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Posts posted by DeadCthulhu

  1. A dark elf sits on the pier with his pole in hand. His pant legs rolled up, and worn boots beside him. Everyday at dusk he picks up his basket overflowing with fish, and walks out of town. Curious about the method that yields so much bounty from the sea you approach the stranger and strike up a conversation...

  2. Modified.

    I changed the part about him being "unable" to kill it. Though if The Creator could kill Iblees then why didn't he? If something is truly immortal then it simply cannot be killed.

    I plan on donating as soon as I'm able. having some money troubles at the moment, but hopefully they will be worked out soon. If I'm unable to I would greatly appreciate a donor helping me build a protected city at the bottom of the ocean in the new world.

  3. That's the thing I never actually said I worship Iblees. He just took what I said out of context, and applied his out of game knowledge to what I was talking about. It wasn't really metagaming, but it was almost borderline. He basically attacked a crazy old man in front of the capital for "thinking" he was a worshipper of Iblees. Which is fine in RP sense, but not from a in game legal standpoint.

  4. By the will of The Creator Aegis had formed in an instant. As the magma cooled and the seas stopped boiling primitive life began to emerge. undetectable by mortal eyes these creatures huddled around volcanic vents. There they thrived, multiplied, and adapted to this strange new world.


    New species were born and migrated into the cold vast darkness of the sea. Of these new creations the Krakeshut were the most advanced predators. Similar to the Squid except much more aggressive, and highly intelligent. This peculiar species with 8 sucker covered tentacles, two large eyes, and a powerful beak ruled the seas wiping out entire species with their insatiable appetites.

    The Creator took pity on the other creatures of the sea and ordered the Aenguls to put an end to the great race of Krakeshut. They were hunted ruthlessly by the immortals, but Iblees respected the noble lords of the sea and begged The Creator to spare just one Krakeshut. The Creator granted the request, but this was not enough for Iblees. In an act of defiance Iblees fed the creature of his flesh granting it eternal life. Many Millenia passed and the last Krakeshut grew to gargantuan size. The insatiable hunger was now threatening all life in the ocean and any sailing vessel that crossed it's path was dragged down into the murky depths.


    The Creator placed a curse upon Krakeshut causing her to fall into a deep slumber. Iblees was outraged by the loss of his favored pet, and recorded the ritual that would awaken the slumbering behemoth onto tablets of bedrock. The tablets were taken to an island temple of Iblees.

    To prevent the awakening of the beast the Creator sunk the entire island killing all of it's inhabitants except for one Temple guardian who managed to escape. He passed down the knowledge of the stone tablets and the Order of the Deep One was established to seek out the sunken city, and revive the last remaining Krakeshut.


  5. I have seen giant zombies on other servers before but unless it's a GM event I wouldn't want them just popping up all over.

    Consider it dropped, and I am in the process of a name change, but I DO NOT think a GM should insult my guild in front of everyone, I am not creating a new race, it is a simple character choice that you make to your character that makes him thirst for blood. As others said, it is cannibalism, with a twist.

    Since you want to keep on about it in my thread I guess I will comment. I think it's the fact that you are still calling them Vampires. There is no such thing as Vampires therefore there is no such disease that could make you think you are a Vampire. It's forbidden knowledge IE Metagaming. I thin if you just sat down for a bit you could come up with a better name for your ailment. I will suggest one... "Bloodthirst". It's simple and to the point. Now out of my Guild post unless you are here to talk about squid.

  6. Mayhaps instead of fitting the lore, this deep one cult could be a farmer midwife's tale? You know, sort of a local myth. Not on as large a scale of Aeriel, but maybe in a small town next to a giant lake, my point being something like the Loch ness(Loch monster of whatever)

    And Iblees was a daemon, just that he betrayed them.

    Pretty much what it is. Maybe we could start a Midwife's tales section of the lore. Sort of official unoficial mythology.

  7. I didn't mean you Bananas. the other guy shot me in the back without any warning. You really aren't supposed to fight AT ALL in the cities unless it's a war. You followed me out of town before you attacked. At least that's what i believe to have happened? Kind of hard to know for sure when there's an angry mob plunking arrows into your spine.

  8. Oh HEY, you're the creeper that ambushed me in front of Laurelin to convert me into your heathen religion, then had some guard escort you away because "you're a frail old man" even though everyone at the gate wanted to kill you because you wouldn't stop using shout and trying to convert everyone you saw. It's really annoying....if you want to covert someone, do it discretely. I mean, you were shouting about Iblees in front of the capital city of Malinor, not a good idea.

    Oh hey you're the kid who attacked me in the city limits without provocation, and was Metagaming about my involvement with Iblees that I never once mentioned.


  9. This forum is full of flamers so I'm not too concerned with them. I have rewritten it. The Squid is a creation of Iblees and serves him. I may expand the lore once the new world opens up depending on what it's background turns out to be. To do this right I need a deep ocean to build a sunken city in.

  10. Thank you finally nice to see some constructive criticism instead of flamers. There are several references to a Cthulhu type creature in many different mythologies of the world.

    The Kraken, and the Leviathan are both examples of this. Huge sea monsters are a staple in almost every ancient mythology, and even modern day legends. Why would it not fit into the lore of Aegis?

  11. The Deep one is a Pet of Iblees I have stated that already. It is NOT a Deity. The Deep One is just a very old VERY large squid that my character believes is worthy of worphipping. I am not interested in changing my roleplay based on your inability to read. It does not say Cthulhu anymore. I have CHANGED it to fit in with the lore. The thing about a CULT is that they have their own beliefs. It doesn't make it a fact.

  12. Well I can worship a squid right? Does that fit into your lore? You seem to use the Necronomicon in your lore which stems from the Cthulhu mythos. As for the sunken city It is undiscovered because it is going to be built on the new map that actually has oceans. I've edited the lore to fit into the storyline. I am not sure why I am not being allowed to RP my character how I want to. I don't think you can really call this an open ended RP server when you tell someone how to play their character. I already have a GM who favors an Ocean creature worshipping cult so I think I will worry about his opinion rather than someone who joined the server less than a month ago.

  13. Everything is edited to fit into the lore, and R'lyeh is now "The Sunken City". Not going around sacrificing everyone thank you very much... at least not yet. I have a devout following of zealots to recruit and brainwash first.

    I still plan on worshiping a giant squid no matter what my Application's status may be.

  14. the Necronomicon is in game. the Deep One is just a giant squid. It's just a Cult that has beliefs. I'm not asking it to be made into lore. I've already been accepted as a Advanced Villain and Given the go ahead to form a cult that worships a creature from the ocean's depths. Not really sure what the conflict would be. If a Vampire Guild can exist then I see no reason why mine can't. I plan to build an underwater city and name it R'lyeh. Seems pretty airtight.

  15. "ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn"

    A solitary figure chants as he walks on the beach. From the depths of the sea a melodic hum reaches out and penetrates his being to it's very core. This is the Call of the Deep One. In his house in The Sunken City The Deep One waits dreaming. The stars are coming into alignment. the time of the great tentacled beast's awakening and Iblees' succession is at hand.

    An exert from the Necronomicon:


    ...from the space which is not space, into any time when the Words are spoken, can the holder of the Knowledge summon The Black, blood of Iblees, that which liveth apart from him and eateth souls, that which smothers and is called Drowner. Only in water can one escape the drowning; that which is in water drowneth not...

    The time is at hand brothers and sisters. Cast off the chains of puritanical oppression that bind your mortal coil. Experience true freedom, and enlightenment. Join the Order of the Deep One and experience eternity.

    ((If you see any conflicts of lore please message me so I can change it. I had already been approved on the Cthulhu storyline, but this is more generic and fits better into the Aegis Mythology.))

  16. "ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn"

    A solitary figure chants as he walks on the beach. From the depths a melodic hum reaches out and penetrates his being to it's very core. This is the Call of Cthulhu. In his house at R'lyeh dead Cthulhu waits dreaming. The stars are coming into alignment. the time of the Great Old One's awakening and Iblees succession is at hand.

    A passage from the Necronomicon:

    “The time would be easy to know, for then the world would

    have become as the Great Old Ones; free and wild beyond

    good and evil, with laws and morals thrown aside and all

    men shouting and killing and revelling injoy. Then the

    liberated Old Ones would teach them new ways to shoutand kill and revel and enjoy themselves, and all Aegis would flame with a holocaust of ecstasy and freedom.”

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