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Posts posted by Fryke

  1. Out-Of-Character

    Minecraft Account Name: Frike

    How old are you?: 17

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence: Pacific Standard Time/U.S.A.

    Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: Yes

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: An avid gamer that enjoys RPGs, Minecraft, and anything building-oriented. I play to have fun. Winning and losing are pleasant surprises.

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?: Depends on how into-it I get. If I love it, probably a good 21 hours in a 7-day week. If I don’t like it, probably 1/3 of that.

    How long have you played minecraft?: At least 3 months now.

    What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?: I know what roleplaying is and how to navigate it. I have played numerous MMORPGs, but they have only lasted about a week each. The longest RPG I have played is DnD. I played that for a good 3 years, but recently my dungeon master stopped playing, so I’ve been looking for another RPG to play.

    What do you expect this server will be like?: I assume it will mostly be completely protected, with little sandbox-like areas to mess with. There will be a great number of players bent on killing everyone they find, thus making it difficult to live in peace. But for the most part, I hope it to suit my idea of an RPG.

    What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: I’ve pretty much test almost every other server out there, either to be disappointed with the worlds being completely destroyed or completely protected

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules? What about the lore?: I am familiar with the rules, but I have a limited understand of the lore.

    Name the 4 races on this server.: Humans, Elves, Orks, and Dwarves.

    How did you hear about us?: A friend of mine plays on the server. He told me about it and I figured that I would give it a shot.

    Did you vote?: Yes

    What was your favourite Law?: You must use the server character skins

    What was your least favourite Law?: That we need to always stay in character.

    What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?: Fryke


    Character Name: Frike

    What is your Race?: Human

    Lordofthecraft.net/forum account: Fryke


    Throughout his childhood, Fryke was told stories of a group of bandits who roamed the nearby desert, taking people for purposes unknown. Due to no evidence, Fryke had no strong belief in these stories, and thus ventured into the desert on various excursions with no fear for many years.

    192 days after his 17th birthday, Frike was on one of these excursions, searching for anything of interest. Little did he know that this would be the day that the stories would be confirmed. Seemingly to come out of the sand itself, 7 of these desert warriors attacked, knocking him unconscious in the resulting fight. When Frike awoke, he was in some prison cell, stripped of his belongings. He did not see another soul for several days, only silence was his companion. Three days went by, and when he was on the brink of starvation, someone came to the door of his cell and slid food and water through a small opening near the floor. For another three days Frike saw no one, and then we was given food and water. Not a word was ever spoken.

    This continued for three years. Frike managed to stay alive by rationing and adapting to his situation. 54 days after his third year in the prison, Frike devised an escape plan as he had discovered a weakness in his cell door. He then took the next 5 weeks gathering the necessary materials from his meals to enact his daring plan. On the 92nd day of his fourth year in the prison, he escaped the cell and incapacitated the one who brought his meal. Taking his captor’s outfit, he proceeded to find a way out. Surprised was he to find that he was in fact under the desert sand, with an impossible maze of corridors between him and the surface. For 2 days Frike wandered the passages, trying to find a way out. On the third day, Frike turned a corner to find himself face to face with three of his captors, all dawn with the orange garments that seemed to be their uniform of sorts. After a bloody fight, Frike managed to kill all three, but was severely hurt. On the 4th day Frike managed to escape.

    Later did he learn that one of the three he had killed was the bandit’s leader. Out for revenge, they dispersed throughout the region, looking for the man who had slain their commander. Their search brought them to Frike’s hometown, which due to their rage, was completely destroyed. Left with nowhere to go and a group of revenge-bent bandits searching for him, Frike departed on a journey to explore the rest of the world, armed with the orange suit of his captors and the skills he had learned in his prison cell. And thus started Frike’s eternal expedition.

    Character Age: 29 years.

    Character Appearance: To hide his appearance, Fryke dawned a dark orange full-body outfit. Salvaged from his captors, it gives him needed camouflage and mobility to stay alive.

    Character Personality: A loner and a wanderer. Slow to anger and slow to forgive. Can think on his feet. Does not trust anyone outright, but will work in conjunction if it proves to benefit him. If needed, will take advantage of others for his own gain.

    Your ambitions: To survive and prosper, without settling down. As doing so has hurt him in the past, Fryke has developed a need for constant travel, becoming a wanderer. Now he wishes to only explore and survive. Rumor has it that he has an alternate agenda, but there is no evidence to confirm it.

    Can your character read or write?: When it suits his needs, yes.

    Can your character mine?: Through personal experience, Fryke has learned that one of the safest places to be on the planet is under the ground. Thus he is an adept miner.

    Are you a capable builder?: As traveling does not permit one to settle down, Fryke has developed the skills needed to create a shelter quickly and efficiently.

    Can you wield a sword?: There are many evils in the world and a sword is tool to protect oneself from said evils. Fryke has learned this the hard way, and thus always carries a sword by his side.

    Enjoy Farming?: Due to his wanderings, Fryke does not have the time nor skill to farm.

    Does your character have any special skills?: Very limited Foresight ability. In essence it is only enough to provide a warning when danger comes. This

    allows him to see 4-5 seconds in the future when he comes under threat.

    A screenshot of your skin:


    Other Information: As an outcome of his prolonged solitude in his cell, Frike has built up the ability to survive without food and water for 5 days and to remain literally silent with any action he may perform.

    I do hope that I get accepted. Either way, thank your for your time and consideration.

    Live long and prosper,


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