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The Wookie

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Posts posted by The Wookie

  1. Ok issue has been resolved!


    I contacted the ISP


    and the simple fix was a factory reset of the modem - which i had done incorrectly, I thought it was simply, press the button and that's it, I didn't realize I needed to HOLD the button down for 10-20 seconds.


    I feel like quite the idiot now.


    Thread can now be closed and used as a reference for others.


    Thank you to everyone who had an input to my issue!

  2. I am attempting to remove avast now and replace it with a more acceptable antivirus.


    the main thing that makes me iffy about this whole thing is - I didn't start getting any of these issues until I moved houses and connected to a different ISP, however this ISP I was with BEFORE I moved to the other house to begin with.


    (if that sounds confusing - Lived in house A with ISP 1, moved to house B with ISP 2, then cancelled ISP 2, and moved back into house A with ISP 1)


    and ISP 1 never gave me issues when I was originally in house A.

  3. next attempted fix was to follow the different methods as mentioned in




    Result - Still no solution.


    my final resort is now to contact the ISP, however I won't be able to do so for several hours due to personal reasons.


    Will notify what the response is here or if the issue fixes itself within that time

  4. so the above attempt did not work either.


    I attempted to troubleshoot my internet connection again and the error message i received said the following:


    "Your computer appears to be correctly configured, but the device or resource (DNS server) is not responding"


    I'm aware that at this point it no longer has anything to do with the server, but I would like to continue logging my attempts here in the event that someone else has this issue that they can hopefully find a fix through this.


    and hopefully someone here is knowledgeable enough to know what the issue may be

  5. update:

    i have added rules and exceptions to my firewall and router, neither of which had fixed the issue


    also i tried to reset my firewall to default to start fresh with exceptions. also didn't fix the issue


    if much doesn't change the only two fixes i was suggested at this point by friends are;

    put my computer into the routers DMZ - which i hope to avoid doing,

    or two - Contact my ISP.




    next attempted fix was typing the following into the Command window


    "ipconfig /release" - Will release your IP form your router (internet will not work for now)

    "ipconfig /renew" - Will assign a new IP from your router (internet will work)

    "ipconfig /flushdns" - Will flush DNS; helps with an overflow of packets.**

  6. Update: I did a packet loss test. and I received a 100% packet loss.


    this was the following message recieved after the test


    "An error has occurred

    Unfortunately the line test has failed to complete, due to 100% packet loss. This means that no response was received from your internet connection via the ping requests we send. The most likely cause of this problem is a firewall on your connection is set to block ping (ICMP echo) requests. A firewall may be installed on your computer as software, or built into your router (if you use a router to connect to the internet), therefore 100% packet loss does not mean there is necessarily a problem with your line or internet connection."

  7. Update: now other minecraft servers are no longer showing up in my list and giving the same error message, going to test other games to see if something else may have a similar issue.


    because I have noticed I couldn't even play Playerunknown's battlegrounds, constantly getting "connection timeout 2.26.6" repeatedly... will confirm



    Edit: Confirmed!! It definitely is on my end, I tried to play Mount and blade warband - it noted it was gaining info on 664 servers, none loaded in the lobby, and when i launched Age of Conan I got this message on battle eye


    "13:16:45: Starting BattlEye Service...
    13:16:52: Launching game...
    13:17:09: Note: File blocks can be ignored if they don't cause problems with the game.
    13:17:09: [INFO] Blocked loading of file: "C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\aswhookx.dll".
    13:17:20: [INFO] Blocked loading of file: "C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\x64\aswhooka.dll"."


    So it DEFINITELY is my end with my connection

  8. 11 hours ago, SeventhCircle said:

    Could attempt to connect to like build.lotc.co you won't be whitelisted but if you get the 'not whited listed message' that at least tells you that you are able to make a connection to the server and it's an ip issue for the main server or well maybe. I only suggest that because I know the build server and the main server are connected through Bungie.




    I attempted that just then, I receive the exact same error message as in the OP


    9 hours ago, TheDarkIsEternal said:

    I've had issues with this in the past.
    Perhaps this is similar?




    I'm going to attempt to try the fix recommended in there.

    also in the followup post in there it mentions a VPN, I will attempt that first before altering my DNS settings


    if that doesn't resolve my issue I will then attempt to alter the DNS and confirm my results here for future reference

    confirming - a VPN did NOT Fix my issue, I will now alter my DNS settings

  9. I tested both of those IP's and mc.lordofthecraft.net gave me the same error message while login.lotc.co said "Cannot resolve host name"


    really baffled by this...

    Maybe over the next couple of hours someone has the exact fix I need.


    Still, definitely appreciate all the efforts so far!

  10. is it possible that if I'm no longer whitelisted that this could occur?

    Because I had my account hacked a while back, and the name has been changed, and I only recently got it back and re-changed it back to X_Wookie_X - could THAT possibly mess with the whitelist? or should that not change a thing?

  11. thanks for your response.


    -I had mods installed using the Technic launcher, which i have since deleted alongside Minecraft when i freshly installed it,


    -I have restarted my computer after every change I attempted,


    -Thanks for confirming the 1.12.1, at least i can focus on that set of numbers than different version fixes


    -I have a pretty good internet connection for what it's worth, it least better than when I first joined LotC


    -Not sure what details you're asking regarding "what computer" I have.

    But my PC has no issues on other servers so far.


    -I attempted to google my issue, but many of the fixes I have attempted or are extremely outdated (some dating back to 2012)

    I've even attempted several fixes from old posts regarding similar matters in the LotC forums, and most of them turn out not to have been resolved, or were abandoned and marked as resolved without any fixes given.

    and another handful of posts or google fixes we so technical to me, I may as well have been reading Hieroglyphics

  12. Hello, thanks for taking the time to read this, and apologies if this is in the wrong section.

    I haven't played on the server in a looooooooooooong time, and I thought i'd finally pop my head in and return after a few years on hiatus,


    however upon trying to connect, the Server doesn't appear to load in the main menu.


    I am attempting to use the IP mc.lotc.co

    and I am trying version 1.12.1 and have also tried 1.12.2 (not sure where to look if I am even using the correct Version)


    i have tried other IP's from posts dating back a few years,

    and none of them seems to work, most of which say "host not found"

    and i have also attempted to reinstall minecraft and java and also attempted to use Direct Connect


    When I attempt to connect it stays on "connecting to server" for about a minute before receiving and error message

    The message I get when i use mc.lotc.co is:

    "Failed to connect to server."

    " io.netty.channel.AbstractChannel$AnnotatedConnectException: Connection timed out: no further information: "


    if anyone has any idea to fix this I'd be very grateful!


    Edit: it could be a very simple fix that I'm probably glossing over, but I'm very clueless when it comes to this type of stuff

  13. Welcome to my application! First of all thank you for taking the time to read this,

    I am looking forward to potentially working with the rest of the Event team to create amazing Events for the community to enjoy!

    • Minecraft name(s):

    • X_Wookie_X

    • Skype ID:

    • As above

    • Time zone:

    • GMT+10 Brisbane Australia

    • Have you ever been banned or received a strike? If so, link the report:

    • Nope, Clean record

    • Do you hold / have you held any other staff positions?: 

    • No I hold no current positions

    • What MMORPG/video games have you / do you play? (Past and Present):

    •  I have played a multitude of different games, Runescape, World of Warcraft, Tera, Final fantasy XIV Realm Reborn, the Guildwars Franchise, The Witcher Series, Telltale games Game of thrones, Archeage, The fallout games, Inquisitor, The Settlers Franchise, Chivalry, Reign of Kings, Life is Feudal, Wurm online, and many more.

    • What are your characters? Are you willing to sacrifice any to become a Event member?:

    • I have three Characters, A dwarf named Ulfrith Hammerbane, A High elf named Ae'ris Leithwin, and a Human named Siegfried de Jaeger, and I am Willing to Sacrifice one for the ET

    • What race / group do you think your events would best cater to? If none in particular, give an example of the type of group that your events would entertain.

    • Mostly I believe my event would cater best to humans however I believe i can adapt and learn to make successful event for any of the races

    • What do you believe are key factors for a successful event?

    • That all depends on the event type itself, for say a general encounter event, Adequate difficulty, A sense of danger, a dash of lore, a sprinkle of punishment and a reasonable reward equivalent to the difficulty of the task, and that feeling of accomplishment to those who survived

    • When was the last time you saw a event?

    • Last time I saw an event organized by an ET would have been a few weeks ago, as Discoliquid and Wiseacres acted as Two giant crows in Saltstone

    • What strengths could you contribute to the Event Team? Are you knowledgeable in lore or great at organizing?

    • My lore can definitely be improved upon, however I am pretty well organized. I could definitely bring a nice sense of challenge to the event team.

    • Why do you want to be part of the ET?

    • I love engaging in RP on this server and would love to see it progress, however of late, especially with my time zone, a LOT of RP has gone missing, it has mostly become OOC gaming rather than brilliant RP engagements

    • Create three distinct RP scenarios/events based on LOTC lore that you would organize. These are pitches to the Managers and Raelplayer, not to the community. Note: Not all of the group must be handled at once. Eg: 20+ people via 5 person increments in a dungeon.

      • 1) For 1-3 person

      • As the group struts by a booming roar could be heard and the snapping of branches, as the group readies their weapons a 12ft Ogre comes charging out of the brush raising what looks to be a small tree above his head. The Ogre would happen to be missing his left eye therefore being easier to trick and flanked from the left side, He swings the tree quite slowly, however if the tree hits something, assume that it would either kill, or seriously cripple someone, the ogre carries a small pouch strapped to his belt, upon being defeated the players may loot the body for its contents, ranging from a handful of ferrum bars and gold nuggets to shiny diamonds. His teeth will also be loot-able as proof of his defeat.

      • 2) For a group of 5-10

      • A man sits in the tavern and appears more than drunk and in a misunderstanding overhears someone say something that wasn't even directed at him, and he begins to shout louder and louder, ranting like a madman, before long the air begins to feel static, and the mans hairs stand up all over his body. If the group manages to calm down, he would apologize and buy everyone a drink, if the group aggravates him further he will begin using Electrical Evocation toward his aggressors, upon defeat, the man drops his sword and fragments of a magical staff

      • 3) For a group of 20+

      • A rumble and strange groans would be heard from the sewers of Felsen and out of the sewer exits all manner of Necrolytes from Ghouls, to Wights, to Sewn together abominations, Players would have to fight a seemingly endless horde of Necrolytes until a group of them splits off to find the source of the undead plague, once they enter the sewer the fight a few stronger Ghouls and Wights as well as Novice necromancers, until they arrive at the centre of the sewers where an Elder Lich awaits them, he begins to monologue about his planned destruction of felsen, and how he has waited for many years. the players then breach the barriers around him to confront him, upon his defeat the players may loot his bones as proof of the kill, alongside a few Magical tomes (Possibly books of enchanting)

    • How long do you plan to stay in the ET?

    • 36 days, 6 hours, 43 minutes, and 18 seconds. - Most likely I would remain as an Event actor until Work preoccupies my time to such an extent I would be unable to create sufficient events anymore.

    • Tell me a joke

    • Do you know what kind of Overalls Mario wears

    • Denim Denim Denim!

  14. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name: X_Wookie_X

    -How old are you?: 18

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: GMT+10h Sydney/Guam Timezone in Australia

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: Yes, I have a firm grip of the language and its grammar.

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: Average chap, Live at home, I enjoy spending time building amazing structures on Minecraft, such as Aztec Ruins, Fortresses, Cities, and sometimes recreations of Landmarks or Structures.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?: ~10-30 hours a week. Perhaps more.

    -How long have you played minecraft?: Since Alpha, ~1.124

    -What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?: To be perfectly honest, I have not done too much role playing on Minecraft, I attempt to do it occasionally, However people do not join in on the fun, But I have done a decent amount when I was playing Dungeons and Dragons. So I can Kind of Role-play in a fantasy Sense.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: I assume it to give a new feel, and to change the Experience of Minecraft with Roleplay and Stats (as I've heard and seen in some Lets Play's)

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:I've played on Many Minecraft servers, Some I left because the Admins and Operators were quite nasty, or the playerbase became a grief-fest, Others I left because I simply disliked the server. Some Servers I still play right now such as Games.on.net and Oldshoes

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules? What about the lore?: I have read the Rules, I have read most of the Lore, and the Nation Laws and Government systems (which I quite like to be honest)

    -Name the 4 races on this server: Dwarves, Orcs, Elves, Humans (and I saw the trailer say Undead and Ascended)

    -How did you hear about us?: I've read about this server in the Minecraft Forums a fair bit but recently the Yogscast Liking the Trailer made me appreciate this server a lot more.

    -Did you vote?: Yes, on all three.

    -What was your favourite Law?: "Excessive Harassment is a Fine-able offense (in certain conditions the harassed party may demand satisfaction in single combat)

    -What was your least favourite Law?: "Combat/fighting within City Limits is a punishable offense" - I like the concept idea of a "you insult me?! I challenge you to a duel! Right here, Right now!" it just sounds... like Role-playing. (maybe a bit 15th century but hey!)

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?: It is "The Wookie"


    -Character Name: me name be, Bjork.

    -What is your Race?: I be a Dwarf, Cannae ye see that?

    -Biography: Stout, Like me fav'rite drink *Bursts into harsh laughter* ah, I was named after the first think I did. Which amusingly enough was to barf everywhere. Ah as a Lad I never left the Kingdom of Kal'Urgan. But I'd always wander, into caves, and be gone for days on end, gave me parents naught but trouble. ah, but ye know how young lads are. *chuckles* as I grew up I took up my fathers trade of building and restoration.. Seems our bloodlines are as thick as our stubborn dwarven nature, I had the same passion for building, Archaeology and restoration of ruins as much as the last 14 generations of my family. But now.. I don't know, anymore.. I just thirst now... for life, For adventure... I want to see the world or better even, leave my mark in the history books!

    -Character Age: 22

    -Character Appearance: Standing at 4 Foot and 6 inches, Bjork has a gruff beard with tattered brown hair and an emotionless appearance. wearing plain clothes with a satchel.

    -Character Personality: Energetic, Wary of Strangers and very paranoid, Constantly in fear of confrontation however a loyal companion and friend once my Trust is earned.

    -Your ambitions: Bjork Strives to be renowned across the lands of Aegis for his amazing Architecture and Archaeological contributions.

    -Can your character read or write?: Quite well

    -Can your character mine?: *laughs* I'm a Dwarf lad! Mining is in my Blood and Bones!

    -Are you a capable builder?: Capable?! Was Kal'Urgan Built in a day? Maybe not. But give me the Blue prints and by the beards of my Forefathers, I will build it twice as fast and efficient as any other, Mark me words!

    -Can you wield a sword?: I cannae fight for dirt with a sword. But believe me, I can shoot a cave spider with pinpoint precision over five 'undred yards away!

    -Enjoy Farming?: Cannae say I have a passion for the stuff. But if my life depends on the stuff, I guess I'll have to learn.

    -Does your character have any special skills?: Skilled builder, Explorer, Exceptional Bowman.

    -A screenshot of your skin: MylotCSkin.jpg - Credit for the skin goes to: "Fatwampa"

    -Other Information: *out of character* - Even if I dont make it in the server, just writing the application was worth it. Took me a better part of an hour thinking and imagining it all in my head. I hope for the best, and hope you enjoyed reading my application. :) thank you very much for your time.

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