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Gold VIP
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Posts posted by OmegaShade

  1. ((I believe I was one of the first intiates. Tomorrow or technically today where I am.. I will probably be getting on. Is there anyone that can lead me there or explain to me what exactly this guild is. I was pretty sure what I signed up for earlier but now I'm not so sure.))

  2. Im a dark elf, but I was just wondering, Whats the point of this guild? Merchants? Private Guards? What would the point of it be?

    The point would be, since there is little High Elf lore, to create some adventures just including High Elves. Also for a creating politics for the High Elves, such as a council or different factions.. generally just to spice up the game-play. It is for sure not a try to seclude ourselves from the rest, just for a little bit more RP and or fun. Of course making a dark elf, and wood elf guild would be awesome.. then we could have an Elf council (that consists of the leaders of the wood, dark, and high elf council leaders) that represents all the non-nobility elves and their ideals. At least this is what I would wish upon it.

  3. All this post is about is whether or not High Elves would like to create a guild. The guild would of course have a guild master and a guild house to go with it. There would High Elf based shops for people to buy from and all that are within the guild would get a share of the minas. One would of course have to apply to by admitted into the guild but there are benefits to being accepted. Just let me know you guys think. :)

  4. I, being a High Elf, would love to help with this initiative. Personally I think we should have a guild of some kind in both the Verge and the normal world. Such as a guild house/haven for travelers. I could provide a shop specific to us.. and I could then distribute minas when the time arises... kind of like a pay-check for being a High Elf guild member.. of course applications will need to be filled out to enter but.. you get the idea. Any thoughts?

  5. *Daniceyl's eye widen as he thought of a plan!* I got it! How about if you donate after this then you get some extra credits. My beef was with that if you already were a donater you get more credits, that is what bugged me, but I would be perfectly fine if you donate after this and get extra credits, kinda like a new donaters perk.

    Well then that absolutely screws over the people that had already donated... because I donated a gold package and cheating me out of extra points, if there are any, is just plain stupid. Why show favoritism towards the newer VIP's? The older VIP's are of the same importance if not more. So it should be the previous VIP's get points and the VIP's after don't get them because they took too long to decide. That is just my opinion... feel free to give me yours towards my reply :)

  6. That sounds like a great idea! The new wall could should be required... or at least strongly considered.. If you want I have a server with Hamachi... and we could test around with the best wall idea... Just PM on the forums and I will send you the info if you are interested :)

  7. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name: lmaster45

    -How old are you?: 15

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: Eastern Standard time/ USA

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: Well I have had a fairly good amount of private school education which, I believe, ought to give me a good grip on it.

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: Full time student. I enjoy video games and soccer. I want to have fun and I also like to program. I am somewhat tall, dirty blonde, and I have a lean build.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?: Weekends: 4 hours + a day, weekdays: some, maybe 3+ hours a week or so

    -How long have you played Minecraft?: I have been playing Minecraft since alpha

    -What do you know about roleplaying?: taking the role of a character in a game and also staying in that character. Role-playing is getting into his or hers’ shoes while you are in-game. This means doing what your character would do and saying what your character would say at the same time your character would say or do it.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: a fun adventurous RP server with the fun lore aspect of it

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: Friend's servers, but I didn't leave them, also MP roleplaying server… its where you are a military private and you have to play that role; we would have commanding officers of sorts and drills and exercises.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?: Completely

    -Name the 4 races on this server: Elves, Orcs, Humans, Dwarves.

    -How did you hear about us?: YouTube

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?: OmegaShade


    -Character Name: Carinthir

    -What is your Race?: Technically Ascended but raised more in the kingdom of the Elves. (I am not trying to ask to be and Ascended)


    I was born an Ascended but at the time I was born having a child between two Ascended parents was forbidden. I was raised everywhere, in the mountains of the Orcs, in the trees of the Elves, in the great cities of the humans, and the underground tunnels and chasms with the Dwarves. I learned their culture and skills adapting them to my liking. I learned cunning and swordsmanship from the humans and learned that their culture relies on everyone doing their part to keep the cities running. I learned magic and archery from the more elite elves. The elves culture is the most remarkable when compared to every other race because it relies on the flow of life and energy to fuel their strength; they rely on the nation to help each other when resources are needed. The time spent with the Orcs was quite intriguing because of the way they view everyone outside of the Orcian race. Instead of the Orcs “hating everyone and everything”, they believe that they are superior because of their great strength. Their strength is what knowledge I took when I left there. Lastly learning from the dwarves was the ability to resist magic better than the other races can but never as much as the dwarves.

    Since I was separated from my parents as a child I had never met my father. Let alone my mother. All I had was a my last name and my father’s name. See my dad was a very important man in the Ascended and his name was feared and respected by all. In my first war against the Undead, I met my father for the first time. We, the elves, had been pushed back to our first checkpoint when the Ascended blinked in; my dad fought bravely but just as we thought we were going to win the fight the Undead Captain spawned a creeper on my father killing him instantly. From that day forward I swore to work the absolute hardest to kill the Undead captain that did this and become one of… The Ascended!

    -Character Age: 24

    -Character Appearance: Tall, lean, muscular, and piercing golden eyes, blue body because of the multiple cultures and environments (also being Ascended and born differently)

    -Character Personality: Deep but puts on a mask that you think you know everything about him, easy-going, fun, serious when it’s time to be serious but has a way to stay positive in battle, enjoys making swords and jokes, cocky but rightfully so, and enjoys watching the sunrise because he sees it as a hope for today.

    -Your ambitions: I want to be like my father and avenge his death. I also want to learn the art of correct mining.

    -Can your character read or write?: Yes, I went to 2 years of schooling from each nation.

    -Can your character mine?: Relatively well since I was trained by the dwarves.

    -Are you a capable builder?: Yes, I was taught ingenuity by the humans and learned very useful building shortcuts/techniques.

    -Can you wield a sword?: Yes, but it is not one of my best skill-sets.

    -Enjoy Farming?: Not really, enjoys battle and creating much more

    -Does your character have any special skills?: Yes, I have an exceptional amount of skill in archery and magic. The sword comes second nature to me but I am not as adept with it as the bow and arrow. The one thing I cannot do very well is do tedious and long building projects such as large mines or gigantic walls for a city.

    -A screenshot of your skin:

    -Other Information: Regardless if I am accepted or not. I would like to say this is an amazing server. Please continue your hard work (I know this part is a copy of the example application but it's true for me too.)


  8. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name: lmaster45

    -How old are you?: 15

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: Eastern Standard time/ USA

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: yes, somewhat

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: Full time student. Enjoys video games and soccer. Wants to have fun and also likes to program.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?: Weekends: 4 hours +, weekdays: none b/c of school

    -How long have you played minecraft?: I have been playing Minecraft since alpha

    -What do you know about roleplaying?: taking the role of a character in a game and also staying in that character

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: a fun adventurous RP server

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: Friend's servers, but I didn't leave them

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?: Completely

    -Name the 4 races on this server: Elves, Orcs, Humans, Dwarves.

    -How did you hear about us?: youtube

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?: lambroghini101


    -Character Name: Carinthir

    -What is your Race?: Ascended

    -Biography: I was born an Ascended but at the time I was born having a child between two Ascended was forbidden. I was raised everywhere, in the mountains of the Orcs, in the trees of the Elves, in the great cities of the humans, and the underground tunnels and chasms with the Dwarves. I learned their culture and skills adapting them to my liking. As soon as the law was passed that babies could be had in Ascended households, I returned to finish my training with my father. My father unfortunately was killed by a Undead. I am counting on avenging my father.

    -Character Age: 24

    -Character Appearance: tall, lean, muscular, and piercing golden eyes

    -Character Personality: easy-going, fun, serious when its time to be serious but has a way to stay positive in battle

    -Your ambitions: to be like my father

    -Can your character read or write?: yes

    -Can your character mine?: relatively

    -Are you a capable builder?: yes

    -Can you wield a sword?: yes

    -Enjoy Farming?: not really, enjoys battle and creating much more

    -Does your character have any special skills?: Much faster than other Ascended.

    -A screenshot of your skin: included picture in the post. Made a custom skin

    -Other Information: Regardless if I am accepted or not. I would like to say this is an amazing server. Please continue your hard work (I know this part is a copy of the example application but it's true for me too.)


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