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Wrathor Gilgamech

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Posts posted by Wrathor Gilgamech

  1. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name:Ethan720

    -How old are you?:13

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence:Central Time, United States

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?:English is my first and only language.

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:I'm just your average joe. I enjoy playing games in which you have lots of creative freedom or can play with friends. I can only play in afternoons because of school. I generally try to be nice and helpful to everyone, and ignore people who are ugly or disrespectful to others.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?:7-10 hours, sometimes more, a week.

    -How long have you played minecraft?:I have played for about 2 months.

    -What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?:I have played roleplaying for maybe two years. I used to be on a World of Warcraft server that did roleplaying. It was a very fun experience to be part of a group of people online.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?:I expect it to be a fun environment that is somewhat laid back but sometime serious, and rules taken very seriously. I look forward to playing in the political systems, because that is more serious and realistic than I have ever played before. I expect and hope people on the server are helpful and friendly except for in-game reasons.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:I have not played on any other servers because I didn't think most of them were worth it.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules? What about the lore?:I have read all the rules and understand them. I have read the Lore, but will go over them one or two more times to make sure I know what i'm talking about.

    -Name the 4 races on this server. Humans, Orcs, Dwarves, and Elves are the four races on the server.

    -How did you hear about us?:I was told about you by my friend who plays on this server. His minecraft name is Vicentee

    -Did you vote?:Yes I voted for the server.

    -What was your favourite Law?:My favorite laws are tied and they are the anti griefing law within cities, and the no "1337" speak.

    -What was your least favourite Law?:I don't really disagree with any. They seem fair.

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name? Wrathor Gilgamech


    -Character Name:Blissken

    -What is your Race?:Elf

    -Lordofthecraft.net/forum forum account:Wrathor Gilgamech

    -Biography:Blissken was born in a far northwestern area of Aegis. As a child, his parents taught him to work hard, and to be very well mannered. Even as a young boy he showed intellectual promise. Then, when he was 20, a band of criminal Orcs robbed his home, and killed his two brothers, his mother and his father. The only reason he survived is because he was out farming that afternoon. He felt remorse and guilt, and was more mad at himself than the Orcs. Since there was nothing left at home for him, he traveled southward to the Elven kingdom of his relatives. It took him two years to get there, as this was a trip of thousands of miles. Once in Laurelin, he told himself he would join politics, and make the Elves better than the Orcs. This is why he aspires to do good, and be a part of the Elf Kingdom. Blissken strives to make the Holy Princedom of Malinor greater than it has ever been, and Greater than any others have been.

    -Character Age:22

    -Character Appearance:Tall, with blonde hair (on the darker side of blonde), with pale skin and focused, knowing eyes.

    -Character Personality:Very wise and focused. Must always be working. Very social, and not afraid to speak my mind. Very knowledgeable.

    -Your ambitions:To better society for others.

    -Can your character read or write?:My character is a very good writer and reader, as he strives to be in government.

    -Can your character mine?:My character can mine if the need calls, cut would rather not. He prefers other matters.

    -Are you a capable builder?I am capable, however I lack the creative insight of a great architect.

    -Can you wield a sword?:I am a skillful fighter, who will do anything for my nation in times of war.

    -Enjoy Farming?:Farming is one of my favorite hobbies and pass times.

    -Does your character have any special skills?:I am very good at using and making redstone mechanisms, especially for farming. I am also great at making large scale and automated farms of all types, especially mushrooms.]

    -A screenshot of your skin:In the attachments.

    -Other Information:Can't think of anything.


  2. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name:Ethan720

    -How old are you?:13

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence:Central Time, United States

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?:English is my first and only language.

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:I'm just your average joe. I enjoy playing games in which you have lots of creative freedom or can play with friends. I can only play in afternoons because of school. I generally try to be nice and helpful to everyone, and ignore people who are ugly or disrespectful to others.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?:6-8 hours a week.

    -How long have you played minecraft?:I have played for about 2 months.

    -What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?:I have played roleplaying for maybe two years. I used to be on a World of Warcraft server that did roleplaying. It was a very fun experience to be part of a group of people online.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?:I expect it to be a fun environment that is somewhat laid back but sometime serious, and rules taken very seriously. I look forward to playing in the political systems, because that is more serious and realistic than I have ever played before. I expect and hope people on the server are helpful and friendly except for in-game reasons.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:I have not played on any other servers because I didn't think most of them were worth it.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules? What about the lore?:I have read all the rules and understand them. I have read the Lore, but will go over them one or two more times to make sure I know what i'm talking about.

    -Name the 4 races on this server. Humans, Orcs, Dwarves, and Elves are the four races on the server.

    -How did you hear about us?:I was told about you by my friend who plays on this server. His minecraft name is Vicentee

    -Did you vote?:Yes I voted for the server.

    -What was your favourite Law?:My favorite laws are tied and they are the anti griefing law within cities, and the no "1337" speak.

    -What was your least favourite Law?:I don't really disagree with any. They seem fair.

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name? Wrathor Gilgamech


    -Character Name:Gilgamech

    -What is your Race?:Elf

    -Lordofthecraft.net/forum forum account:Wrathor Gilgamech

    -Biography:I am a usually peaceful person who wants to make an impact on my people. I want to be in politics or be in some way beneficial to society. I strive to have political power, but only to better things. In hardship I care for others, and try to be a leader. If war were to arise, I would first try to find a diplomatic solution, and if that failed I would do my best to protect my people. I like to think of myself as a good person. My main goal in life is to play an important roll in keeping things running smoothly.

    -Character Age:26

    -Character Appearance:Tall, with blonde hair (on the darker side of blonde), with pale skin and focused, knowing eyes.

    -Character Personality:Very wise and focused. Must always be working. Very social, and not afraid to speak my mind. Very knowledgeable.

    -Your ambitions:To better society for others.

    -Can your character read or write?:My character is a very good writer and reader, as he strives to be in government.

    -Can your character mine?:My character can mine if the need calls, cut would rather not. He prefers other matters.

    -Are you a capable builder?I am capable, however I lack the creative insight of a great architect.

    -Can you wield a sword?:I am a skillful fighter, who will do anything for my nation in times of war.

    -Enjoy Farming?:Farming is one of my favorite hobbies and pass times.

    -Does your character have any special skills?:I am very good at farming mushrooms above ground and in the normal world (outside the nether).]

    -A screenshot of your skin:In the attachements.

    -Other Information:Can't think of anything.


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