf elf human Orc

    -How did you hear about us?: Bryce141 one of my friends

    -Did you vote?: Yes

    -What was your favourite Law?: all of them becasuse they make the game fun

    -What was your least favourite Law?: none at all

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name? TheeHoodieNinja


    -Character Name: Davis

    -What is your Race?: Elf

    -Lordofthecraft.net/forum forum account: TheeHoodieNinja

    -Biography: davis has been a orphan for years. He grew up in the forest and didn't trust anyone. He wants to be one of the kings guards

    -Character Age: 14

    -Character Appearance: Short Brownish blondeish hair wears a white mask and white cloths to hide all his scars

    -Character Personality: Brave

    -Your ambitions: To have fun and play the game.

    -Can your character read or write?: he can read

    -Can your character mine?: yes

    -Are you a capable builder? yes

    -Can you wield a sword?: yes

    -Enjoy Farming?: its ok

    -Does your character have any special skills?:] no

    -A screenshot of your skin: Dont know how

    -Other Information: None at all

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